969 resultados para geometric mean radius


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The objective of this experiment was to investigate the effects of different particle sizes, expressed as Geometric Mean Diameter (GMD) of corn (0.336mm, 0.585mm, 0.856mm and 1.12mm) of mash and pelleted broiler chicken diets on the weight of the gizzard, duodenum and jejunum+ileum; on the pH of the gizzard and small intestine and on the characteristics of the duodenal mucous layer (number and height of villi and crypt depth) in 42-day-old broilers. The physical form and the particle size of the diet had no significant effect on gizzard and intestine pH (p > 0.05). A greater gizzard weight was seen in the birds receiving pelleted diet and particle size of 0.336mm (p < 0.008). However, for the particle sizes of 0.856 and 1.12 mm, a greater weight was found in birds that received mash diet (p < 0.039 and p < 0.006, respectively). Also, gizzard weight was greater with increasing corn GMD independent of the physical form of the diet. In the mash diet, the increase in particle size promoted a quadratic response in the weight of duodenum and jejunum + ileum. The pelleted diet promoted a greater number of villi per transverse duodenum cut (p < 0.007) and greater crypt depth (p < 0.05). As the particle size increased, there was a linear increase of villus height and crypt depth in the duodenum, irrespective of the physical form of the diet.


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This study aimed to evaluate the effect of time since the adoption of the no-till system, in comparison with a native forest area and a conventional tillage area, using the distribution of soil aggregates in a Distroferric Red Nitosol. Treatments were as follows: native forest (NF), conventional tillage (CT), no-till for one year (NT1), no-till for four years (NT4), no-till for five years (NT5), and no-till for 12 years (NT12). Aggregate samples were collected randomly within each treatment at depths of 0-5 and 10-15 cm. After sifting the aggregates in water they were separated into the following aggregate classes > 2 mm; < 2 mm; 2-1 mm, and < 1 mm. The adoption time in the no-till system favored soil aggregation. The mean weighted diameter (MWD) of the soil aggregates and the percentage of aggregates greater than 2 mm increased with adoption time in the no-till system at the 0-5 cm depth. The NF and NT12 treatments had higher MWD values in the 0-5 cm layer. CT had the highest percentage of aggregates smaller than 1 mm.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Utilizaram-se 72 leitões mestiços (Landrace x Large White), com peso inicial médio de 7,1kg, no experimento de desempenho e 20 leitões mestiços, com peso inicial médio de 18,9kg, no experimento de digestibilidade para avaliar a silagem de grãos úmidos de milho com diferentes granulometrias para leitões em fase de creche. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso. em ambos os experimentos avaliaram-se o valor nutricional das silagens com diâmetro geométrico médio (DGM) das partículas de 979, 1168 e 2186µm e do milho seco com DGM das partículas de 594µm. Na fase de zero ao oitavo dia, a silagem proporcionou menor consumo diário de ração (CDR) em relação ao milho seco, e foi verificado aumento linear no CDR com o aumento da granulometria da silagem. A silagem com granulometria média e grossa proporcionou melhora na conversão alimentar (CA) em relação ao milho seco, mas não foi observada diferença no ganho diário de peso (GDP). Para o período total, não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas para CDR e GDP, entretanto a silagem proporcionou melhora na CA em relação ao milho seco havendo efeito linear crescente da granulometria da silagem sobre a CA. A granulometria da silagem não influenciou nos coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente (CDA) da matéria seca e da proteína bruta, porém proporcionou maiores CDA do fósforo e valores de energia digestível em relação ao milho seco. O CDA do cálcio e os valores de energia metabolizável foram maiores para a silagem com granulometria fina e média, comparado ao do milho seco. Houve redução linear do CDA do cálcio com o aumento da granulometria da silagem.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of corn texture and the particle size on broiler performance, carcass yield, nutrient digestibility, and digestive organ morphometrics. In Experiment I, 720 male Cobb chicks were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design with a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement, consisting two corn textures (dented and hard) and three corn particle sizes, was applied, with four replicates of 30 birds each. Corn particle size was classified according to geometric mean diameter (GMD) as fine - 0.46 mm; medium - 0.73 mm, and coarse - 0.87 mm. In Experiment II, 120 broiler chicks were used to evaluate corn digestibility during the periods of 16 to 22 days and 35 to 41 days of age, using the method of total excreta collection. In Experiment I, corn particle size influenced body weight, average weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion ratio of 21-day-old birds. Corn texture and particle size did not affect the performance of 42-day-old broilers or carcass traits. In Experiment II, there was no influence of corn texture and particle size on digestive organ weights. Dented corn increased nitrogen excretion in the first trial, and hard corn improved dry matter digestibility in the second metabolic trial. Corn with fine particle size promotes better performance of broilers at 21 days of age. Hard corn results in higher dry matter digestibility and lower nitrogen excretion, and consequently higher production factor in 42-day-old broilers.


