223 resultados para fame


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A two page letter written by Sir Isaac Brock in York, Upper Canada to James FitzGibbon on July 29, 1812. The name of the recipient is not included but according to Mary Agnes FitzGibbon, one can find a transcript of the letter in her "A Veteran of 1812", page 60.[1812], 29 July: Major-General Isaac Brock, York, to James FitzGibbon. I lament that you should have been so long impressed with the idea that I possessed the means of being serviceable to you. I had scarcely heard of Mr. Johnson having declined a Company in the Glengarry (which would have given me the nomination) but I received account of his being reinstated. I consequently thought no more of the business thinking that officer was enjoying the fruits of his good fortune. I know not positively whether Mr. Johnson is reinstated, but being under obligations to promote his views, I cannot possibly interfere to his prejudice. I rather wonder you did not hear that Lieut Lamont had long ago my promise of nominating him to the Company provided it became vacant, which of course would have precluded my application in your behalf. Altho you must be sensible of the impossibility of my taking any step to forward your views in the present case, yet be assured I shall always feel happy in any opportunity that may offer to do your service. To a person unaccustomed to my writing I scarcely would hazard sending this scrawl. I am, Dear Sir, Yours faithfully, Isaac Brock I should like to be among the 49th at this moment. I am satisfied they will support and even add to their former fame. They have my very best wishes. The 41st are behaving nobly at Amherstburg.


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A letter written by Mayor of Welland, Armour L. McCrae, to The Ninety-Nines (International Organization of Women Pilots), recommending Mrs. Dorothy Rungeling for the Amelia Earhart Scholarship. The letter reads: "Dear Madam: I am taking this opportunity of writing to you to support the name of Mrs. D. Rungeling for the Amelia Earhart Scholarship. Mrs. Rungeling has brought considerable fame to our city through her activities in the air and has placed second and fifth in recent All Womens Air Races. Perhaps, however, her most outstanding feats have been performed through her support of flying through the medium of our Flying Club. Towards this end, she regularly contributes through her column in the newspaper and was rewarded last year by receiving a National Trophy for her efforts. It would not be out of the way to say that Mrs. Rungeling has meant the difference between our City giving up this Airport or continuing. Her splendid personal triumph and her daily advocacy of flying has made our people flying conscious and we feel that we owe her a debt of gratitude for this fine work. Trusting this communication is in order, I am Yours very truly, Armour L. McCrae, Mayor.


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The wrestler's name is Earl McCready and the number stamped on the reverse is 928. McCready was born in Lansdowne, Ontario and won three straight NCAA wrestling championships in the 1920s. He was dubbed the greatest amateur wrestler Canada ever produced. He went on to be a flag bearer at the 1928 Summer Olympics in Amsterdam and his honours included: Canadian Wrestling Hall of Fame, Canadian Sports Hall of Fame, US Wrestling Hall of Fame.


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The wrestler's name is John Katan and the number stamped on the reverse is 341. He was born in the Ukraine and moved to Lethbridge, Alberta and became a coal miner. He wrestled after work until he was discovered and went pro. He bought two wrestling franchises based in Hamilton and became a promoter when he retired from active wrestling. His honours include the Canadian Wrestling Hall of Fame.


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The wrestler's name is "Whipper" Bill Watson and the number stamped on the reverse of the card is 692. His real name is William Potts and he was born in East York, Ontario. He is one of the best known Canadian wrestlers of all time and is a two time world champion. His honours include the Canadian Wrestling Hall of Fame.


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The wrestler's name is Bronko Nagurski and the number stamped on the reverse of the card is 764. He was born in Rainy River, Ontario and wrestled from 1939 to 1960. He also played football for the Chicago Bears as a fullback under George Halas in the 1930s. His honours include Pro Football Hall of Fame, College Football Hall of Fame, Canadian Wrestling Hall of Fame. He was voted 35th of the top 100 football players of all time (the highest ranking non-American on the list).


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The wrestler's name is Mike Sharpe and the number on the reverse is 142, the second card is stamped 704, the third is stamped 599, and the fourth is stamped 615. He was born in Hamilton, Ontario and was part of one of the most successful tag teams in history (with brother Ben Sharpe). Mike's son, Mike Jr. also had a successful career as a pro wrestler under the name Iron Mike Sharpe through the 1970s and 1980s. The honours include the Canadian Wrestling Hall of Fame.


