933 resultados para elliptical human detection


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Poster presented at the XXIII International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, 14-18 June 2015, Malmo, Sweden.


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Human polyomaviruses JCV and BKV can cause several clinical manifestations in immunocompromised hosts, including progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) and haemorrhagic cystitis. Molecular detection by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is recognised as a sensitive and specific method for detecting human polyomaviruses in clinical samples. In this study, we developed a PCR assay using a single primer pair to amplify a segment of the VP1 gene of JCV and BKV. An enzyme linked amplicon hybridisation assay (ELAHA) using species-specific biotinylated oligonucleotide probes was used to differentiate between JCV and BKV. This assay (VP1-PCR-ELAHA) was evaluated and compared to a PCR assay targeting the human polyomavirus T antigen gene (pol-PCR). DNA sequencing was used to confirm the polyomavirus species identified by the VP1-PCR-ELAHA and to determine the subtype of each JCV isolate. A total of 297 urine specimens were tested and human polyomavirus was detected in 105 specimens (35.4%) by both PCR assays. The differentiation of JCV and BKV by the VP1-PCR-ELAHA showed good agreement with the results of DNA sequencing. Further, DNA sequencing of the JCV positive specimens showed the most prevalent JCV subtype in our cohort was 2a (27%) followed by 1b (20%), 1a (15%), 2c (14%), 4 (14%) and 2b (10%). The results of this study show that the VP1-PCR-ELAHA is a sensitive, specific and rapid method for detecting and differentiating human polyomaviruses JC and BK and is highly suitable for routine use in the clinical laboratory. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Viruses are the major cause of pediatric acute respiratory tract infection (ARTI) and yet many suspected cases of infection remain uncharacterized. We employed 17 PCR assays and retrospectively screened 315 specimens selected by season from a predominantly pediatric hospital-based population. Before the Brisbane respiratory virus research study commenced, one or more predominantly viral pathogens had been detected in 15.2% (n = 48) of all specimens. The Brisbane study made an additional 206 viral detections, resulting in the identification of a microbe in 67.0% of specimens. After our study, the majority of microbes detected were RNA viruses (89.9%). Overall, human rhinoviruses (HRVs) were the most frequently identified target (n=140) followed by human adenoviruses (HAdVs; n = 25), human metapneumovirus (HMPV; n=18), human bocavirus (HBoV; n = 15), human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV; n = 12), human coronaviruses (HCoVs; n = 11), and human herpesvirus-6 (n = 11). HRVs were the sole microbe detected in 37.8% (n = 31) of patients with suspected lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI). Genotyping of the HRV VP4/VP2 region resulted in a proposed subdivision of HRV type A into sublineages A1 and A2. Most of the genotyped HAdV strains were found to be type C. This study describes the high microbial burden imposed by HRVs, HMPV, HRSV, HCoVs, and the newly identified virus, HBoV on a predominantly paediatric hospital population with suspected acute respiratory tract infections and proposes a new formulation of viral targets for future diagnostic research studies.


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The recently discovered human bocavirus (HBoV) is the first member of the family Parpoviridae, genus Bocavirus, to be potentially associated with human disease. Several studies have identified HBoV in respiratory specimens from children with acute respiratory disease, but the full spectrum of clinical disease and the epidemiology of HBoV infection remain unclear. The availability of rapid and reliable molecular diagnostics would therefore aid future studies of this novel virus. To address this, we developed two sensitive and specific real-time TaqMan PCR assays that target the HBoV NS1 and NP-1 genes. Both assays could reproducibly detect 10 copies of a recombinant DNA plasmid containing a partial region of the HBoV genome, with a dynamic range of 8 log units (10(1) to 10(8) copies). Eight blinded clinical specimen extracts positive for HBoV by an independent PCR assay were positive by both real-time assays. Among 1,178 NP swabs collected from hospitalized pneumonia patients in Sa Kaeo Province, Thailand, 53 (4.5%) were reproducibly positive for HBoV by one or both targets. Our data confirm the possible association of HBoV infection with pneumonia and demonstrate the utility of these real-time PCR assays for HBoV detection.


