979 resultados para frequency shift keying (FSK) signals
We describe an experimental distributed temperature sensor that uses the temperature dependence of the Brillouin frequency shift. When a 22.2-km sensing length is used, we have observed a temperature resolution of 1°C and have obtained a spatial resolution of 10 m.
Firstly, we numerically model a practical 20 Gb/s undersea configuration employing the Return-to-Zero Differential Phase Shift Keying data format. The modelling is completed using the Split-Step Fourier Method to solve the Generalised Nonlinear Schrdinger Equation. We optimise the dispersion map and per-channel launch power of these channels and investigate how the choice of pre/post compensation can influence the performance. After obtaining these optimal configurations, we investigate the Bit Error Rate estimation of these systems and we see that estimation based on Gaussian electrical current systems is appropriate for systems of this type, indicating quasi-linear behaviour. The introduction of narrower pulses due to the deployment of quasi-linear transmission decreases the tolerance to chromatic dispersion and intra-channel nonlinearity. We used tools from Mathematical Statistics to study the behaviour of these channels in order to develop new methods to estimate Bit Error Rate. In the final section, we consider the estimation of Eye Closure Penalty, a popular measure of signal distortion. Using a numerical example and assuming the symmetry of eye closure, we see that we can simply estimate Eye Closure Penalty using Gaussian statistics. We also see that the statistics of the logical ones dominates the statistics of the logical ones dominates the statistics of signal distortion in the case of Return-to-Zero On-Off Keying configurations.
Polarization-switched quadrature phase-shift keying has been demonstrated experimentally at 40.5Gb/s with a coherent receiver and digital signal processing. Compared to polarization-multiplexed QPSK at the same bit rate, its back-to-back sensitivity at 10-3 bit-error-ratio shows 0.9dB improvement, and it tolerates about 1.6dB higher launch power for 10 × 100km, 50GHz-spaced WDM transmission allowing 1dB penalty in required optical-signal-to-noise ratio relative to back-to-back.
An experimental method for characterizing the time-resolved phase noise of a fast switching tunable laser is discussed. The method experimentally determines a complementary cumulative distribution function of the laser's differential phase as a function of time after a switching event. A time resolved bit error rate of differential quadrature phase shift keying formatted data, calculated using the phase noise measurements, was fitted to an experimental time-resolved bit error rate measurement using a field programmable gate array, finding a good agreement between the time-resolved bit error rates.
This paper studies the performance of a typical non-slope matched transoceanic submarine link using 20Gb/s channel rate and RZ-DPSK modulation with different duty cycles. Through comparison with direct error counting, we have also demonstrated the limitations of the available numerical approaches to the BER estimation for return-to-zero differential phase-shift keying (RZ-DPSK). The numerical results have been confirmed by experiments, and indicate that 20 Gb/s RZ-DPSK transmission is a feasible technique for the upgrade of existing submarine links.
Applying direct error counting, we compare the accuracy and evaluate the validity of different available numerical approaches to the estimation of the bit-error rate (BER) in 40-Gb/s return-to-zero differential phase-shift-keying transmission. As a particular example, we consider a system with in-line semiconductor optical amplifiers. We demonstrate that none of the existing models has an absolute superiority over the others. We also reveal the impact of the duty cycle on the accuracy of the BER estimates through the differently introduced Q-factors.
We present a concept for all-optical differential phase-shift keying (DPSK) signal regeneration, based on a new design of Raman amplified nonlinear loop mirror (RA-NOLM). We demonstrate simultaneous amplitude-shape regeneration and phase noise reduction in high-speed DPSK systems by use of the RA-NOLM combined with spectral filtering.
We analyze a soliton-like phase-shift keying 40-Gb/s transmission system using cascaded in-line semiconductor optical amplifiers. Numerical optimization of the proposed soliton-like regime is presented.
We numerically demonstrate the feasibility of return-to-zero differential phase-shift keying transmission at 8.0 Gbit/s channel rate using cascaded in-line semiconductor optical amplifiers.
We numerically demonstrate the feasibility of return-to-zero differential phase-shift keying transmission at 80 Gbit/s channel rate using cascaded in-line semiconductor optical amplifiers.
We numerically demonstrate the feasibility of return-to-zero differential phase-shift keying transmission at 80 Gbit/s channel rate using cascaded in-line semiconductor optical amplifiers.
In this letter, we report the performance of a fiber optical parametric amplifier (OPA) when used as a source or intermediate node amplifier in a dense wavelength-division-multiplexed (DWDM) long-haul transmission testbed with 26 DWDM channels modulated at 43.7-Gb/s return-to-zero differential phase-shift keying. In both scenarios, we demonstrate similar performance to an erbium-doped fiber amplifier. This shows the OPAs compatibility with high-capacity (>1 Tb/s) long-haul communication systems.
We have reduced signal-signal four-wave mixing crosstalk in a fiber optical parametric amplifier (OPA) by using a short nonlinear fiber for the gain medium and a high-power pump. This allowed us to obtain less than 1 dB penalty for amplification of 26 dense wavelength-division multiplexed (WDM) channels modulated at 43.7Gb/s return to zero-differential phase-shift keying, with the OPA placed between transmitter and receiver. We then used the same OPA in several different roles for a long-haul transmission system. We did not insert the OPA within the loop, but investigated this role indirectly by using equivalent results for small numbers of loop recirculations. We found that standard erbium-doped fiber amplifiers currently hold an advantage over this OPA, which becomes negligible for long distances. This paper shows that at this time OPAs can handle amplification of WDM traffic in excess of 1 Tb/s with little degradation. It also indicates that with further improvements, fiber OPAs could be a contender for wideband amplification in future optical communication networks.
We present a novel differential phase shift keying receiver design under strong optical filtering. The receiver design is based on the different offset filtering performances of the output ports of the NRZ-DPSK Mach Zehnder Interferometer. The asymmetrical filtered receiver design can significantly increase performance by 2 dB in calculated Q for an OSNR of 15 dB.
We present a novel differential phase shift keying receiver design under strong optical filtering. The receiver design is based on asymmetrical filtering at the destructive port of the Mach Zehnder Interferometer. The asymmetrical filtered receiver design can significantly increase performance by 2 to 4.7dB in calculated "Q".