990 resultados para gene library


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We report here the construction and characterisation of a BAC library from the maize flint inbred line F2, widely used in European maize breeding programs. The library contains 86,858 clones with an average insert size of approximately 90 kb, giving approximately 3.2-times genome coverage. High-efficiency BAC cloning was achieved through the use of a single size selection for the high-molecular-weight genomic DNA, and co-transformation of the ligation with yeast tRNA to optimise transformation efficiency. Characterisation of the library showed that less than 0.5% of the clones contained no inserts, while 5.52% of clones consisted of chloroplast DNA. The library was gridded onto 29 nylon filters in a double-spotted 8 × 8 array, and screened by hybridisation with a number of single-copy and gene-family probes. A 3-dimensional DNA pooling scheme was used to allow rapid PCR screening of the library based on primer pairs from simple sequence repeat (SSR) and expressed sequence tag (EST) markers. Positive clones were obtained in all hybridisation and PCR screens carried out so far. Six BAC clones, which hybridised to a portion of the cloned Rp1-D rust resistance gene, were further characterised and found to form contigs covering most of this complex resistance locus.


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Prolonged hemodynamic load as a result of hypertension eventually leads to maladaptive cardiac adaptation and heart failure. The signalling pathways that underlie these changes are still poorly understood. The adaptive response to mechanical load is mediated by mechanosensors which convert the mechanical stimuli into a biological response. We examined the effect of cyclic mechanical stretch on myocyte adaptation using neonatal rat ventricular myocytes with 10% (adaptive) or 20% (maladaptive) maximum strain, 1Hz for 48 hours to mimic in vivo mechanical stress. Cells were also treated with and without L-NAME, a general nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor to suppress NO production. Maladaptive 20% mechanical stretch led to a significant loss of intact sarcomeres which was rescued by LNAME (P<0.05, n≥5 cultures). We hypothesized that the mechanism was through NOinduced alteration of myocyte gene expression. L-NAME up-regulated the mechanosensing proteins Muscle LIM protein (MLP (by 100%, p<0.05, n=4 cultures)) and lipoma preferred partner, a novel cardiac protein (LPP (by 80%, p<0.05, n=4 cultures)). L-NAME also significantly altered the subcellular localisation of LPP and MLP in a manner that favoured growth and adaptation. These findings suggest that NO participates in stretch-mediated adaptation. The use of isoform selective NOS inhibitors indicated a complex interaction between iNOS and nNOS isoforms regulate gene expression. LPP knockdown by siRNA led to formation of α-actinin aggregates and Z-bodies showing that myofibrillogenesis was impaired. There was an up-regulation of E3 ubiquitin ligase (MUL1) by 75% (P<0.05, n=5 cultures). This indicates that NO contributes to stretch-mediated adaptation via the upregulation of proteins associated mechansensing and myofibrillogenesis, thereby presenting potential therapeutic targets during the progression of heart failure. Keywords: Mechanotransduction, heart failure, stretch, heart, hypertrophy


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Background: There are compelling economic and environmental reasons to reduce our reliance on inorganic phosphate (Pi) fertilisers. Better management of Pi fertiliser applications is one option to improve the efficiency of Pi fertiliser use, whilst maintaining crop yields. Application rates of Pi fertilisers are traditionally determined from analyses of soil or plant tissues. Alternatively, diagnostic genes with altered expression under Pi limiting conditions that suggest a physiological requirement for Pi fertilisation, could be used to manage Pifertiliser applications, and might be more precise than indirect measurements of soil or tissue samples. Results: We grew potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants hydroponically, under glasshouse conditions, to control their nutrient status accurately. Samples of total leaf RNA taken periodically after Pi was removed from the nutrient solution were labelled and hybridised to potato oligonucleotide arrays. A total of 1,659 genes were significantly differentially expressed following Pi withdrawal. These included genes that encode proteins involved in lipid, protein, and carbohydrate metabolism, characteristic of Pi deficient leaves and included potential novel roles for genes encoding patatin like proteins in potatoes. The array data were analysed using a support vector machine algorithm to identify groups of genes that could predict the Pi status of the crop. These groups of diagnostic genes were tested using field grown potatoes that had either been fertilised or unfertilised. A group of 200 genes could correctly predict the Pi status of field grown potatoes. Conclusions: This paper provides a proof-of-concept demonstration for using microarrays and class prediction tools to predict the Pi status of a field grown potato crop. There is potential to develop this technology for other biotic and abiotic stresses in field grown crops. Ultimately, a better understanding of crop stresses may improve our management of the crop, improving the sustainability of agriculture.