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Visando à obtenção de dados relativos aos efeitos de sistemas de preparo periódico do solo e sua relação com a degradação do solo e a capacidade de incorporação de resíduos, avaliaram-se a distribuição percentual de agregados do solo, o diâmetro médio geométrico, o módulo de finura e a incorporação de resíduos, durante o ano agrícola de 2001-2002. A área em estudo foi classificada como Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, localizada no município de Uberaba - MG. Utilizou-se do delineamento estatístico em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições, tendo como tratamentos o preparo periódico primário do solo com o escarificador, enxada rotativa, arado de aivecas, grade aradora e arado de discos. As análises dos resultados mostraram a enxada rotativa e a grade aradora como os equipamentos mais agressivos à estrutura do solo. O escarificador e a enxada rotativa apresentaram menor capacidade de incorporação dos resíduos vegetais. O escarificador manteve maior cobertura vegetal e maior grau de agregação do solo.


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Recentemente, tem ocorrido um grande aumento na produção de aves, com destaque para a carne de peru, motivado pelo aumento das exportações e a conquista de novos mercados. Como conseqüência, tem sido gerada uma grande quantidade de resíduos orgânicos com potencial impacto sobre o ambiente. A cama de peru constitui-se no principal resíduo dessa atividade avícola, e uma das formas de sua utilização é a sua disposição em solos como condicionador de suas características físicas e químicas. Assim, objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito da aplicação da cama de peru na estabilidade de agregados de um Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico típico, sob pastagem de Brachiaria decumbens, localizado em Uberlândia, no Triângulo Mineiro, Minas Gerais. A cama de peru foi aplicada nas dosagens de: 0 (controle), 1.200, 2.400 e 4.800 kg ha-1 e 2.400 kg ha-1 + adubação mineral (36 kg ha-1 N, 60 kg ha-1 K2O e 60 kg ha-1de P2O5). As aplicações foram realizadas em janeiro de 2004 e o solo amostrado em duas épocas distintas (60 e 210 dias após aplicação) nas camadas de 0-20 e 20-40 cm para análise da estabilidade de agregados, avaliada pela percentagem total de agregados, percentagem de agregados maiores que 2mm, menores que 0,25mm e diâmetro médio geométrico (DMG). Não houve efeito das dosagens de cama de peru aplicadas na agregação do solo, entretanto, independentemente da dose aplicada houve um aumento na estabilidade de agregados, ao longo do tempo, notadamente na camada de 0-20 cm.


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Este experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de investigar os efeitos de diferentes granulometrias, expressa em Diâmetro Geométrico Médio (DGM) do milho (0,336mm, 0,585mm, 0,856 mm e 1,12 mm) de dietas fornecidas na forma farelada (FAR) e peletizada (PEL), no desempenho e no rendimento de carcaça e de cortes de frangos de corte de 21 a 42 dias de idade. Dietas FAR, produzidas com DGM de 0,336 mm resultaram em um menor consumo (p<0,001), ganho de peso (p<0,001) e pior conversão alimentar (p<0,001) do que as PEL de mesmo DGM. Os demais DGM não mostraram diferenças entre ração FAR e PEL. Quando avaliada somente a granulometria, observou-se que o aumento no DGM melhorou o ganho de peso linearmente e de forma quadrática o consumo e a conversão alimentar. Não houve influência da forma física ou DGM em rendimento de carcaça e rendimento de perna+coxa. Porém foi verificada uma redução em rendimento de peito com DGM 0,336 mm (p<0,001), na forma FAR.


