753 resultados para futures thinking


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What is the use of representing in performance the image of the cave from book VII of Plato’s Republic? Josep Palau i Fabre considers that in Plato’s dialogues the speakers are mere instruments at the service of his dialectical purpose. The aim of this article is to show how, by turning the myth into a tragedy and relying on Heraclitus’s conflict or war of opposites, the playwright succeeds in favouring a sort of thought which is not one-sided or univocal. On the contrary, in Palau i Fabre’s La Caverna, the tragic hero, the released prisoner transformed by the light of Reality and finally killed by his “cavemates” –after having been imprisoned again and having tried to rescue them from their ignorance or shadows– still leaves them his powerful experience of the agonistikós thought, which might bear fruit in their life to come.


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Pierre Bourdieu's field theory is a strong account of how human action can be understood based on the principle that negotiates between structural, relational, and cognitive dimensions within the social world. With his central notion of fields, Bourdieu provides social scientists and economists, a way to transcend the dichotomies that shape theoretical thinking about human conduct and its innovative potentials. This chapter is dedicated to locate the position of the notion of field with respect to major schools of thought, and in particular to the embeddedness tradition that addresses similar questions on the social structuring of human behavior.


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PURPOSE: Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most frequent disorders in childhood and adolescence. Both neurocognitive and environmental factors have been related to ADHD. The current study contributes to the documentation of the predictive relation between early attachment deprivation and ADHD. METHOD: Data were collected from 641 adopted adolescents (53.2 % girls) aged 11-16 years in five countries, using the DSM oriented scale for ADHD of the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) (Achenbach and Rescorla, Manual for the ASEBA school-age forms and profiles. University of Vermont, Research Center for Children, Youth and Families, Burlington, 2001). The influence of attachment deprivation on ADHD symptoms was initially tested taking into consideration several key variables that have been reported as influencing ADHD at the adoptee level (age, gender, length of time in the adoptive family, parents' educational level and marital status), and at the level of the country of origin and country of adoption (poverty, quality of health services and values). The analyses were computed using the multilevel modeling technique. RESULTS: The results showed that an increase in the level of ADHD symptoms was predicted by the duration of exposure to early attachment deprivation, estimated from the age of adoption, after controlling for the influence of adoptee and country variables. The effect of the age of adoption was also demonstrated to be specific to the level of ADHD symptoms in comparison to both the externalizing and internalizing behavior scales of the CBCL. CONCLUSION: Deprivation of stable and sensitive care in infancy may have long-lasting consequences for children's development.


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Palvelukehitystoiminta sitoo huomattavan määrän resursseja ja on pitkäkestoista toimintaa. Innovatiivisuuteen tähtäämällä ja systemaattisella tuotekehitystyöllä yritys parantaa jatkuvuutta omassa liiketoiminnassaan. Alusta-ajattelu tuo uuden ulottuvuuden tuotteiden ja palveluiden kehitykseen. Alustan kehittäminen tukemaan tuote- ja palvelukehitystoimintaa ja yksinkertaistamaan tuote/palvelurakenteita antaa yrityksissä lisäpotentiaalia esimerkiksi lyhentyneiden kehitysaikojen, paremman kompleksisuuden hallinnan ja kustannustehokkuuden nousun myötä. Toimintojen tehostuminen yritystasolla saa aikaan mahdollisuuksien lisääntymisen nykyisillä liiketoimintasektoreilla. Palvelualustan kehityksellä päästään palvelurakenteen mallintamisen kautta parempaan liiketoiminnan hallitsemiseen ja systemaattisempaan tuotekehityksen läpivientiin. Palvelualustan yhtenä tärkeimpänä hyötynä on, että palvelun rakenteellisuus saadaan kuvattua alustaan. Lisäksi on tärkeää määritellä vastuutukset alustan kehityksessä, sekä pystyä mallintamaan informaation kulku (rajapinnat) prosesseissa.


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Aquest projecte duu a terme una anàlisi de quina és la situació actual quant a la generació de residus de les comarques del Montsià i Baix Ebre, així com de l’estat de les instal·lacions que hi ha quant a tractament de residus. Tenint en compte l’evolució de les quantitats recollides i de la població es fa una prognosi de quina serà la generació de residus en l’horitzó 2008-2012, per així, tenint també en compte la normativa vigent quant a residus, determinar les necessitats i fer una proposta per tal de donar solució a la problemàtica detectada.


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This paper explores how wikis may be used to support primary education students’ collaborative interaction and how such an interaction process can be characterised. The overall aim of this study is to analyse the collaborative processes of students working together in a wiki environment, in order to see how primary students can actively create a shared context for learning in the wiki. Educational literature has already reported that wikis may support collaborative knowledge-construction processes, but in our study we claim that a dialogic perspective is needed to accomplish this. Students must develop an intersubjective orientation towards each others’ perspectives, to co-construct knowledge about a topic. For this purpose, our project utilised a ‘Thinking Together’ approach to help students develop an intersubjective orientation towards one another and to support the creation of a ‘dialogic space’ to co-construct new understanding in a wiki science project. The students’ asynchronous interaction process in a primary classroom -- which led to the creation of a science text in the wiki -- was analysed and characterised, using a dialogic approach to the study of CSCL practices. Our results illustrate how the Thinking Together approach became embedded within the wiki environment and in the students’ collaborative processes. We argue that a dialogic approach for examining interaction can be used to help design more effective pedagogic approaches related to the use of wikis in education and to equip learners with the competences they need to participate in the global knowledge-construction era.