983 resultados para discrete wavelet transforms


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The contributions of this dissertation are in the development of two new interrelated approaches to video data compression: (1) A level-refined motion estimation and subband compensation method for the effective motion estimation and motion compensation. (2) A shift-invariant sub-decimation decomposition method in order to overcome the deficiency of the decimation process in estimating motion due to its shift-invariant property of wavelet transform. ^ The enormous data generated by digital videos call for an intense need of efficient video compression techniques to conserve storage space and minimize bandwidth utilization. The main idea of video compression is to reduce the interpixel redundancies inside and between the video frames by applying motion estimation and motion compensation (MEMO) in combination with spatial transform coding. To locate the global minimum of the matching criterion function reasonably, hierarchical motion estimation by coarse to fine resolution refinements using discrete wavelet transform is applied due to its intrinsic multiresolution and scalability natures. ^ Due to the fact that most of the energies are concentrated in the low resolution subbands while decreased in the high resolution subbands, a new approach called level-refined motion estimation and subband compensation (LRSC) method is proposed. It realizes the possible intrablocks in the subbands for lower entropy coding while keeping the low computational loads of motion estimation as the level-refined method, thus to achieve both temporal compression quality and computational simplicity. ^ Since circular convolution is applied in wavelet transform to obtain the decomposed subframes without coefficient expansion, symmetric-extended wavelet transform is designed on the finite length frame signals for more accurate motion estimation without discontinuous boundary distortions. ^ Although wavelet transformed coefficients still contain spatial domain information, motion estimation in wavelet domain is not as straightforward as in spatial domain due to the shift variance property of the decimation process of the wavelet transform. A new approach called sub-decimation decomposition method is proposed, which maintains the motion consistency between the original frame and the decomposed subframes, improving as a consequence the wavelet domain video compressions by shift invariant motion estimation and compensation. ^


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The goal of the power monitoring in electrical power systems is to promote the reliablility as well as the quality of electrical power.Therefore, this dissertation proposes a new theory of power based on wavelet transform for real-time estimation of RMS voltages and currents, and some power amounts, such as active power, reactive power, apparent power, and power factor. The appropriate estimation the of RMS and power values is important for many applications, such as: design and analysis of power systems, compensation devices for improving power quality, and instruments for energy measuring. Simulation and experimental results obtained through the proposed MaximalOverlap Discrete Wavelet Transform-based method were compared with the IEEE Standard 1459-2010 and the commercial oscilloscope, respectively, presenting equivalent results. The proposed method presented good performance for compact mother wavelet, which is in accordance with real-time applications.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2015.


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Inspection of solder joints has been a critical process in the electronic manufacturing industry to reduce manufacturing cost, improve yield, and ensure product quality and reliability. The solder joint inspection problem is more challenging than many other visual inspections because of the variability in the appearance of solder joints. Although many research works and various techniques have been developed to classify defect in solder joints, these methods have complex systems of illumination for image acquisition and complicated classification algorithms. An important stage of the analysis is to select the right method for the classification. Better inspection technologies are needed to fill the gap between available inspection capabilities and industry systems. This dissertation aims to provide a solution that can overcome some of the limitations of current inspection techniques. This research proposes two inspection steps for automatic solder joint classification system. The “front-end” inspection system includes illumination normalisation, localization and segmentation. The illumination normalisation approach can effectively and efficiently eliminate the effect of uneven illumination while keeping the properties of the processed image. The “back-end” inspection involves the classification of solder joints by using Log Gabor filter and classifier fusion. Five different levels of solder quality with respect to the amount of solder paste have been defined. Log Gabor filter has been demonstrated to achieve high recognition rates and is resistant to misalignment. Further testing demonstrates the advantage of Log Gabor filter over both Discrete Wavelet Transform and Discrete Cosine Transform. Classifier score fusion is analysed for improving recognition rate. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed system improves performance and robustness in terms of classification rates. This proposed system does not need any special illumination system, and the images are acquired by an ordinary digital camera. In fact, the choice of suitable features allows one to overcome the problem given by the use of non complex illumination systems. The new system proposed in this research can be incorporated in the development of an automated non-contact, non-destructive and low cost solder joint quality inspection system.