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Activating transcription factor 3 (Atf3) is rapidly and transiently upregulated in numerous systems, and is associated with various disease states. Atf3 is required for negative feedback regulation of other genes, but is itself subject to negative feedback regulation possibly by autorepression. In cardiomyocytes, Atf3 and Egr1 mRNAs are upregulated via ERK1/2 signalling and Atf3 suppresses Egr1 expression. We previously developed a mathematical model for the Atf3-Egr1 system. Here, we adjusted and extended the model to explore mechanisms of Atf3 feedback regulation. Introduction of an autorepressive loop for Atf3 tuned down its expression and inhibition of Egr1 was lost, demonstrating that negative feedback regulation of Atf3 by Atf3 itself is implausible in this context. Experimentally, signals downstream from ERK1/2 suppress Atf3 expression. Mathematical modelling indicated that this cannot occur by phosphorylation of pre-existing inhibitory transcriptional regulators because the time delay is too short. De novo synthesis of an inhibitory transcription factor (ITF) with a high affinity for the Atf3 promoter could suppress Atf3 expression, but (as with the Atf3 autorepression loop) inhibition of Egr1 was lost. Developing the model to include newly-synthesised miRNAs very efficiently terminated Atf3 protein expression and, with a 4-fold increase in the rate of degradation of mRNA from the mRNA/miRNA complex, profiles for Atf3 mRNA, Atf3 protein and Egr1 mRNA approximated to the experimental data. Combining the ITF model with that of the miRNA did not improve the profiles suggesting that miRNAs are likely to play a dominant role in switching off Atf3 expression post-induction.


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This study demonstrates that the expression profile of cholesteatoma is similar to a metastatic tumour and chronically inflamed tissue. Based on the investigated profiles we present novel protein-protein interaction and signal transduction networks, which include cholesteatoma-regulated transcripts and may be of great value for drug targeting and therapy development.


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An hsc70 homologue gene (Rahsc70) of the diptera Rhynchosciara americana was isolated and characterized. We were able to determine the mRNA sequence from an EST of salivary gland cDNA library, and a Rahsc70 cDNA cassette was used as a probe to isolate the genomic region from a genomic library. The mRNA expression of this gene parallels the 2B puff expansion, suggesting its involvement in protein processing, since this larval period corresponds to a high synthetic activity period. During heat shock stress conditions, hsc70 expression decreased. In situ hybridization of polytene chromosomes showed that the Rahsc70 gene is located near the C3 DNA puff. The cellular localization of Hsc70 protein showed this protein in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus.


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Insect oocytes grow in close association with the ovarian follicular epithelium (OFE), which escorts the oocyte during oogenesis and is responsible for synthesis and secretion of the eggshell. We describe a transcriptome of OFE of the triatomine bug Rhodnius prolixus, a vector of Chagas disease, to increase our knowledge of the role of FE in egg development. Random clones were sequenced from a cDNA library of different stages of follicle development. The transcriptome showed high commitment to transcription, protein synthesis, and secretion. The most abundant cDNA was a secreted (S) small, proline-rich protein with maximal expression in the vitellogenic follicle, suggesting a role in oocyte maturation. We also found Rp45, a chorion protein already described, and a putative chitin-associated cuticle protein that was an eggshell component candidate. Six transcripts coding for proteins related to the unfolded-protein response (UPR) by were chosen and their expression analyzed. Surprisingly, transcripts related to UPR showed higher expression during early stages of development and downregulation during late stages, when transcripts coding for S proteins participating in chorion formation were highly expressed. Several transcripts with potential roles in oogenesis and embryo development are also discussed. We propose that intense protein synthesis at the FE results in reticulum stress (RS) and that lowering expression of a set of genes related to cell survival should lead to degeneration of follicular cells at oocyte maturation. This paradoxical suppression of UPR suggests that ovarian follicles may represent an interesting model for studying control of RS and cell survival in professional S cell types. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The gene GAD2 encoding the glutamic acid decarboxylase enzyme (GAD65) is a positional candidate gene for obesity on Chromosome 10p11–12, a susceptibility locus for morbid obesity in four independent ethnic populations. GAD65 catalyzes the formation of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which interacts with neuropeptide Y in the paraventricular nucleus to contribute to stimulate food intake. A case-control study (575 morbidly obese and 646 control subjects) analyzing GAD2 variants identified both a protective haplotype, including the most frequent alleles of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) +61450 C>A and +83897 T>A (OR = 0.81, 95% CI [0.681–0.972], p = 0.0049) and an at-risk SNP (−243 A>G) for morbid obesity (OR = 1.3, 95% CI [1.053–1.585], p = 0.014). Furthermore, familial-based analyses confirmed the association with the obesity of SNP +61450 C>A and +83897 T>A haplotype (χ2 = 7.637, p = 0.02). In the murine insulinoma cell line βTC3, the G at-risk allele of SNP −243 A>G increased six times GAD2 promoter activity (p < 0.0001) and induced a 6-fold higher affinity for nuclear extracts. The −243 A>G SNP was associated with higher hunger scores (p = 0.007) and disinhibition scores (p = 0.028), as assessed by the Stunkard Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire. As GAD2 is highly expressed in pancreatic β cells, we analyzed GAD65 antibody level as a marker of β-cell activity and of insulin secretion. In the control group, −243 A>G, +61450 C>A, and +83897 T>A SNPs were associated with lower GAD65 autoantibody levels (p values of 0.003, 0.047, and 0.006, respectively). SNP +83897 T>A was associated with lower fasting insulin and insulin secretion, as assessed by the HOMA-B% homeostasis model of β-cell function (p = 0.009 and 0.01, respectively). These data support the hypothesis of the orexigenic effect of GABA in humans and of a contribution of genes involved in GABA metabolism in the modulation of food intake and in the development of morbid obesity.