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In a cross-sectional study, we assessed beta-cell function and insulin sensitivity index (ISI) with hyperglycemic clamps (10 mmol/l) in 24 subjects with impaired fasting glycemia (IFG, fasting plasma glucose [FPG] between 6.1 and 7.0 mmol/l), 15 type 2 diabetic subjects (FPG >7.0 mmol/l), and 280 subjects with normal fasting glycemia (NFG, FPG <6.1 mmol/l). First-phase insulin release (0-10 min) was lower in IFG (geometric mean 541 pmol/l (.) 10 min; 95% confidence interval [CI] 416-702 pmol/l (.) 10 min) and in type 2 diabetes (geometric mean 376 pmol/l (.) 10 min; 95% CI 247-572 pmol/l (.) 10 min) than NFG (geometric mean 814 pmol/l (.) 10 min; 95% CI 759-873 pmol/l (.) 10 min) (P < 0.001). Second-phase insulin secretion (140-180 min) was also lower in IFG (geometric mean 251 pmol/l; 95% CI 198-318 pmol/l; P = 0.026) and type 2 diabetes (geometric mean 157 pmol/l; 95% CI 105-235 pmol/l; P < 0.001) than NFG (geometric mean 295 pmol/l; 95% CI 276-315 pmol/l): IFG and type 2 diabetic subjects had a lower ISI (0.15 +/- 0.02 and 0.16 +/- 0.02 mumol/kg fat-free mass [FFM]/min/ pmol/l, respectively) than NFG (0.24 +/- 0.01 mumol/kg FFM/min/pmol/l, P < 0.05). We found a stepwise decline in first-phase (and second-phase) secretion in NFG subjects with progressive decline in oral glucose tolerance (P < 0.05). IFG subjects with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) had lower first-phase secretion than NFG subjects with IGT (P < 0.02), with comparable second-phase secretion and ISI. NFG and IFG subjects with a diabetic glucose tolerance (2-h glucose >11.1 mmol/l) had a lower ISI than their respective IGT counterparts (P < 0.05). We conclude that the early stages of glucose intolerance are associated with disturbances in beta-cell function, while insulin resistance is seen more markedly in later stages.


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A greenhouse experiment studied the effect of potassium fertilization on soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) root morphology and on K absorption by six soybean cultivars of different maturation groups and growth habits. The Plants were grown up to 70 days after plant emergence, in pots containing 6.0 kg of soil. In the absence of K, no significant difference in K absorption was observed among the cultivars or in root length and surface, but root mean radius was correlated to K absorption. Differences in K absorption were not associated with root characteristics in the presence of K fertilization. Physiological adjustments in K uptake, as well as K availability in the soil, were more important in soybean nutrition than were morphological adjustments in the root system. The results were not associated with plant growth habit or with maturation group.


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A simplified dissolution and reaction modeling was employed to study the hydrolysis of heterogeneous tetraethoxysilane (TEOS)-water-HCl mixtures under ultrasound stimulation. The nominal pH was changed from 0.8 to 2.0. The acid specific hydrolysis rate constant was determined as k = 6.1 mol(-1) 1 min(-1) [H+](-1) at 39 degreesC, in good agreement with the literature. Along the heterogeneous step of the reaction, the ultrasound maintains an additional quantity of water under a virtual state of dissolution besides the water dissolved due to the homogenizing effect of the alcohol produced in the reaction. The forced virtually dissolved water is probably represented by water at the TEOS-water interface during the heterogeneous step of the reaction. The mean radius of the heterogeneity represented by water dispersed in TEOS phase, while hydrolysis has not started yet, was evaluated as about 290 A. The HCl concentration accordingly increases the hydrolysis rate constant but its fundamental role on the immiscibility gap of the TEOS-water-ethanol system has not been unequivocally established. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To assess the bioequivalence of 2 tablet formulations of phentolamine (Regitine phentolamine 40 mg tablet formulation by Novartis, Brazil, as test formulation, and Vasomax, phentolamine 40 mg tablet formulation by Schering Plough S.A., Brazil, as reference formulation). Methods: A single 40 mg oral dose of each formulation was administered to 36 male healthy volunteers. The study was conducted after screening, using an open, randomized, 2-period crossover design, a 7-day interval between doses, and wash-out period of at least 4 weeks. Plasma samples for determination of phentolarnine were obtained predose and at intervals over 720 min postdose. Plasma concentrations were quantified by reversed-phase liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS-MS) with positive ion electrospray ionization using multiple reactions monitoring (MRM) method. Precision of the method was evaluated using calibration curves and plasma quality control samples. The subjects were monitored throughout the study. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure and pulse rate measurement were taken predose and at intervals up to 720 min. Tolerance of both products was good. No serious adverse reactions were reported. The pharmacokinetic parameters calculated for both compounds included: AUC((0-720 min)), AUC((0-infinity)), C-max,C- C-max/AUC((0-720 min),) t(max), t(1/2) and k(c). Results: the maximum concentrations reached (Cmax) were compared. Regitine 40 mg formulation C-max geometric mean ratio was 108.29% (90% Cl = 98.58 - 118.96) of Vasomax 40 mg formulation. The areas under the curve (AUC((0-720 min))) were compared. Regitine 40 formulation (AUC((0-720 min)) geometric mean ratio was 102.33% (90% Cl = 97.21 - 107.72) of Vasomax 40 mg formulation. Conclusion: Since the 90% Cl for both Cmax and AUC ratio where inside the 80 to 125% interval proposed by the Food and Drug Administration, it is concluded that Regitine 40 mg tablet is bioequivalent to Vasomax for the rate and extent of absorption.


