890 resultados para eyes- dragon
La presente monografía pretende analizar en qué medida el co-liderazgo sino-ruso de la Organización de Cooperación de Shanghái puede condicionar la hegemonía estadounidense en Asia Central. Esta investigación defiende que los objetivos del co-liderazgo sino-ruso de la OCS - garantizar un orden multipolar del Sistema Internacional; obtener el acceso, control y explotación de los recursos (naturales, minerales e hídricos); disminuir la influencia política y militar de Estados Unidos en dicho pivote geopolítico - evidencian una contraposición al código geopolítico estadounidense en Asia Central, lo cual genera un limitante a su proyecto de hegemonía en la región. Para sustentar lo anterior se utilizan categorías analíticas propias de la Geopolítica de autores como Zbigniew Brzezinski, Saul Cohen y Peter Taylor, las cuales se contrastan con las estrategias de Rusia, China y Estados Unidos en Asia Central.
Pertenece a un amplio programa infantil de lectura que abarca distintos niveles de edad y, por tanto, de conocimientos. Se abordan las necesidades de lectura en los niños y la amplia variedad de habilidades que necesitan adquirir para su aprendizaje y, se destaca, también, la importancia de la narración en las historias. Los niños protagonistas viven una aventura fantástica con un dragón que vive en un árbol.
Este un relato popular que refleja los mitos, leyendas, cuentos populares y cuentos de hadas de la cultura irlandesa. Cumple con los requisitos del currículo de Inglaterra, Gales e Irlanda. Las ilustraciones apoyan el texto, lo que permite a los alumnos predecir palabras desconocidas al desarrollar un vocabulario basado en las imágenes, pero se les ha dado una mayor libertad al añadirles más detalles. Hay una mayor variedad de tipos de texto y estructuras de las frases. Para leer en voz alta teniendo en cuenta la puntuación y la entonación. Para niños de seis a ocho años y motivarlos a explorar sus respuestas personales y enlazar con sus propias experiencias. Adecuado para lectura guiada.
En el bosque de Nogard, el dragón Meathooh y sus compinches piensan que nada es mejor que el sabor crujiente de caballeros con armadura hasta que un dragón vegetariano los tienta con otras recetas alternativas. Este no es un libro de recetas que puede ser utilizado por los niños sin la ayuda de adultos. Prácticamente la totalidad de las recetas requieren cortar con un cuchillo afilado y el uso del horno.
Historia sobre las dificultades en la escuela y en casa y para aprender sobre la confianza, el amor, y las propias obligaciones con los demás. Las cosas han sido difíciles para Harry ya que su madre se ha vuelto a casar,hay un nuevo bebé en casa, y en la escuela Miss Hardcastle lo ha catalogado como un alborotador: la vida es insoportable. El mundo de Harry es solitario hasta que conoce a dos artistas de circo: Blondini y Ocky, un chimpancé. Cuando Ocky se escapa del circo, Harry lo oculta en su guarida secreta, pero una complicada cadena de acontecimientos fuerza a los dos a huir de sus hogares. Al final gana el respeto de su padrastro y regresa a su casa. Para niños entre diez y catorce años.
Antología poética que abarca diferentes culturas y siglos, y que incluye una amplia gama de estilos poéticos, empleados por célebres y menos conocidos poetas. Los poemas se agrupan en cinco secciones temáticas. Cada sección concluye con una serie de ejercicios para ayudar a explorar las ideas y el uso del lenguaje de los poetas. Al final de cada sección hay actividades que proporcionan oportunidades para comparar dos o más textos. La colección incluye, entre otros, poemas de William Blake, Eiléan Ni Chuilleanáin, A.E. Housman, Philip Larkin, Jean Sprackland, Rabindranath Tagore, Han Yong-Un, Benjamín Zephaniah. Hay notas sobre los autores .
Recurso para el profesor que acompaña a la antología del texto del alumno. Compatible con el estudio de una gran variedad de poemas que abarcan diferentes culturas y siglos y que cubren diferentes estilos. Contiene planes de lecciones, hojas de trabajo, y materiales multimedia.
