136 resultados para electrokinetic


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The determination of 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) and Dicamba (2-methoxy-3,6-dichlorobenzoic acid) residues in sugar cane, rice and corn was performed by a supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) method using CO2/acetone as extraction mix and an SFE apparatus developed in our laboratory. The extracts were cleaned up after extraction by both liquid- liquid partition and a Florisil column. Micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography (MEKC) coupled with ultraviolet on-column detection was used for the analysis of these pesticides. The detection limits were improved by the preparation of a special detection cell with an increased pathlength that gave detection limits of ca. 0.6 pg for 2,4-D and Dicamba. Our results demonstrated that capillary electrophoresis can be a powerful new analytical tool for pesticide residue analysis.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Despite their importance in the evaluation of petroleum and gas reservoirs, measurements of self-potential data under borehole conditions (well-logging) have found only minor applications in aquifer and waste-site characterization. This can be attributed to lower signals from the diffusion fronts in near-surface environments because measurements are made long after the drilling of the well, when concentration fronts are already disappearing. Proportionally higher signals arise from streaming potentials that prevent using simple interpretation models that assume signals from diffusion only. Our laboratory experiments found that dual-source self-potential signals can be described by a simple linear model, and that contributions (from diffusion and streaming potentials) can be isolated by slightly perturbing the borehole conditions. Perturbations are applied either by changing the concentration of the borehole-filling solution or its column height. Parameters useful for formation evaluation can be estimated from data measured during perturbations, namely, pore water resistivity, pressure drop across the borehole wall, and electrokinetic coupling parameter. These are important parameters to assess, respectively, water quality, aquifer lateral continuity, and interfacial properties of permeable formations.


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This paper describes a long-range remotely controlled CE system built on an all-terrain vehicle. A four-stroke engine and a set of 12-V batteries were used to provide power to a series of subsystems that include drivers, communication, computers, and a capillary electrophoresis module. This dedicated instrument allows air sampling using a polypropylene porous tube, coupled to a flow system that transports the sample to the inlet of a fused-silica capillary. A hybrid approach was used for the construction of the analytical subsystem combining a conventional fused-silica capillary (used for separation) and a laser machined microfluidic block, made of PMMA. A solid-state cooling approach was also integrated in the CE module to enable controlling the temperature and therefore increasing the useful range of the robot. Although ultimately intended for detection of chemical warfare agents, the proposed system was used to analyze a series of volatile organic acids. As such, the system allowed the separation and detection of formic, acetic, and propionic acids with signal-to-noise ratios of 414, 150, and 115, respectively, after sampling by only 30 s and performing an electrokinetic injection during 2.0 s at 1.0 kV.


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This paper presents simple, rapid, precise and accurate stability-indicating HPLC and CE methods, which were developed and validated for the determination of nitrendipine, nimodipine and nisoldipine. These drugs are calcium channel antagonists of the 1,4-dihydropyridine type which are used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Experimental results showed a good linear correlation between the area and the concentration of drugs covering a relatively large domain of concentration in all cases. The linearity of the analytical procedures was in the range of 2.0-120.0 mu g mL-1 for nitrendipine, 1.0-100.0 mu g mL(-1) for nimodipine and 100.0-600.0 mu g mL(-1) for nisoldipine, the regression determination coefficient being higher than 0.99 in all cases. The proposed methods were found to have good precision and accuracy. The chemical stability of these drugs was determined under various conditions and the methods have shown adequate separation for their enantiomers and degradation products. In addition, degradation products produced as a result of stress studies did not interfere with the detection of the drugs' enantiomers and the assays can thus be considered stability-indicating.


