959 resultados para first person pronouns


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Cette étude a été rendue possible grâce aux bourses doctorales accordées à la première auteure par les organismes suivants : le Conseil de recherche en sciences humaines (CRSH), la Chaire interuniversitaire Marie-Vincent sur les agressions sexuelles envers les enfants (CIMV), l’Équipe violence sexuelle et santé (ÉVISSA) et le Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les problèmes conjugaux et les agressions sexuelles (CRIPCAS). Cette étude a également été soutenue par une subvention de recherche accordée par le Bureau d’aide aux victimes d’actes criminelle (BAVAC) du ministère de la justice du Québec accordée à Mireille Cyr.


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Ce mémoire porte sur le rapport entre la maison et la littérature dans l’œuvre de Carolina Maria de Jesus, notamment dans son livre Quarto de despejo. Étant une écrivaine pauvre issue d’une favela de São Paulo, son œuvre déborde de réflexions, témoignages et vécus qui nous révèlent la relation intrinsèque entre écrire et bâtir, la littérature et la maison et entre l’habitation et l’écriture. Il s’agit dans ce mémoire d’accompagner de près les pas de Carolina bâtissant cette œuvre tout à fait inattendue, vu ses conditions matérielles et intellectuelles (elle vivait misérablement dans un barracão, et n’avait que deux ans d’instruction); il est question ici, également, de suivre la construction de ses demeures, d’abord le barracão où elle habitait qui a été édifié avec ses propres mains, ensuite la maison en brique qu’elle a pu acheter grâce au succès de son livre et, principalement, la vraie maison à soi qui s’avère être son écriture, ses mots, le mouvement double et inséparable de bâtir et écrire qui a dicté sa vie et son œuvre. Pour trouver le vocabulaire juste pour cette approche difficile, les mots du poète Edmond Jabès nous accompagneront tout au long de notre parcours, ainsi que la pensée perçante du philosophe Gaston Bachelard.


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Revisión del problema de la filosofía de la Inteligencia Artificial a la vista del Equilibrio refractivo. La revisión del problema se lleva a cabo para mostrar como "¿pueden pensar las máquinas?" sólo se ha evaluado en los terminos humanos. El equilibrio refractivo se plantea como una herramienta para definir conceptos de tal modo que la experiencia y los preceptos se encuentren en equilibrio, para con él construir una definición de pensar que no esté limitada exclusivamente a "pensar tal y como lo hacen los humanos".


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En la depresión unipolar el estado de ánimo predominante es la tristeza y la experiencia corporal es de un cuerpo que se siente más cómodo con la quietud que con la actividad, parecido a la pereza de la vida cotidiana. En la depresión bipolar el estado de ánimo predominante es de apagamiento emocional. La experiencia corporal es de un cuerpo pesado, cansado, un elemento que se interpone entre los deseos de actuar y la realización de las acciones y que se vuelve un obstáculo para el movimiento. Además, en la depresión bipolar hay mayor bradipsíquia, dificultad para concentrarse y desesperanza que en la unipolar. Se realizó una investigación de tipo cualitativo, exploratorio, de las experiencias subjetivas (de primera persona) de un grupo de pacientes con depresión unipolar y bipolar. Se utilizó entrevistas en profundidad de orientación fenomenológica.


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This paper makes a reflection about a panorama of higher education quality, and referring to that it reviews and discusses what should be ongoing, what was made in history and what is today in curse, that is the basic strategies used by the government to improve higher education. An emphasis is made on higher education quality tests (ECAES, in Spanish) for health careers, in order to solve some doubts in students and teachers about those tests. My excuses to the reader for often using first person and some references of personal interviews or unprinted conferences.


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En este artículo se busca elaborar filosóficamente el concepto nosotros. Metodológicamente, se utiliza al constructivismo filosófico de Deleuze y Guattari. Se parte de una taxonomía comprensiva de la pragmática del pronombre de primera persona plural ‘nosotros’, y luego señalando juegos de oposiciones que brindan consistencia interna y externa al concepto. Se muestra que el pronombre implica múltiples usos que permiten tratarlo como una herramienta discursiva que afecta el campo de lo social.


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Philosophers and economists write about collective action from distinct but related points of view. This paper aims to bridge these perspectives. Economists have been concerned with rationality in a strategic context. There, problems posed by “coordination games” seem to point to a form of rational action, “team thinking,” which is not individualistic. Philosophers’ analyses of collective intention, however, sometimes reduce collective action to a set of individually instrumental actions. They do not, therefore, capture the first person plural perspective characteristic of team thinking. Other analyses, problematically, depict intentions ranging over others’ actions. I offer an analysis of collective intention which avoids these problems. A collective intention aims only at causing an individual action, but its propositional content stipulates its mirroring in other minds.


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Theophilus (Gottlieb) Siegfried Bayer (1694-1738) is usually credited as the first person in modern times to address the history of the Greeks in Bactria in a serious way. Bayer’s Historia Regni Graecorum Bactriani, brings together numismatic and historical research. He describes two Graeco-Bactrian coins which he was able to examine first hand, and collects and comments upon the Classical historical sources on the Greek kingdoms of Bactria and India. It was published in St. Petersburg in 1738, where Bayer, a German, held an academic position. In this short article, I am interested in two questions surrounding the Historia Regni Graecorum Bactriani. First (and relatively briefly), how Bayer conducted his research without first hand access to source material and without himself travelling in Bactria – or indeed further east than St. Petersburg. Secondly, the way in which Bayer’s scholarship was received by some of his contemporaries and by later writers, outside the field of Bactrian studies.


