918 resultados para global changes


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El presente artículo aborda los cambios en los espacios rurales de América Latina y los posibles escenarios futuros a través de estudios de caso desarrollados en el contexto del proyecto "Designing a methology to evaluate local knowlegde on global change and its role in the construction of future land use scenarios by local actors" IAI Institut for Global Change (director Jean Francois Tourrand, CIRAD). Este proyecto tiene un objetivo metodológico principal que consiste en elaborar, testear y validar una metodología para evaluar el conocimiento local sobre el cambio global y cómo se incorpora tal conocimiento en la construcción de escenarios futuros de uso de suelo. La complejidad del problema implica un abordaje interdisciplinario a través de la participación de investigadores de distintos países e instituciones y el desarrollo de trabajos de campo en distintos espacios rurales (1) En lo que respecta a la metodología elaborada, las experiencias permitieron avanzar en la precisión de las informaciones a recabar (factores de cambio, escenarios y condiciones) y fue enriquecedora la experiencia de los trabajos de campo en Uruguay, Brasil y Perú.


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El presente artículo aborda los cambios en los espacios rurales de América Latina y los posibles escenarios futuros a través de estudios de caso desarrollados en el contexto del proyecto "Designing a methology to evaluate local knowlegde on global change and its role in the construction of future land use scenarios by local actors" IAI Institut for Global Change (director Jean Francois Tourrand, CIRAD). Este proyecto tiene un objetivo metodológico principal que consiste en elaborar, testear y validar una metodología para evaluar el conocimiento local sobre el cambio global y cómo se incorpora tal conocimiento en la construcción de escenarios futuros de uso de suelo. La complejidad del problema implica un abordaje interdisciplinario a través de la participación de investigadores de distintos países e instituciones y el desarrollo de trabajos de campo en distintos espacios rurales (1) En lo que respecta a la metodología elaborada, las experiencias permitieron avanzar en la precisión de las informaciones a recabar (factores de cambio, escenarios y condiciones) y fue enriquecedora la experiencia de los trabajos de campo en Uruguay, Brasil y Perú.


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El presente artículo aborda los cambios en los espacios rurales de América Latina y los posibles escenarios futuros a través de estudios de caso desarrollados en el contexto del proyecto "Designing a methology to evaluate local knowlegde on global change and its role in the construction of future land use scenarios by local actors" IAI Institut for Global Change (director Jean Francois Tourrand, CIRAD). Este proyecto tiene un objetivo metodológico principal que consiste en elaborar, testear y validar una metodología para evaluar el conocimiento local sobre el cambio global y cómo se incorpora tal conocimiento en la construcción de escenarios futuros de uso de suelo. La complejidad del problema implica un abordaje interdisciplinario a través de la participación de investigadores de distintos países e instituciones y el desarrollo de trabajos de campo en distintos espacios rurales (1) En lo que respecta a la metodología elaborada, las experiencias permitieron avanzar en la precisión de las informaciones a recabar (factores de cambio, escenarios y condiciones) y fue enriquecedora la experiencia de los trabajos de campo en Uruguay, Brasil y Perú.


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This study presents osmium (Os) isotope and elemental data for cleaned planktic foraminifera, authigenic Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides and pelagic carbonate host sediments from ODP site 758 in the southernmost reaches of the Bay of Bengal. The Os in the bulk sediments appears to be dominantly hydrogeneous (sourced by carbonate and Fe-Mn oxyhydroxide), but variations in this particular core are controlled by the presence of volcanic ash. Fe-Mn oxyhydroxide leachates (of the bulk sediments) from Holocene samples also yield an Os isotope composition close to that of seawater, but the record diverges from that of foraminifera at a depth corresponding to the oxic/post-oxic boundary, suggesting diagenetic mobilization of Os at depths below this. Holocene planktic foraminifera, cleaned using oxidative-reductive techniques, also give Os isotope compositions indistinguishable from modern seawater, but the record obtained for the past 150 kyr shows strong covaraitions of 187Os/188Os with both the local and global oxygen isotope record, with less radiogenic Os isotope compositions during glacial intervals. These results indicate that foraminifera provide a robust record of seawater Os isotope compositions, and comparison of the data obtained here with records from the other major oceans demonstrate global changes in 187Os/188Os over this time interval, while the covariation with oxygen isotopes suggest a process controlling the Os isotope composition that is in phase with global climate cycles. Global excursions to relatively unradiogenic 187Os/188Os during glacial intervals are consistent with decreased input of radiogenic continental material, reflecting cooler temperatures and reduced continental runoff. Modelling indicates that the shift to unradiogenic values during glacial intervals could be caused by an ~30% decrease in the global river flux, with an ~5% change in river composition. If the residence time of Os in the oceans is ~5 ka then the post-glacial recovery to present-day seawater values is consistent with a corresponding increase in the river flux of around 30%. However, if the residence time of Os is closer to 40 ka, as is suggested by the global river flux, then this demands either significant changes in both the riverine Os flux and composition of around 40% and 30%, respectively, that closely follow the oxygen isotope record, or else a short-lived post-glacial pulse of weathering some 75% greater than the steady-state flux. In either case, these results clearly indicate that climatic changes affect both the flux and composition of weathered material delivered to the oceans on glacial-interglacial timescales.