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The wrestler's name is Ben Sharpe and the number stamped on the reverse of the first card is 341, the second is 219, and the third is 704. Ben Sharpe was born in Hamilton and part of one of the most successful wrestling tag tames in history (with brother Mike Sharpe). Ben was on the Canadian Olympic rowing team in 1936. Honours include the Canadian Wrestling Hall of Fame.


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L’Action française fut un mouvement idéologique et intellectuel marquant de l’histoire politique et culturelle de la Troisième république. Elle défendait, au moyen d’une rhétorique nationaliste et antirépublicaine, ainsi que d’un militantisme tapageur et d’un journal quotidien, l’idée d’une restauration de la monarchie en France sur les ruines d’une démocratie qu’elle estimait viciée et délétère. Durant la Grande Guerre, elle mit cependant en veilleuse son combat royaliste et se recentra sur son patriotisme. Cette approche la mena à appuyer pendant tout le conflit les gouvernements de défense nationale issus d’une Union sacrée résolument républicaine et à se poser comme l’un des principaux remparts contre les menaces à la nation, qu’elles soient intérieures ou extérieures. À l’issue du conflit, l’Action française était ainsi devenue un acteur politique reconnu et elle avait acquis une notoriété intellectuelle inédite. Cette volte-face notable n’a néanmoins été que très peu abordée de front dans l’historiographie du mouvement. Le présent mémoire vise à y remédier par l’examen du parcours politique et de l’évolution idéologique de l’Action française à partir de l’analyse des chroniques à saveur politique publiées dans son quotidien entre 1914 et 1918, ainsi que de rapports d’enquêtes de la Sûreté générale du ministère de l’Intérieur. Cette étude dresse un portrait plutôt bigarré de ce parcours et de cette évolution. En effet, au moment où le journal et les maîtres de l’Action française attinrent une renommée singulière grâce à leur discours et leurs campagnes guidés par l’intérêt national, son militantisme fut en contrepartie pratiquement annihilé par la mobilisation militaire. De même, malgré son adhésion de principe à la trêve politique que fut l’Union sacrée, l’Action française ne délaissa pas pour autant son procès idéologique du régime républicain et la valorisation de son projet royaliste. La façon dont l’Action française a commenté et pris part à la vie politique de la Grande Guerre révèle également cette équivoque, tout en offrant un portrait singulier des grands débats de cette période.


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L’accouchement et ses conséquences demeurent une des principales causes d’incapacité et de décès pour les femmes dans les pays en développement et comprendre l’utilisation tardive des soins obstétricaux d’urgence au moment d’une complication obstétricale constitue un véritable défi en santé publique. La présente étude qualitative relate l’expérience d’accouchement difficile au Mali, en milieu rural. Dans un contexte de pluralité de systèmes de soins, l’objet de cette étude consiste à déterminer les raisons de l’arrivée tardive des femmes au centre de santé de 1ier ligne, à saisir la compréhension qu’elles ont de l’utilisation des services sanitaires, enfin à reconstruire les processus de prise de décisions de recourir aux soins modernes. Cette étude s’inscrit dans une démarche de type ethnographique. Des entretiens semi dirigés et l’observation des interactions entre les femmes et les professionnels de santé ont constitué le corpus de données. Nous retenons qu’une série de facteurs entrent en jeu pour comprendre le problème de l’utilisation tardive des soins obstétricaux d’urgence. Des contraintes exogènes liées à la distance et l’immédiateté de l’urgence obstétricale c'est-à-dire la mobilisation des ressources et des moyens de transport, accompagnées de contraintes endogènes telles que la subordination des femmes au consentement familial, la perception de la qualité des soins et de la compétence des soignants, influencent systématiquement le choix de recourir aux soins modernes. Le phénomène de gestion collective de la complication obstétricale s’inscrit dans un contexte d’intéractions complexes où l’opinion des femmes est totalement minimisée.