El artículo forma parte de una sección de la revista dedicada a: Investigaciones
This CEPS Special Report gives an overview of China’s perceptions of the EU and the protection of Chinese investments in Europe since the outbreak of the European sovereign debt crisis, especially since the more concrete talks in late 2011 on possible financial support from China. Although the top leadership of the communist party of China (CPC) changed in its recent handover, the perceptions described in this paper are likely to remain the same, just as the main tenets of China’s foreign policy are unlikely to change in the near future. The report argues that while the EU’s image has suffered greatly from the sovereign debt crisis and the way it has been handled, there is room to improve China’s view of Europe and for the EU to maintain a relatively strong negotiation position towards China.
With both climate change and air quality on political and social agendas from local to global scale, the links between these hitherto separate fields are becoming more apparent. Black carbon, largely from combustion processes, scatters and absorbs incoming solar radiation, contributes to poor air quality and induces respiratory and cardiovascular problems. Uncertainties in the amount, location, size and shape of atmospheric black carbon cause large uncertainty in both climate change estimates and toxicology studies alike. Increased research has led to new effects and areas of uncertainty being uncovered. Here we draw together recent results and explore the increasing opportunities for synergistic research that will lead to improved confidence in the impact of black carbon on climate change, air quality and human health. Topics of mutual interest include better information on spatial distribution, size, mixing state and measuring and monitoring. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The structure and size of the eyes generated in numerically simulated tropical cyclones and polar lows have been studied. A primitive-equation numerical model simulated systems in which the structures of the eyes formed were consistent with available observations. Whilst the tropical cyclone eyes generated were usually rapidly rotating, it appeared impossible for an eye formed in a system with a polar environment to develop this type of structure. The polar low eyes were found to be unable to warm through the subsidence of air with high values of potential temperature, as the environment was approximately statically neutral. Factors affecting the size of the eye were investigated through a series of controlled experiments. In mature tropical cyclone systems the size of the eye was insensitive to small changes in initial conditions, surface friction and latent and sensible heating from the ocean. In contrast, the eye size was strongly dependent on these parameters in the mature polar lows. Consistent with the findings, a mechanism is proposed in which the size of the eye in simulated polar lows is controlled by the strength of subsidence within it.
Molecular phylogenetic hypotheses of species-rich lineages in regions where geological history can be reliably inferred may provide insights into the scale of processes driving diversification. Here we sample all extant or recently extinct white-eye (Zosterops) taxa of the southwest Indian Ocean, combined with samples from all principal continental lineages. Results support a high dispersal capability, with at least two independent continental sources for white-eyes of the region. An early (within 1.8 million years ago) expansion into the Indian Ocean may have originated either from Asia or Africa; the three resulting lineages show a disparate distribution consistent with considerable extinction following their arrival. Africa is supported as the origin of a later expansion into the region (within 1.2 million years ago). On two islands, a pair of Zosterops species derived from independent immigrations into the Indian Ocean co-occur or may have formerly co-occurred, providing strong support for their origin by double-island colonization rather than within-island (sympatric or microallopatric) speciation. On Mauritius and La Reunion, phylogenetic placement of sympatric white-eyes allow us to rule out a scenario in which independent within-island speciation occurred on both islands; one of the species pairs must have arisen by double colonization, while the other pair is likely to have arisen by the same mechanism. Long-distance immigration therefore appears to be responsible for much of the region's white-eye diversity. Independent immigrations into the region have resulted in lineages with mutually exclusive distributions and it seems likely that competition with congeneric species, rather than arrival frequency, may limit present-day diversity.
Saccadic eye movements and fixations are the behavioral means by which we visually sample text during reading. Human oculomotor control is governed by a complex neurophysiological system involving the brain stem, superior colliculus, and several cortical areas [1, 2]. A very widely held belief among researchers investigating primate vision is that the oculomotor system serves to orient the visual axes of both eyes to fixate the same target point in space. It is argued that such precise positioning of the eyes is necessary to place images on corresponding retinal locations, such that on each fixation a single, nondiplopic, visual representation is perceived [3]. Vision works actively through a continual sampling process involving saccades and fixations [4]. Here we report that during normal reading, the eyes do not always fixate the same letter within a word. We also demonstrate that saccadic targeting is yoked and based on a unified cyclopean percept of a whole word since it is unaffected if different word parts are delivered exclusively to each eye via a dichoptic presentation technique. These two findings together suggest that the visual signal from each eye is fused at a very early stage in the visual pathway, even when the fixation disparity is greater than one character (0.29 deg), and that saccade metrics for each eye are computed on the basis of that fused signal.