408 resultados para eigenvalue


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The “partition method” or “sub-domain method” consists of expressing the solution of a governing differential equation, partial or ordinary, in terms of functions which satisfy the boundary conditions and setting to zero the error in the differential equation integrated over each of the sub-domains into which the given domain is partitioned. In this paper, the use of this method in eigenvalue problems with particular reference to vibration of plates is investigated. The deflection of the plate is expressed in terms of polynomials satisfying the boundary conditions completely. Setting the integrated error in each of the subdomains to zero results in a set of simultaneous, linear, homogeneous, algebraic equations in the undetermined coefficients of the deflection series. The algebraic eigenvalue problem is then solved for eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Convergence is examined in a few typical cases and is found to be satisfactory. The results obtained are compared with existing results based on other methods and are found to be in very good agreement.


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The classical Rayleigh-Ritz method with simple polynomials as admissible functions has been used for obtaining natural frequencies of transversely vibrating polar orthotropic annular plates. The method in conjunction with transformations introduced in the analysis has been found to be quite effective, particularly for large hole sizes. Estimates of natural frequencies corresponding to modes with one as well as two nodal diameters are obtained for the nine combinations of clamped, simply supported and free edge conditions and for various values of rigidity ratio and hole sizes. Based on the variation of eigenvalue parameter with rigidity ratio, the frequencies of these modes as well as those of axisymmetric modes have been expressed by means of simple formulae in terms of rigidity ratio and the frequencies of corresponding modes in the isotropic case. These formulae have been used in determining the fundamental frequencies of orthotropic plates.


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A mechanics based linear analysis of the problem of dynamic instabilities in slender space launch vehicles is undertaken. The flexible body dynamics of the moving vehicle is studied in an inertial frame of reference, including velocity induced curvature effects, which have not been considered so far in the published literature. Coupling among the rigid-body modes, the longitudinal vibrational modes and the transverse vibrational modes due to asymmetric lifting-body cross-section are considered. The model also incorporates the effects of aerodynamic forces and the propulsive thrust of the vehicle. The effects of the coupling between the combustion process (mass variation, developed thrust etc.) and the variables involved in the flexible body dynamics (displacements and velocities) are clearly brought out. The model is one-dimensional, and it can be employed to idealised slender vehicles with complex shapes. Computer simulations are carried out using a standard eigenvalue problem within h-p finite element modelling framework. Stability regimes for a vehicle subjected to propulsive thrust are validated by comparing the results from published literature. Numerical simulations are carried out for a representative vehicle to determine the instability regimes with vehicle speed and propulsive thrust as the parameters. The phenomena of static instability (divergence) and dynamic instability (flutter) are observed. The results at low Mach number match closely with the results obtained from previous models published in the literature.


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An analytical solution of the heat transfer problem with viscous dissipation for non-Newtonian fluids with power-law model in the thermal entrance region of a circular pipe and two parallel plates under constant heat flux conditions is obtained using eigenvalue approach by suitably replacing one of the boundary conditions by total energy balance equation. Analytical expressions for the wall and the bulk temperatures and the local Nusselt number are presented. The results are in close agreement with those obtained by implicit finite-difference scheme. It is found that the role of viscous dissipation on heat transfer is completely different for heating and cooling conditions at the wall. The results for the case of cooling at the wall are of interest in the design of the oil pipe line.


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Thin accretion discs around massive compact objects can support slow pressure modes of oscillations in the linear regime that have azimuthal wavenumber m = 1. We consider finite, flat discs composed of barotropic fluid for various surface density profiles and demonstrate through WKB analysis and numerical solution of the eigenvalue problem - that these modes are stable and have spatial scales comparable to the size of the disc. We show that the eigenvalue equation can be mapped to a Schrodinger like equation. The analysis of this equation shows that all eigenmodes have discrete spectra. We find that all the models we have considered support negative frequency eigenmodes; however, the positive eigenfrequency modes are only present in power-law discs, albeit for physically uninteresting values of the power-law index beta and barotropic index gamma.


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It is shown that pure exponential discs in spiral galaxies are capable of supporting slowly varying discrete global lopsided modes, which can explain the observed features of lopsidedness in the stellar discs. Using linearized fluid dynamical equations with the softened self-gravity and pressure of the perturbation as the collective effect, we derive self-consistently a quadratic eigenvalue equation for the lopsided perturbation in the galactic disc. On solving this, we find that the ground-state mode shows the observed characteristics of the lopsidedness in a galactic disc, namely the fractional Fourier amplitude A(1), increases smoothly with the radius. These lopsided patterns precess in the disc with a very slow pattern speed with no preferred sense of precession. We show that the lopsided modes in the stellar disc are long-lived because of a substantial reduction (approximately a factor of 10 compared to the local free precession rate) in the differential precession. The numerical solution of the equations shows that the groundstate lopsided modes are either very slowly precessing stationary normal mode oscillations of the disc or growing modes with a slow growth rate depending on the relative importance of the collective effect of the self-gravity. N-body simulations are performed to test the spontaneous growth of lopsidedness in a pure stellar disc. Both approaches are then compared and interpreted in terms of long-lived global m = 1 instabilities, with almost zero pattern speed.


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A study has been made of the problem of steady, one-dimensional, laminar flame propagation in premixed gases, with the Lewis number differing from (and equal to) unity. Analytical solutions, using the method of matched asymptotic expansions, have been obtained for large activation energies. Numerical solutions have been obtained for a wide range of the reduced activation temperature parameter (n {geometrically equal to} E/RTb), and the Lewis number δ. The studies reveal that the flame speed eigenvalue is linear in Lewis number for first order and quadratic in Lewis number for second order reactions. For a quick determination of flame speeds, with reasonable accuracy, a simple rule, expressing the flame speed eigenvalue as a function of the Lewis number and the centroid of the reaction rate function, is proposed. Comparisons have been made with some of the earlier works, for both first and second order reactions.


