204 resultados para erän vaihto


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In this article, the authors aim to present a critical review of recent MRI studies addressing white matter (WM) abnormalities in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI), by searching PubMed and reviewing MRI studies evaluating subjects with AD or MCI using WM volumetric methods, diffusion tensor imaging and assessment of WM hyperintensities. Studies have found that, compared with healthy controls, AD and MCI samples display WM volumetric reductions and diffusion tensor imaging findings suggestive of reduced WM integrity. These changes affect complex networks relevant to episodic memory and other cognitive processes, including fiber connections that directly link medial temporal structures and the corpus callosum. Abnormalities in cortico-cortical and cortico-subcortical WM interconnections are associated with an increased risk of progression from MCI to dementia. It can be concluded that WM abnormalities are detectable in early stages of AD and MCI. Degeneration of WM networks causes disconnection among neural cells and the degree of such changes is related to cognitive decline. © 2013 2013 Expert Reviews Ltd.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Identifizierung, Sequenzierung und Charakterisierung des Dmxl1-Gen in Mus musculus sowie die funktionelle Analyse durch Knock-OutrnrnBei Dmxl1 handelt es sich um ein neuartiges Gen aus Mus musculus. Das ebenfalls in der vorliegenden Arbeit bioinformatisch untersuchte Gen DMXL1 ist das zu Dmxl1 homologe Gen des Menschen. Beide Gene bestehen aus 43 Exons, das murine Dmxl1 codiert für eine mRNA von 10992 bp bzw. 12210 bp, das humane DMXL1 kodiert für eine cDNA von 11082 bp, der offene Leserahmen umfasst bei der Maus 9042 bp. In der Maus konnte ein mögliches alternatives Polyadenylierungssignal identifiziert werden. Zwischen beiden Spezies sind die Exonpositionen und ihre Längen hoch konserviert. Dmxl1 liegt auf dem Crick-Strang von Chromosom 18 Bande C, der translatierte Bereich erstreckt sich auf genomischer Ebene über 129558 bp und die Orientierung verläuft in Richtung Centromer. Dmxl1 und DMXL1 gehören damit zu den größten bekannten Genen in Maus und Mensch. Bei beiden Spezies liegen die DmX-Homologen genomisch innerhalb eines Bereichs der Isochoren-Klasse L1 in einer Gen-armen Region. Die Anzahl der repetitiven Elemente innerhalb der Genregion von Dmxl1 liegt 6% unter dem erwarteten Wert eines L1 Isochors, die Anzahl beim Menschen liegt 4% über dem erwarteten Wert. Um die mögliche Promotorstruktur von Dmxl1 darzustellen, wurden umfangreiche in silico-Analysen der Region um den putativen Transkriptionsstart vorgenommen. Mit Hilfe der gewonnenen Daten konnte ein Transkriptionstartpunkt identifiziert werden. Zudem wurde eine Promotorstruktur erarbeitet, bei der angenommen werden kann, dass sie eine gute Näherung an die tatsächlich vorhandenen Bindungsstellen von Transkriptionsfaktoren darstellt. Die mit bioinformatischen Werkzeugen erzeugte virtuelle Promotor- und Enhancerstruktur zeigt das Potenzial, Dmxl1 basal und ubiquitär zu exprimieren. Gleichzeitig zeigen diese Daten, dass Dmxl1 vermutlich in einigen Geweben der Keimbahn, im Fettgewebe, dem blutbildenen System und während der Embryogenese hochkomplex reguliert werden kann. Eine regulierte Expression zur Steuerung des Energiestoffwechsels ist ebenfalls wahrscheinlich. Diese Ergebnisse passen sehr gut zu den experimentell ermittelten Daten und den beobachteten Phänotypen Dmxl1-chimärer Mäuse.rnDie abgeleitete Aminosäuresequenz umfasst in der Maus 3013 AS, im Menschen 3027 AS, der Vergleich der abgeleiteten Aminosäuresequenzen zeigt eine Identität von 89,3 % und eine Similarität von 94,7 % zwischen beiden Spezies. Im Dmxl1/DMXL1-Protein von Maus und Mensch konnten mindestens 24 und maximal 36 WD-Wiederholungseinheiten identifiziert werden, zudem wurden eine Reihe weiterer konservierter Proteinmotive gefunden. Die in silico-Strukturanalysen beider abgeleiteter Aminosäuresequenzen lässt vermuten, dass sich C- und N-terminal WD-Propellerstrukturen befinden. In dieser Arbeit gelang eine C-terminale Rekonstruktion einer 10-blättrigen Propellerstruktur, denkbar ist jedoch auch eine Struktur mit mindestens drei WD-Propellern, wenn eine prädominante Struktur mit Propellern aus jeweils sieben Propellerblättern angenommen wird.rnDas primäre Ziel dieser Arbeit, die Etablierung einer stabilen Mauslinie mit diruptiertem Dmxl1-Gen konnte aufgrund einer beobachteten Haploinsuffizienz nicht erreicht werden. Trotz zahlreicher Transformationen von Maus-Stammzelllinien konnte letztlich nur eine stabil transformierte Linie mit einem Dmxl1-Null-Allel identifiziert werden, was auch zu den theoretischen Daten und den angenommenen Aufgaben von Dmxl1 als komplex und diffizil reguliertes Multifunktions-Protein passt. Aus der transformierten Mauszelllinie konnten chimäre Mäuse entwickelt werden, die in Abhängigkeit von dem Ausmaß des Chimärismus phänotypisch massive Schädigungen aufwiesen. Neben einer Teilsterilität wurden massive Fettleibigkeit und ein ausgeprägter Hypogonadismus beobachtet. Keines der Tiere war in der Lage das Dmxl1-Null-Allel zu transduzieren. Die Tiere waren nur sehr eingeschränkt fertil, die wenigen Nachkommen entsprachen genotypisch und phänotypisch ausschließlich den verwendeten Blastocysten.rn


