1000 resultados para follicular development
Members of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) superfamily have wide-ranging influences on many tissue and organ systems including the ovary. Two recently discovered TGF-beta superfamily members, growth/differentiation factor-9 (GDF-9) and bone morphogenetic protein-15 (BMP-15; also designated as GDF-9B) are expressed in an oocyte-specific manner from a very early stage and play a key role in promoting follicle growth beyond the primary stage. Follicle growth to the small antral stage does not require gonadotrophins but appears to be driven by local autocrine/paracrine signals from both somatic cell types (granulosa and theca) and from the oocyte. TGF-beta superfamily members expressed by follicular cells and implicated in this phase of follicle development include TGF-beta, activin, GDF-9/9B and several BMPs. Acquisition of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) responsiveness is a pre-requisite for growth beyond the small antral stage and evidence indicates an autocrine role for granulosa-derived activin in promoting granulosa cell proliferation, FSH receptor expression and aromatase activity. Indeed, some of the effects of FSH on granulosa cells may be mediated by endogenous activin. At the same time, activin may act on theca cells to attenuate luteinizing hormone (LH)-dependent androgen production in small to medium-size antral follicles. Dominant follicle selection appears to depend on differential FSH sensitivity amongst a growing cohort of small antral follicles. Activin may contribute to this selection process by sensitizing those follicles with the highest "activin tone" to FSH. Production of inhibin, like oestradiol, increases in selected dominant follicles, in an FSH- and insulin-like growth factor-dependent manner and may exert a paracrine action on theca cells to upregulate LH-induced secretion of androgen, an essential requirement for further oestradiol secretion by the pre-ovulatory follicle. Like activin, BMP-4 and -7 (mostly from theca), and BMP-6 (mostly from oocyte), can enhance oestradiol and inhibin secretion by bovine granulosa cells while suppressing progesterone secretion; this suggests a functional role in delaying follicle luteinization and/or atresia. Follistatin, on the other hand, may favor luteinization and/or atresia by bio-neutralizing intrafollicular activin and BMPs. Activin receptors are expressed by the oocyte and activin may have a further intrafollicular role in the terminal stages of follicle differentiation to promote oocyte maturation and developmental competence. In a reciprocal manner, oocyte-derived GDF-9/9B may act on the surrounding cumulus granulosa cells to attenuate oestradiol output and promote progesterone and hyaluronic acid production, mucification and cumulus expansion.(C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
To study the potential involvement of inhibin A (inhA), inhibin B (inhB), activin A (actA) and follistatin (FS) in the recruitment of follicles into the preovulatory hierarchy, growing follicles (ranging from 1 mm to the largest designated F1) and the three most recent postovulatory follicles (POFs) were recovered from laying hens (n=11). With the exception of <4 mm follicles and POFs, follicle walls were dissected into separate granulosa (G) and theca (T) layers before extraction. Contents of inhA, inhB, actA and FS in tissue extracts were assayed using specific two-site ELISAs and results are expressed per mg DNA. InhB content of both G and T followed a similar developmental pattern, although the content was >4-fold higher in G than in T at all stages. InhB content was very low in follicles <4 nun but increased - 50-fold (P<0.0001) to peak in 7-9 mm follicles, before falling steadily as follicles entered and moved up the follicular hierarchy (40-fold; 8 mm vs F2). In stark contrast, inhA remained very low in prehierarchical follicles (&LE; 9 mm) but then increased progressively as follicles moved up the preovulatory hierarchy to peak in F1 (&SIM; 100-fold increase; P<0.0001); In F1 >97% of inhA was confined to the G layer whereas in 5-9 mm follicles inhA was only. detected in the T layer. Both inhA and inhB contents of POFs were significantly reduced compared with F1. Follicular actA was mainly confined to the T layer although detectable levels were present in G from 9 nun; actA was low between 1 and 9 mm but increased sharply as follicles entered the preovulatory hierarchy (&SIM;6-fold higher in F4; P<0.0001); levels then fell &SIM;2-fold as the follicle progressed to F1. Like actA, FS predominated in the T although significant amounts were also present in the G of prehierarchical follicles (4-9 mm), in contrast to actA, which was absent from the G. The FS content of T rose &SIM;3-fold from 6 mm to a plateau which was sustained until F1. In contrast, the FS content of G was greatest in prehierarchical follicles and fell &SIM;4-fold in F4-F1 follicles. ActA and FS contents of POFs were reduced compared with F1. In vitro studies on follicle wall explants confirmed the striking divergence in the secretion of inhA and inhB during follicle development. These findings of marked stage-dependent differences in the expression of inhA, inhB, actA and FS proteins imply a significant functional role for these peptides in the recruitment and ordered progression of follicles within the avian ovary.