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Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit ein- und zweikomponentigen, geladenen Kolloidsystemen, die in vollentsalzten wässrigen und organischen Dispersionen kristalline Strukturen ausbilden. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird die Wechselwirkung der Kolloide mit verschiedenen Methoden charakterisiert. Dabei zeigten sich quantitative Übereinstimmungen zwischen den Resultaten aus Zellenmodellrechnungen und aus elektrokinetischen Messungen einerseits und Messungen des Phasenverhaltens und der Elastizität andererseits. Diese nunmehr gut gesicherten Diskrepanzen und Korrelationen bedürfen des theoretischen Verständnisses. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde das Erstarrungsverhalten kolloidaler Scherschmelzen in den kristallinen Zustand mit (zeitaufgelöster) statischer Lichtstreuung und mikroskopischen Methoden untersucht. Dies erlaubte zunächst die kritische Überprüfung klassischer Modelle zur Kristallisationskinetik (Wilson- Frenkel- Gesetz, klassische Nukleationstheorie, Kolmogorov- Johnson- Mehl- Avrami (KJMA)- Modell). Es zeigte sich, dass diese Modelle gut geeignet sind die Verfestigung auch geladener kolloidaler Schmelzen zu beschreiben, wenn die diffusive Einteilchendynamik korrekt berücksichtigt wird. Erstmals wurden Oberflächenspannungen zwischen Kristallkeim und Schmelze für geladene Systeme bestimmt, die im Gegensatz zu Hartkugel- Systemen eine lineare Zunahme mit der Partikelkonzentration aufweisen. Der Methodenpark und die Auswerteverfahren wurden sodann auf binäre kolloidale Mischungen übertragen. Entsprechend den Einzelkomponenten kristallisieren alle Mischungen in einer kubischen Struktur. Leitfähigkeitsmessungen und Elastizität stehen meist im Einklang mit der Nukleation zufallsgeordneter Substitutionskristalle. Für mehrere Proben mit unterschiedlichen Größenverhältnissen wurde mit statischer Lichtstreuung der Einfluss der Komposition und der Partikelkonzentration auf das Nukleationsverhalten untersucht. Im Allgemeinen wurde das Nukleationsszenario einkomponentiger Systeme mit einigen unerwarteten, quantitativen Unterschieden reproduziert. Für eine Probe, die eine Kompositionsordnung andeutet, wurden interessante Korrelationen zwischen der Nukleationskinetik und den Eigenschaften des resultierenden Festkörpers gefunden.


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The interplay of hydrodynamic and electrostatic forces is of great importance for the understanding of colloidal dispersions. Theoretical descriptions are often based on the so called standard electrokinetic model. This Mean Field approach combines the Stokes equation for the hydrodynamic flow field, the Poisson equation for electrostatics and a continuity equation describing the evolution of the ion concentration fields. In the first part of this thesis a new lattice method is presented in order to efficiently solve the set of non-linear equations for a charge-stabilized colloidal dispersion in the presence of an external electric field. Within this framework, the research is mainly focused on the calculation of the electrophoretic mobility. Since this transport coefficient is independent of the electric field only for small driving, the algorithm is based upon a linearization of the governing equations. The zeroth order is the well known Poisson-Boltzmann theory and the first order is a coupled set of linear equations. Furthermore, this set of equations is divided into several subproblems. A specialized solver for each subproblem is developed, and various tests and applications are discussed for every particular method. Finally, all solvers are combined in an iterative procedure and applied to several interesting questions, for example, the effect of the screening mechanism on the electrophoretic mobility or the charge dependence of the field-induced dipole moment and ion clouds surrounding a weakly charged sphere. In the second part a quantitative data analysis method is developed for a new experimental approach, known as "Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Cross-Correlation Spectroscopy" (TIR-FCCS). The TIR-FCCS setup is an optical method using fluorescent colloidal particles to analyze the flow field close to a solid-fluid interface. The interpretation of the experimental results requires a theoretical model, which is usually the solution of a convection-diffusion equation. Since an analytic solution is not available due to the form of the flow field and the boundary conditions, an alternative numerical approach is presented. It is based on stochastic methods, i. e. a combination of a Brownian Dynamics algorithm and Monte Carlo techniques. Finally, experimental measurements for a hydrophilic surface are analyzed using this new numerical approach.


