894 resultados para gaussian mixture model


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Considering a general linear model of signal degradation, by modeling the probability density function (PDF) of the clean signal using a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) and additive noise by a Gaussian PDF, we derive the minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimator.The derived MMSE estimator is non-linear and the linear MMSE estimator is shown to be a special case. For speech signal corrupted by independent additive noise, by modeling the joint PDF of time-domain speech samples of a speech frame using a GMM, we propose a speech enhancement method based on the derived MMSE estimator. We also show that the same estimator can be used for transform-domain speech enhancement.


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In the design of practical web page classification systems one often encounters a situation in which the labeled training set is created by choosing some examples from each class; but, the class proportions in this set are not the same as those in the test distribution to which the classifier will be actually applied. The problem is made worse when the amount of training data is also small. In this paper we explore and adapt binary SVM methods that make use of unlabeled data from the test distribution, viz., Transductive SVMs (TSVMs) and expectation regularization/constraint (ER/EC) methods to deal with this situation. We empirically show that when the labeled training data is small, TSVM designed using the class ratio tuned by minimizing the loss on the labeled set yields the best performance; its performance is good even when the deviation between the class ratios of the labeled training set and the test set is quite large. When the labeled training data is sufficiently large, an unsupervised Gaussian mixture model can be used to get a very good estimate of the class ratio in the test set; also, when this estimate is used, both TSVM and EC/ER give their best possible performance, with TSVM coming out superior. The ideas in the paper can be easily extended to multi-class SVMs and MaxEnt models.


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H. 264/advanced video coding surveillance video encoders use the Skip mode specified by the standard to reduce bandwidth. They also use multiple frames as reference for motion-compensated prediction. In this paper, we propose two techniques to reduce the bandwidth and computational cost of static camera surveillance video encoders without affecting detection and recognition performance. A spatial sampler is proposed to sample pixels that are segmented using a Gaussian mixture model. Modified weight updates are derived for the parameters of the mixture model to reduce floating point computations. A storage pattern of the parameters in memory is also modified to improve cache performance. Skip selection is performed using the segmentation results of the sampled pixels. The second contribution is a low computational cost algorithm to choose the reference frames. The proposed reference frame selection algorithm reduces the cost of coding uncovered background regions. We also study the number of reference frames required to achieve good coding efficiency. Distortion over foreground pixels is measured to quantify the performance of the proposed techniques. Experimental results show bit rate savings of up to 94.5% over methods proposed in literature on video surveillance data sets. The proposed techniques also provide up to 74.5% reduction in compression complexity without increasing the distortion over the foreground regions in the video sequence.


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A characterization of the voice source (VS) signal by the pitch synchronous (PS) discrete cosine transform (DCT) is proposed. With the integrated linear prediction residual (ILPR) as the VS estimate, the PS DCT of the ILPR is evaluated as a feature vector for speaker identification (SID). On TIMIT and YOHO databases, using a Gaussian mixture model (GMM)-based classifier, it performs on par with existing VS-based features. On the NIST 2003 database, fusion with a GMM-based classifier using MFCC features improves the identification accuracy by 12% in absolute terms, proving that the proposed characterization has good promise as a feature for SID studies. (C) 2015 Acoustical Society of America


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Structured precision modelling is an important approach to improve the intra-frame correlation modelling of the standard HMM, where Gaussian mixture model with diagonal covariance are used. Previous work has all been focused on direct structured representation of the precision matrices. In this paper, a new framework is proposed, where the structure of the Cholesky square root of the precision matrix is investigated, referred to as Cholesky Basis Superposition (CBS). Each Cholesky matrix associated with a particular Gaussian distribution is represented as a linear combination of a set of Gaussian independent basis upper-triangular matrices. Efficient optimization methods are derived for both combination weights and basis matrices. Experiments on a Chinese dictation task showed that the proposed approach can significantly outperformed the direct structured precision modelling with similar number of parameters as well as full covariance modelling. © 2011 IEEE.


