1000 resultados para fig trees


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Book Review


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An algorithm to generate a minimal spanning tree is presented when the nodes with their coordinates in some m-dimensional Euclidean space and the corresponding metric are given. This algorithm is tested on manually generated data sets. The worst case time complexity of this algorithm is O(n log2n) for a collection of n data samples.


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In this paper, we look at the problem of scheduling expression trees with reusable registers on delayed load architectures. Reusable registers come into the picture when the compiler has a data-flow analyzer which is able to estimate the extent of use of the registers. Earlier work considered the same problem without allowing for register variables. Subsequently, Venugopal considered non-reusable registers in the tree. We further extend these efforts to consider a much more general form of the tree. We describe an approximate algorithm for the problem. We formally prove that the code schedule produced by this algorithm will, in the worst case, generate one interlock and use just one more register than that used by the optimal schedule. Spilling is minimized. The approximate algorithm is simple and has linear complexity.


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In this paper we consider the problem of scheduling expression trees on delayed-load architectures. The problem tackled here takes root from the one considered in [Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN '91 Conf. on Programming Language Design and Implementation, 1991. p. 256] in which the leaves of the expression trees all refer to memory locations. A generalization of this involves the situation in which the trees may contain register variables, with the registers being used only at the leaves. Solutions to this generalization are given in [ACM Trans. Prog. Lang. Syst. 17 (1995) 740, Microproc. Microprog. 40 (1994) 577]. This paper considers the most general case in which the registers are reusable. This problem is tackled in [Comput. Lang, 21 (1995) 49] which gives an approximate solution to the problem under certain assumptions about the contiguity of the evaluation order: Here we propose an optimal solution (which may involve even a non-contiguous evaluation of the tree). The schedule generated by the algorithm given in this paper is optimal in the sense that it is an interlock-free schedule which uses the minimum number of registers required. An extension to the algorithm incorporates spilling. The problem as stated in this paper is an instruction scheduling problem. However, the problem could also be rephrased as an operations research problem with a difference in terminology. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: Resource partitioning is facilitated by adaptations along niche dimensions that range from morphology to behaviour. The exploitation of hidden resources may require specially adapted morphological or sensory tools for resource location and utilisation. Differences in tool diversity and complexity can determine not only how many species can utilize these hidden resources but also how they do so. Methodology and Principal Findings: The sclerotisation, gross morphology and ultrastructure of the ovipositors of a seven-member community of parasitic wasps comprising of gallers and parasitoids developing within the globular syconia (closed inflorescences) of Ficus racemosa (Moraceae) was investigated. These wasps also differ in their parasitism mode (external versus internal oviposition) and their timing of oviposition into the expanding syconium during its development. The number and diversity of sensilla, as well as ovipositor teeth, increased from internally ovipositing to externally ovipositing species and from gallers to parasitoids. The extent of sclerotisation of the ovipositor tip matched the force required to penetrate the syconium at the time of oviposition of each species. The internally ovipositing pollinator had only one type of sensillum and a single notch on the ovipositor tip. Externally ovipositing species had multiple sensilla types and teeth on their ovipositors. Chemosensilla were most concentrated at ovipositor tips while mechanoreceptors were more widely distributed, facilitating the precise location of hidden hosts in these wasps which lack larval host-seeking behaviour. Ovipositor traits of one parasitoid differed from those of its syntopic galler congeners and clustered with those of parasitoids within a different wasp subfamily. Thus ovipositor tools can show lability based on adaptive necessity, and are not constrained by phylogeny. Conclusions/Significance: Ovipositor structure mirrored the increasingly complex trophic ecology and requirements for host accessibility in this parasite community. Ovipositor structure could be a useful surrogate for predicting the biology of parasites in other communities.