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This thesis deals with the development of a novel simulation technique for macromolecules in electrolyte solutions, with the aim of a performance improvement over current molecular-dynamics based simulation methods. In solutions containing charged macromolecules and salt ions, it is the complex interplay of electrostatic interactions and hydrodynamics that determines the equilibrium and non-equilibrium behavior. However, the treatment of the solvent and dissolved ions makes up the major part of the computational effort. Thus an efficient modeling of both components is essential for the performance of a method. With the novel method we approach the solvent in a coarse-grained fashion and replace the explicit-ion description by a dynamic mean-field treatment. Hence we combine particle- and field-based descriptions in a hybrid method and thereby effectively solve the electrokinetic equations. The developed algorithm is tested extensively in terms of accuracy and performance, and suitable parameter sets are determined. As a first application we study charged polymer solutions (polyelectrolytes) in shear flow with focus on their viscoelastic properties. Here we also include semidilute solutions, which are computationally demanding. Secondly we study the electro-osmotic flow on superhydrophobic surfaces, where we perform a detailed comparison to theoretical predictions.


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Software is available, which simulates all basic electrophoretic systems, including moving boundary electrophoresis, zone electrophoresis, ITP, IEF and EKC, and their combinations under almost exactly the same conditions used in the laboratory. These dynamic models are based upon equations derived from the transport concepts such as electromigration, diffusion, electroosmosis and imposed hydrodynamic buffer flow that are applied to user-specified initial distributions of analytes and electrolytes. They are able to predict the evolution of electrolyte systems together with associated properties such as pH and conductivity profiles and are as such the most versatile tool to explore the fundamentals of electrokinetic separations and analyses. In addition to revealing the detailed mechanisms of fundamental phenomena that occur in electrophoretic separations, dynamic simulations are useful for educational purposes. This review includes a list of current high-resolution simulators, information on how a simulation is performed, simulation examples for zone electrophoresis, ITP, IEF and EKC and a comprehensive discussion of the applications and achievements.


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The work described herein is aimed at understanding primary and secondary aggregation of bile salt micelles and how micelles can perform chiral recognition of binapthyl analytes. Previous work with cholate and deoxycholate using micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has provided insightinto cholate and deoxycholate micelle formation, especially with respect to the critical micelle concentration (CMC). Chiral separations of the model analyte, 1,1â??-binaphthyl-2,2â??-diyl hydrogen phosphate (BNDHP), via cholate (C) and deoxycholate (DC) mediated MEKC separataions previously have shown the DC CMC to be 7-10 mM andthe cholate CMC at 14 mM at ph 12. A second model analyte,1,1â??-binaphthol (BN), was also previously investigated to probe micellar structure, but the MEKC data for this analyte implied a higher CMC, which may be interpreted as secondary aggregation. Thiswork extends the investigation of bile salts to include pulsed field gradient spin echo (PFGSE) NMR experiments being used to gain information about the size and degree of polydispersity of cholate and deoxycholate micelles. Concentrations of cholate below 10mM show a large variation in effective radius likely due to the existence of transient preliminary aggregates. The onset of the primary micelle shows a dramatic increase in effective radius of the micelle in cholate and deoxycholate. In the region of expectedsecondary aggregation a gradual increase of effective radius was observed with cholate; deoxycholate showed a persistent aggregate size in the secondary micelle region that is modulated by the presence of an analyte molecule. Effective radii of cholate anddeoxycholate (individually) were compared with and without R- and S-BNDHP in order to observe the effective radius difference of micelles with and without analyte present. The presence of S-BNDHP consistently resulted in a larger effective aggregate radius incholate and deoxycholate, confirming previous data of the S-BNDHP interacting more with the micelle than R-BNDHP. In total, various NMR techniques, like diffusion NMR can be used to gain a greater understanding of the bile salt micellization process and chiral resolution.


