962 resultados para failure by defendant to appear at hearing


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Disruption of proteostasis, or protein homeostasis, is often associated with aberrant accumulation of misfolded proteins or protein aggregates. Autophagy offers protection to cells by removing toxic protein aggregates and injured organelles in response to proteotoxic stress. However, the exact mechanism whereby autophagy recognizes and degrades misfolded or aggregated proteins has yet to be elucidated. Mounting evidence demonstrates the selectivity of autophagy, which is mediated through autophagy receptor proteins (e.g. p62/SQSTM1) linking autophagy cargos and autophagosomes. Here we report that proteotoxic stress imposed by the proteasome inhibition or expression of polyglutamine expanded huntingtin (polyQ-Htt) induces p62 phosphorylation at its ubiquitin-association (UBA) domain that regulates its binding to ubiquitinated proteins. We find that autophagy-related kinase ULK1 phosphorylates p62 at a novel phosphorylation site S409 in UBA domain. Interestingly, phosphorylation of p62 by ULK1 does not occur upon nutrient starvation, in spite of its role in canonical autophagy signaling. ULK1 also phosphorylates S405, while S409 phosphorylation critically regulates S405 phosphorylation. We find that S409 phosphorylation destabilizes the UBA dimer interface, and increases binding affinity of p62 to ubiquitin. Furthermore, lack of S409 phosphorylation causes accumulation of p62, aberrant localization of autophagy proteins and inhibition of the clearance of ubiquitinated proteins or polyQ-Htt. Therefore, our data provide mechanistic insights into the regulation of selective autophagy by ULK1 and p62 upon proteotoxic stress. Our study suggests a potential novel drug target in developing autophagy-based therapeutics for the treatment of proteinopathies including Huntington's disease.


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We examine the effects of learning by migrating on the productivity of migrants who move to a "megalopolis" from rural areas using the Thailand Labor Force Survey. The main contribution is to the development a simple framework to test for self-selection on migration decisions and learning by migrating into the urban labor market, focusing on experimental evidence in the observational data. The role of the urban labor market is examined. In conclusion, we find significant evidence for sorting: the self-selection effects test (1) is positive among new entrants from rural areas to the urban labor market; and (2) is negative among new exits that move to rural areas from the urban labor market. Further, estimated effects of learning by migrating into a "megalopolis" have a less significant impact. These results suggest the existence of a natural selection (i.e. survival of the fittest) mechanism in the urban labor market in a developing economy.


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To optimize the last high temperature step of a standard solar cell fabrication process (the contact cofiring step), the aluminium gettering is incorporated in the Impurity-to-Efficiency simulation tool, so that it models the phosphorus and aluminium co-gettering effect on iron impurities. The impact of iron on the cell efficiency will depend on the balance between precipitate dissolution and gettering. Gettering efficiency is similar in a wide range of peak temperatures (600-850 ºC), so that this peak temperature can be optimized favoring other parameters (e.g. ohmic contact). An industrial co-firing step can enhance the co-gettering effect by adding a temperature plateau after the peak of temperature. For highly contaminated materials, a short plateau (menor que 2 min) at low temperature (600 ºC) is shown to reduce the dissolved iron.


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Modern object oriented languages like C# and JAVA enable developers to build complex application in less time. These languages are based on selecting heap allocated pass-by-reference objects for user defined data structures. This simplifies programming by automatically managing memory allocation and deallocation in conjunction with automated garbage collection. This simplification of programming comes at the cost of performance. Using pass-by-reference objects instead of lighter weight pass-by value structs can have memory impact in some cases. These costs can be critical when these application runs on limited resource environments such as mobile devices and cloud computing systems. We explore the problem by using the simple and uniform memory model to improve the performance. In this work we address this problem by providing an automated and sounds static conversion analysis which identifies if a by reference type can be safely converted to a by value type where the conversion may result in performance improvements. This works focus on C# programs. Our approach is based on a combination of syntactic and semantic checks to identify classes that are safe to convert. We evaluate the effectiveness of our work in identifying convertible types and impact of this transformation. The result shows that the transformation of reference type to value type can have substantial performance impact in practice. In our case studies we optimize the performance in Barnes-Hut program which shows total memory allocation decreased by 93% and execution time also reduced by 15%.