Evidence supports local roles for TGFβ superfamily members including activins and bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) in follicle development. Access of these ligands to signaling receptors is likely modulated by extracellular binding proteins (BP). In this study we compared expression of four BPs (chordin, gremlin, noggin, follistatin) in granulosal (GC) and theca interna (TC) compartments of developing bovine antral follicles (1-18mm). Effects of FSH and IGF on BMP and BP expression by cultured GC, and effects of LH and BMPs on BP expression by cultured TC were also examined. Follicular expression of all four BP transcripts was higher in GC than TC compartments (P<0.001) a finding confirmed by immunohistochemistry. Follicle category affected (P<0.01) gremlin and follistatin mRNA abundance, with a significant cell-type x follicle category interaction for chordin, follistatin and noggin. Noggin transcript abundance was lower (P<0.05) in GC of large 'E-active' than 'E-inactive' follicles while follistatin mRNA level was higher (P<0.01). FSH enhanced CYP19, FSHR, INHBA and follistatin by GC without affecting BMP or BMP-BP expression. IGF increased CYP19 and follistatin, reduced BMP4, noggin and gremlin but did not affect chordin or FSHR mRNA levels. LH increased TC androgen secretion but had no effect on BMP or BP expression. BMPs uniformly suppressed TC androgen production whilst increasing chordin, noggin, and gremlin mRNA levels up to 20-fold (P<0.01). These findings support the hypothesis that extracellular BP, mostly from GC, contribute to the regulation of intrafollicular BMP/activin signaling. Enhancement of thecal BP expression by BMP implies an autoregulatory feedback role to prevent excessive signaling.
Insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3), a major product of testicular Leydig cells, is also expressed by the ovary but its functional role remains poorly understood. Here, we quantified expression of INSL3 and its receptor RXFP2 in theca interna (TIC) and granulosa (GC) compartments of developing bovine antral follicles and in corpora lutea (CL). INSL3 and RXFP2 mRNA levels were much higher in TIC than GC and increased progressively during follicle maturation with INSL3 peaking in large (11-18mm) estrogen-active follicles and RXFP2 peaking in 9-10mm follicles before declining in larger (11-18mm) follicles. Expression of both INSL3 and RXFP2 in CL was much lower than in TIC. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry confirmed abundant expression of INSL3 mRNA and protein in TIC. These observations indicate follicular TIC rather than CL as the primary site of both INSL3 production and action, implying a predominantly auto-/paracrine role in TIC. To corroborate the above findings, we showed that in vitro exposure of TIC to a luteinizing concentration of LH greatly attenuated expression of both INSL3 and its receptor while increasing progesterone secretion and expression of STAR and CYP11A1. Moreover, in vivo, a significant cyclic variation in plasma INSL3 was observed during synchronized estrous cycles. INSL3 and estradiol-17β followed a similar pattern, both increasing after luteolysis, before falling sharply after the LH surge. Thus, theca-derived INSL3, likely from the dominant pre-ovulatory follicle, is detectable in peripheral blood of cattle and expression is down-regulated during luteinisation induced by the pre-ovulatory LH surge. Collectively, these findings underscore the likely role of INSL3 as an important intrafollicular modulator of TIC function/steroidogenesis, whilst raising doubts about its potential contribution to CL function.