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Cetacean respiration usually happen in bouts. The most widely applied quantitative method used to analyze the structure of these bouts is the log(e)-survivorship analysis, based on the assumption that the respiratory intervals are distributed as negative exponentials. However, for the data collected from three captive Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis), we failed to obtain a convergent result with the application of log,survivorship analysis. However, the two-Gaussian model, which was recently proposed to analyze the feeding behavior of cows, was successfully fitted to the data. According to the fitting results, the overall respiratory pattern of the captive Yangtze finless porpoises can be described as a dive with a mean duration of around 30-40 s, followed by two or three ventilations with a mean interval of approximately 9 s. The average intra-bout intervals during both active and inactive periods are constant at 7.7-9.9 s for all individuals. However, when shifting from active to inactive states, the adult male and female decrease their mean numbers of respirations per bout and average length of inter-bout respiratory intervals, while the estimates of both parameters increase for the juvenile female. It was pointed out that the two-Gaussian model might be more adequate for cetacean respiratory-bout structure analyses than the log(e)-survivorship technique.


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Traditional approaches to upper body pose estimation using monocular vision rely on complex body models and a large variety of geometric constraints. We argue that this is not ideal and somewhat inelegant as it results in large processing burdens, and instead attempt to incorporate these constraints through priors obtained directly from training data. A prior distribution covering the probability of a human pose occurring is used to incorporate likely human poses. This distribution is obtained offline, by fitting a Gaussian mixture model to a large dataset of recorded human body poses, tracked using a Kinect sensor. We combine this prior information with a random walk transition model to obtain an upper body model, suitable for use within a recursive Bayesian filtering framework. Our model can be viewed as a mixture of discrete Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, in that states behave as random walks, but drift towards a set of typically observed poses. This model is combined with measurements of the human head and hand positions, using recursive Bayesian estimation to incorporate temporal information. Measurements are obtained using face detection and a simple skin colour hand detector, trained using the detected face. The suggested model is designed with analytical tractability in mind and we show that the pose tracking can be Rao-Blackwellised using the mixture Kalman filter, allowing for computational efficiency while still incorporating bio-mechanical properties of the upper body. In addition, the use of the proposed upper body model allows reliable three-dimensional pose estimates to be obtained indirectly for a number of joints that are often difficult to detect using traditional object recognition strategies. Comparisons with Kinect sensor results and the state of the art in 2D pose estimation highlight the efficacy of the proposed approach.


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Neighbor embedding algorithm has been widely used in example-based super-resolution reconstruction from a single frame, which makes the assumption that neighbor patches embedded are contained in a single manifold. However, it is not always true for complicated texture structure. In this paper, we believe that textures may be contained in multiple manifolds, corresponding to classes. Under this assumption, we present a novel example-based image super-resolution reconstruction algorithm with clustering and supervised neighbor embedding (CSNE). First, a class predictor for low-resolution (LR) patches is learnt by an unsupervised Gaussian mixture model. Then by utilizing class label information of each patch, a supervised neighbor embedding is used to estimate high-resolution (HR) patches corresponding to LR patches. The experimental results show that the proposed method can achieve a better recovery of LR comparing with other simple schemes using neighbor embedding.


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Logistic regression and Gaussian mixture model (GMM) classifiers have been trained to estimate the probability of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in patients based upon the concentrations of a panel of cardiac markers. The panel consists of two new markers, fatty acid binding protein (FABP) and glycogen phosphorylase BB (GPBB), in addition to the traditional cardiac troponin I (cTnI), creatine kinase MB (CKMB) and myoglobin. The effect of using principal component analysis (PCA) and Fisher discriminant analysis (FDA) to preprocess the marker concentrations was also investigated. The need for classifiers to give an accurate estimate of the probability of AMI is argued and three categories of performance measure are described, namely discriminatory ability, sharpness, and reliability. Numerical performance measures for each category are given and applied. The optimum classifier, based solely upon the samples take on admission, was the logistic regression classifier using FDA preprocessing. This gave an accuracy of 0.85 (95% confidence interval: 0.78-0.91) and a normalised Brier score of 0.89. When samples at both admission and a further time, 1-6 h later, were included, the performance increased significantly, showing that logistic regression classifiers can indeed use the information from the five cardiac markers to accurately and reliably estimate the probability AMI. © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2008.


