965 resultados para element-free Galerkin method


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A low-dimensional Galerkin method, initiated by Noack and Eckelmann [Physica D 56, 151 (1992)], for the prediction of the flow field around a stationary two-dimensional circular cylinder in a uniform stream at low Reynolds number is generalized to the case of a rotating and translating cylinder. The Hopf bifurcation describing the transition from steady to time-periodic solution is investigated. A curve indicating the transitional boundary is given in the two-dimensional parameter plane of Reynolds number Re and rotating parameter alpha. Our results show that rotation may delay the onset of vortex street and decrease the vortex-shedding frequency. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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In this paper the Deflagration to Detonation Transition (DDT) process of gaseous H-2-O-2 mixture and Mach reflection of gaseous detonation wave on a wedge have been conducted experimentally. The cellular pattern of DDT process and Mach reflection were obtained from experiments with wedge angle theta = 10(0) similar to 40(0) and initial pressure of gaseous mixture 16kPa similar to 26.7kPa. The 2-D numerical simulations of DDT process and Mach reflection of detonation wave were performed by using the simplified ZND model and improved space-time conservation element and solution element (CE/SE) method. The numerical cellular structures were compared with the cellular patterns of soot track. Compared results were shown that it is satisfactory. The characteristic comparisons on Mach reflection of air shock wave and detonation wave were carried also out and their differences were given.


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质子激发X射线荧光(proton induced X-ray emission,PIXE)技术是一种高灵敏度、非破坏性、多元素定量测定的分析方法。采用外束PIXE技术对内蒙古地区和博山出土的一批古代玻璃的化学成分进行了定量测定。结果表明:内蒙古地区出土的玻璃中,西周时期的玻璃珠是含有少量K2O和CaO助熔剂的釉砂,其主要成分为SiO2;汉代的玻璃珠属于PbO—SiO2玻璃;多数元代的玻璃制品和部分北魏时期的玻璃珠属于K2O—CaO—SiO2玻璃。博山出土的元末明初的玻璃基本为KzO-CaO—SiO2系玻璃


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激光器中激光介质采用板条状几何结构可以极大地降低它的热效应,但仍然需要进一步分析其影响,进而优化激光器效率。利用有限元分析方法分析了部分端面抽运的混合腔板条激光器中激光介质的热效应,计算的热透镜焦距与实测结果基本相符。分析了热效应对模式匹配的影响,分析结果对于优化激光器效率、改进谐振腔设计具有一定的参考价值。并在分析的基础上进行了混合腔实验,抽运功率为110 W时,获得连续输出激光功率41.5 W,光-光转换效率约38%,斜效率达58.8%,M2因子为非稳腔方向M2x=1.59,稳定腔方向M2y=1.55。


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Neste trabalho aplicamos métodos espectrais para a determinação da configuração inicial de três espaços-tempos contendo buracos negros. Para isto apresentamos primeiro a foliação do espaço-tempo em hipersuperfícies tridimensionais espaciais parametrizadas pela função temporal t. Este processo é chamado de decomposição 3+1 [2] [5]. O resultado deste processo são dois conjuntos de equações classificadas em equações de vínculo e evolução [4]. As equações de vínculo podem ser divididas em vínculos Hamiltoniano e dos momentos. Para a obtenção dos dados iniciais dos problemas estudados aqui, apenas a equação de vínculo Hamiltoniano será resolvida numericamente, pois as equações de vínculo dos momentos possuem solução analítica nestes casos. Uma pequena descrição dos métodos espectrais é apresentada, destacando-se os método de Galerkin, método pseudoespectral ou de colocação e método de Tau, que são empregados na resolução das equações de vínculo Hamiltoniano dos problemas estudados. Verificamos que os resultados obtidos neste trabalho superam aqueles produzidos por Kidder e Finn [15], devido a uma escolha diferente das funções de base, que aqui satisfazem uma das condições de contorno.