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In 1919 Anton Nyström became the first person in Sweden to publish a comprehensive defense of homosexuality. He believed that its classification as a mental illness was erroneous and that Sweden's law against homosexual sex was both irrational and cruel. Nyström was a physician whose work in the medical area dealt primarily with dermatology, psychiatry and human sexuality; however he was also a prolific historian, who took a staunchly anti-Christian view in his analysis of how Christianity affected European culture, especially in the area of sexual morality. In fact, much of Nyström's medical texts dealing with human sexuality consisted of anti-Christian cultural and historical commentary. The object of this "C-uppsats" is to analyze Nyström's pamphlet, Om Homosexualitet och Hermafroditi: Belysning af Missförstådda Existenser and illustrate how its defensive structure was consistent with the pattern used by the author in his other books and articles on human sexuality. Specifically, that irrational and neurotic Christian beliefs caused both mental and physical suffering and were the source of deleterious forms of morality. Additionally, this paper will also show that the solution Nyström had for the problem of negative and erroneous attitudes towards homosexuality was to replace the sodomitic view of homosexuality with one based upon a more rational and naturalistic belief system, the basis of which could be found in the pre-Christian cultures of Europe, most especially in Greece. This new conception was to be constructed primarily out of historical example and cultural analyses. For Nyström, history writing was used both as a weapon to fight the source of negative attitudes towards homosexuality, as well as a tool that could be used to build a positive cultural model which would be beneficial for homosexuals.


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The purpose of the study is, based on a narratological perspective, to analyze and interpret the novel written by Astrid Lindgren: Mio, min Mio. It is based on the legacy of the folktale tradition, which is also the basis for carnival concept according to Bachtin. The study is based on a narrative model of Gérard Genette. Mio, min Mio is told as a first person narrator and can be interpreted as Bo tells it to himself. It is a frame story in which the outer story is the reality, while the inner story is the structure of the folktale where Mio embarks on a predetermined mission to fight against evil. Carnival concept involves a timed up-and-down-turn that is sanctioned and controlled, this fits well with this story seen from this interpretation. In the fantasy world everything has an idealized counterpart and Bo is, via Mio, in this world for a limited time. Children in our society are powerless, but are allowed to be mighty in children's literature. The story gets a subversive effect as it shows that adult standards are not absolute. Even if Bo turns back to his foster parents, he goes through this inner battle processing his thoughts and feelings. The love Bo will experience in imagination gives him the power to manage his real situation.


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Recent studies show that children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) have difficulties in generating an accurate visuospatial representation of an intended action, which are shown by deficits in motor imagery. This study sought to test this hypothesis further using a mental rotation paradigm. It was predicted that children with DCD would not conform to the typical pattern of responding when required to imagine movement of their limbs. Participants included 16 children with DCD and 18 control children; mean age for the DCD group was 10 years 4 months, and for controls 10 years. The task required children to judge the handedness of single-hand images that were presented at angles between 0° and 180° at 45° intervals in either direction. Results were broadly consistent with the hypothesis above. Responses of the control children conformed to the typical pattern of mental rotation: a moderate trade-off between response time and angle of rotation. The response pattern for the DCD group was less typical, with a small trade-off function. Response accuracy did not differ between groups. It was suggested that children with DCD, unlike controls, do not automatically enlist motor imagery when performing mental rotation, but rely on an alternative object-based strategy that preserves speed and accuracy. This occurs because these children manifest a reduced ability to make imagined transformations from an egocentric or first-person perspective.


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Harry Williams at Footscray, the first person of Aboriginal heritage to play soccer for Australia, c.1980.


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Role play is an increasingly popular technique in tertiary education, being student centred, constructivist and suitable for a range of subject areas. The choice of formats is wide open, with options ranging from the traditional face to face performance through to multi-user online computer games. Some teachers prefer to take advantage of features of both online and face to face formats and offer a blended form. This case study describes an innovative blended role play in which the online component plays a small but important part. The findings show that decisions on not only how to make the best use of technology but also how to design and facilitate a role play can have a profound effect on the creation of an engaging first-person story from which powerful learning can be drawn—in this case, learning outcomes including deep insights into strengths and weaknesses of participants' personal change management styles.


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'In the Dreaded Park', first published in the Bulletin in 1961 under Gwen Harwood's first pseudonym, Walter Lehmann, is an example of Harwood listing one of her subpersonalities. It is the best illustration of a site of conflict between scholars of Gwen Harwood's poetry and she is the first person to use the word 'dreaded' in her poem.


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This thesis is concerned to reveal, by means of textual analysis, ideologies connected to human subjectivity within eight contemporary novels for 'children' . The analyses draw upon the work of Macherey, Eagleton, Jameson and Bakhtin among others. The texts discussed cover more than two decades, from 1955 to 1977. The first, Philippa Pearce's Minnow on the Say, attempts to reconcile a traditional form of subjectivity with a less hierarchic and mare open type. Lyotard's account of customary and scientific knowledge, and Said's of affiliation ion , are the basis for discussion here. Susan Cooper's sequence The Dark is Rising grounds humanism in a mythic British past. Within these texts the problem of situating the subject within a wider social framework is linked to one of nationalism. Her novels are fantasies, and provide an opportunity for a discussion of a non-realist form and its ideological implications, Todorov's account of the fantastic as a genre is a reference—point in this analysis. Jane Garden’s Bilge water presents a discontinuous subject—in-process. Her story is told by a firstperson narrator, situated within a framed narrative. Through its themes and structures the text interrogates its central character's project of subjectivity as perfectible, centered and continuous, and finds it untenable. In Russell Hagan’s The House and his Child the possibility of self-determination within language as discourse is of central concern. The tin mice, who are hollow, echo in their persons the text's interest in the distinction between inside and outside, the difference which Lacanian theory posits as essential for an accession to subjectivity- Hoban's work gives an account of the postmodern subject, and calls into question the subjectivities assumed in Pearce's and Cooper's texts.