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Ripe fruit need to signal their presence to attract dispersal agents. Plants may employ visual and/or olfactory sensory channels to signal the presence of ripe fruit. Visual signals of ripe fruit have been extensively investigated. However, the volatile signatures of ripe fruit that use olfactorily-oriented dispersers have been scarcely investigated. Moreover, as in flowers, where floral scents are produced at times when pollinators are active (diurnal versus nocturnal), whether plants can modulate the olfactory signal to produce fruit odours when dispersers are active in the diel cycle is completely unknown. We investigated day night differences in fruit odours in two species of figs, Ficus racemosa and Ficus benghalensis. The volatile bouquet of fruit of F.racemosa that are largely dispersed by bats and other mammals was dominated by fatty acid derivatives such as esters. In this species in which the ripe fig phase is very short, and where the figs drop off soon after ripening, there were no differences between day and night in fruit volatile signature. The volatile bouquet of fruit of F. benghalensis that has a long ripening period, however, and that remain attached to the tree for extended periods when ripe, showed an increase in fatty acid derivatives such as esters and of benzenoids such as benzaldehyde at night when they are dispersed by bats, and an elevation of sesquiterpenes during the day when they are dispersed by birds. For the first time we provide data that suggest that the volatile signal produced by fruit can show did l differences based on the activity period of the dispersal agent. (C) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Tropical tree species vary widely in their pattern of spatial dispersion. We focus on how seed predation may modify seed deposition patterns and affect the abundance and dispersion of adult trees in a tropical forest in India. Using plots across a range of seed densities, we examined whether seed predation levels by terrestrial rodents varied across six large-seeded, bird-dispersed tree species. Since inter-specific variation in density-dependent seed mortality may have downstream effects on recruitment and adult tree stages, we determined recruitment patterns close to and away from parent trees, along with adult tree abundance and dispersion patterns. Four species (Canarium resiniferum, Dysoxylum binectariferum, Horsfieldia kingii, and Prunus ceylanica) showed high predation levels (78.5-98.7%) and increased mortality with increasing seed density, while two species, Chisocheton cumingianus and Polyalthia simiarum, showed significantly lower seed predation levels and weak density-dependent mortality. The latter two species also had the highest recruitment near parent trees, with most abundant and aggregated adults. The four species that had high seed mortality had low recruitment under parent trees, were rare, and had more spaced adult tree dispersion. Biotic dispersal may be vital for species that suffer density-dependent mortality factors under parent trees. In tropical forests where large vertebrate seed dispersers but not seed predators are hunted, differences in seed vulnerability to rodent seed predation and density-dependent mortality can affect forest structure and composition.


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The Reeb graph of a scalar function tracks the evolution of the topology of its level sets. This paper describes a fast algorithm to compute the Reeb graph of a piecewise-linear (PL) function defined over manifolds and non-manifolds. The key idea in the proposed approach is to maximally leverage the efficient contour tree algorithm to compute the Reeb graph. The algorithm proceeds by dividing the input into a set of subvolumes that have loop-free Reeb graphs using the join tree of the scalar function and computes the Reeb graph by combining the contour trees of all the subvolumes. Since the key ingredient of this method is a series of union-find operations, the algorithm is fast in practice. Experimental results demonstrate that it outperforms current generic algorithms by a factor of up to two orders of magnitude, and has a performance on par with algorithms that are catered to restricted classes of input. The algorithm also extends to handle large data that do not fit in memory.


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There are many biomechanical challenges that a female insect must meet to successfully oviposit and ensure her evolutionary success. These begin with selection of a suitable substrate through which the ovipositor must penetrate without itself buckling or fracturing. The second phase corresponds to steering and manipulating the ovipositor to deliver eggs at desired locations. Finally, the insect must retract her ovipositor fast to avoid possible predation and repeat this process multiple times during her lifetime. From a materials perspective, insect oviposition is a fascinating problem and poses many questions. Specifically, are there diverse mechanisms that insects use to drill through hard substrates without itself buckling or fracturing? What are the structure-property relationships in the ovipositor material? These are some of the questions we address with a model system consisting of a parasitoid fig wasp - fig substrate system. To characterize the structure of ovipositors, we use scanning electron microscopy with a detector to quantify the presence of transition elements. Our results show that parasitoid ovipositors have teeth like structures on their tips and contain high amounts of zinc as compared to remote regions. Sensillae are present along the ovipositor to aid detection of chemical species and mechanical deformations. To quantify the material properties of parasitoid ovipositors, we use an atomic force microscope and show that tip regions have higher modulus as compared to remote regions. Finally, we use videography to show that ovipositors buckle during oviposition and estimate the forces needed to cause substrate boring based on Euler buckling analysis. Such methods may be useful for the design of functionally graded surgical tools.


