984 resultados para educational materials
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, Departamento de Pós-Graduação, Mestrado Profissional em Educação, 2015.
Mon travail s’inspire de l’idée de la Direction nationale de l’enseignement scolaire suédoise (Skolverket, 2011) qui suggère que « les élèves doivent avoir la possibilité de développer une capacité de communication et de compréhension de la langue ». Mon mémoire commence par une introduction générale, continue avec une analyse des manuels utilisés dans l’apprentissage du FLE et des activités favorisant l’interaction - échange réciproque verbale ou non verbale, pour terminer par une conclusion générale. Comme il n’existe pas d’enseignement sans méthodes appropriées, il existe des manuels qu’on peut utiliser afin de faciliter l’apprentissage par l’interaction de la langue cible. Les activités de communication orale et écrite d’ordre pédagogique sont indispensables. Tout comme l’écrit Revue française de pédagogie (1994 :133) « La classe est un système social complexe dont les parties sont en interaction dynamique, acteurs (enseignant et élève[s]), situation, matière selon des statuts sociaux. ». Pour effectuer mes recherches, j’ai porté mon attention sur l’analyse des manuels scolaires qu’il m’a été permis de consulter. Il s’agit des manuels d’entraide comme : Mais oui 3 et Escalade littéraire. Concernant l’analyse du matériel didactique favorisant l’interaction, ces deux manuels proposent des exercices de réflexion selon le niveau de l’apprenant. Dans mon travail, je m’intéresse à l’aspect didactique et linguistique de ces deux manuels scolaires.
A perda gestacional é uma experiência dolorosa e complexa para a mãe/casal. O enfermeiro surge como promotor da adaptação á perda. Com esta intervenção, pretendo assegurar boas práticas de enfermagem na assistência às mulheres/casais em situação de perda gestacional. Foi realizado um estudo qualitativo em que se realizaram entrevistas a mulheres que vivenciaram perda gestacional e aos Enfermeiros Especialistas de Saúde Materna e Obstétrica como prestadores de cuidados. Os resultados mostram que os enfermeiros consideram a perda gestacional uma experiência difícil de vivenciar, identificando necessidades de formação. As mulheres referem diferenças na abordagem por parte dos enfermeiros aquando dos cuidados recebidos, falta de apoio e necessidade de encaminhamento após a alta hospitalar. Efetuou-se formação aos enfermeiros com peritos da área e desenvolveram-se procedimentos para uniformizar os cuidados. Foi criado um procedimento para uniformizar a prática e materiais de suporte para o apoio na prestação de cuidados de enfermagem; WHEN THE DEATH ANTECIPATES THE BIRTH: MIDWIVES' ROLE IN ASSISTANCE TO WOMENWHO EXPERIENCE FETAL DEATH. ABSTRACT: Pregnancy loss is a painful and complex experience to the mother/couple. The nurse is the promoting agent to the loss adaptation. With this project, I intend to ensure good nursing practices in assisting women/couples who experience a pregnancy loss. A qualitative study was performed, in which interviews were conducted to women who experienced a pregnancy loss and to nurse-midwives who provided care. Results demonstrated that nurse-midwives find pregnancy loss as a difficult experience, identifying educational needs. Women relate differences in the nurse-midwives’ approach during care, lack of support and the need of follow-up after hospital discharge. Nurse-midwives were subjected to training with experts and procedures were developed in order to standardize care. A practice standardizing procedure and educational materials were created to support nursing practice.
Initiatives to stimulate the development and propagation of open educational resources (OER) need a sufficiently large community that can be mobilized to participate in this endeavour. Failure to achieve this could lead to underuse of OER. In the context of the Wikiwijs initiative a large scale survey was undertaken amongst primary and secondary school teachers to explore possible determinants of the educational use of digital learning materials (DLMs). Basing on the Integrative Model of Behaviour Prediction it was conjectured that self-efficacy, attitude and perceived norm would take a central role in explaining the intention to use DLMs. Several other predictors were added to the model as well whose effects were hypothesized to be mediated by the three central variables.All conjectured relationships were found using path analysis on survey data from 1484 teachers. Intention to DLMs was most strongly determined by self-efficacy, followed by attitude. ICT proficiency was in its turn the strongest predictor of self-efficacy. Perceived norm played only a limited role in the intention to use DLMs. Concluding, it seems paramount for the success of projects such as Wikiwijs to train teachers in the use of digital learning materials and ICT (e.g. the digital blackboard) and to impact on their attitude.