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Insulin resistance is a heterogeneous disorder caused by a range of genetic and environmental factors, and we hypothesize that its aetiology varies considerably between individuals. This heterogeneity provides significant challenges to the development of effective therapeutic regimes for long-term management of type 2 diabetes. We describe a novel strategy, using large-scale gene expression profiling, to develop a Gene Expression Signature (GES) that reflects the overall state of insulin resistance in cells and patients. The GES was developed from 3T3-L1 adipocytes that were made ‘insulin resistant’ by treatment with tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα) and then reversed with aspirin and troglitazone (‘re-sensitized’). The GES consisted of five genes whose expression levels best discriminated between the insulin resistant and insulin re-sensitized states. We then used this GES to screen a compound library for agents that affected the GES genes in 3T3- L1 adipocytes in a way that most closely resembled the changes seen when insulin resistance was successfully reversed using aspirin and troglitazone. This screen identified both known and new insulin sensitizing compounds including non-steroidal anti inflammatory agents, β-adrenergic antagonists, beta-lactams and sodium channel blockers. We tested the biological relevance of this GES in participants in the San Antonio Family Heart Study (n = 1,240) and showed that patients with the lowest GES scores were more insulin resistant (according to HOMA_IR and fasting plasma insulin levels, P < 0.001). These findings show that GES technology can be used for both the discovery of insulin sensitizing compounds and the characterization of patients into subtypes of insulin resistance according to GES scores, opening the possibility of developing a personalized medicine approach to type 2 diabetes.


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Using monoclonal antibodies raised against pollen-specific proteins, we have isolated a cDNA clone, designatedOry-Cl from a rice anther cDNA expression library. A transcript corresponding to theOry-Cl gene showed preferential expression in anthers. This transcript was not detected in any vegetative tissues analysed. RNA gel blot analysis of different developmental stages of anthers showed that theOry-Cl gene is expressed at later stages of pollen development. In situ hybridisation showed that theOry-Cl transcript is only present in mature pollen.


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RUNX2 is an essential transcription factor required for skeletal development and cartilage formation. Haploinsufficiency of RUNX2 leads to cleidocranial displaysia (CCD) a skeletal disorder characterised by gross dysgenesis of bones particularly those derived from intramembranous bone formation. A notable feature of the RUNX2 protein is the polyglutamine and polyalanine (23Q/17A) domain coded by a repeat sequence. Since none of the known mutations causing CCD characterised to date map in the glutamine repeat region, we hypothesised that Q-repeat mutations may be related to a more subtle bone phenotype. We screened subjects derived from four normal populations for Q-repeat variants. A total of 22 subjects were identified who were heterozygous for a wild type allele and a Q-repeat variant allele: (15Q, 16Q, 18Q and 30Q). Although not every subject had data for all measures, Q-repeat variants had a significant deficit in BMD with an average decrease of 0.7SD measured over 12 BMD-related parameters (p = 0.005). Femoral neck BMD was measured in all subjects (−0.6SD, p = 0.0007). The transactivation function of RUNX2 was determined for 16Q and 30Q alleles using a reporter gene assay. 16Q and 30Q alleles displayed significantly lower transactivation function compared to wild type (23Q). Our analysis has identified novel Q-repeat mutations that occur at a collective frequency of about 0.4%. These mutations significantly alter BMD and display impaired transactivation function, introducing a new class of functionally relevant RUNX2 mutants.


