970 resultados para facteurs de virulence


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Yersinia enterocolitica is an important human pathogen. Y. enterocolitica must adapt to the host environment, and temperature is an important cue regulating the expression of most Yersinia virulence factors. Here, we report that Y. enterocolitica 8081 serotype O:8 synthesized tetra-acylated lipid A at 37 degrees C but that hexa-acylated lipid A predominated at 21 degrees C. By mass spectrometry and genetic methods, we have shown that the Y. enterocolitica msbB, htrB, and lpxP homologues encode the acyltransferases responsible for the addition of C(12), C(14) and C(16:1), respectively, to lipid A. The expression levels of the acyltransferases were temperature regulated. Levels of expression of msbB and lpxP were higher at 21 degrees C than at 37 degrees C, whereas the level of expression of htrB was higher at 37 degrees C. At 21 degrees C, an lpxP mutant was the strain most susceptible to polymyxin B, whereas at 37 degrees C, an htrB mutant was the most susceptible. We present evidence that the lipid A acylation status affects the expression of Yersinia virulence factors. Thus, expression of flhDC, the flagellar master regulatory operon, was downregulated in msbB and lpxP mutants, with a concomitant decrease in motility. Expression of the phospholipase yplA was also downregulated in both mutants. inv expression was downregulated in msbB and htrB mutants, and consistent with this finding, invasion of HeLa cells was diminished. However, the expression of rovA, the positive regulator of inv, was not affected in the mutants. The levels of pYV-encoded virulence factors Yops and YadA in the acyltransferase mutants were not affected. Finally, we show that only the htrB mutant was attenuated in vivo.


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Respiratory infections caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae are characterized by high rates of mortality and morbidity. Management of these infections is often difficult, due to the high frequency of strains that are resistant to multiple antimicrobial agents. Multidrug efflux pumps play a major role as a mechanism of antimicrobial resistance in Gram-negative pathogens. In the present study, we investigated the role of the K. pneumoniae AcrRAB operon in antimicrobial resistance and virulence by using isogenic knockouts deficient in the AcrB component and the AcrR repressor, both derived from the virulent strain 52145R. We demonstrated that the AcrB knockout was more susceptible, not only to quinolones, but also to other antimicrobial agents, including beta-lactams, than the wild-type strain and the AcrR knockout. We further showed that the AcrB knockout was more susceptible to antimicrobial agents present in human bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and to human antimicrobial peptides than the wild-type strain and the AcrR knockout. Finally, the AcrB knockout exhibited a reduced capacity to cause pneumonia in a murine model, in contrast to the wild-type strain. The results of this study suggest that, in addition to contributing to the multidrug resistance phenotype, the AcrAB efflux pump may represent a novel virulence factor required for K. pneumoniae to resist innate immune defense mechanisms of the lung, thus facilitating the onset of pneumonia.


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The Yersinia pseudotuberculosis chromosome contains a seven-gene polycistronic unit (the pmrF operon) whose products share extensive homologies with their pmrF counterparts in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. typhimurium), another Gram-negative bacterial enteropathogen. This gene cluster is essential for addition of 4-aminoarabinose to the lipid moiety of LPS, as demonstrated by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry of lipid A from both wild-type and pmrF-mutated strains. As in S. typhimurium, 4-aminoarabinose substitution of lipid A contributes to in vitro resistance of Y. pseudotuberculosis to the antimicrobial peptide polymyxin B. Whereas pmrF expression in S. typhimurium is mediated by both the PhoP-PhoQ and PmrA-PmrB two-component regulatory systems, it appears to be PmrA-PmrB-independent in Y. pseudotuberculosis, with the response regulator PhoP interacting directly with the pmrF operon promoter region. This result reveals that the ubiquitous PmrA-PmrB regulatory system controls different regulons in distinct bacterial species. In addition, pmrF inactivation in Y. pseudotuberculosis has no effect on bacterial virulence in the mouse, again in contrast to the situation in S. typhimurium. The marked differences in pmrF operon regulation in these two phylogenetically close bacterial species may be related to their dissimilar lifestyles.


