985 resultados para emergency nursing


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In recent years there has been increasing recognition internationally that health care is not as safe as it ought to be and that patient safety outcomes need to be improved. To this end patient safety has become the focus of a world-wide endeavour aimed at reducing the incidence and impact of preventable human errors and related adverse events in health care domains. The emergency department has been identified as a significant site of preventable human errors and adverse events in the health care system, raising important questions about the nature of human error management and patient safety ethics in rapidly changing environments. In this article (the first of a two-part discussion on the subject) an overview of the incidence and impact of preventable adverse events in ED contexts is explored. The development of a ‘culture of safety’ in other hazardous industries and the ‘lessons learned’ and applied to the health care industry are also briefly examined. In a second article (to be presented as Part II), some of the ethical tensions that have arisen in the context of implementing patient safety processes and their possible implications for ED contexts are explored.


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In recent years there has been increasing recognition internationally that health care is not as safe as it ought to be and that patient safety outcomes need to be improved. To this end, patient safety has become the focus of a world-wide endeavour – endorsed by the World Health Organisation – to reduce the incidence and impact of preventable human errors and related adverse events in health care domains. The emergency department has been identified as a significant site of preventable human errors and adverse events in the health care system, raising important questions about the nature of human error management and patient safety ethics in rapidly changing environments, of which the Emergency Department is a prime example. In Part I of this article series, an overview of the incidence and impact of preventable adverse events in Emergency Department contexts and the development of the global patient safety movement was presented. In this second article brief attention is given to examining some of the ethical tensions that have arisen in response to the patient safety movement and their possible implications for Emergency Department contexts and staff.


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Objective: To examine the influence of the nurse, the type of patient presentation and the level of hospital service on consistency of triage using the Australasian Triage Scale.

A secondary analysis of survey data was conducted. The main study was undertaken to measure the reliability of 237 scenarios for inclusion in a national training programme. Nurses were recruited from a quota sample of Australian ED according to peer group. Analysis was performed to determine concordance: the percentage of responses in the modal triage category. Analysis of variance (anova) and Pearson correlations were used to investigate associations between the explanatory variables and concordance.

A total of 42/50 (84%) participants returned questionnaires, providing 9946 scenario responses for analysis. Significant differences in concordance were observed by variables describing the type of patient presentation and level of urgency. Mean scores for the comparison group (adult pain; 70.7%) were higher than the groups involving a mental health or pregnancy presentations (61.4%; P≤ 0.001; 65.0%; P= 0.02). Modal responses at the extreme ends of the scale were higher than in the middle categories (P≤ 0.001). There was a significant main effect on concordance by type of service according to peer group (P= 0.03). Of the nine variables that described nurse characteristics, age was the only factor to influence the outcome (P= 0.05).

Conclusion: We identified significant problems with the consistency of triage for mental health and pregnancy presentations. Further research is needed to improve the guidelines on the implementation of the Australasian Triage Scale for these populations.


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Background: Medication safety is of increasing importance and understanding the nature and frequency of medication errors in the Emergency Department (ED) will assist in tailoring interventions which will make patient care safer. The challenge with the literature to date is the wide variability in the frequency of errors reported and the reliance on incident reporting practices of busy ED staff. Methods: A prospective, exploratory descriptive design using point prevalence surveys was used to establish the frequency of observed medication errors in the ED. In addition, data related to contextual factors such as ED patients, staffing and workload were also collected during the point prevalence surveys to enable the analysis of relationships between the frequency and nature of specific error types and patient and ED characteristics at the time of data collection. Results: A total of 172 patients were included in the study: 125 of whom patients had a medication chart. The prevalence of medication errors in the ED studied was 41.2% for failure to apply patient ID bands, 12.2% for failure to document allergy status and 38.4% for errors of omission. The proportion of older patients in the ED did not affect the frequency of medication errors. There was a relationship between high numbers of ATS 1, 2 and 3 patients (indicating high levels of clinical urgency) and increased rates of failure to document allergy status. Medication errors were affected by ED occupancy, when cubicles in the ED were over 50% occupied, medication errors occurred more frequently. ED staffing affects the frequency of medication errors, there was an increase in failure to apply ID bands and errors of omission when there were unfilled nursing deficits and lower levels of senior medical staff were associated with increased errors of omission. Conclusions: Medication errors related to patient identification, allergy status and medication omissions occur more frequently in the ED when the ED is busy, has sicker patients and when the staffing is not at the minimum required staffing levels.