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Over the past ten years, the cross-correlation of long-time series of ambient seismic noise (ASN) has been widely adopted to extract the surface-wave part of the Green’s Functions (GF). This stochastic procedure relies on the assumption that ASN wave-field is diffuse and stationary. At frequencies <1Hz, the ASN is mainly composed by surface-waves, whose origin is attributed to the sea-wave climate. Consequently, marked directional properties may be observed, which call for accurate investigation about location and temporal evolution of the ASN-sources before attempting any GF retrieval. Within this general context, this thesis is aimed at a thorough investigation about feasibility and robustness of the noise-based methods toward the imaging of complex geological structures at the local (∼10-50km) scale. The study focused on the analysis of an extended (11 months) seismological data set collected at the Larderello-Travale geothermal field (Italy), an area for which the underground geological structures are well-constrained thanks to decades of geothermal exploration. Focusing on the secondary microseism band (SM;f>0.1Hz), I first investigate the spectral features and the kinematic properties of the noise wavefield using beamforming analysis, highlighting a marked variability with time and frequency. For the 0.1-0.3Hz frequency band and during Spring- Summer-time, the SMs waves propagate with high apparent velocities and from well-defined directions, likely associated with ocean-storms in the south- ern hemisphere. Conversely, at frequencies >0.3Hz the distribution of back- azimuths is more scattered, thus indicating that this frequency-band is the most appropriate for the application of stochastic techniques. For this latter frequency interval, I tested two correlation-based methods, acting in the time (NCF) and frequency (modified-SPAC) domains, respectively yielding esti- mates of the group- and phase-velocity dispersions. Velocity data provided by the two methods are markedly discordant; comparison with independent geological and geophysical constraints suggests that NCF results are more robust and reliable.


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In this thesis, the main Executive Control theories are exposed. Methods typical of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience are introduced and the role of behavioural tasks involving conflict resolution in the response elaboration, after the presentation of a stimulus to the subject, are highlighted. In particular, the Eriksen Flanker Task and its variants are discussed. Behavioural data, from scientific literature, are illustrated in terms of response times and error rates. During experimental behavioural tasks, EEG is registered simultaneously. Thanks to this, event related potential, related with the current task, can be studied. Different theories regarding relevant event related potential in this field - such as N2, fERN (feedback Error Related Negativity) and ERN (Error Related Negativity) – are introduced. The aim of this thesis is to understand and simulate processes regarding Executive Control, including performance improvement, error detection mechanisms, post error adjustments and the role of selective attention, with the help of an original neural network model. The network described here has been built with the purpose to simulate behavioural results of a four choice Eriksen Flanker Task. Model results show that the neural network can simulate response times, error rates and event related potentials quite well. Finally, results are compared with behavioural data and discussed in light of the mentioned Executive Control theories. Future perspective for this new model are outlined.


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Seizures are often the presenting symptoms of a cerebral tumor and may precede its diagnosis by many years. The article under evaluation searched two large English registries for patients admitted for new-onset epilepsy. The risk of subsequently being diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor was found to be 26-fold higher compared with controls, persisted over many years and was accentuated in young patients. Recently, surgical advances have led to a significant decrease in surgical morbidities, making surgery the first treatment option for gliomas, especially low-grade gliomas. This paradigm shift warrants a consequent diagnostic workup (MRI) in patients at risk for low-grade glioma - that is, patients with new-onset epilepsy. The study is discussed in the context of the ongoing debate on neuroimaging after new-onset epilepsy.


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The technique of the osteotome-mediated transcrestal sinus floor elevation is described in a series of case reports. Fifty-five patients received a total of 66 implants over a period of 6 years. Bio-Oss was added in more than 60% of cases to increase the stability of the lifted area. The surgical procedure appeared to be a safe method that was well supported by the patients. It was applied for different prosthetic indications in partially and completely edentulous situations. The survival rate of the implants during the healing phase was 98.5%, and it was 100% after loading. The patients' responses to the Summers technique were evaluated by means of short interviews and visual analog scales (VAS), and the answers were compared with those from a group of patients who had received implants in the same location during the same period but without the osteotome technique. The answers regarding pain were not different between the groups. However, significantly more patients who had received the implants by means of the osteotome technique judged the surgical procedure as highly uncomfortable. It is concluded that patients need to be well prepared for the procedure.