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Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is the major component of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. Although much attention has been given to the biological effects of its lipid A portion, a great body of evidence indicates that its O chain polysaccharide (O antigen) portion plays an important role in the bacterium-host interplay. In this work we have studied in-depth the role of the O antigen in Yersinia enterocolitica serotype O:8 pathogenesis. We made a detailed virulence analysis of three mutants having different O antigen phenotypes: (i) LPS with no O antigen (rough mutant); (ii) LPS with one O unit (semirough mutant) and (iii) LPS with random distribution of O antigen chain lengths. We demonstrated that these LPS O antigen mutants were attenuated in virulence regardless of the infection route used. Co-infection experiments revealed that the rough and semirough mutants were severely impaired in their ability to colonize the Peyer's patches and in contrast to the wild-type strain they did not colonize spleen and liver. The mutant with random distribution of O antigen chain lengths, however, survived better but started to be cleared from mouse organs after 8 days. As an explanation to this attenuation we present here evidence that other Yersinia virulence factors depend on the presence of O antigen for their proper function and/or expression. We demonstrated that in the rough mutant: (i) the YadA function but not its expression was altered; (ii) Ail was not expressed and (iii) inv expression was downregulated. On the other hand, expression of flhDC, the flagellar master regulatory operon, was upregulated in this mutant with a concomitant increase in the production of flagellins. Finally, expression of yplA, encoding for the Yersinia phospholipase A, was also upregulated accompanied by an increased flagellar type III secretion system mediated secretion of YplA to culture medium. Together these findings suggest that the absence of O antigen in the outer membrane of Yersinia either directly or indirectly, for example through a cellular or membrane stress, could act as a regulatory signal.


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Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Yersinia enterocolitica O:3 has an inner core linked to both the O-antigen and to an outer core hexasaccharide that forms a branch. The biological role of the outer core was studied using polar and non-polar mutants of the outer core biosynthetic operon. Analysis of O-antigen- and outer core-deficient strains suggested a critical role for the outer core in outer membrane properties relevant in resistance to antimicrobial peptides and permeability to hydrophobic agents, and indirectly relevant in resistance to killing by normal serum. Wild-type bacteria but not outer core mutants killed intragastrically infected mice, and the intravenous lethal dose was approximately 10(4)-fold higher for outer core mutants. After intragastric infection, outer core mutants colonized Peyer's patches and invaded mesenteric lymph nodes, spleen and liver, and induced protective immunity against wild-type bacteria. In mice co-infected intragastrically with an outer core mutant-wild type mixture, both strains colonized Peyer's patches similarly during the first 2 days, but the mutant was much less efficient in colonizing deeper organs and was cleared faster from Peyer's patches. The results demonstrate that outer core is required for Y. enterocolitica O:3 full virulence, and strongly suggest that it provides resistance against defence mechanisms (most probably those involving bactericidal peptides).


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The O-antigen of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is required for virulence in Yersinia enterocolitica serotype O:8. Here we evaluated the importance of controlling the O-antigen biosynthesis using an in vivo rabbit model of infection. Y. enterocolitica O:8 wild-type strain was compared to three mutants differing in the O-antigen phenotype: (i) the rough strain completely devoid of the O-antigen, (ii) the wzy strain that lacks the O-antigen polymerase (Wzy protein) and expresses LPS with only one repeat unit, and (iii) the wzz strain that lacks the O-antigen chain length determinant (Wzz protein) and expresses LPS without modal distribution of O-antigen chain lengths. The most attenuated strain was the wzz mutant. The wzz bacteria were cleared from the tissues by day 30, the blood parameters were least dramatic and histologically only immunomorphological findings were seen. The level of attenuation of the rough and the wzy strain bacteria was between the wild-type and the wzz strain. Wild-type bacteria were highly resistant to killing by polymorphonuclear leukocytes, the wzz strain bacteria were most sensitive and the rough and wzy strain bacteria were intermediate resistant. These results clearly demonstrated that the presence of O-antigen on the bacterial surface is not alone sufficient for full virulence, but also there is a requirement for its controlled chain length.


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Strains of many infectious agents differ in fundamental epidemiological parameters including transmissibility, virulence and pathology. We investigated whether genotypes of Mycobacterium bovis (the causative agent of bovine tuberculosis, bTB) differ significantly in transmissibility and virulence, combining data from a nine-year survey of the genetic structure of the M. bovis population in Northern Ireland with detailed records of the cattle population during the same period. We used the size of herd breakdowns as a proxy measure of transmissibility and the proportion of skin test positive animals (reactors) that were visibly lesioned as a measure of virulence. Average breakdown size increased with herd size and varied depending on the manner of detection (routine herd testing or tracing of infectious contacts) but we found no significant variation among M. bovis genotypes in breakdown size once these factors had been accounted for. However breakdowns due to some genotypes had a greater proportion of lesioned reactors than others, indicating that there may be variation in virulence among genotypes. These findings indicate that the current bTB control programme may be detecting infected herds sufficiently quickly so that differences in virulence are not manifested in terms of outbreak sizes. We also investigated whether pathology of infected cattle varied according to M. bovis genotype, analysing the distribution of lesions recorded at post mortem inspection. We concentrated on the proportion of cases lesioned in the lower respiratory tract, which can indicate the relative importance of the respiratory and alimentary routes of infection. The distribution of lesions varied among genotypes and with cattle age and there were also subtle differences among breeds. Age and breed differences may be related to differences in susceptibility and husbandry, but reasons for variation in lesion distribution among genotypes require further investigation. © 2013 Wright et al.


