962 resultados para distorções cognitivas


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Este texto tem como objectivo principal a descrição e análise das etapas do processo de pesquisa de informação, baseada nas etapas de Coral Collier Kuhlthau e nos skills de Michael B. Eisenberg, Doug Johnson e Robert E. BerKowitz. O aluno percorre diversas etapas, que produzem uma série de comportamentos relevantes, que vão desde a desordem à ordem cognitivas, ou seja, desde o desconhecimento das técnicas de recuperação da informação ao conhecimento das mesmas, e que permitem ao aluno estudar a matéria curricular e a realização de trabalhos com facilidade e destreza, credibilidade e autenticidade, afasta-o da tentação do plágio ou do paradigma do aluno wikipédia. É na biblioteca escolar que o aluno inicia o processo de pesquisa da informação, ou seja, a pesquisa estruturada, programada e disciplinada, quer nas fontes impressas, quer nas electrónicas. Contudo, existem ainda constrangimentos na aprendizagem do processo, uma vez que o mesmo não se encontra totalmente consolidado nos documentos vinculativos da escola, como sejam, o projecto curricular e o programa da biblioteca escolar. A biblioteca escolar carece de pessoal preparado e qualificado para implementar a conduta do trabalho colaborativo com todos os mediadores escolares, bem como, o ensino e a aprendizagem do processo.


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Brazil follows the tendency of some countries to update and/or review their fundamental geodetic network. The adoption of geocentric referentials like SIRGAS 2000, the new official reference system of the Geodetic Brazilian System has been an advance. Changes in referential implies in coordinates changes on the network stations as well as the network geometry. To make use of analogical and digital products which are already known in the old referentials are necessary approaches to the coordinate conversion, which minimize the distortions between the used reference frames. This paper presents a distortion modeling approach between reference frames, based on distortion grid generation by using the Shepard's method. To analyze the approach some experiments were performed with the generation of a 1 degrees x1 degrees distortion grid to model the distortions between SAD 69 (1996) and SIRGAS (2000) frames. The results in the test stations were promising, with an average reduction of 50% in the RMS coordinates after the distortions modeling.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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The use and the demand for substances that enhance masculinity, strength and sexual power are not novel. Over the years, this search has assisted the research directions in this area, leading to the discovery of the primary male sex hormone testosterone in 1935. Since then, numerous testosterone analogue compounds were synthesized, which are generically called Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS). The AAS were produced for therapeutic purposes, but an increase in the use of these compounds for other purposes occurred over time. Initially they were used mainly to improve performance in athletes. However, recent studies have shown that the use of AAS by non-athletes with aesthetical purposes have been increasing as well. The abuse of AAS with non-clinical purposes can promote a number of physiological alterations, such as heart, liver, respiratory and psychological problems such as changes in mood, levels of anxiety and aggression. Exposure to supraphysiological doses of AAS is associated with behavioral changes, however, little is known about the effects of AAS on cognitive functions. In this work, we aimed to mimic the AAS abuse in humans with intramuscular administration of a supraphysiological dose of testosterone propionate (TP) in rats. We investigated the effects of this treatment on different aspects of cognitive function, specifically learning, memory and anxiety. Adult male Wistar rats were tested in the spontaneous alternation, novel object recognition and plus-maze discriminative avoidance tasks. The control group received intramuscular injections of vegetable oil (vehicle), and the TP group received injections of TP (10 mg/kg, i.m.). The injections were administered for 40 days, with intervals of 48 hours (chronic treatment) or in a single injection (acute treatment). In addition to the behavioral assessments, we performed biochemical analyzes as indicators of the endocrine effects of the treatment. Our results show that chronic treatment with a supraphysiological dose of TP caused memory impairments in the novel object recognition and the discriminative avoidance tasks. The spatial working memory (evaluated by spontaneous alternation task) was not affected. Also, we did not observe changes in anxiety levels. Regarding the biochemical parameters, chronic treatment increased serum levels of glutamicpyruvic transaminase, an indicator of hepatic and pancreatic lesions (as those observed after chronic use of these substances in humans). On the other hand, acute treatment with PT did not promote significant changes in any of these parameters when compared to the control group. In summary, we conclude that chronic treatment with a supraphysiological dose of testosterone propionate produces memory deficits in novel object recognition and retrieval of the discriminative avoidance task in adult male rats


