977 resultados para dimethyl ether synthesis


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One of the key objectives in fuel cell technology is to reduce Pt loading by the improvement of its catalytic activity towards alcohol oxidation. Here, a sol-gel based method was used to prepare ternary and quaternary carbon supported nanoparticles by combining Pt-Ru with Mo, Ta, Pb, Rh or Ir, which were used as electro-catalysts for the methanol and ethanol oxidation reactions in acid medium. Structural characterization performed by XRD measurements revealed that crystalline structures with crystallites ranging from 2.8 to 4.1 nm in size and with different alloy degrees were produced. Tantalum and lead deposited as a heterogeneous mixture of oxides with different valences resulting in materials with complex structures. The catalysts activities were evaluated by cyclic voltammetry and by Tafel plots and the results showed that the activity towards methanol oxidation was highly dependent of the alloy degree, while for ethanol the presence of a metal capable to promote the break of C-C bond, such as Rh, was necessary for a good performance. Additionally, the catalysts containing of TaOx or PbOx resulted in the best materials due to different effects: the hi-functional mechanism promoted by TaOx and a better dispersion of the catalysts constituents promoted by PbOx. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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From a vibrationally corrected 3D potential energy surface determined with highly correlated ab initio calculations (CCSD(T)), the lowest vibrational energies of two dimethyl-ether isotopologues, 12CH3–16O–12CD3 (DME-d3) and 12CD3–16O–12CD3 (DME-d6), are computed variationally. The levels that can be populated at very low temperatures correspond to the COC-bending and the two methyl torsional modes. Molecular symmetry groups are used for the classification of levels and torsional splittings. DME-d6 belongs to the G36 group, as the most abundant isotopologue 12CH3–16O–12CH3 (DME-h6), while DME-d3 is a G18 species. Previous assignments of experimental Raman and far-infrared spectra are discussed from an effective Hamiltonian obtained after refining the ab initio parameters. Because a good agreement between calculated and experimental transition frequencies is reached, new assignments are proposed for various combination bands corresponding to the two deuterated isotopologues and for the 020 → 030 transition of DME-d6. Vibrationally corrected potential energy barriers, structural parameters, and anharmonic spectroscopic parameters are provided. For the 3N – 9 neglected vibrational modes, harmonic and anharmonic fundamental frequencies are obtained using second-order perturbation theory by means of CCSD and MP2 force fields. Fermi resonances between the COC-bending and the torsional modes modify DME-d3 intensities and the band positions of the torsional overtones.


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Flavonoids in Australian honeys from five botanical species (Melaleuca, Guioa, Lophostemon, Banksia and Helianthus) have been analyzed in relation to their floral origins. Tea tree (Melaleuca quinquenervia) and heath (Banksia ericifolia) honeys show a common flavonoid profile comprising myricetin (3,5,7,3',4',5'-hexahydroxyflavone), tricetin (5,7,3',4,5'-pentahydroxyflavone), querectin (3,5,7,3',4'-pentahydroxyflavone) and luteolin (5,7,3',4'-tetrahydroxyflavone), which was previously suggested as a floral marker for an Australian Eucalyptus honey (bloodwood or Eucalyptus intermedia honey). These honeys of various floral species can be differentiated by their levels of total flavonoids, being 2.12 mg/100 g for heath honey and 6.35 m/100 g for tea tree honey. In brush box (Lophostemon conferta) honey, the flavonoid profile comprising mainly tricetin, luteolin and quercetin is similar to that of another Eucalyptus honey (yellow box or Eucalyptus melliodora honey). These results indicate that the flavonoid profiles in some of the Australian non-Eucalyptus honeys may contain more or less certain flavonoids from Eucalyptus floral sources because of the diversity and extensive availability of Eucalyptus nectars for honeybee foraging yearly around or a possible cross contamination of the monofloral honeys during collection, transportation and/or storage. Further analyses are required to differentiate and/or verify the botanical sources of the flavonoids that contribute to the flavonoid profiles of these honeys, by restricting honey sampling areas and procedures, employing other complementary analytical methods (e.g. pollen analysis, sugar profile) and using materials (e.g. nectar) directly sourced from the flowering plant for comparative studies. In Australian crow ash (Guioa semiglauca) honey, myricetin, tricetin, quercetin, luteolin and an unknown flavonoid have been found to be the main flavonoids, which is characteristic only to this type of honey, and could thus be used as the floral marker, while in Australian sunflower (Helianthus annuus) honey, the content of total flavonoids is the smallest amount comparing to those in the other honeys analysed in this study. However, the flavonoid quercetin and the flavonoid profile mainly consisting of quercetin, quercetin 3,3'-dimethyl ether (5,7,4'-trihydroxy3,3'-dimethoxyflavone), myricetin and luteolin are characteristic only to this sunflower honey and could thus be used for the authentication.