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Plants produce volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in a variety of contexts that include response to abiotic and biotic stresses, attraction of pollinators and parasitoids, and repulsion of herbivores. Some of these VOCs may also exhibit diel variation in emission. In Ficus racemosa, we examined variation in VOCs released by fig syconia throughout syconium development and between day and night. Syconia are globular enclosed inflorescences that serve as developing nurseries for pollinating and parasitic fig wasps. Syconia are attacked by gallers early in their development, serviced by pollinators in mid phase, and are attractive to parasitoids in response to the development of gallers at later stages. VOC bouquets of the different development phases of the syconium were distinctive, as were their day and night VOC profiles. VOCs such as alpha-muurolene were characteristic of the pollen-receptive diurnal phase, and may serve to attract the diurnally-active pollinating wasps. Diel patterns of release of volatiles could not be correlated with their predicted volatility as determined by Henry's law constants at ambient temperatures. Therefore, factors other than Henry's law constant such as stomatal conductance or VOC synthesis must explain diel variation in VOC emission. A novel use of weighted gene co-expression network analysis (WGCNA) on the volatilome resulted in seven distinct modules of co-emitted VOCs that could be interpreted on the basis of syconium ecology. Some modules were characterized by the response of fig syconia to early galling by parasitic wasps and consisted largely of green leaf volatiles (GLVs). Other modules, that could be characterized by a combination of syconia response to oviposition and tissue feeding by larvae of herbivorous galler pollinators as well as of parasitized wasps, consisted largely of putative herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs). We demonstrated the usefulness of WGCNA analysis of the volatilome in making sense of the scents produced by the syconia at different stages and diel phases of their development.


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Neutral and niche theories give contrasting explanations for the maintenance of tropical tree species diversity. Both have some empirical support, but methods to disentangle their effects have not yet been developed. We applied a statistical measure of spatial structure to data from 14 large tropical forest plots to test a prediction of niche theory that is incompatible with neutral theory: that species in heterogeneous environments should separate out in space according to their niche preferences. We chose plots across a range of topographic heterogeneity, and tested whether pairwise spatial associations among species were more variable in more heterogeneous sites. We found strong support for this prediction, based on a strong positive relationship between variance in the spatial structure of species pairs and topographic heterogeneity across sites. We interpret this pattern as evidence of pervasive niche differentiation, which increases in importance with increasing environmental heterogeneity.


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Let where be a set of points in d-dimensional space with a given metric rho. For a point let r (p) be the distance of p with respect to rho from its nearest neighbor in Let B(p,r (p) ) be the open ball with respect to rho centered at p and having the radius r (p) . We define the sphere-of-influence graph (SIG) of as the intersection graph of the family of sets Given a graph G, a set of points in d-dimensional space with the metric rho is called a d-dimensional SIG-representation of G, if G is isomorphic to the SIG of It is known that the absence of isolated vertices is a necessary and sufficient condition for a graph to have a SIG-representation under the L (a)-metric in some space of finite dimension. The SIG-dimension under the L (a)-metric of a graph G without isolated vertices is defined to be the minimum positive integer d such that G has a d-dimensional SIG-representation under the L (a)-metric. It is denoted by SIG (a)(G). We study the SIG-dimension of trees under the L (a)-metric and almost completely answer an open problem posed by Michael and Quint (Discrete Appl Math 127:447-460, 2003). Let T be a tree with at least two vertices. For each let leaf-degree(v) denote the number of neighbors of v that are leaves. We define the maximum leaf-degree as leaf-degree(x). Let leaf-degree{(v) = alpha}. If |S| = 1, we define beta(T) = alpha(T) - 1. Otherwise define beta(T) = alpha(T). We show that for a tree where beta = beta (T), provided beta is not of the form 2 (k) - 1, for some positive integer k a parts per thousand yen 1. If beta = 2 (k) - 1, then We show that both values are possible.


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Differential occupancy of space can lead to species coexistence. The fig-fig wasp pollination system hosts species-specific pollinating and parasitic wasps that develop within galls in a nursery comprising a closed inflorescence, the syconium. This microcosm affords excellent opportunities for investigating spatial partitioning since it harbours a closed community in which all wasp species are dependent on securing safe sites inside the syconium for their developing offspring while differing in life history, egg deposition strategies and oviposition times relative to nursery development. We determined ontogenetic changes in oviposition sites available to the seven-member fig wasp community of Ficus racemosa comprising pollinators, gallers and parasitoids. We used species distribution models (SDMs) for the first time at a microcosm scale to predict patterns of spatial occurrence of nursery occupants. SDMs gave high true-positive and low false-positive site occupancy rates for most occupants indicating species specificity in oviposition sites. The nursery microcosm itself changed with syconium development and sequential egg-laying by different wasp species. The number of sites occupied by offspring of the different wasp species was negatively related to the risk of syconium abortion by the plant host following oviposition. Since unpollinated syconia are usually aborted, parasitic wasps ovipositing into nurseries at the same time as the pollinator targeted many sites, suggesting response to lower risk of syconium abortion owing to reduced risk of pollination failure compared to those species ovipositing before pollination. Wasp life history and oviposition time relative to nursery development contributed to the co-existence of nursery occupants.