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The Campylobacter jejuni capsular polysaccharide is important for virulence and often contains a modified heptose. In strain ATCC 700819 (a.k.a. NCTC 11168), the modified heptose branches off from the capsular backbone and is directly exposed to the environment. We reported previously that the enzymes encoded by wcaG, mlghB and mlghC are involved in heptose modification. Here, we show that inactivation of any of these genes leads to production of capsule lacking modified heptose and alters the transcription of other capsule modification genes differentially. Inactivation of mlghB or mlghC, but not of wcaG, decreased susceptibility to bile salts and abrogated invasion of intestinal cells. All mutants showed increased sensitivity to serum killing, especially wcaG::cat, and had defects in colonization and persistence in chicken intestine, but did not show significant differences in adhesion, phagocytosis and intracellular survival in murine macrophages. Together, our findings suggest that the capsular heptose modification pathway contributes to bacterial resistance against gastrointestinal host defenses and supports bacterial persistence via its role in serum resistance and invasion of intestinal cells. Our data further suggest a dynamic regulation of expression of this pathway in the gastrointestinal tract.


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The virulence to insects and tolerance to heat and UV-B radiation of conidia of entomopathogenic fungi are greatly influenced by physical, chemical, and nutritional conditions during mycelial growth. This is evidenced, for example, by the stress phenotypes of Metarhizium robertsii produced on various substrates. Conidia from minimal medium (Czapek's medium without sucrose), complex medium, and insect (Lepidoptera and Coleoptera) cadavers had high, moderate, and poor tolerance to UV-B radiation, respectively. Furthermore, conidia from minimal medium germinated faster and had increased heat tolerance and were more virulent to insects than those from complex medium. Low water-activity or alkaline culture conditions also resulted in production of conidia with high tolerance to heat or UV-B radiation. Conidia produced on complex media exhibited lower stress tolerance, whereas those from complex media supplemented with NaCl or KCl (to reduce water activity) were more tolerant to heat and UV-B than those from the unmodified complex medium. Osmotic and nutritive stresses resulted in production of conidia with a robust stress phenotype, but also were associated with low conidial yield. Physical conditions such as growth under illumination, hypoxic conditions, and heat shock before conidial production also induced both higher UV-B and heat tolerance; but conidial production was not decreased. In conclusion, physical and chemical parameters, as well as nutrition source, can induce great variability in conidial tolerance to stress for entomopathogenic fungi. Implications are discussed in relation to the ecology of entomopathogenic fungi in the field, and to their use for biological control. This review will cover recent technologies on improving stress tolerance of entomopathogenic fungi for biological control of insects.


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BACKGROUND: Klebsiella pneumoniae strains are pathogenic to animals and humans, in which they are both a frequent cause of nosocomial infections and a re-emerging cause of severe community-acquired infections. K. pneumoniae isolates of the capsular serotype K2 are among the most virulent. In order to identify novel putative virulence factors that may account for the severity of K2 infections, the genome sequence of the K2 reference strain Kp52.145 was determined and compared to two K1 and K2 strains of low virulence and to the reference strains MGH 78578 and NTUH-K2044.

RESULTS: In addition to diverse functions related to host colonization and virulence encoded in genomic regions common to the four strains, four genomic islands specific for Kp52.145 were identified. These regions encoded genes for the synthesis of colibactin toxin, a putative cytotoxin outer membrane protein, secretion systems, nucleases and eukaryotic-like proteins. In addition, an insertion within a type VI secretion system locus included sel1 domain containing proteins and a phospholipase D family protein (PLD1). The pld1 mutant was avirulent in a pneumonia model in mouse. The pld1 mRNA was expressed in vivo and the pld1 gene was associated with K. pneumoniae isolates from severe infections. Analysis of lipid composition of a defective E. coli strain complemented with pld1 suggests an involvement of PLD1 in cardiolipin metabolism.

CONCLUSIONS: Determination of the complete genome of the K2 reference strain identified several genomic islands comprising putative elements of pathogenicity. The role of PLD1 in pathogenesis was demonstrated for the first time and suggests that lipid metabolism is a novel virulence mechanism of K. pneumoniae.


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Non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) is an opportunist pathogen well adapted to the human upper respiratory tract and responsible for many respiratory diseases. In the human airway, NTHi is exposed to pollutants, such as alkylating agents, that damage its DNA. In this study, we examined the significance of genes involved in the repair of DNA alkylation damage in NTHi virulence. Two knockout mutants, tagI and mfd, encoding N(3)methyladenine-DNA glycosylase I and the key protein involved in transcription-coupled repair, respectively, were constructed and their virulence in a BALB/c mice model was examined. This work shows that N-3-methyladenine-DNA glycosylase I is constitutively expressed in NTHi and that it is relevant for its virulence.