925 resultados para fresh water fish
Respostas fisiológicas ao estresse do peixe de águas tépidas matrinxã (Brycon amazonicus) submetido à queda brusca de temperatura.
Hysterothylacium geschei n. sp. (Nematoda, Anisakidae) is described from the intestine of Cauque mauleanum (Steindachner) (Pisces: Atherinidae) from Lake Panguipulli (39º43'S; 72º13'W), Chile. Eleven (78.6%) out of 14 fish were infected, with a mean intensity (range) of 14.4 (1-55) worms. The new species can be differentiated from the two previously described species of freshwater fishes from South America by the presence of lateral alae, the number of caudal papillae, and the length of the spicules, oesophagus, intestinal caecum, distance vulva-anterior extremity and the length ratio intestinal caecum: ventricular appendix. From the fishes examined in Lake Panguipulli, including the introduced salmonid species Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) and the authochthonous species Basilichthys australis Eigenmann (Atherinidae) and Percichthys trucha (Valenciennes) (Percichthyidae), only one specimen of P. trucha was found parasitized by a third-stage larva of this species.
Human occupation for several centuries was recorded in the archaeological layers of "Place d'Armes", Namur, Belgium. Preventive archaeological excavations were carried out between 1996/1997 and seven historical strata were observed, from Gallo-Roman period up to Modern Times. Soil samples from cesspools, latrines, and structures-like were studied and revealed intestinal parasite eggs in the different archaeological contexts. Ascaris lumbricoides, A. suum, Trichuris trichiura, T. suis. Taenia sp., Fasciola hepatica, Diphyllobothrium sp., Capillaria sp. and Oxyuris equi eggs were found. Paleoparasitology confirmed the use of structures as latrines or cesspit as firstly supposed by the archaeologists. Medieval latrines were not only used for rejection of human excrements. The finding of Ascaris sp. and Trichuris sp. eggs may point to human's or wild swine's feces. Gallo-Roman people used to eat wild boar. Therefore, both A. suum and T. suis, or A. lumbricoides and T. trichuris, may be present, considering a swine carcass recovered into a cesspit. Careful sediment analysis may reveal its origin, although parasites of domestic animals can be found together with those of human's. Taenia sp. eggs identified in latrine samples indicate ingestion of uncooked beef with cysticercoid larvae. F. hepatica eggs suggest the ingestion of raw contaminated vegetables and Diphyllobothrium sp. eggs indicate contaminated fresh-water fish consumption. Ascaris sp. and Trichuris sp. eggs indicate fecal-oral infection by human and/or animal excrements.
Argentina's central region includes an important area covered by shallow pampean lakes and dams. In these environments, fishing of pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis Valenciennes, 1835 (Pisces, Atherinopsidae), the most important fresh-water fish of the country, is a relevant social activity and also a considerable economic resource. The main diseases found in this species were studied from 1992 to 2003 in the provinces of Córdoba, La Rioja and Santa Fe (30º and 35º S, 61º and 67º W). Most cases were registered in high temperature months. Lernaea sp and Aeromonas hydrophila were the etiological agents most frequently found. The trophic characteristics of the aquatic environments enhanced disease processes and caused massive death of O. bonariensis, due to complex hydrochemical interactions.
This work is part of an ongoing investigation into the characteristics of Myxozoan parasites of freshwater fish in Brazil and was carried out using morphology, histopathology and molecular analysis. A new Myxosporea species (Myxobolus cordeiroi) is described infecting the jau catfish (Zungaro jahu). Fifty jau specimens were examined and 78% exhibited plasmodia of the parasite. The plasmodia were white and round, measuring 0.3-2.0 mm in diameter and the development occurred in the gill arch, skin, serosa of the body cavity, urinary bladder and eye. The spores had an oval body and the spore wall was smooth. Partial sequencing of the 18S rDNA gene resulted in a total of 505 bp and the alignment of the sequences obtained from samples in different organs revealed 100% identity. In the phylogenetic analysis, the Myxobolus species clustered into two clades-one primarily parasites of freshwater fish and the other primarily parasites of marine fish. M. cordeiroi n. sp. was clustered in a basal position in the freshwater fish species clade. The histological analysis revealed the parasite in the connective tissue of the different infected sites, thereby exhibiting affinity to this tissue. The plasmodium was surrounded by an outer collagen capsule of fibers with distinct orientation from the adjacent connective tissue and an inner layer composed of delicate collagen fibrils-more precisely reticular fibers. The development of the parasite in the cornea and urinary bladder caused considerable stretching of the epithelium. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fatty acids have been used in marine biogeochemistry as food chain biomarkers, but in freshwater these studies are rare. In order to evaluate the fatty acid potential as biomarkers in freshwater, their profile was analyzed during vitellogenesis in two fish species, in both waterfall and reservoir environments of the Paraiba do Sul River Basin. Detrivorous Hypostomus affinis and omnivorous Geophagus brasiliensis seem to elongate and desaturate polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and transfer them to the ovaries` phospholipids. Waterfall Geophagus brasiliensis have more highly unsaturated fatty acids in the liver, but in the reservoir, accumulation mainly occurs in muscle and ovary triglycerides, suggesting trophic opportunism and a plasticity during vitellogenesis. In Hypostomus affinis, PUFA alteration occurs only in the reservoir, suggesting a high phytoplankton occurrence. Eutrophication and water speed is reflected in Hypostomus affinis ovaries by higher PUFAn3 and bacterial fatty acids. As in marine environments, analysis of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids during vitellogenesis can be used as a tool in food chain studies in freshwater.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBB