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Modification of proteins by reactive ethanol metabolites has been known for some time to occur in the liver, the main site of ethanol metabolism. In more recent studies of laboratory animals, similar modifications have been detected in organs with lesser ability to metabolize ethanol, such as skeletal and cardiac muscle and brain. Such modification may alter protein function or form a neoantigen, making it a target for immune attack. We now report an analysis of protein modification derived from ethanol metabolites in human brain tissue by ELISA using adduct-specific antibodies. We obtained autopsy cerebellum samples from 10 alcoholic cerebellar degeneration cases and 10 matched controls under informed written consent from the next of kin and clearance from the UQ Human Ethics Committee. Elevated levels of protein modifications derived from acetaldehyde (unreduced-acetaldehyde and acetaldehyde-advanced glycation end-product adducts), from malondialdehyde (malondialdehyde adducts) and from combined adducts (malondialdehydeacetaldehyde (MAA) adducts) were detected in alcoholic cerebellar degeneration samples when compared to controls. Other adduct types found in liver samples, such as reduced-acetaldehyde and those derived from hydroxyethyl radicals, were not detected in brain samples. This may reflect the different routes of ethanol metabolism in the two tissues. This is the first report of elevated protein modification in alcoholic cerebellar degeneration, and suggests that such modification may play a role in the pathogenesis of brain injury. Supported by NIAAA under grant NIH AA12404 and the NHMRC (Australia) under grant #981723.


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The initial image-processing stages of visual cortex are well suited to a local (patchwise) analysis of the viewed scene. But the world's structures extend over space as textures and surfaces, suggesting the need for spatial integration. Most models of contrast vision fall shy of this process because (i) the weak area summation at detection threshold is attributed to probability summation (PS) and (ii) there is little or no advantage of area well above threshold. Both of these views are challenged here. First, it is shown that results at threshold are consistent with linear summation of contrast following retinal inhomogeneity, spatial filtering, nonlinear contrast transduction and multiple sources of additive Gaussian noise. We suggest that the suprathreshold loss of the area advantage in previous studies is due to a concomitant increase in suppression from the pedestal. To overcome this confound, a novel stimulus class is designed where: (i) the observer operates on a constant retinal area, (ii) the target area is controlled within this summation field, and (iii) the pedestal is fixed in size. Using this arrangement, substantial summation is found along the entire masking function, including the region of facilitation. Our analysis shows that PS and uncertainty cannot account for the results, and that suprathreshold summation of contrast extends over at least seven target cycles of grating. © 2007 The Royal Society.


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A preliminary study by Freeman et al (1996b) has suggested that when complex patterns of motion elicit impressions of 2-dimensionality, odd-item-out detection improves given targets can be differentiated on the basis of surface properties. Their results can be accounted for, it if is supposed that observers are permitted efficient access to 3-D surface descriptions but access to 2-D motion descriptions is restricted. To test the hypothesis, a standard search technique was employed, in which targets could be discussed on the basis of slant sign. In one experiment, slant impressions were induced through the summing of deformation and translation components. In a second theory were induced through the summing of shear and translation components. Neither showed any evidence of efficient access. A third experiment explored the possibility that access to these representations may have been hindered by a lack of grouping between the stimuli. Attempts to improve grouping failed to produce convincing evidence in support of life. An alternative explanation is that complex patterns of motion are simply not processed simultaneously. Psychophysical and physiological studies have, however, suggested that multiple mechanisms selective for complex motion do exist. Using a subthreshold summation technique I found evidence supporting the notion that complex motions are processed in parallel. Furthermore, in a spatial summation experiment, coherence thresholds were measured for displays containing different numbers of complex motion patches. Consistent with the idea that complex motion processing proceeds in parallel, increases in the number of motion patches were seen to decrease thresholds, both for expansion and rotation. Moreover, the rates of decrease were higher than those typically expected from probability summation, thus implying mechanisms are available, which can pool signals from spatially distinct complex motion flows.