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Following the method due to Bhatnagar (P. L.) [Jour. Ind. Inst. Sic., 1968, 1, 50, 1], we have discussed in this paper the problem of suction and injection and that of heat transfer for a viscous, incompressible fluid through a porous pipe of uniform circular cross-section, the wall of the pipe being maintained at constant temperature. The method utilises some important properties of differential equations and some transformations that enable the solution of the two-point boundary value and eigenvalue problems without using trial and error method. In fact, each integration provides us with a solution for a suction parameter and a Reynolds number without imposing the conditions of smallness on them. Investigations on non-Newtonian fluids and on other bounding geometries will be published elsewhere.


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A detailed investigation of the natural frequencies and mode shapes of simply supported symmetric trapezoidal plates is undertaken in this paper. For numerical calculations, the relationship that exists between the eigenvalue problem of a polygonal simply supported plate and the eigenvalue problem of polygonal membrane of the same shape is utilized with advantage. The deflection surface is expressed in terms of a Fourier sine series in transformed coordinates and the Galerkin method is used. Results are presented in the form of tables and graphs. Several features like the crossing of frequency curves and the metamorphosis of some of the nodal patterns are observed. By a suitable interpretation of the modes of those symmetric trapezoidal plates which have the median as the nodal line, the results for some of the modes of unsymmetrical trapezoidal plates are also deduced.


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This paper deals with the investigation of the vibration characteristics of simply-supported unsymmetric trapezoidal plates. For numerical calculations, the relationship between the eigenvalue problems of a polygonal simply-supported plate and polygonal membrane is again effectively utilized. The Galerkin method is applied, with the deflection surface expressed in terms of a Fourier sine series in transformed coordinates. Numerical values for the first seven to eight frequencies for different geometries of the unsymmetric trapezoid are presented in the form of tables. Also the nodal patterns for a few representative configurations are presented.


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Estimates of natural frequencies corresponding to axisymmetric modes of flexural vibration of polar orthotropic annular plates have been obtained for various combinations of clamped, simply supported and free edge conditions. A coordinate transformation in the radial direction has been used to obtain effective solutions by the classical Rayleigh-Ritz method. The analysis with this transformation has been found to be advantageous in computations, particularly for large hole sizes, over direct analysis. Numerical results have been obtained for various values of hole sizes and rigidity ratio. The eigenvalue parameter has been found to vary more or less linearly with the rigidity ratio. A comparison with the results for isotropic plates has brought out some interesting features.


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Torsional interactions can occur due to the speed input Power System Stabilizer (PSS) that are primarily used to damp low frequency oscillations. The solution to this problem can be either in the form of providing a torsional filter or developing an alternate signal for the PSS. This paper deals with the formulation of a linearized state space model of the system and study of the interactions using eigenvalue analysis. The effects of the parameters of PSS and control signals on the damping of torsional modes are investigated.


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A new finite element method is developed to analyse non-conservative structures with more than one parameter behaving in a stochastic manner. As a generalization, this paper treats the subsequent non-self-adjoint random eigenvalue problem that arises when the material property values of the non-conservative structural system have stochastic fluctuations resulting from manufacturing and measurement errors. The free vibration problems of stochastic Beck's column and stochastic Leipholz column whose Young's modulus and mass density are distributed stochastically are considered. The stochastic finite element method that is developed, is implemented to arrive at a random non-self-adjoint algebraic eigenvalue problem. The stochastic characteristics of eigensolutions are derived in terms of the stochastic material property variations. Numerical examples are given. It is demonstrated that, through this formulation, the finite element discretization need not be dependent on the characteristics of stochastic processes of the fluctuations in material property value.


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The controllability grammian is important in many control applications. Given a set of closed-loop eigenvalues the corresponding controllability grammian can be obtained by computing the controller which assigns the eigenvalues and then by solving the Lyapunov equation that defines the grammian. The relationship between the controllability grammian, resulting from state feedback, and the closed-loop eigenvalues of a single input linear time invariant (LTI) system is obtained. The proposed methodology does not require the computation of the controller that assigns the specified eigenvalues. The closed-loop system matrix is obtained from the knowledge of the open-loop system matrix, control influence matrix and the specified closed-loop eigenvalues. Knowing the closed-loop system matrix, the grammian is then obtained from the solution of the Lyapunov equation that defines it. Finally the proposed idea is extended to find the state covariance matrix for a specified set of closed-loop eigenvalues (without computing the controller), due to impulsive input in the disturbance channel and to solve the eigenvalue assignment problem for the single input case.


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The eigenvalue and eigenstructure assignment procedure has found application in a wide variety of control problems. In this paper a method for assigning eigenstructure to a linear time invariant multi-input system is proposed. The algorithm determines a matrix that has eigenvalues and eigenvectors at the desired locations. It is obtained from the knowledge of the open-loop system and the desired eigenstructure. Solution of the matrix equation, involving unknown controller gams, open-loop system matrices, and desired eigenvalues and eigenvectors, results hi the state feedback controller. The proposed algorithm requires the closed-loop eigenvalues to be different from those of the open-loop case. This apparent constraint can easily be overcome by a negligible shift in the values. Application of the procedure is illustrated through the offset control of a satellite supported, from an orbiting platform, by a flexible tether.