The current study investigated oxidative stress parameters (enzymes activities, metallothionein content and lipid peroxidation) in freshwater fish, Oreochromis niloticus, tilapia exposure to Monjolinho River (in 4 months of year: January, April, July and November). One critical site in Monjolinho River (site B) was assessed in comparison to a reference site (site A). Water pH and oxygen concentration was lower than that recommended by CONAMA (Brazilian National Environmental Committee), resolution 357/2005 for protection of aquatic communities, and ammonium and the metals Cu, Zn, Mn and Fe (on all months) concentrations were higher than the maximum concentration recommended. Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities were significantly decreased in liver and muscle in tila. pia from Monjolinho River, throughout the year, in relation to reference except in gills that SOD activity increased. Glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity was significantly increased in liver of the tilapia from Monjolinho River in all sites, in relation to reference except in gills that GST activity increased in July and decreased in November, suggesting that GST activity could be induced to neutralize the pollutants toxicity. On the other hand, GST activity was significantly decreased in white muscle indicating a toxic effect of pollutants, resulting in a decreased ability of tilapia to perform defense reactions associated to GSTs. The decrease of catalase (CAT) activity in gills of the O. niloticus together with the increase of SOD activity, could explain the increased lipid peroxidation (LPO) level in this organ. Metallothionein levels in liver and gills were significantly high in all sites. Results indicate that the exposure to metals caused severe damage to tissues; despite the consensually assumed antioxidant induction as a sign of exposure to contaminants the effects seem in part to be mediated by suppression of antioxidant system with SOD, CAT and GPx as potential candidates for tissues toxicity biomarkers of pollutants. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this study, we investigated the physiological alterations during ontogeny for cachara (Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum) and their hybrid larvae (Pseudoplatystoma corruscans x P. reticulatum) using lipids and fatty acids as physiological tools to elucidate the basis for differences in these groups' productivity in an industrial setting. Eggs and larvae samples were collected during January and February of 2008 in the city of Bandeirantes, MS, and were divided into three primary phases: phase I (0-16 h after fertilization); phase II (24 h after fertilization to 6 days after fertilization); and phase III (7-25 days after fertilization). The larvae of both groups showed a high degree of similarity, suggesting that the hybrid larvae showed a high level of heritability from the cachara broodstock. Analysis of the total lipid content provided evidence that there is no alteration in lipid concentration during ontogeny for both groups (i.e., the cachara and hybrids). However, the fatty acid profile showed that during the endogenous feeding period (phase II), when the larvae must use the energy reserves from the mother, the cachara larvae used mainly monounsaturated fatty acids for development. This is typical for most fish species, though notably, the hybrids preferentially used saturated fatty acids. Furthermore, certain specific changes demonstrate unique patterns of energy utilization and structural substrates, which may aid in elucidating the empirical differences reported by fish farmers (i.e., that the hybrids perform better than cacharas in captivity).
Watanabe et al. (1991 a,b) state that, vitamin E and carotenoids perform an essential role on the quality of egg spawning. Vitamin E is one of the main nutrients for the reproduction of fish (Izquierdo et al., 2001), and it has been proved that its inclusion in diets for broodstocks favors the quality of egg spawning in several species of fish (Watanabe and Takashima,1977; Takeuchi et al., 1981; Watanabe et al., 1985, 1991 a,b; Sutjaritvongsanon, 1987; Watanabe, 1990; Schimittou, 1993; Mushiake et al., 1993; Dube, 1996; Shiranee and Natarajan, 1996; Izquierdo et al., 2001; Morehead et al., 2001; Fernández- Palacios et al., 2005). On the other hand, the carotenoids which also perform an antioxidizing function (including the protection of lipids from oxidation), have been involved in the reproductive processes of marine organisms: crustaceans (Liñan-Cabello et al., 2002), marine fish (Watanabe y Kiron, 1995; Verakunpiriya et al., 1997 a,b; Vassallo-Agius et al., 2001 a,b,c, 2002; Watanabe and Vassallo-Agius 2003) and fresh water fish (Ahmadi et al., 2006). The results of this study suggest that the recommended levels of n-3 HUFA in diets for gilthead sea bream broodstocks could be increased up to 3,5 % when supplemented jointly with carotenoids from paprika oleoresin and vitamin E, thus favoring the quality of spawning.