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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The purpose of the study was to understand the experience of nursing professionals on the care provided to adult patients and relatives who experience the dying process in an emergency room. Statements of 12 nursing professionals, being 8 technicians and 4 registered nurses of the emergency room of a high-complexity university hospital were analyzed. Data was collected by means of semi-structured interviews and evaluated according to Bardin’s content analysis. As a result, the theme entitled the relative’s mourning process emerged with two categories: alterity as an opening and suffering as a limit. when subjectivity, which was revealed under the principle of alterity, permeated the subjects’ actions, the nursing practices were targeted at the patients and their relative’s needs, but suffering as a limit imposed distancing by the professionals during care provision, even when it was perceived as necessary.


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Para identificar fatores associados ao óbito em motociclistas envolvidos em ocorrências de trânsito, em Maringá-PR, foi realizado estudo retrospectivo incluindo os motociclistas envolvidos em acidentes no ano de 2004. As fontes de dados foram os registros da Polícia Militar, do SIATE e do Instituto Médico Legal. Foram realizadas análises bivariadas e regressão logística binária. Identificaram-se 2.362 motociclistas nos Boletins de Ocorrência e, destes, 1.743 tinham registros nos Relatórios de Atendimento do Socorrista. As vítimas fatais diferiram das demais quanto à faixa etária, ao local de residência, ao tempo de habilitação e as suas condições fisiológicas na cena da ocorrência. No modelo final permaneceram as seguintes variáveis: Escala de Coma de Glasgow (ECGl), Revised Trauma Score (RTS), pulso e saturação de O2 no sangue. As condições fisiológicas das vítimas na cena do acidente se destacaram no modelo final e a ECGl superou o RTS na associação com óbito.


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Este trabalho objetiva caracterizar o processo comunicativo entre os auxiliares de enfermagem das viaturas de Suporte Básico de Vida do Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência, a coordenação deste serviço e a Central Única de Regulação Médica de um município do Estado de São Paulo. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritivo-qualitativa que utilizou a análise temática de conteúdo para a análise dos dados. Usou-se entrevista semi-estruturada para a coleta de dados que foi realizada em janeiro de 2010. Os resultados obtidos mostram dificuldades de comunicação tanto com a Central de Regulação Médica quanto com a coordenação. Os aspectos que mais se destacaram foram as falhas durante a transmissão via rádio, falta de capacitação dos operadores de rádio, acesso à coordenação dificultado e ausência da supervisão dos enfermeiros. No entanto, foi possível detectar soluções que visam à melhoria da comunicação e, consequentemente, do atendimento ofertado pelo Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência.


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Lisääntyvä ikääntyneiden määrä asettaa vaatimuksia terveydenhuollon järjestämiselle niin Suomessa kuin maailmanlaajuisestikin. Ikääntyneiden monialaiset ongelmat yhdessä perussairauksien kanssa muodostavat monimutkaisen kokonaisuuden, joka voi johtaa avun hakemiseen päivystyksestä. Ikääntyneiden hoidossa esiintyvät erityispiirteet, hoidettavien kognitiivisen toimintakyvyn heikkeneminen, lyhentyneet hoitoajat ja hoidon painopisteen siirtyminen kotiin vaativat hoitohenkilökuntaa yhä enenevässä määrin kiinnittämään huomiota potilasohjaukseen. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata päivystysosastolta kotiutuvien ikääntyneiden ja sairaanhoitajien välisten ohjauskeskusteluiden rakennetta ja sisältöä. Tavoitteena oli tuottaa tietoa siitä, mitä voimavaraistumista tukevia piirteitä ja tiedon osa-alueita esiintyy ohjauskeskusteluissa. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin ei-osallistuvalla havainnoinnilla videoimalla päivystysosastolta kotiutuvien ikääntyneiden ohjaustilanteita (n=22) syksyllä 2015. Osallistuneiden potilaiden keski-ikä oli 79 vuotta. Aineisto analysoitiin deduktiivisella sisällönanalyysilla. Ohjauskeskustelun rakenteesta etsittiin voimavaraistumista tukevia piirteitä ja sisältöä analysoitiin kuuden voimavaraistumista tukevan tiedon osa-alueen pohjalta (biofysiologinen, toiminnallinen, kokemuksellinen, sosiaalinen, eettinen ja taloudellinen). Ohjauskeskustelujen alussa ei asetettu ohjauksen tavoitteita tai arvioitu ikääntyneiden aikaisemman tiedon tasoa. Ohjauskeskustelut etenivät pääosin hoitajien määrittäminä. Ikääntyneet kysyivät vähemmän kysymyksiä ja heidän yksisanaisten puheenvuorojensa määrä oli suurempi kuin hoitajilla. Ikääntyneiden osallistumista ohjauskeskusteluun ei myöskään tuettu. Kysymyksen esitettyään hoitajat antoivat ikääntyneille mahdollisuuden vastata, mutta eivät varmistaneet, olivatko nämä ymmärtäneet ohjauksen. Ohjauskeskusteluiden sisältöä tarkasteltaessa tietoa ikääntyneille välitettiin pääasiassa biofysiologisen tiedon osa-alueelta (tietoa hoidosta ja oireista). Toiseksi eniten tietoa välitettiin ikääntyneille toiminnallisen tiedon osa-alueelta (liikkuminen ja kotona selviytyminen) ja sosiaalisen tiedon osa-alueelta (omaisten osallistuminen hoitoon). Taloudellisen tiedon osa-alue jäi aineistossa pieneksi. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat tarvetta kiinnittää huomiota ohjauskeskusteluiden rakenteeseen ja sisältöön etenkin hoidettaessa ikääntyneitä, joilla on monitahoisia terveysongelmia. Tutkimuksesta saatavaa tietoa voidaan hyödyntää suunniteltaessa ja toteuttaessa ikääntyneiden potilasohjausta päivystyksessä sekä suunniteltaessa sairaanhoitajien potilasohjauskoulutusta.