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Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite that induces behavioral changes in rodents. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of infection by T. gondii during the chronic phase in working memory and impulsivity in rodents as well as the effect of antipsychotics to reverse any behavioral changes resulting from infection. Female Wistar rats (n = 40) were infected with 25 cysts of the strain ME-49 T. gondii after 4 months the animals were subjected to behavioral tests: tolerance to delay gratification, in which the animal must choose between two rewards, a smaller and more immediate, but delayed and the test of spontaneous alternation, in which the animal must use spatial cues to remember previously visited arms. Antipsychotic drugs were intraperitoneally administered during the testing of the behavioral experiments, the antipsychotic is haloperidol (1.5 mg / kg) administered 60 min before the start of the session and the antipsychotic clozapine (2.5 mg / kg) 30 min before. Animals infected with the parasite did not show operating deficits of memory, and motor impairment did not develop, however motor impairment was observed only in animals treated with haloperidol. It was found that administration of clozapine and haloperidol increased the percentage of alternation in infected and control groups in task switching espontânea.Não no distinction between control animals and infected the test of tolerance to delay gratification in relation to the percentage of choices greatest reward, during the pre-training and training, in which there is a delay of 15 s to access the great reward, however it was observed that infected animals prefer the greatest reward, when there is a delay of 30 s when compared to control group. The administration of clozapine possible that infected animals chose the greatest reward in the delay of 30 seconds during the test. These data suggest that infected mice do not exhibit deficits in working memory and that clozapine has therapeutic efficacy in improving cognitive performance of mice infected


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O objetivo deste estudo é analisar o resultado de intervenções psicopedagógicas no desempenho intelectual e em algumas funções cognitivas específicas em crianças provenientes de famílias de baixa renda, expostas a fatores pessoais e sociais adversos, como desnutrição, stress familiar, ambientes doméstico e de estimulação empobrecidos. Foram examinadas 63 crianças, alunas de escola, gratuita e em regime de semi-internato, que recebe crianças consideradas sob risco pessoal e social. Quarenta e três crianças receberam atividades que objetivam ativação cognitiva, durante período mínimo de 1 ano. Vinte crianças eram recém-admitidas. As técnicas da ativação escolhidas foram: método de aprendizagem ativa, com base em Piaget e método de ativação cognitiva para, através de exercícios psicomotores, desenvolver os pré-requisitos para aprendizagem e prevenção de dificuldades escolares, segundo Lambert. A avaliação das funções cognitivas mostrou: nível intelectual insatisfatório em 30% e médio ou superior em 70% e deficiências cognitivas específicas (noção do esquema corporal, percepção viso-motora, percepção de forma e perseveração) em 74%. Maior prevalência de crianças com inteligência superior (p < 0,05) associou-se a dois fatores: 1º: maior tempo de freqüência à escola (de 1 a 3 anos) e 2º: programas de ativação cognitiva. Não foram observadas diferenças entre os 2 grupos em relação à prevalência de alterações das funções cognitivas específicas examinadas. Os resultados demonstram que a recuperação de crianças com as dificuldades descritas é difícil. Exige investigação sistemática sobre os métodos psicopedagógicas selecionados e possivelmente, grande tempo de permanência da criança na escola, além de admissão mais precoce.


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Neste artigo discute-se o tema das omissões na gênese de acidentes do trabalho, tendo como referência contribuições de James Reason. Os autores descrevem três acidentes de trabalho ocorridos em atividades de manutenção, e nos quais a omissão de passos na execução da atividade foi apontada como causa nas análises efetuadas pelas empresas, acarretando atribuição de culpa aos acidentados. Nos três casos, a análise efetuada pelos autores revelou que, na seqüência de passos da atividade havia presença simultânea de pelo menos quatro das características apontadas por Reason como geradoras de omissões, caracterizando as denominadas armadilhas cognitivas.