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High performance long-length coated conductors fabricated using various techniques have attracted a lot of interest recently. In this work, a reel-to-reel design for depositing double-sided coatings on long-length flexible metallic tapes via a chemical solution method is proposed and realized. The major achievement of the design is to combine the dip coating and drying processes in order to overcome the technical difficulties of dealing with the wet films on both sides of the tape. We report the successful application of the design to fabricate a one-meter-long double side coated CeO2/Ni-5at%W template. The CeO2 films on both sides exhibit a dense, crack-free morphology, and a high fraction of cube texture on the surface. Homogeneity studies on global texture over the length also reveal that the average full width at half maximum values of the in-plane and out-of-plane orientation on the CeO2 layer are 7.2 ° and 5.8° with standard deviation of 0.26° and 0.34°, respectively, being indicative of the high quality epitaxial growth of the films prepared in the continuous manner. An all chemical solution derived YBCOLow-TFA/Ce0.9La0.1O2 /Gd2Zr2O7/CeO2 structure is obtained on a short sample, demonstrating the possibility of producing long-length texture templates for coated conductors by this low cost deposition route.


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Following the decision, northern newspapers hailed it as “the Supreme Court speaking out in defense of the quality of human rights.” The Kansas City Call, one of the leading black newspapers in Missouri, declared, “If keeping the races separate is so important to Missourians that coeducation is unthinkable then let them count the cost!” The NAACP’s long-term plan for casting financial burden upon the Jim Crow states was now a reality.


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The cellular targets for estramustine, an antitumor drug used in the treatment of hormone-refractory prostate cancer, are believed to be the spindle microtubules responsible for chromosome separation at mitosis. Estramustine only weakly inhibits polymerization of purified tubulin into microtubules by binding to tubulin (Kd, ≈30 μM) at a site distinct from the colchicine or the vinblastine binding sites. However, by video microscopy, we find that estramustine strongly stabilizes growing and shortening dynamics at plus ends of bovine brain microtubules devoid of microtubule-associated proteins at concentrations substantially below those required to inhibit polymerization of the microtubules. Estramustine strongly reduced the rate and extent both of shortening and growing, increased the percentage of time the microtubules spent in an attenuated state, neither growing nor shortening detectably, and reduced the overall dynamicity of the microtubules. Significantly, the combined suppressive effects of vinblastine and estramustine on the rate and extent of shortening and dynamicity were additive. Thus, like the antimitotic mechanisms of action of the antitumor drugs vinblastine and taxol, the antimitotic mechanism of action of estramustine may be due to kinetic stabilization of spindle microtubule dynamics. The results may explain the mechanistic basis for the benefit derived from combined use of estramustine with vinblastine or taxol, two other drugs that target microtubules, in the treatment of hormone-refractory prostate cancer.


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The sperm acrosome reaction is a Ca2+-dependent exocytotic event that is triggered by adhesion to the mammalian egg’s zona pellucida. Previous studies using ion-selective fluorescent probes suggested a role of voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels in acrosome reactions. Here, whole-cell patch clamp techniques are used to demonstrate the expression of functional T-type Ca2+ channels during mouse spermatogenesis. The germ cell T current is inhibited by antagonists of T-type channels (pimozide and amiloride) as well as by antagonists whose major site of action is the somatic cell L-type Ca2+ channel (1,4-dihydropyridines, arylalkylamines, benzothiazapines), as has also been reported for certain somatic cell T currents. In sperm, inhibition of T channels during gamete interaction inhibits zona pellucida-dependent Ca2+ elevations, as demonstrated by ion-selective fluorescent probes, and also inhibits acrosome reactions. These studies directly link sperm T-type Ca2+ channels to fertilization. In addition, the kinetics of channel inhibition by 1,4-dihydropyridines suggests a mechanism for the reported contraceptive effects of those compounds in human males.


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Radiation is the primary modality of therapy for all commonly occurring malignant brain tumors, including medulloblastoma and glioblastoma. These two brain tumors, however, have a distinctly different response to radiation therapy. Medulloblastoma is very sensitive to radiation therapy, whereas glioblastoma is highly resistant, and the long-term survival of medulloblastoma patients exceeds 50%, while there are few long-term survivors among glioblastoma patients. p53-mediated apoptosis is thought to be an important mechanism mediating the cytotoxic response of tumors to radiotherapy. In this study, we compared the response to radiation of five cell lines that have wild-type p53: three derived from glioblastoma and two derived from medulloblastoma. We found that the medulloblastoma-derived cell lines underwent extensive radiation-induced apoptotic cell death, while those from glioblastomas did not exhibit significant radiation-induced apoptosis. p53-mediated induction of p21BAX is thought to be a key component of the pathway mediating apoptosis after the exposure of cells to cytotoxins, and the expression of mRNA encoding p21BAX was correlated with these cell lines undergoing radiation-induced apoptosis. The failure of p53 to induce p21BAX expression in glioblastoma-derived cell lines is likely to be of biologic significance, since inhibition of p21BAX induction in medulloblastoma resulted in a loss of radiation-induced apoptosis, while forced expression of p21BAX in glioblastoma was sufficient to induce apoptosis. The failure of p53 to induce p21BAX in glioblastoma-derived cell lines suggests a distinct mechanism of radioresistance and may represent a critical factor in determining therapeutic responsiveness to radiation in glioblastomas.