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Objective:  Alterations in gene expression in bipolar disorder have been found in numerous studies. It is unclear whether such alterations are related to specific mood states. As a biphasic disorder, mood state-related alterations in gene expression have the potential to point to markers of disease activity, and trait-related alterations might indicate vulnerability pathways. This review therefore evaluated the evidence for whether gene expression in bipolar disorder is state or trait related.

Methods:  A systematic review, using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guideline for reporting systematic reviews, based on comprehensive database searches for studies on gene expression in patients with bipolar disorder in specific mood states, was conducted. We searched Medline, Embase, PsycINFO, and The Cochrane Library, supplemented by manually searching reference lists from retrieved publications.

Results:  A total of 17 studies were included, comprising 565 patients and 418 control individuals. Six studies evaluated intraindividual alterations in gene expression across mood states. Two of five studies found evidence of intraindividual alterations in gene expression between a depressed state and a euthymic state. No studies evaluated intraindividual differences in gene expression between a manic state and a euthymic state, while only one case study evaluated differences between a manic state and a depressed state, finding altered expression in seven genes. No study investigated intraindividual variations in gene expression between a euthymic state and multiple states of various polarities (depressive, manic, hypomanic). Intraindividual alterations in expression of the same genes were not investigated across studies. Only one gene (the brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene; BDNF) was investigated across multiple studies, showing no alteration between bipolar disorder patients and control individuals.

Conclusions:  There is evidence of some genes exhibiting state-related alterations in expression in bipolar disorder; however, this finding is limited by the lack of replication across studies. Further prospective studies are warranted, measuring gene expression in various affective phases, allowing for assessment of intraindividual differences.


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Pigeon ‘milk’ and mammalian milk have functional similarities in terms of nutritional benefit and delivery of immunoglobulins to the young. Mammalian milk has been clearly shown to aid in the development of the immune system and microbiota of the young, but similar effects have not yet been attributed to pigeon ‘milk’. Therefore, using a chicken model, we investigated the effect of pigeon ‘milk’ on immune gene expression in the Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT) and on the composition of the caecal microbiota. Chickens fed pigeon ‘milk’ had a faster rate of growth and a better feed conversion ratio than control chickens. There was significantly enhanced expression of immune-related gene pathways and interferon-stimulated genes in the GALT of pigeon ‘milk’-fed chickens. These pathways include the innate immune response, regulation of cytokine production and regulation of B cell activation and proliferation. The caecal microbiota of pigeon ‘milk’-fed chickens was significantly more diverse than control chickens, and appears to be affected by prebiotics in pigeon ‘milk’, as well as being directly seeded by bacteria present in pigeon ‘milk’. Our results demonstrate that pigeon ‘milk’ has further modes of action which make it functionally similar to mammalian milk. We hypothesise that pigeon ‘lactation’ and mammalian lactation evolved independently but resulted in similarly functional products.


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Here we present an improved implementation of the TIGER2 Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics (REMD) method, using the replica exchange Application Programming Interface (API) found in contemporary versions of the NAMD Molecular Dynamics Package. The implementation takes the form of a TCL script which is used in conjunction with the standard configuration file. This implementation is validated against a previous TIGER2 implementation, as well as data reported for the original TIGER2 simulations. Our implementation is compatible with a range of architectures; crucially it enables the use of this wrapper with the BlueGene/Q architecture, in addition to the x86 architecture. Program summary: Program title: TIGER2-NAMD. Catalogue identifier: AEWC_v1_0. Program summary URL: http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/AEWC_v1_0.html Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University, Belfast, N. Ireland. Licensing provisions: Standard CPC licence, http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/licence/licence.html No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 34151. No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 424217. Distribution format: tar.gz. Programming language: Tcl 8.5. Computer: x86 Clusters, BlueGene/Q, Workstations. Operating system: Linux, IBM Compute Node Kernel. Has the code been vectorised or parallelised?: Yes. MPI Parallelism. Classification: 3. External routines: NAMD 2.9 (http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/namd/). Nature of problem: Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics. Solution method: Each replica runs through multiple cycles of heating and cooling with exchanges between them being attempted. Running time: Typically 30 mins, up to an hour.