A portion of the funding provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was via Section 6 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-205).
The cichlids of East Africa are renowned as one of the most spectacular examples of adaptive radiation. They provide a unique opportunity to investigate the relationships between ecology, morphological diversity, and phylogeny in producing such remarkable diversity. Nevertheless, the parameters of the adaptive radiations of these fish have not been satisfactorily quantified yet. Lake Tanganyika possesses all of the major lineages of East African cichlid fish, so by using geometric morphometrics and comparative analyses of ecology and morphology, in an explicitly phylogenetic context, we quantify the role of ecology in driving adaptive speciation. We used geometric morphometric methods to describe the body shape of over 1000 specimens of East African cichlid fish, with a focus on the Lake Tanganyika species assemblage, which is composed of more than 200 endemic species. The main differences in shape concern the length of the whole body and the relative sizes of the head and caudal peduncle. We investigated the influence of phylogeny on similarity of shape using both distance-based and variance partitioning methods, finding that phylogenetic inertia exerts little influence on overall body shape. Therefore, we quantified the relative effect of major ecological traits on shape using phylogenetic generalized least squares and disparity analyses. These analyses conclude that body shape is most strongly predicted by feeding preferences (i.e., trophic niches) and the water depths at which species occur. Furthermore, the morphological disparity within tribes indicates that even though the morphological diversification associated with explosive speciation has happened in only a few tribes of the Tanganyikan assemblage, the potential to evolve diverse morphologies exists in all tribes. Quantitative data support the existence of extensive parallelism in several independent adaptive radiations in Lake Tanganyika. Notably, Tanganyikan mouthbrooders belonging to the C-lineage and the substrate spawning Lamprologini have evolved a multitude of different shapes from elongated and Lamprologus-like hypothetical ancestors. Together, these data demonstrate strong support for the adaptive character of East African cichlid radiations.
In India much work has been done on different aspects of quality of processed fish and fishery products (Pillai et al., 1965; Iyer and Chaudhuri, 1966; Iyer et al., 1966; Sreenivasan and Joseph, 1966; Pillai and Rao, 1969; Mathen et al., 1975; Valsan et al., 1985) and standards have been formulated for almost all the fishery products. Quality standards for fresh fish cover only a few fish species available in the markets. For the formulation and recommendation of quality standards for fish and fishery products for domestic trade detailed background informations are necessary. Khot et al., (1982), Valsan et al. J (1985) and Iyer et al. (1986) have reported on the bacterial flora of sea foods at retail level in Bombay. Cochin is a major fish landing centre of the south west coast of India, and an average of 25,000. tonnes of fish/shell fish are landed annually at this harbour which is about 10 percent of the total catch of fish in Kerala (Lakshmanan -et -al., 1984). All the varieties of marine, brackish water and fresh water fishes are available in Cochln throughout the year for catering to Its cosmopolitan. population and informations regarding their bacteriological quality are scanty. Hence the present study was undertaken to investigate the bacteriological quality of fish and fishery products available in the markets and cold storages situated in and around Cochin meant for internal consumption.
Curing is the oldest and cheapest method of preservation of fish allover the world. Fish curing industry has not shown much improverrent from its primitive nature because this industry is mainly handled by illiterate and less educated fishermen/fisherwomen. They do not know much about,the importance of scientific methods of fish curing. The cured fish produced by them is unhygienic and poor in quality. Because of the negligenence and ignorance of the fish curers, a considerable quanti ty of this protein rich food is spoiled and lost every year. Research has been conducted extensively in the Cen tral and State sectors and various remedial measures have been suggested :to improve the fish curing industry in India. Inspi te of the preJudioa against cured fish because of their existing low quality, research work in recent years have indicated that their quality can be greaUy improved and shelf-life prolonged if the me thods are standardised. To achieve this aim, Cen tral and s tate Departments have already made considerable efforts to transfer the improved methods ~ the fish curing industry by way of traininq courses, demonstrations, Lab, to Land Prograrrmesi film shows, exhibitions, personal discussion etc. As the result of this, fish curers have started adopting the improved practices in fish curing. Still there seems to be a considerable qap between the techmology available and the technology adopted in this field. A comprehensive study on the extent of adoption of improved practices in fish curing and the factors involved in low or non-adoption of certain aspects is lackin~ at present. This gap has to be filled up. The possihle methods for the effective transfer of technology for the production and distribution of high quali ty cured fish products and improvement of soclo-economic condition of fishermen engaqed in fish curing have to be identified.