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BACKGROUND: The nature of acute clinical deterioration has changed over the last three decades with a decrease in in-hospital cardiac arrests and an increase in acute clinical deterioration. Despite this change, research related to family presence continues to focus on care during resuscitation rather than during acute deterioration. AIM: To explore healthcare clinician attitudes, beliefs and perceptions of current practices surrounding family presence during episodes of acute deterioration in adult Emergency Department patients. METHODS: Clinicians (n=156) from a single study site in Melbourne, Australia completed a 17-item survey. RESULTS: Participants disagreed that family members would interrupt (59.0%) or interfere (61.5%) with patient care if present during episodes of patient deterioration. Most (77.6%) participants stated that they included family during episodes of patient deterioration. Females, nurses and Australians/New Zealanders had a more positive attitude towards including family during episodes of patient deterioration when compared to males, doctors and clinicians of other ethnicities. Nurses with post-graduate qualifications and those with more years of experience had a more positive attitude towards including family during episodes of patient deterioration than nurses without post-graduation qualification and with less years of experience. CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians had predominantly positive attitudes towards including family during episodes of patient deterioration and perceived it to be a common day-to-day practice. Gender, profession, country of birth, education level and years of experience all impacted on clinician attitudes, beliefs and perceptions of family presence during acute deterioration.


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BACKGROUND: Transition to Specialty Practice Programs was introduced to facilitate the transition of nurses to specialty practice, and is recognised as preparatory for emergency nurses. Emergency nursing Transition to Specialty Practice Programs and their characteristics have developed locally in response to unit needs. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine the characteristics of emergency nursing Transition to Specialty Practice Programs in Australia, and identify which characteristics were associated with improved professional development outcomes. METHODS: An explanatory sequential design was used. Data were collected via online surveys and interviews of emergency Nurse Managers and Nurse Educators. Transition to Specialty Practice Program characteristics were compared using Mann Whitney U and Chi-Square tests. Content analysis was used to analyse qualitative data. RESULTS: Survey data were collected from 118 emergency departments, and 13 interviews were conducted. Transition to Specialty Practice Programs were offered in most emergency departments (n=80, 72.1%), with one or two intakes per year. Transition to Specialty Practice Program characteristics varied; duration ranged from 5-12months, clinical preparation time ranged from 7-22days, and the number of study days provided ranged from 2-6. When Transition to Specialty Practice Programs of 6 and 12months duration were compared, there was no difference in the content covered. Emergency departments with 12month Transition to Specialty Practice Programs had lower percentages of Clinical Specialists (9% vs 18%, p=0.03) and postgraduate qualified nurses (30.5% vs 43.8%, p=0.09). CONCLUSION: The target participants, duration and clinical preparation of Transition to Specialty Practice Programs participants varied, impeding workforce mobility and articulation to postgraduate study and there were no professional development advantages from longer programs. There is an urgent need for a nationally consistent, evidence-based and fiscally responsible approach to Transition to Specialty Practice Programs.