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Le graffiti est depuis longtemps associé au vandalisme dans les métropoles où il prolifère. Il s’intègre au paysage urbain à un point tel que, même s’il procède d’une logique de visibilité et de promotion, nous parvenons à ne plus le remarquer. Pourtant, sa présence suscite toujours la colère des citoyens propriétaires de murs vandalisés et des autorités municipales qui, chaque année, dépensent de grosses sommes d’argent pour l’effacer. Malgré les restrictions et les amendes, le graffiti est néanmoins devenu un véritable phénomène d’art urbain : des artistes graffiteurs ont atteint la notoriété en dehors de leur sous-culture et ont pu exposer légalement leur travail, du fait d’un intérêt croissant du milieu officiel de l’art. Celui-ci contribue à faire grandir l’engouement et l’enthousiasme pour une pratique d’art urbaine. Le graffiti illustre l’expression d’une identité qui s’approprie et subvertit les surfaces urbaines de la ville, au moyen d’un nom propre fictif qui n’a aucune légitimation juridique et légale. De plus, l’application et la diffusion de la signature graffitique communiquent des valeurs qui guident et définissent toute la sous-culture du graffiti. Ces valeurs sont culturellement considérées comme masculines : le risque, le défi et la dissidence. La figure de l’artiste graffiteur apparaît ainsi comme une figure marginale et rebelle. Un tel portrait laisse alors entrevoir une culture fortement machiste, d’autant plus que les garçons qui exercent le graffiti sont beaucoup plus nombreux. Or, si les femmes artistes de la communauté graffitique représentent une minorité, c’est notamment parce que leur attrait pour une pratique illicite, nocturne et dangereuse est moindre. À partir d’une approche qui touche aux gender studies et à certains concepts traditionnels de l’histoire de l’art, nous cherchons à expliquer l’intérêt généralement plus faible des femmes pour le graffiti. Nous désirons également démontrer comment l’exercice des artistes féminines du graffiti se distingue de celui de leurs homologues masculins. De quelle manière se détermine leur expérience? Leur iconographie sert-elle à les définir? Quelles sont leurs opinions et leurs perceptions sur leur propre culture? Finalement, comment caractérisent-elles leur statut de femme artiste au sein d’une communauté "machiste"?


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En la creación literaria latinoamericana del siglo XX, la narrativa de los autores judíos ha proseguido un trayecto aparte, casi silencioso, en relación con la escritura canónica del continente. No obstante, hacia los años setenta, surge una producción literaria judía femenina que hoy ha alcanzado un renombre internacional. Esta tesis estudia la peculiaridad literaria del humor judío femenino argentino contemporáneo en torno a la definición de la identidad y rol de género, para comprender cómo se resignifica la hibridez cultural en el texto literario. El humor como catarsis de conflictos problematiza la relación entre lo propio y lo ajeno mediante una puesta en tela de juicio de la realidad para manifestarse como una preocupación, una responsabilidad y un compromiso crítico. A través del análisis de las obras de Alicia Steimberg, Silvia Plager y Ana María Shúa, la investigación reconfigura la vida judía diaspórica y el sentido de ser mujer respecto a la importancia del ámbito culinario en cuanto al influjo de la modernidad argentina en la tradición judía. En este estudio, se analizarán las novelas Músicos y relojeros, Como papas para varenikes y Risas y emociones de la cocina judía donde las diferentes reflexiones de Steimberg, Plager y Shúa en relación con la historia judía elaboran discursos con singulares diferencias en la intención humorística. En la primera parte de la tesis, se hará mención de diversas perspectivas teóricas que destacan las implicaciones psicológicas, sociales y psicoanalíticas respecto al humor en general, el humor de la minoría, el humor femenino y el humor judío. En los tres capítulos subsiguientes, se procederá a una lectura de los textos antes mencionados para interpretar las preocupaciones de nuestro tema frente a los dictámenes que la religión y sociedad desean imponer. Finalmente, la conclusión aborda la evolución de una visión entre humor negro, humor como crítica social y humor como lúdico juego en paralelo con una búsqueda de la identidad híbrida actualizada mediante una crítica de lo tradicional.