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This paper investigated using lip movements as a behavioural biometric for person authentication. The system was trained, evaluated and tested using the XM2VTS dataset, following the Lausanne Protocol configuration II. Features were selected from the DCT coefficients of the greyscale lip image. This paper investigated the number of DCT coefficients selected, the selection process, and static and dynamic feature combinations. Using a Gaussian Mixture Model - Universal Background Model framework an Equal Error Rate of 2.20% was achieved during evaluation and on an unseen test set a False Acceptance Rate of 1.7% and False Rejection Rate of 3.0% was achieved. This compares favourably with face authentication results on the same dataset whilst not being susceptible to spoofing attacks.


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Actualmente tem-se observado um aumento do volume de sinais de fala em diversas aplicações, que reforçam a necessidade de um processamento automático dos ficheiros. No campo do processamento automático destacam-se as aplicações de “diarização de orador”, que permitem catalogar os ficheiros de fala com a identidade de oradores e limites temporais de fala de cada um, através de um processo de segmentação e agrupamento. No contexto de agrupamento, este trabalho visa dar continuidade ao trabalho intitulado “Detecção do Orador”, com o desenvolvimento de um algoritmo de “agrupamento multi-orador” capaz de identificar e agrupar correctamente os oradores, sem conhecimento prévio do número ou da identidade dos oradores presentes no ficheiro de fala. O sistema utiliza os coeficientes “Mel Line Spectrum Frequencies” (MLSF) como característica acústica de fala, uma segmentação de fala baseada na energia e uma estrutura do tipo “Universal Background Model - Gaussian Mixture Model” (UBM-GMM) adaptado com o classificador “Support Vector Machine” (SVM). No trabalho foram analisadas três métricas de discriminação dos modelos SVM e a avaliação dos resultados foi feita através da taxa de erro “Speaker Error Rate” (SER), que quantifica percentualmente o número de segmentos “fala” mal classificados. O algoritmo implementado foi ajustado às características da língua portuguesa através de um corpus com 14 ficheiros de treino e 30 ficheiros de teste. Os ficheiros de treino dos modelos e classificação final, enquanto os ficheiros de foram utilizados para avaliar o desempenho do algoritmo. A interacção com o algoritmo foi dinamizada com a criação de uma interface gráfica que permite receber o ficheiro de teste, processá-lo, listar os resultados ou gerar um vídeo para o utilizador confrontar o sinal de fala com os resultados de classificação.


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Les pays industrialisés comme le Canada doivent faire face au vieillissement de leur population. En particulier, la majorité des personnes âgées, vivant à domicile et souvent seules, font face à des situations à risques telles que des chutes. Dans ce contexte, la vidéosurveillance est une solution innovante qui peut leur permettre de vivre normalement dans un environnement sécurisé. L’idée serait de placer un réseau de caméras dans l’appartement de la personne pour détecter automatiquement une chute. En cas de problème, un message pourrait être envoyé suivant l’urgence aux secours ou à la famille via une connexion internet sécurisée. Pour un système bas coût, nous avons limité le nombre de caméras à une seule par pièce ce qui nous a poussé à explorer les méthodes monoculaires de détection de chutes. Nous avons d’abord exploré le problème d’un point de vue 2D (image) en nous intéressant aux changements importants de la silhouette de la personne lors d’une chute. Les données d’activités normales d’une personne âgée ont été modélisées par un mélange de gaussiennes nous permettant de détecter tout événement anormal. Notre méthode a été validée à l’aide d’une vidéothèque de chutes simulées et d’activités normales réalistes. Cependant, une information 3D telle que la localisation de la personne par rapport à son environnement peut être très intéressante pour un système d’analyse de comportement. Bien qu’il soit préférable d’utiliser un système multi-caméras pour obtenir une information 3D, nous avons prouvé qu’avec une seule caméra calibrée, il était possible de localiser une personne dans son environnement grâce à sa tête. Concrêtement, la tête de la personne, modélisée par une ellipsoide, est suivie dans la séquence d’images à l’aide d’un filtre à particules. La précision de la localisation 3D de la tête a été évaluée avec une bibliothèque de séquence vidéos contenant les vraies localisations 3D obtenues par un système de capture de mouvement (Motion Capture). Un exemple d’application utilisant la trajectoire 3D de la tête est proposée dans le cadre de la détection de chutes. En conclusion, un système de vidéosurveillance pour la détection de chutes avec une seule caméra par pièce est parfaitement envisageable. Pour réduire au maximum les risques de fausses alarmes, une méthode hybride combinant des informations 2D et 3D pourrait être envisagée.


