965 resultados para feeding ecology
Marine birds are important predators in the marine ecosystem, and dietary studies can give useful information about their feeding ecology, food webs and oceanographic variability. The aim of this study was to increase our understanding of the diet and trophic level of the seabirds breeding in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. We have used fatty acids and stable isotopes, both of which integrate diet information over space and time, to determine trophic relationships in marine food webs. Fatty acid compositions of muscle from Little auk (Alle alle), Brünnich's guillemot (Uria lomvia), Black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), Northern fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis) and Glaucous gull (Larus hyperboreus) were determined and compared with their prey species. Canonical analysis (CA) showed that fatty acid composition differed among the five seabird species. Little auk, Black-legged kittiwake and Northern fulmar had high levels of the Calanus markers 20:1n9 and 22:1, indicating that these seabirds are a part of the Calanus food chain. Brünnich's guillemot differed from the other species with much lower levels of 20:1n9 and 22:1. Brünnich's guillemot is a pursuit diver feeding on fish and amphipods deeper in the water column, below 30 m. Glaucous gull also differed from the other seabird species, with a larger variation in the fatty acid composition indicating a more diverse diet. Trophic level analysis placed Little auk at the lowest trophic level, Brünnich's guillemot and Black-legged kittiwake at intermediate levels and Glaucous gull and Northern fulmar at the highest trophic level.
The tuna stomach database from AZTI-Tecnalia corresponds to 7 years of sampling from 2004 to 2011. Due to the absence of continuity in the different projects dealing with the feeding ecology of tunas, the sampling could not be performed every year for both species, and no sample was collected in 2008. However, the fish stomach content record contents composition - by prey weight - of 1525 albacore caught in the Bay of Biscay and surrounding waters of the North Atlantic Drift Region in 2005 (n=397), 2006 (n=196), 2007 (n=37), 2009 (n=95), 2010 (n=566) and 2011 (n=234) ; and of 686 bluefin tunas caught in the Southeastern Bay of Biscay in 2004 (n=32), 2005 (n=36), 2006 (n=3), 2009 (n=257), 2010 (n=233) and 2011 (n=125). Samples have been obtained from scientific research surveys (using a variety of different fishing gears), from commercial fisheries catches, from individual fish voluntarily sampled by recreational fishermen and from fish accidentally stranded on coastlines. Each predator is identified by an ID and its length and wet weight are given. In case the wet weight could not be measured, it was estimated through a length-weight relationship equation and is indicated in the comment for the Predator mass column. The total weight of each prey is given, as well as the weight of each prey taxonomic group in each stomach.