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Les champignons mycorhizien à arbuscules (CMA) sont des organismes pouvant établir des symbioses avec 80% des plantes terrestres. Les avantages d'une telle symbiose sont de plus en plus caractérisés et exploités en agriculture. Par contre, jusqu'à maintenant, il n'existe aucun outil permettant à la fois l'identification et la quantification de ces champignons dans le sol de façon fiable et rapide. Un tel outil permettrait, entre autres, de mieux comprendre les dynamiques des populations des endomycorhizes dans le sol. Pour les producteurs d'inoculum mycorhiziens, cela permettrait également d'établir un suivi de leurs produits en champs et d'avoir un contrôle de qualité de plus sur leurs inoculants. C'est ce que nous avons tenté de développer au sein du laboratoire du Dr. Hijri. Depuis environ une trentaine d'années, des outils d'identification et/ou de quantification ont été développés en utilisant les profiles d'acides gras, les isozymes, les anticorps et finalement l'ADN nucléaire. À ce jour, ces méthodes d’identification et de quantification sont soit coûteuses, soit imprécises. Qui plus est, aucune méthode ne permet à la fois la quantification et l’identification de souches particulières de CMA. L’ADN mitochondrial ne présente pas le même polymorphisme de séquence que celui qui rend l’ADN nucléaire impropre à la quantification. C'est pourquoi nous avons analysé les séquences d’ADN mitochondrial et sélectionné les régions caractéristiques de deux espèces de champignons mycorhiziens arbusculaires (CMA). C’est à partir de ces régions que nous avons développé des marqueurs moléculaires sous forme de sondes et d’amorces TaqMan permettant de quantifier le nombre de mitochondries de chacune de ces espèces dans un échantillon d’ADN. Nous avons ensuite tenté de déterminer une unité de quantification des CMA, soit un nombre de mitochondries par spore. C’est alors que nous avons réalisé que la méthode de préparation des échantillons de spores ainsi que la méthode d’extraction d’ADN avaient des effets significatifs sur l’unité de quantification de base. Nous avons donc optimisé ces protocoles, avant d’en e tester l’application sur des échantillons de sol et de racines ayant été inoculés avec chacune des deux espèces cibles. À ce stade, cet outil est toujours semi-quantificatif, mais il permet 9 l’identification précise de deux espèces de CMA compétentes dans des milieux saturés en phosphore inorganique. Ces résultats , en plus d’être prometteurs, ont permis d’augmenter les connaissances méthodologiques reliées à la quantification des CMA dans le sol, et suggèrent qu’à cause de leurs morphologies différentes, l’élaboration d’un protocole de quantification standardisé pour toutes les espèces de CMA demeure un objectif complexe, qui demande de nouvelles études in vivo.


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Yeasts are ubiquitous in their distribution and populations mainly depend on the type and concentration of organic materials. The distribution of species, as well as their numbers and metabolic characteristics were found to be governed by existing environmental conditions. Marine yeasts were first discovered from the Atlantic Ocean and following this discovery, yeasts were isolated from different sources, viz. seawater, marine deposits, seaweeds, fish, marine mammals and sea birds. Nearshore environments are usually inhabited by tens to thousands of cells per litre of water, whereas low organic surface to deep-sea oceanic regions contain 10 or fewer cells/litre. Aerobic forms are found more in clean waters and fermentative forms in polluted waters. Yeasts are more abundant in silty muds than in sandy sediments. The isolation frequency of yeasts fell as the depth of the sampling site is increased. Major genera isolated in this study were Candida, Cryptococcus, Debaryomyces and Rhodotorula. For biomass estimation ergosterol method was used. Classification and identification of yeasts were performed using different criteria, i.e. morphology, sexual reproduction and physiological/biochemical characteristics. Fatty acid profiling or molecular sequencing of the IGS and ITS regions and 28S gene rDNA ensured accurate identification.