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Chaque jour, des décisions doivent être prises quant à la quantité d'hydroélectricité produite au Québec. Ces décisions reposent sur la prévision des apports en eau dans les bassins versants produite à l'aide de modèles hydrologiques. Ces modèles prennent en compte plusieurs facteurs, dont notamment la présence ou l'absence de neige au sol. Cette information est primordiale durant la fonte printanière pour anticiper les apports à venir, puisqu'entre 30 et 40% du volume de crue peut provenir de la fonte du couvert nival. Il est donc nécessaire pour les prévisionnistes de pouvoir suivre l'évolution du couvert de neige de façon quotidienne afin d'ajuster leurs prévisions selon le phénomène de fonte. Des méthodes pour cartographier la neige au sol sont actuellement utilisées à l'Institut de recherche d'Hydro-Québec (IREQ), mais elles présentent quelques lacunes. Ce mémoire a pour objectif d'utiliser des données de télédétection en micro-ondes passives (le gradient de températures de brillance en position verticale (GTV)) à l'aide d'une approche statistique afin de produire des cartes neige/non-neige et d'en quantifier l'incertitude de classification. Pour ce faire, le GTV a été utilisé afin de calculer une probabilité de neige quotidienne via les mélanges de lois normales selon la statistique bayésienne. Par la suite, ces probabilités ont été modélisées à l'aide de la régression linéaire sur les logits et des cartographies du couvert nival ont été produites. Les résultats des modèles ont été validés qualitativement et quantitativement, puis leur intégration à Hydro-Québec a été discutée.


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The identification and visualization of clusters formed by motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) is an essential step in investigations seeking to explain the control of the neuromuscular system. This work introduces the generative topographic mapping (GTM), a novel machine learning tool, for clustering of MUAPs, and also it extends the GTM technique to provide a way of visualizing MUAPs. The performance of GTM was compared to that of three other clustering methods: the self-organizing map (SOM), a Gaussian mixture model (GMM), and the neural-gas network (NGN). The results, based on the study of experimental MUAPs, showed that the rate of success of both GTM and SOM outperformed that of GMM and NGN, and also that GTM may in practice be used as a principled alternative to the SOM in the study of MUAPs. A visualization tool, which we called GTM grid, was devised for visualization of MUAPs lying in a high-dimensional space. The visualization provided by the GTM grid was compared to that obtained from principal component analysis (PCA). (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A neurofuzzy classifier identification algorithm is introduced for two class problems. The initial fuzzy base construction is based on fuzzy clustering utilizing a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) and the analysis of covariance (ANOVA) decomposition. The expectation maximization (EM) algorithm is applied to determine the parameters of the fuzzy membership functions. Then neurofuzzy model is identified via the supervised subspace orthogonal least square (OLS) algorithm. Finally a logistic regression model is applied to produce the class probability. The effectiveness of the proposed neurofuzzy classifier has been demonstrated using a real data set.