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O desenvolvimento de software livre de Jacobiana para a resolução de problemas formulados por equações diferenciais parciais não-lineares é de interesse crescente para simular processos práticos de engenharia. Este trabalho utiliza o chamado algoritmo espectral livre de derivada para equações não-lineares na simulação de fluxos em meios porosos. O modelo aqui considerado é aquele empregado para descrever o deslocamento do fluido compressível miscível em meios porosos com fontes e sumidouros, onde a densidade da mistura de fluidos varia exponencialmente com a pressão. O algoritmo espectral utilizado é um método moderno para a solução de sistemas não-lineares de grande porte, o que não resolve sistemas lineares, nem usa qualquer informação explícita associados com a matriz Jacobiana, sendo uma abordagem livre de Jacobiana. Problemas bidimensionais são apresentados, juntamente com os resultados numéricos comparando o algoritmo espectral com um método de Newton inexato livre de Jacobiana. Os resultados deste trabalho mostram que este algoritmo espectral moderno é um método confiável e eficiente para a simulação de escoamentos compressíveis em meios porosos.


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This paper presents a method for the linear analysis of the stiffness and strength of open and closed cell lattices with arbitrary topology. The method hinges on a multiscale approach that separates the analysis of the lattice in two scales. At the macroscopic level, the lattice is considered as a uniform material; at the microscopic scale, on the other hand, the cell microstructure is modelled in detail by means of an in-house finite element solver. The method allows determine the macroscopic stiffness, the internal forces in the edges and walls of the lattice, as well as the global periodic buckling loads, along with their buckling modes. Four cube-based lattices and nine cell topologies derived by Archimedean polyhedra are studied. Several of them are characterized here for the first time with a particular attention on the role that the cell wall plays on the stiffness and strength properties. The method, automated in a computational routine, has been used to develop material property charts that help to gain insight into the performance of the lattices under investigation. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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In this paper, the SiC-based clamped-clamped filter was designed and fabricated. The filter was composed of two clamped-clamped beam micromechanical resonators coupled by a spring coupling beam. Structural geometries, including the length and width of the resonator beam and coupling beam, were optimized by simulation for high frequency and high Q, under the material properties of SiC. The vibrating modes for the designed filter structure were analyzed by finite element analysis (FEA) method. For the optimized structure, the geometries of resonator beams and coupling beams, as well as the coupling position, the SiC-based clamped-clamped filter was fabricated by surface micromaching technology.


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Dendritic copper nanostructures of different morphologies were synthesized by a surfactant-free electrochemical method. Single crystal nature of the nanostructures was revealed from their X-ray diffraction and electron diffraction patterns. Mechanism of dendrite formation was discussed from thermodynamic aspects using the concept of supersaturation. Supersaturation of the copper metal reduced on the surface of the electrode was the crucial factor for the generation of different morphologies. Effects of applied potential, temperature, and the solution concentration on the supersaturation were studied. The NO3- and H2O2 electroreduction ability of the dendritic materials was tested. Use of copper dendrite-modified electrode as NO3- sensor was demonstrated.


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In the last several decades, due to the fast development of computer, numerical simulation has been an indispensable tool in scientific research. Numerical simulation methods which based on partial difference operators such as Finite Difference Method (FDM) and Finite Element Method (FEM) have been widely used. However, in the realm of seismology and seismic prospecting, one usually meets with geological models which have piece-wise heterogeneous structures as well as volume heterogeneities between layers, the continuity of displacement and stress across the irregular layers and seismic wave scattering induced by the perturbation of the volume usually bring in error when using conventional methods based on difference operators. The method discussed in this paper is based on elastic theory and integral theory. Seismic wave equation in the frequency domain is transformed into a generalized Lippmann-Schwinger equation, in which the seismic wavefield contributed by the background is expressed by the boundary integral equation and the scattering by the volume heterogeneities is considered. Boundary element-volume integral method based on this equation has advantages of Boundary Element Method (BEM), such as reducing one dimension of the model, explicit use the displacement and stress continuity across irregular interfaces, high precision, satisfying the boundary at infinite, etc. Also, this method could accurately simulate the seismic scattering by the volume heterogeneities. In this paper, the concrete Lippmann-Schwinger equation is specifically given according to the real geological models. Also, the complete coefficients of the non-smooth point for the integral equation are introduced. Because Boundary Element-Volume integral equation method uses fundamental solutions which are singular when the source point and the field are very close,both in the two dimensional and the three dimensional case, the treatment of the singular kernel affects the precision of this method. The method based on integral transform and integration by parts could treat the points on the boundary and inside the domain. It could transform the singular integral into an analytical one both in two dimensional and in three dimensional cases and thus it could eliminate the singularity. In order to analyze the elastic seismic wave scattering due to regional irregular topographies, the analytical solution for problems of this type is discussed and the analytical solution of P waves by multiple canyons is given. For the boundary reflection, the method used here is infinite boundary element absorbing boundary developed by a pervious researcher. The comparison between the analytical solutions and concrete numerical examples validate the efficiency of this method. We thoroughly discussed the sampling frequency in elastic wave simulation and find that, for a general case, three elements per wavelength is sufficient, however, when the problem is too complex, more elements per wavelength are necessary. Also, the seismic response in the frequency domain of the canyons with different types of random heterogeneities is illustrated. We analyzed the model of the random media, the horizontal and vertical correlation length, the standard deviation, and the dimensionless frequency how to affect the seismic wave amplification on the ground, and thus provide a basis for the choice of the parameter of random media during numerical simulation.