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The hydrolysis of TMOS in oxalic acid catalyzed reacting TMOS-water mixtures, under ultrasound stimulation, was studied by fitting a simplified dissolution and reaction modeling for samples, the hydrolysis rate of which had been measured in a previous work. The reaction pathway represented in a ternary diagram shows a heterogeneous step for the reaction which gradually progresses until complete homogenization of the system. Besides the water dissolved due to the homogenizing effect of the alcohol, ultrasound maintains a virtual and additional dissolution of water located at the interface between the TMOS and water during the heterogeneous step of the reaction. The mean radius of the heterogeneity represented by water dispersed in TMOS was evaluated as around 150 Angstrom. The oxalic acid concentration accordingly increases the hydrolysis rate constant but its fundamental role on the solubility of water in TMOS could not unequivocally be established.


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The luminescence spectra and extended x-ray-absorption fine-structure (EXAFS) measurements of a series of Eu3+-based organic/inorganic xerogels were reported and related to the local coordination of the lanthanide cations. The hybrid matrix of these organically modified silicates, classed as U(2000) ureasils, is a siliceous network to which short organic chains containing oxyethylene units are covalently grafted by means of urea bridges. The luminescent centers were incorporated as europium triflate, Eu(CF3SO3)3, and europium bromide, EuBr3, with concentrations 200≥n≥20 and n=80, 40, and 30, respectively - where n is the number of ether oxygens in the polymer chains per Eu3+ cation. EXAFS measurements were carried out in some of the U(2000)nEu(CF3SO3)3 xerogels (n=200, 80, 60, and 40). The obtained coordination numbers N ranging from 12.8, n=200, to 9.7, n=40, whereas the average Eu3+ first neighbors distance R is 2.48-2.49 Å. The emission spectra of these multiwavelength phosphors superpose a broad green-blue band to a series of yellow-red narrow 5D0→7F0-4 Eu3+ lines and to the eye the hybrids appeared to be white, even at room temperature. The ability to tune the emission of the xerogels to colors across the chromaticity diagram is achieved by changing the excitation wavelength and the amount of salt incorporated in the hybrid host. The local environment of Eu3+ is described as a continuous distribution of closely similar low-symmetry network sites. The cations are coordinated by the carbonyl groups of the urea moieties, water molecules, and, for U(2000)nEu(CF3SO3)3, by the SO3 end groups of the triflate anions. No spectral evidences have been found for the coordination by the ether oxygens of the polyether chains. A mean radius for the first coordination shell of Eu3+ is calculated on the basis of the emission energy assignments. The results obtained for U(2000)nEu(CF3SO3)3, 2.4 Å for 90 ≥n≥40 and 2.6 and 2.5 Å for n=30 and 20, respectively, are in good agreement with the values calculated from EXAFS measurements. The energy of the intraconfigurational charge-transfer transitions, the redshift of the 5D0→7F0 line, with respect to the value calculated for gaseous Eu3+, and the hypersensitive ratio between the 5D0→7F2 and 5D0→7F1 transitions, point out a rather low covalency nature of the Eu3+ first coordination shell in these xerogels, comparing to the case of analogous polymer electrolytes modified by europium bromide. ©1999 The American Physical Society.


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This study investigated the effect of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on the masticatory performance (MP), pressure pain threshold (PPT), and pain intensity in patients with myofascial pain. Twenty-one subjects, with myofascial pain according to Research Diagnostic Criteria/temporomandibular dysfunction, were divided into laser group (n = 12) and placebo group (n = 9) to receive laser therapy (active or placebo) two times per week for 4 weeks. The measured variables were: (1) MP by analysis of the geometric mean diameter (GMD) of the chewed particles using Optocal test material, (2) PPT by a pressure algometer, and (3) pain intensity by the visual analog scale (VAS). Measurements of MP and PPT were obtained at three time points: baseline, at the end of treatment with low-level laser and 30 days after (follow-up). VAS was measured at the same times as above and weekly throughout the laser therapy. The Friedman test was used at a significance level of 5 % for data analysis. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Sergipe (CAAE: 0025.0.107.000-10). A reduction in the GMD of crushed particles (p < 0.01) and an increase in PPT (p < 0.05) were seen only in the laser group when comparing the baseline and end-of-treatment values. Both groups showed a decrease in pain intensity at the end of treatment. LLLT promoted an improvement in MP and PPT of the masticatory muscles. © 2012 Springer-Verlag London.