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Influential models of edge detection have generally supposed that an edge is detected at peaks in the 1st derivative of the luminance profile, or at zero-crossings in the 2nd derivative. However, when presented with blurred triangle-wave images, observers consistently marked edges not at these locations, but at peaks in the 3rd derivative. This new phenomenon, termed ‘Mach edges’ persisted when a luminance ramp was added to the blurred triangle-wave. Modelling of these Mach edge detection data required the addition of a physiologically plausible filter, prior to the 3rd derivative computation. A viable alternative model was examined, on the basis of data obtained with short-duration, high spatial-frequency stimuli. Detection and feature-making methods were used to examine the perception of Mach bands in an image set that spanned a range of Mach band detectabilities. A scale-space model that computed edge and bar features in parallel provided a better fit to the data than 4 competing models that combined information across scale in a different manner, or computed edge or bar features at a single scale. The perception of luminance bars was examined in 2 experiments. Data for one image-set suggested a simple rule for perception of a small Gaussian bar on a larger inverted Gaussian bar background. In previous research, discriminability (d’) has typically been reported to be a power function of contrast, where the exponent (p) is 2 to 3. However, using bar, grating, and Gaussian edge stimuli, with several methodologies, values of p were obtained that ranged from 1 to 1.7 across 6 experiments. This novel finding was explained by appealing to low stimulus uncertainty, or a near-linear transducer.


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Phosphatidylserine (PS) is preferentially located in the inner leaflet of the cell membrane, and translocation of PS oxidized in fatty acyl chains to the outside of membrane has been reported as signaling to macrophage receptors to clear apoptotic cells. It was recently shown that PS can be oxidized in serine moiety of polar head-group. In the present work, a targeted lipidomic approach was applied to detecting OxPS modified at the polar head-group in keratinocytes that were exposed to the radical generator AAPH. Glycerophosphoacetic acid derivatives (GPAA) were found to be the major oxidation products of OxPS modified at the polar head-group during oxidation induced by AAPH-generated radicals, similarly to previous observations for the oxidation induced by OH radical. The neutral loss scan of 58Da and a novel precursor ion scan of m/z 137.1 (HOPO3CH2COOH) allowed the recognition of GPAA derivatives in the total lipid extracts obtained from HaCaT cells treated with AAPH. The positive identification of serine head group oxidation products in cells under controlled oxidative conditions opens new perspectives and justifies further studies in other cellular environments in order to understand fully the role of PS polar head-group oxidation in cell homeostasis and disease.


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Previous work has shown that human vision performs spatial integration of luminance contrast energy, where signals are squared and summed (with internal noise) over area at detection threshold. We tested that model here in an experiment using arrays of micro-pattern textures that varied in overall stimulus area and sparseness of their target elements, where the contrast of each element was normalised for sensitivity across the visual field. We found a power-law improvement in performance with stimulus area, and a decrease in sensitivity with sparseness. While the contrast integrator model performed well when target elements constituted 50–100% of the target area (replicating previous results), observers outperformed the model when texture elements were sparser than this. This result required the inclusion of further templates in our model, selective for grids of various regular texture densities. By assuming a MAX operation across these noisy mechanisms the model also accounted for the increase in the slope of the psychometric function that occurred as texture density decreased. Thus, for the first time, mechanisms that are selective for texture density have been revealed at contrast detection threshold. We suggest that these mechanisms have a role to play in the perception of visual textures.


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Home Manager, è una piattaforma sperimentale per la gestione di Smart Space e in particolare di una casa intelligente immersa in uno ambiente, avente l'ambizione di anticipare le necessità dell'utente. Questa tesi ha due obiettivi fondamentali: in primo luogo, implementare su piattaforma Raspberry la parte di Home Manager relativa allo scenario del riconoscimento delle persone negli ambienti della casa, mediante l'utilizzo del modulo telecamera; in secondo luogo, attraverso le informazioni ricavate precedentemente, implementare e simulare una gestione intelligente e automatica delle luci presenti all'interno della casa, sfruttando a tal fine un modulo relè.