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The large ancient underground rock caverns in Longyou is an important component of grotto cultural. Current task facing the long-term preservation of these unmovable cultural relics is arduous and challenging. The deformation failure of the caverns' surrounding rock is deteriorating. The weathering velocity of these caverns is accelerating. With the strength of caverns' surrounding rock worsening, critical rocks were generated in local regions of the caverns' vault and posing a threat to the security of people passing by. Selection of a maximum-security route and construction a aisle in the caverns might be an efficient way to ensure the security of tourists and reach the target of long-term preservation. The deformation and destruction of the ancient underground caverns is primarily dominated by geological conditions and the special structure of caverns. Based on field investigation, several fundamental conditions for deformation and failure are recognized, and nine deformation and fracture patterns of the Longyou grotto are proposed. In order to judge the stability of caverns’ surrounding rock, the element safety coefficient method is presented. An explicit explanation for the meaning of the method is deduced using Mohr-Coulomb strength criterion. Numerical analyses are carried out in the dissertation through FLAC3D code. Through numerical analysis, the stress distribution regularities of the caverns’ roofs, piles and public side wall are analysed, and the stability properties of caverns’ surrounding rock are also assessed. At the same time, the element safety coefficient method is introduced to contrast the stability degree of different regions in caverns. The above analyses are bases for choosing the optimal tourism routes in the caverns of Longyou grotto. The impact of surface load on the stability of shallow buried cavities in Longyou grotto is evaluated, the results show that building load has significant influence on the stability of the No.1 cavern’s roof, pile and public side wall between the No.1 cavern and the No.2 cavern, pedestrian load has less impact on the stability of surrounding rock than building load. The principles for choosing the optimal tourism routes in the caverns are discussed. With these principles, the dissertation makes a systematic research on the geological analytic method, numerical analytic method and meeting tourism requirements method, which are used in selecting the optimal tourism routes in the caverns. In order to achieve the best effect in the process of tourism routes selection, the above three method are integrated through Theory of Engineering Geomechanics Meta-system(EGMS). According to field investigations, numerical analyses, tourism requirements and expert experiences, the optimal tourism routes through No.1 to No.5 cavern are determined preliminarily. The obtained results from the research work are useful for the security aisle's construction, they also have reference value to other projects in practice.


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We present a generalized nonlinear susceptibility retrieval method for metamaterials based on transfer matrices and valid in the nondepleted pump approximation. We construct a general formalism to describe the transfer matrix method for nonlinear media and apply it to the processes of three- and four-wave mixing. The accuracy of this approach is verified via finite element simulations. The method is then reversed to give a set of equations for retrieving the nonlinear susceptibility. Finally, we apply the proposed retrieval operation to a three-wave mixing transmission experiment performed on a varactor loaded split ring resonator metamaterial sample and find quantitative agreement with an analytical effective medium theory model. © 2010 The American Physical Society.


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In this paper the reliability of the isolation substrate and chip mountdown solder interconnect of power modules under thermal-mechanical loading has been analysed using a numerical modelling approach. The damage indicators such as the peel stress and the accumulated plastic work density in solder interconnect are calculated for a range of geometrical design parameters, and the effects of these parameters on the reliability are studied by using a combination of the finite element analysis (FEA) method and optimisation techniques. The sensitivities of the reliability of the isolation substrate and solder interconnect to the changes of the design parameters are obtained and optimal designs are studied using response surface approximation and gradient optimization method