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Features derived from the trispectra of DFT magnitude slices are used for multi-font digit recognition. These features are insensitive to translation, rotation, or scaling of the input. They are also robust to noise. Classification accuracy tests were conducted on a common data base of 256× 256 pixel bilevel images of digits in 9 fonts. Randomly rotated and translated noisy versions were used for training and testing. The results indicate that the trispectral features are better than moment invariants and affine moment invariants. They achieve a classification accuracy of 95% compared to about 81% for Hu's (1962) moment invariants and 39% for the Flusser and Suk (1994) affine moment invariants on the same data in the presence of 1% impulse noise using a 1-NN classifier. For comparison, a multilayer perceptron with no normalization for rotations and translations yields 34% accuracy on 16× 16 pixel low-pass filtered and decimated versions of the same data.


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The phase of an analytic signal constructed from the autocorrelation function of a signal contains significant information about the shape of the signal. Using Bedrosian's (1963) theorem for the Hilbert transform it is proved that this phase is robust to multiplicative noise if the signal is baseband and the spectra of the signal and the noise do not overlap. Higher-order spectral features are interpreted in this context and shown to extract nonlinear phase information while retaining robustness. The significance of the result is that prior knowledge of the spectra is not required.


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This paper presents results on the robustness of higher-order spectral features to Gaussian, Rayleigh, and uniform distributed noise. Based on cluster plots and accuracy results for various signal to noise conditions, the higher-order spectral features are shown to be better than moment invariant features.


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For clinical use, in electrocardiogram (ECG) signal analysis it is important to detect not only the centre of the P wave, the QRS complex and the T wave, but also the time intervals, such as the ST segment. Much research focused entirely on qrs complex detection, via methods such as wavelet transforms, spline fitting and neural networks. However, drawbacks include the false classification of a severe noise spike as a QRS complex, possibly requiring manual editing, or the omission of information contained in other regions of the ECG signal. While some attempts were made to develop algorithms to detect additional signal characteristics, such as P and T waves, the reported success rates are subject to change from person-to-person and beat-to-beat. To address this variability we propose the use of Markov-chain Monte Carlo statistical modelling to extract the key features of an ECG signal and we report on a feasibility study to investigate the utility of the approach. The modelling approach is examined with reference to a realistic computer generated ECG signal, where details such as wave morphology and noise levels are variable.


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This paper presents an efficient algorithm for optimizing the operation of battery storage in a low voltage distribution network with a high penetration of PV generation. A predictive control solution is presented that uses wavelet neural networks to predict the load and PV generation at hourly intervals for twelve hours into the future. The load and generation forecast, and the previous twelve hours of load and generation history, is used to assemble load profile. A diurnal charging profile can be compactly represented by a vector of Fourier coefficients allowing a direct search optimization algorithm to be applied. The optimal profile is updated hourly allowing the state of charge profile to respond to changing forecasts in load.


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A novel combined near- and mid-infrared (NIR and MIR) spectroscopic method has been researched and developed for the analysis of complex substances such as the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Illicium verum Hook. F. (IVHF), and its noxious adulterant, Iuicium lanceolatum A.C. Smith (ILACS). Three types of spectral matrix were submitted for classification with the use of the linear discriminant analysis (LDA) method. The data were pretreated with either the successive projections algorithm (SPA) or the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) method. The SPA method performed somewhat better, principally because it required less spectral features for its pretreatment model. Thus, NIR or MIR matrix as well as the combined NIR/MIR one, were pretreated by the SPA method, and then analysed by LDA. This approach enabled the prediction and classification of the IVHF, ILACS and mixed samples. The MIR spectral data produced somewhat better classification rates than the NIR data. However, the best results were obtained from the combined NIR/MIR data matrix with 95–100% correct classifications for calibration, validation and prediction. Principal component analysis (PCA) of the three types of spectral data supported the results obtained with the LDA classification method.