Five isoforms of follistatin (FST) (Mr 31, 33, 35, 37, 41kDa) were purified from bovine follicular fluid (bFF). Comparison of their activin- and heparan sulphate proteoglycan (HSP)-binding properties and bio-potencies in neutralization of activin-A action in vitro revealed that all five isoforms bound activin-A, but with different affinities. Only the 31kDa isoform (FST-288) bound to HSP. FST-288 also showed the greatest biopotency with 35 and 41kDa isoforms being least potent. To determine whether bovine follicle development is associated with changing intrafollicular FST and activin profiles, we analyzed bFF from dominant (DF) and subordinate (SF) follicles collected at strategic times during a synchronized estrous cycle. Total FST, activin-A and activin-AB were measured by immunoassay while individual FST isoforms were quantified by immunoblotting. Follicle diameter was positively correlated with estrogen:progesterone ratio (r=0.56) in bFF but negatively correlated with activin-A (r=-0.34), activin-AB (r=-0.80) and ‘total’ FST (r=-0.70) levels. Follicle diameter was positively correlated with abundance of the 41 kDa isoform (r=0.59) but negatively correlated with abundance of 33 and 31 kDa isoforms (r=-0.56, -0.41). Both follicle status (DF vs SF) and cycle stage affected total FST, activin-A, activin-B levels while follicle status, but not cycle stage, affected abundance of 41, 37, 33 and 31kDa FST isoforms. Collectively, these findings indicate that intrafollicular FST isoforms that differ in their ability to bind and neutralise activins and associate with cell-surface proteoglycans, show divergent changes during follicle development. Enhanced FST production may have an important negative role, either directly or via inhibition of the positive effects of activins, on follicle growth and function during follicular waves.
The morphological characteristics of Synbranchus marmoratus female germ cells in various development stages were described in details; then measurements of ovarian follicle diameters were taken from primary and secondary growth as during these development stages the oocyte size varied considerably along the fish growth. The results were correlated to total fish length, using the individuals division in six size classes. It was possible to group oocytes by stages according to histological characteristics but not according to morphometric diameter, as there was a wide variation in diameter in each stage and overlap between different maturation stages. These data make available new information on the reproductive biology of Synbranchidae. (c) 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Tendo por base os novos conhecimentos oriundos de recentes estudos com Perciformes marinho, a origem e o desenvolvimento dos oócitos no Ostariophysi Gymnotus sylvius são aqui descritos. da mesma maneira que ocorre nos Perciformes, em Gymnotus sylvius as oogônias são encontradas no epitélio germinativo que margeia as lamelas ovígeras. No início da foliculogênese, a proliferação das oogônias e sua entrada em meiose dão origem a ninhos de células germinativas que se projetam em direção ao estroma ovariano, a partir do epitélio germinativo. Os ninhos e o epitélio germinativo são suportados pela mesma membrana basal que os separa do estroma. Coincidindo com a paralisação da meiose os oócitos, presentes nos ninhos, são separados uns dos outros por processos citoplasmáticos das células pré-foliculares. As células pré-foliculares derivam do epitélio germinativo sendo, portanto, inicialmente células epiteliais. Durante a foliculogênese, ao mesmo tempo em que envolvem os oócitos individualizando-os, as células pré-foliculares sintetizam a membrana basal ao seu redor. Os oócitos entram em crescimento primário ainda dentro dos ninhos. Ao término da foliculogênese, o oócito e as células foliculares que compõem o folículo são circundados pela membrana basal. O folículo permanece conectado ao epitélio germinativo uma vez que ambos compartilham uma porção comum da membrana basal. Células oriundas do estroma circundam o folículo ovariano exceto na região de compartilhamento da membrana basal formando a teca. O folículo, a membrana basal e a teca formam o complexo folicular. O desenvolvimento do oócito ocorre dentro do complexo folicular e compreende os estágios de crescimento primário e secundário, maturação e ovulação. Os alvéolos corticais surgem no ooplasma momentos antes do início do crescimento secundário ou estágio vitelogênico que tem início com a deposição de vitelo, progride até o oócito esteja completamente desenvolvido e o ooplasma preenchido pelos glóbulos de vitelo. A maturação é caracterizada pela migração do núcleo ou vesícula germinativa, pela quebra da vesícula germinativa, ou seja, pela fragmentação do envoltório nuclear e, retomada da meiose. Na ovulação o ovo é liberado do complexo folicular para o lúmen ovariano. em comparação com os Perciformes marinhos com ovos pelágicos, o desenvolvimento oocitário em Gymnotus sylvius tem menos etapas dentro dos estágios de desenvolvimento, sendo as duas mais notáveis delas as ausências da formação das gotas de lipídio durante os crescimentos primário e secundário (e a consequente fusão das gotas para formar um único glóbulo de lipídio durante a maturação) e, a hidrólise do vitelo antecedendo a ovulação.
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