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A major change in Cenozoic deep-sea benthic foraminifera occurred in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific oceans near the Paleocene/Eocene boundary. Benthic foraminiferal abundance changes began at about 61.5 Ma at Pacific Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 577. A major extinction event followed at 58-57 Ma (between Zones P6a and P6b), and a series of first appearances continued until circa 55.5 Ma (Zone P6c). These faunal changes occurred during a 6°C warming of Pacific bottom water and may indicate that the primary cause was changing temperature. Other potential causes of the faunal turnover include global changes in surface ocean productivity and changing bottom water source regions. Comparison of benthic and planktonic delta13C records requires no change in the ratio of oceanic phosphorous to carbon during the late Paleocene to early Eocene, which weakens the case for (but does not disprove) a change in surface ocean productivity at this time. Interbasinal comparisons of benthic foraminiferal delta13C records document that water with high delta13C values filled the Cape Basin during the late Paleocene and possibly the early Eocene (circa 61-57 Ma), but apparently did not extend into the western basins of the Atlantic. This pattern suggests a supply of Antarctic source water for the Cape Basin and possible tectonic isolation of the western Atlantic basins during at least part of the late Paleocene. Carbon isotope comparisons show that bottom water supply to the Cape Basin was reduced in the early Eocene. Eolian grain size data suggest that a decrease in zonal wind intensity occurred at the end of the Paleocene. These late Paleocene climatic changes (bottom water warming and decreased wind intensity) correspond with evidence for an important global tectonic reorganization and extensive subaerial volcanism, which may have contributed to climatic warming through increased supply of CO2.


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An evaluation has been made of the method of establishing the REE contents and patterns and Nd isotopic compositions of sea water over Cenozoic time from their record in the FeMn-oxide coatings of foraminiferal calcite. Using 0-60 Ma samples from the Rio Grande Rise (DSDP Site 357) it has been established that the REE contents of the coatings are generally similar to those of Recent samples. However, in the Cenozoic samples the surface coatings have been diagenetically modified under suboxic conditions resulting in a distinctly different REE pattern although the original 143Nd/144Nd ratios appear to have been preserved. The Nd isotopic curve for Cenozoic sea water in the S. Atlantic shows clear temporal trends, although these are not so extreme as to show 143Nd/144Nd ratios outside the range observed in modem sea water. With the principal exception of the oldest samples there is an approximate inverse relationship between the Nd and Sr isotopic compositions of the foraminifera. It is suggested that the changes reflect both global changes in the relative proportions of Nd and Sr derived from continental input and from the weathering of volcanic debris together with short term and local variations to which the Sr curve is insensitive, reflecting the different response times of the two elements to changes in oceanic input functions. The Nd isotope curve appears to be a potentially useful tracer of ocean palaeochemistry.


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Knowledge of habitat use by top marine predators in response to environmental conditions is crucial in the current context of global changes occurring in the Southern Ocean. We examined the at-sea locations of male Adelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) breeding at Dumont d'Urville during their first, long incubation trip. Compared with the chick-rearing period, penguins performed longer trips, going to oceanic waters as far as 320 km from the colony. We observed 3 strategies: (1) five individuals covered large distances to the north, targeting open-ocean areas and following the currents of two persistent eddies; (2) five individuals foraged to the north-west, close to the Antarctic shelf slope at the limit of the pack ice; and (3) three individuals covered much shorter distances (northwards or eastwards). The foraging range also seemed to be limited by the body condition of the penguins before their departure to sea.