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Micelle-forming bile salts have previously been shown to be effective pseudo-stationary phases for separating the chiral isomers of binaphthyl compounds with micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography (MEKC). Here, cholate micelles are systematically investigated via electrophoretic separations and NMR using R, S-1, 1¿- binaphthyl- 2, 2¿-diylhydrogenphosphate (BNDHP) as a model chiral analyte. The pH, temperature, and concentration of BNDHP were systematically varied while monitoring the chiral resolution obtained with MEKC and the chemical shift of various protons in NMR. NMR data for each proton on BNDHP is monitored as a function of cholate concentration: as cholate monomers begin to aggregate and the analyte molecules begin to sample the micelle aggregate we observe changes in the cholate methyl and S-BNDHP proton chemical shifts. From such NMR data, the apparent CMC of cholate at pH 12 is found to be about 13-14 mM, but this value decreases at higher pH, suggesting that more extreme pHs may give rise to more effective separations. In general, CMCs increase with temperature indicating that one may be able to obtain better separations at lower temperatures. S-BNDHP concentrations ranging from 50 ¿M to 400 ¿M (pH 12.8) gave rise to apparent cholate CMC values from 10 mM to 8 mM, respectively, indicating that S-BNDHP, the chiral analyte molecule, may play an active role in stabilizing cholate aggregates. In all, these data show that NMR can be used to systematically investigate a complex multi-variable landscape of potential optimizations of chiral separations.


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Bile salts are known to aggregate into micelles in biological systems; however, the fundamental structure and dynamics of bile molecule micelle formation are poorly understood. Previous studies have established that the bile salt cholate is capable of performing chirally selective micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography (MEKC) separations of model racemic binaphthyl compounds 1,1¿-binaphthyl-2,2¿-diyl hydrogen phosphate (R,S-BNDHP) and 1,1¿-bi-2-naphthol (R,S-BN). Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has been established as a complementary technique for understanding chiral selectivity and micelle formation events based on changes in proton chemical shifts of the probe molecules BNDHP and BN as well as of cholate. This work investigated the effects of the probe molecule, the alkali cation identity and temperature on cholate micelle aggregation and MEKC separations of R,S-BN and R,S-BNDHP. The probe molecule was found to mediate micelle formation by MEKC and proton NMR. A low (0.1 mM) concentration of probe was found to have minimal effects on micellization events detected by proton NMR while higher probe concentration (2.5 mM) was found to mediate micellization causing micellization events to occur at lower cholate concentrations. This work also investigated the effects of alkali counterion on chiral separation. Generally, counterions with larger crystal cationic radius were found to cause greater chiral separation power. NMR data suggest that protons near the surface of the cholate micelle are most sensitive to the cation identity, suggesting a model of improved separation based on the cation sterically inhibiting binding of one isomer. Finally, the effect of temperature on MEKC separation was investigated. Separation power of R,S-BN and R,S-BNDHP appeared to increase linearly with temperature for 22.0 mM to 50.0 mM pH 12.0 cholate. In total, these results indicate that cholate aggregation is dependent on multiple conditions. Understanding the roles that these factors play in influencing cholate micellization can inform better separation in MEKC.


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Bidirectional ITP in fused-silica capillaries double-coated with Polybrene and poly-(vinylsulfonate) is a robust approach for analysis of low-molecular-mass compounds. EOF towards the cathode is strong (mobility >4.0 x 10(-8) m(2)/Vs) within the entire pH range investigated (2.40-8.08), dependent on ionic strength and buffer used and, at constant ionic strength, higher at alkaline pH. Electrokinetic separations and transport in such coated capillaries can be described with a dynamic computer model which permits the combined simulation of electrophoresis and electroosmosis in which the EOF is predicted either with a constant (i.e. pH- and ionic strength-independent) or a pH- and ionic strength-dependent electroosmotic mobility. Detector profiles predicted by computer simulation agree qualitatively well with bidirectional isotachopherograms that are monitored with a setup comprising two axial contactless conductivity detectors and a UV absorbance detector. The varying EOF predicted with a pH- and ionic strength-dependent electroosmotic mobility can be regarded as being realistic.