Mode of access: Internet.
Cover title.
This article undertakes a text analysis of the promotional materials generated by two educational brokers, the British Council’s Education Counselling Service (ECS) and Australia’s International Development Programme (IDP-Education Australia).By focusing on the micropractices of branding, the constructions of the "international student" and "international education" are examined to uncover the relations between international education and globalisation.The conclusion reached here is that the dominant marketing messages used to brand and sell education are unevenly weighted in favour of the economic imperative.International education remains fixed in modernist spatiotemporal contexts that ignore the challenges presented by globalisation.Developing new notions of international education will require a more critical engagement with the geopolitics of knowledge and with issues of subjectivity, difference, and power.Ultimately, a more sustained and comprehensive engagement with the noneconomic dimensions of globalisation will be necessary to achieve new visions of international education.
Aquest projecte s'ha realitzat al Servei de Microscòpia de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, i ha tingut una durada de dos anys (2006-2008). La finalitat d’aquest projecte ha estat l’elaboració de material didàctic basat en la captació d’imatges i l’edició de recursos pedagògics de suport digital aplicats a la ciència de materials. Es pretén millorar així la qualitat docent de les pràctiques de diverses assignatures dels ensenyaments de Física i d’Enginyeria de Materials utilitzant tècniques d’anàlisi actuals com són la Microscòpia Electrònica de Rastreig (MER) i la Microscòpia Optica (MO). Amb aquest projecte es vol fomentar també el treball interdisciplinari en equip entre professionals (docents i tècnics superiors de recerca) i acostar la teoria de les assignatures a la realització pràctica, facilitant el suport digital necessari per aconseguir un màxim aprofitament a les aules. Les imatges de MER i MO ajudaran als alumnes a familiaritzar-se amb el món de la recerca i la indústria.
We describe an innovative use of multimedia materials to support training and advocacy within a schistosomiasis control programme. The Schistosomiasis Control Initiative (SCI) at Imperial College London works with selected sub-Saharan African countries to develop schistosomiasis control programmes. Two elements of the SCI programme were supported by multimedia materials developed at the Wellcome Trust in collaboration with the SCI: (1) training of programme managers, district health officers, and those delivering practical elements of the programme; and (2) advocacy targeted at decision-makers and donors. Evaluation of the materials revealed high reported ratings for both user satisfaction and impact from use of the product. From this experience we draw out several general messages about development of multimedia materials and how these will play a growing future role in promoting training within international health.
Computer based training or distance education are facing dramatic changes withthe advent of standardization efforts, some of them concentrating in maximal reuse.This is of paramount importance for a sustainable -cost affordable- production ofeducational materials. Reuse in itself should not be a goal, though, since manymethodological aspects might be lost. In this paper we propose two contentproduction approaches for the InterMediActor platform under a competence-basedmethodology: either a bottom-up approach where content is designed from scratchor a top-down methodology where existing material can be gradually adapted tofulfil requisites to be used with maximal flexibility into InterMediActor.
Amb el present treball es vol aprofundir en la manera que influeix l’organització d’espais, d’ambients i les característiques dels materials en el procés educatiu. A partir d’una recerca teòrica en base les necessitats educatives de la societat actual, les necessitats evolutives dels infants, i en base a l’observació i anàlisi d’escoles reggianes i catalanes referents que tenen en compte com a agent educador l’espai, els ambients i els materials, es volen reunir quines són les característiques bàsiques de l’organització dels espais, ambients i materials per garantir una educació de qualitat a l’etapa infantil (3-6).