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The oceans have proved to be an interminable source of new and effective drugs. Innumerable studies have proved that specific compounds isolated from marine organisms have great nutritional and pharmaceutical value. Polyunsaturated fattyacids (PUFA) in general are known for their dietary benefits in preventing and curing several critical ailments including Coronary heart disease (CHD) and cancers of various kinds. Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) are two PUFA which are entirely marine in origin – and small Clupeoid fishes like sardines are known to be excellent sources of these two compounds. In this study, we selected two widely available Sardine species in the west coast, Sardinella longiceps and Sardinella fimbriata, for a comparative analysis of their bioactive properties. Both these sardines are known to be rich in EPA and DHA, however considerable seasonal variation in its PUFA content was expected and these variations studied. An extraction procedure to isolate PUFA at high purity levels was identified and the extracts obtained thus were studied for anti-bacterial, anti-diabetic and anti-cancerous properties.Samples of both the sardines were collected from landing centre, measured and their gut content analysed in four different months of the year – viz. June, September, December and March. The fish samples were analyzed for fattyacid using FAME method using gas chromatography to identify the full range of fattyacids and their respective concentration in each of the samples. The fattyacids were expressed in mg/g meat and later converted to percentage values against total fatty acids and total PUFA content. Fattyacids during winter season (Dec-Mar) were found to be generally higher than spawning season (June-Sept). PUFA dominated the profiles of both species and average PUFA content was also higher during winter. However, it was found that S. longiceps had proportionately higher EPA as compared to S. fimbriata which was DHA rich. Percentage of EPA and DHA also varied across months for both species – the spawning season seemed to show higher EPA content in S. longiceps and higher DHA content in S. fimbriata. Gut content analysis indicate that adult S. fimbriata is partial to zooplanktons which are DHA rich while adult S. longiceps feed mainly on EPA rich phytoplankton. Juveniles of both species, found mainly in winter, had a gut content showing more mixed diet. This difference in the feeding pattern reflect clearly in their PUFA profile – adult S. longiceps, which dominate the catch during the spawn season, feeding mostly on phytoplankton is concentrated with EPA while the juveniles which are found mostly in the winter season has slightly less EPA proportion as compared to adults. The same is true for S. fimbriata adults that are caught mostly in the spawning season; being rich in DHA as they feed mainly on zooplankton while the juveniles caught during winter season has a relatively lower concentration of DHA in their total PUFA.Various extraction procedures are known to obtain PUFA from fish oil. However, most of them do not give high purity and do not use materials indicated as safe. PUFA extracts have to be edible and should not have harmful substances for applying on mice and human subjects. Some PUFA extraction procedures, though pure and non-toxic, might induce cis-trans conversions during the extraction process. This conversion destroys the benefits of PUFA and at times is harmful to human body. A method free from these limitations has been standardized for this study. Gas Chromatography was performed on the extracts thus made to ensure that it is substantially pure. EPA: DHA ratios for both samples were derived - for S. longiceps this ratio was 3:2, while it was 3:8 for S. fimbriata.Eight common strains of gram positive and gram negative bacterial strains were subjected to the PUFA extracts from both species dissolved in acetone solution using Agar Well Diffusion method. The activity was studied against an acetone control. At the end of incubation period, zones of inhibition were measured to estimate the activity. Minimum inhibitory concentration for each of the active combinations was calculated by keeping p < 0.01 as significant. Four of the bacteria including multi-resistant Staphylococcus aureus were shown to be inhibited by the fish extracts. It was also found that the extracts from S. fimbriata were better than the one from S. longiceps in annihilating harmful bacteria.Four groups of mice subjects were studied to evaluate the antidiabetic properties of the PUFA extracts. Three groups were induced diabetes by administration of alloxan tetra hydrate. One group without diabetes was kept as control and another with diabetes was kept as diabetic control. For two diabetic groups, a prescribed amount of fish extracts were fed from each of the extracts. The biochemical parameters like serum glucose, total cholesterol, LDL & HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, urea and creatinine were sampled from all four groups at regular intervals of 7 days for a period of 28 days. It was found that groups fed with fish extracts had marked improvement in the levels of total LDL & HDL cholesterol, triglycerides and creatinine. Groups fed with extracts from S. fimbriata seem to have fared better as compared to S. longiceps. However, both groups did not show any marked improvement in blood glucose levels or levels of urea.Cell lines of MCF-7 (Breast Cancer) and DU-145 (Prostate Cancer) were used to analyse the cytotoxicity of the PUFA extracts. Both cell lines were subjected to MTT Assay and later the plates were read using an ELISA reader at a wavelength of 570nm. It was found that both extracts had significant cytotoxic effects against both cell lines and a peak cytotoxicity of 85-90% was apparent. IC50 values were calculated from the graphs and it was found that S. longiceps extracts had a slightly lower IC50 value indicating that it is toxic even at a lower concentration as compared to extracts from S. fimbriata.This study summarizes the bioactivity profile of PUFA extracts and provides recommendation for dietary intake; fish based nutritional industry and indigenous pharmaceutical industry. Possible future directions of this study are also elaborated.