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This case series reports on the use of nonsilica-based high-strength full ceramics for different prosthetic indications. Fifty-two consecutive patients received tooth- or implant-supported zirconia reconstructions during a 2-year period. The observation period for reexamination was 12 to 30 months. The most frequent indications were single crowns and short-span fixed partial dentures. A few implant superstructures were screw-retained, whereas all remaining restorations were cemented on natural teeth or zirconia implant abutments. Clinical examination included biologic (probing depths, bleeding on probing) and esthetic (Papilla Index) parameters, as well as technical complications. No implant was lost or caused any problems, but two teeth were lost after horizontal fracture. Overall, the periodontal parameters were favorable. Fractures of frameworks or implant abutments were not observed. Abutment-screw loosening occurred once for one premolar single crown. Furthermore, five implant crowns in the posterior region exhibited chipping of the porcelain veneering material. With regard to esthetics, no reconstructions were considered unacceptable, but three crowns were remade shortly after delivery. In this short-term study, it was observed that biologic, esthetic, and mechanical properties of zirconia were favorable, and the material could be used in various prosthetic indications on teeth or implants.


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Josef Hirschel


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... mē-... Mōše Alšêk


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This article presents a mathematical method for producing hard-chine ship hulls based on a set of numerical parameters that are directly related to the geometric features of the hull and uniquely define a hull form for this type of ship. The term planing hull is used generically to describe the majority of hard-chine boats being built today. This article is focused on unstepped, single-chine hulls. B-spline curves and surfaces were combined with constraints on the significant ship curves to produce the final hull design. The hard-chine hull geometry was modeled by decomposing the surface geometry into boundary curves, which were defined by design constraints or parameters. In planing hull design, these control curves are the center, chine, and sheer lines as well as their geometric features including position, slope, and, in the case of the chine, enclosed area and centroid. These geometric parameters have physical, hydrodynamic, and stability implications from the design point of view. The proposed method uses two-dimensional orthogonal projections of the control curves and then produces three-dimensional (3-D) definitions using B-spline fitting of the 3-D data points. The fitting considers maximum deviation from the curve to the data points and is based on an original selection of the parameterization. A net of B-spline curves (stations) is then created to match the previously defined 3-D boundaries. A final set of lofting surfaces of the previous B-spline curves produces the hull surface.


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En 1587 un sismo de magnitud 6.4 asociado a las fallas ciegas de Quito, causó gran daño en la ciudad; esto es muy preocupante toda vez que existen estudios que indican que el período de recurrencia es de aproximadamente 200 años. Lo que implica que al 2014 debieron haberse producido dos sismos de igual magnitud, que gracias a Dios no ha sucedido, ya que las consecuencias habrían sido desastrosas porque buena parte de la ciudad se encuentra sobre estas fallas. Al no haberse registrado sismos de la magnitud indicada en los cuatro últimos siglos se tiene una gran acumulación de energía toda vez que la tasa de movimiento de estas fallas se encuentra entre los 3 y 4 mm al año. De tal manera que existe una gran probabilidad de tener un sismo muy fuerte. En estas condiciones es muy importante obtener espectros de respuesta elástica que se generarían por un sismo asociado a alguno de los segmentos de las fallas ciegas inversas de Quito y que mejor hacerlo con modelos de movimientos fuertes que han sido publicados en los últimos años y reconocidos a nivel mundial por la gran base de datos con la que fueron obtenidos. En este artículo se van a presentar tres modelos de movimientos fuertes y son los desarrollados por: Abrahamson, Silva y Kamai (2013); Campbell y Borzognia (2013); y el modelo de Zhao et al. (2006). Para cada uno de estos modelos se indican la base de datos y las ecuaciones que definen las ramas del espectro. Se destaca que estos modelos sirven también para encontrar leyes de atenuación del movimiento del suelo. Posteriormente como una aplicación se obtendrá espectros para cinco Parroquias del Centro Norte de Quito, a saber: Rumipamba, Belisario Quevedo, Mariscal Sucre, Iñaquito y Jipijapa; asociados al sismo máximo probable generados en el segmento de falla que está más cerca y es el denominado Ilumbisí-La Bota, con cada uno de los modelos indicados en el párrafo anterior y se encontrarán espectros ponderados para un nivel de confiabilidad del 84%. Las ordenadas espectrales que se hallan son mayores a las ordenadas espectrales que reporta la Norma Ecuatoriana de la Construcción de 2011 y los que se obtienen con los factores de sitio hallados en el estudio de Microzonificación Sísmica de Quito por ERN en el 2012.