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TEMA: o objetivo deste estudo foi descrever os aspectos clínico, comportamental, cognitivo e comunicativo de indivíduos com o diagnóstico genético da Síndrome Smith-Magenis. PROCEDIMENTOS: participaram dois indivíduos do sexo masculino, de nove e 19 anos. Realizou-se a avaliação genética clínica e laboratorial (teste FISH, utilizando sonda para região 17p11.2). A avaliação psicológica constou da observação comportamental e aplicação da Escala Wechsler de Inteligência. A avaliação Fonoaudiológica foi realizada por meio de procedimentos formais e informais e avaliação auditiva periférica. RESULTADOS: a análise genética clínica evidenciou as características fenotípicas da síndrome Smith-Magenis, confirmada pela avaliação laboratorial. A avaliação psicológica evidenciou o fenótipo comportamental peculiar da síndrome Smith-Magenis e comprovou a deficiência intelectual de grau moderado nos dois indivíduos. A avaliação fonoaudiológica mostrou alterações no desempenho linguístico, com alterações nos níveis fonológico, semântico, sintático e pragmático e nas habilidades psicolinguísticas, interferindo nas habilidades comunicativas e de aprendizagem. A avaliação auditiva indicou audição periférica dentro de parâmetros de normalidade. CONCLUSÃO: a avaliação multidisciplinar favoreceu a descrição dos aspectos clínicos, comportamentais, cognitivos que pertencem ao fenótipo comportamental da síndrome Smith-Magenis e permitiu verificar que estes apresentam graves alterações da linguagem oral, das habilidades psicolinguísticas e do processamento das informações visuais e auditivas com reflexos marcantes no desenvolvimento das habilidades comunicativas e processos de aprendizagem.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The Brazilian Geodetic Network started to be established in the early 40's, employing classical surveying methods, such as triangulation and trilateration. With the introduction of satellite positioning systems, such as TRANSIT and GPS, that network was densified. That data was adjusted by employing a variety of methods, yielding distortions in the network that need to be understood. In this work, we analyze and interpret study cases in an attempt to understand the distortions in the Brazilian network. For each case, we performed the network adjustment employing the GHOST software suite. The results show that the distortion is least sensitive to the removal of invar baselines in the classical network. The network would be more affected by the inexistence of Laplace stations and Doppler control points, with differences up to 4.5 m.


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Demanding attention in order to keep postural balance increases with aging and with the presence of concurrent tasks that require information processing. Several studies have demonstrated that motor performance can be related to the complexity of the task and aging process, presenting a possible interaction between these factors. The aim of this review was to identify and analyze published papers about the effects of cognitive tasks on the postural control of elderly individuals. A systematic search in the Web of Science, SportDiscus, CINAHL, Science Direct on line, Biological Abstracts, PsycINFO, and Medline databases was made and 444 articles were found. Eight were selected that studied the variables of interest. These studies showed that postural control seems to be influenced by the individual's attention processes and that deficits in such ability may be associated to an increased risk of falls. © FTCD/CIDESD.


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The aims of this study were to characterize the presence of apathy in patients with AD, determine the relationship between apathy, motor function and cognitive function, and to verify differences among patients stratified by level of apathy in relation to cognitive and motor abilities. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted of 37 patients with AD. The following tests were used: MoCA, the Frontal Assessment Battery, Verbal Fluency, Clock Drawing Test, Andreotti & Okuma Battery Tests, Sit and Reach, Resistance of Upper Limbs - AAHPERD Battery Test, Sit and Lift Chair and the Apathy domain of the Neuropsychiatric Inventory. After verifying the normality of the data distribution, comparisons were made using Student's t-test and the U Mann Whitney test; relationships were also assessed using Pearson's and Spearman's correlation coefficients. All analyses were considered to be statistically significant at a p-value of 0.05. Results: 46% of participants in this study showed mild symptoms of apathy. Significant and weak associations were found (p=0.04) between apathy and the attention domain on the MoCA and between apathy and the Walk Test. Analysis of differences in cognitive and motor functions according to participants' level of apathy revealed no significant differences for any of the variables. Conclusion: Apathy was reflected in attention and the Walk Test, suggesting these variables may be related to cognitive and functional decline in AD patients.


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Deterioration in cognitive functions is characteristic in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and may be associated with decline in daily living activities with consequent reduced quality of life. Objective: To analyze weight training effects on cognitive functions in elderly with AD. Subjects: 34 elderly with AD were allocated into two groups: Training Group (TG) and Social Gathering Group (SGG). Methods: Global cognitive status was determined using the Mini-Mental State Exam. Specific cognitive functions were measured using the Brief Cognitive Battery, Clock Drawing Test and Verbal Fluency Test. The protocols were performed three times a week, one hour per session. The weight training protocol consisted of three sets of 20 repetitions, with two minutes of rest between sets and exercises. The activities proposed for the SGG were not systematized and aimed at promoting social interaction among patients. The statistical analyses were performed with the U Mann Whitney and Wilcoxon tests for group comparisons. All analyses were considered statistically significant at a p-value of 0.05. Results: There were no significant differences associated to the effects of the practice of weight training on cognition in AD patients. Conclusion: In this study, no improvement in cognitive functions was evident in elderly with AD who followed a low intensity resistance exercise protocol. Thus, future studies could evaluate the effect of more intense exercise programs.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)