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The increase in global mean temperatures resulting from climate change has wide reaching consequences for the earth's ecosystems and other natural systems. Many studies have been devoted to evaluating the distribution and effects of these changes. We go a step further and evaluate global changes to the heat index, a measure of temperature as perceived by humans. Heat index, which is computed from temperature and relative humidity, is more important than temperature for the health of humans and other animals. Even in cases where the heat index does not reach dangerous levels from a health perspective, it has been shown to be an important factor in worker productivity and thus in economic productivity. We compute heat index from dewpoint temperature and absolute temperature 2 m above ground from the ERA-Interim reanalysis dataset for the years 1979-2013. The data is provided aggregated to daily minima, means and maxima. Furthermore, the data is temporally aggregated to monthly and yearly values and spatially aggregated to the level of countries after being weighted by population density in order to demonstrate its usefulness for the analysis of its impact on human health and productivity. The resulting data deliver insights into the spatiotemporal development of near-ground heat index during the course of the past 3 decades. It is shown that the impact of changing heat index is unevenly distributed through space and time, affecting some areas differently than others. The likelihood of dangerous heat index events has increased globally. Also, heat index climate groups that would formerly be expected closer to the tropics have spread latitudinally to include areas closer to the poles. The data can serve in future studies as a basis for evaluating and understanding the evolution of heat index in the course of climate change, as well as its impact on human health and productivity.


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Knowledge of the biology of deep-sea benthic foraminifera was used to interpret the results of multivariate analyses (factor and cluster) on relative abundance data of benthic foraminifera at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 219 (southeastern Arabian Sea; 1764 m depth) in combination with carbon and oxygen isotope data. Faunal data document major changes in deep-sea ventilation and productivity over the past 5.5 Ma, including the end of the Miocene-Pliocene Indo-Pacific 'biogenic bloom' period at ~4.0 Ma. Interestingly, there is no simple correlation between high productivity and low oxygenation. Productivity fluctuated but became overall more pulsed, whereas overall oxygenation increased. We interpret the records as a combination of local to regional fluctuations in productivity probably caused by changes in monsoonal development, particularly its seasonality, and changes in oxygenation of intermediate depth waters in the Indian Ocean caused by global changes in climate and ocean circulation.


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Isotopic compositions of marine sediments and fossils have been investigated from northern basins of the Mediterranean to help constrain local oceanographic and climatic changes adjacent to the uplifting Alps. Stable C and O isotope compositions of benthic and planktonic foraminifera from the Umbria-Marche region (UMC) have an offset characteristic for their habitats and the changes in composition mimic global changes, suggesting that the regional conditions of climate and the carbon cycle were controlled by global changes. The radiogenic isotope composition of these fossil assemblages allows recognition of three distinct periods. In the first period, from 25 to 19 Ma, high epsilon-Nd values and low 87Sr/86Sr of sediments and fossils support intense tectonism and volcanism, related to the opening of the western Mediterranean. In the second period, from 19 to 13 Ma the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of Mediterranean (UMC) deviate from the global ocean, which is compatible with rapid uplift of the hinterland and intense influx of Sr from Mesozoic carbonates of the western Apennines. This local control on the seawater was driven by a humid and warm climate and indicates restricted exchange of water with the global ocean. Generally, the epsilon-Nd values of the fossils are very similar to those of Indian Ocean water, with brief periods of a decrease in the epsilon-Nd values coinciding with volcanic events and maybe sea level variation at 15.2 Ma. In the third period, from 13 to 10 Ma the fossils have 87Sr/86Sr similar to those of Miocene seawater while their epsilon-Nd values change considerably with time. This indicates fluctuating influence of the Atlantic versus the Paratethys and/or locally evolved seawater in the Mediterranean driven by global sea level changes. Other investigated localities near the Alps and from the ODP 900 site are compatible with this oceanographic interpretation. However, in the late early Miocene, enhanced local control, reflecting erosion of old crustal silicate rocks near the Alps, results in higher 87Sr/86Sr.