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The biogenesis of peptide hormone secretory granules involves a series of sorting, modification, and trafficking steps that initiate in the trans-Golgi and trans-Golgi network (TGN). To investigate their temporal order and interrelationships, we have developed a pulse–chase protocol that follows the synthesis and packaging of a sulfated hormone, pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC). In AtT-20 cells, sulfate is incorporated into POMC predominantly on N-linked endoglycosidase H-resistant oligosaccharides. Subcellular fractionation and pharmacological studies confirm that this sulfation occurs at the trans-Golgi/TGN. Subsequent to sulfation, POMC undergoes a number of molecular events before final storage in dense-core granules. The first step involves the transfer of POMC from the sulfation compartment to a processing compartment (immature secretory granules, ISGs): Inhibiting export of pulse-labeled POMC by brefeldin A (BFA) or a 20°C block prevents its proteolytic conversion to mature adrenocorticotropic hormone. Proteolytic cleavage products were found in vesicular fractions corresponding to ISGs, suggesting that the processing machinery is not appreciably activated until POMC exits the sulfation compartment. A large portion of the labeled hormone is secreted from ISGs as incompletely processed intermediates. This unregulated secretory process occurs only during a limited time window: Granules that have matured for 2 to 3 h exhibit very little unregulated release, as evidenced by the efficient storage of the 15-kDa N-terminal fragment that is generated by a relatively late cleavage event within the maturing granule. The second step of granule biogenesis thus involves two maturation events: proteolytic activation of POMC in ISGs and a transition of the organelle from a state of high unregulated release to one that favors intracellular storage. By using BFA, we show that the two processes occurring in ISGs may be uncoupled: although the unregulated secretion from ISGs is impaired by BFA, proteolytic processing of POMC within this organelle proceeds unaffected. The finding that BFA impairs constitutive secretion from both the TGN and ISGs also suggests that these secretory processes may be related in mechanism. Finally, our data indicate that the unusually high levels of unregulated secretion often associated with endocrine tumors may result, at least in part, from inefficient storage of secretory products at the level of ISGs.


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Recently, Salmonella spp. were shown to induce apoptosis in infected macrophages. The mechanism responsible for this process is unknown. In this report, we establish that the Inv-Spa type III secretion apparatus target invasin SipB is necessary and sufficient for the induction of apoptosis. Purified SipB microinjected into macrophages led to cell death. Binding studies show that SipB associates with the proapoptotic protease caspase-1. This interaction results in the activation of caspase-1, as seen in its proteolytic maturation and the processing of its substrate interleukin-1β. Caspase-1 activity is essential for the cytotoxicity. Functional inhibition of caspase-1 activity by acetyl-Tyr-Val-Ala-Asp-chloromethyl ketone blocks macrophage cytotoxicity, and macrophages lacking caspase-1 are not susceptible to Salmonella-induced apoptosis. Taken together, the data demonstrate that SipB functions as an analog of the Shigella invasin IpaB.


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Serine/threonine kinase Akt/PKB is a downstream effector molecule of phosphoinositide 3-kinase and is thought to mediate many biological actions toward anti-apoptotic responses. We found that Akt formed a complex with a 90-kDa heat-shock protein (Hsp90) in vivo. By constructing deletion mutants, we identified that amino acid residues 229–309 of Akt were involved in the binding to Hsp90 and amino acid residues 327–340 of Hsp90β were involved in the binding to Akt. Inhibition of Akt-Hsp90 binding led to the dephosphorylation and inactivation of Akt, which increased sensitivity of the cells to apoptosis-inducing stimulus. The dephosphorylation of Akt was caused by an increase in protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A)-mediated dephosphorylation and not by a decrease in 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1-mediated phosphorylation. These results indicate that Hsp90 plays an important role in maintaining Akt kinase activity by preventing PP2A-mediated dephosphorylation.