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Multiresolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image formation has been proven to be beneficial in a variety of applications such as improved imaging and target detection as well as speckle reduction. SAR signal processing traditionally carried out in the Fourier domain has inherent limitations in the context of image formation at hierarchical scales. We present a generalized approach to the formation of multiresolution SAR images using biorthogonal shift-invariant discrete wavelet transform (SIDWT) in both range and azimuth directions. Particularly in azimuth, the inherent subband decomposition property of wavelet packet transform is introduced to produce multiscale complex matched filtering without involving any approximations. This generalized approach also includes the formulation of multilook processing within the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) paradigm. The efficiency of the algorithm in parallel form of execution to generate hierarchical scale SAR images is shown. Analytical results and sample imagery of diffuse backscatter are presented to validate the method.


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Multielectrode neurophysiological recording and high-resolution neuroimaging generate multivariate data that are the basis for understanding the patterns of neural interactions. How to extract directions of information flow in brain networks from these data remains a key challenge. Research over the last few years has identified Granger causality as a statistically principled technique to furnish this capability. The estimation of Granger causality currently requires autoregressive modeling of neural data. Here, we propose a nonparametric approach based on widely used Fourier and wavelet transforms to estimate both pairwise and conditional measures of Granger causality, eliminating the need of explicit autoregressive data modeling. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach by applying it to synthetic data generated by network models with known connectivity and to local field potentials recorded from monkeys performing a sensorimotor task.


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Balance and stability are very important for everybody and especially for sports-person who undergo extreme physical activities. Balance and stability exercises not only have a great impact on the performance of the sportsperson but also play a pivotal role in their rehabilitation. Therefore, it is very essential to have knowledge about a sportsperson’s balance and also to quantify the same. In this work, we propose a system consisting of a wobble board, with a gyro enhanced orientation sensor and a motion display for visual feedback to help the sportsperson improve their stability. The display unit gives in real time the orientation of the wobble board, which can help the sportsperson to apply necessary corrective forces to maintain neutral position. The system is compact and portable. We also quantify balance and stability using power spectral density. The sportsperson is made stand on the wobble board and the angular orientation of the wobble board is recorded for each 0.1 second interval. The signal is analized using discrete Fourier transforms. The power of this signal is related to the stability of the subject. This procedure is used to measure the balance and stability of an elite cricket team. Representative results are shown below: Table 1 represents power comparison of two subjects and Table 2 represents power comparison of left leg and right leg of one subject. This procedure can also be used in clinical practice to monitor improvement in stability dysfunction of sportsperson with injuries or other related problems undergoing rehabilitation.


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This paper presents the design of a full fledged OCR system for printed Kannada text. The machine recognition of Kannada characters is difficult due to similarity in the shapes of different characters, script complexity and non-uniqueness in the representation of diacritics. The document image is subject to line segmentation, word segmentation and zone detection. From the zonal information, base characters, vowel modifiers and consonant conjucts are separated. Knowledge based approach is employed for recognizing the base characters. Various features are employed for recognising the characters. These include the coefficients of the Discrete Cosine Transform, Discrete Wavelet Transform and Karhunen-Louve Transform. These features are fed to different classifiers. Structural features are used in the subsequent levels to discriminate confused characters. Use of structural features, increases recognition rate from 93% to 98%. Apart from the classical pattern classification technique of nearest neighbour, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based classifiers like Back Propogation and Radial Basis Function (RBF) Networks have also been studied. The ANN classifiers are trained in supervised mode using the transform features. Highest recognition rate of 99% is obtained with RBF using second level approximation coefficients of Haar wavelets as the features on presegmented base characters.


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For obtaining dynamic response of structure to high frequency shock excitation spectral elements have several advantages over conventional methods. At higher frequencies transverse shear and rotary inertia have a predominant role. These are represented by the First order Shear Deformation Theory (FSDT). But not much work is reported on spectral elements with FSDT. This work presents a new spectral element based on the FSDT/Mindlin Plate Theory which is essential for wave propagation analysis of sandwich plates. Multi-transformation method is used to solve the coupled partial differential equations, i.e., Laplace transforms for temporal approximation and wavelet transforms for spatial approximation. The formulation takes into account the axial-flexure and shear coupling. The ability of the element to represent different modes of wave motion is demonstrated. Impact on the derived wave motion characteristics in the absence of the developed spectral element is discussed. The transient response using the formulated element is validated by the results obtained using Finite Element Method (FEM) which needs significant computational effort. Experimental results are provided which confirms the need to having the developed spectral element for the high frequency response of structures. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.