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One key role of the renal proximal tubule is the reabsorption of proteins from the glomerular filtrate by constitutive receptor-mediated endocytosis. In the opossum kidney (OK) renal proximal tubule cell line, inhibition of protein kinase C (PKC) reduces albumin uptake, although the isoforms involved and mechanisms by which this occurs have not been identified. We used pharmacological and molecular approaches to investigate the role of PKC-α in albumin endocytosis. We found that albumin uptake in OK cells was inhibited by the pan-PKC blocker bisindolylmaleimide-1 and the isoform-specific PKC blockers Go-6976 and 2',3,3',4,4'-hexahydroxy-1,1'-biphenyl-6,6'-dimethanol dimethyl ether, indicating a role for PKC-α. Overexpression of a kinase deficient PKC-α(K368R) but not wild-type PKC-α significantly reduced albumin endocytosis. Western blot analysis of fractionated cells showed an increased association of PKC-α-green fluorescent protein with the membrane fraction within 10-20 min of exposure to albumin. We used phalloidin to demonstrate that albumin induces the formation of clusters of actin at the apical surface of OK cells and that these clusters correspond to the location of albumin uptake. These clusters were not present in cells grown in the absence of albumin. In cells treated either with PKC inhibitors or overexpressing kinase-deficient PKC-α(K368R) this actin cluster formation was significantly reduced. This study identifies a role for PKC-α in constitutive albumin uptake in OK cells by mediating assembly of actin microfilaments at the apical membrane.


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This work describes how the physical properties of a solvent affect the design variables of a physical gas absorption process. The role of every property in determining the capital and the running cost of a process has been specified. Direct mathematical relationships have been formulated between every item of capital or running cost and the properties which are related to that item. The accuracy of the equations formulated has been checked by comparing their outcome with some actual design data. A good agreement has been found. The equations formulated may be used to evaluate on the basis of economics any suggested new solvents. A group of solvents were selected for evaluation. Their physical properties were estimated or collected as experimental data. The selected ones include three important solvents, the first is polyethylene glycol dimethyl ether (Selexol) which represents the currently most successful one, The other two solvents are acetonyl acetone (B2) and n-formyl morpholine which have been suggested previously as potential credible alternatives to the current ones. The important characteristics of: acetonyl acetone are its high solubility and its low viscosity, while the n-formyl morpholine is characterised by its low vapour pressure and its high selectivity. It was found that acetonyl acetone (B2) is the most attractive solvent for commercial applications particularly for process configurations that:include heat exchangers and strippers. The effect of the process configuration on the selected solvent was investigated in detail and it was found that there is no universal solvent which is the best for any process configuration, but that there is a best solvent for a given process configuration. In previous work, acetonyl acetone was suggested as a commercially promising physical solvent. That suggestion was not fully based on experimental measurement of all the physical properties. The viscosity of acetonyl acetone and its solubility at 1 atm were measured but the vapour pressure and the solubility of C02 and CH4 at high pressure were predicted. In this work, the solubilities of C02, CH4 and C3H8 in acetenyl acetone were measured for a partial pressure range of (2 ~ 22) bar at 25°C, The vapour pressure of this solvent was also measured, and the Antoine equation was formulated from tbe experimental data. The experimental data were found to be not In agreement with the predicted ones, so acetonyl acetone was re-evaluated according to the experimental data. It was found that this solvent can be recommended for further trials in a pilot plant study or for small scale commercial units.


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Gas absorption, the removal of one or more constitutents from a gas mixture, is widely used in chemical processes. In many gas absorption processes, the gas mixture is already at high pressure and in recent years organic solvents have been developed for the process of physical absorption at high pressure followed by low pressure regeneration of the solvent and recovery of the absorbed gases. Until now the discovery of new solvents has usually been by expensive and time consuming trial and error laboratory tests. This work describes a new approach, whereby a solvent is selected from considerations of its molecular structure by applying recently published methods of predicting gas solubility from the molecular groups which make up the solvent molecule. The removal of the acid gases of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide from methane or hydrogen was used as a commercially important example. After a preliminary assessment to identify promising moecular groups, more than eighty new solvent molecules were designed and evaluated by predicting gas solubility. The other important physical properties were also predicted by appropriate theoretical procedures, and a commercially promising new solvent was chosen to have a high solubility for acid gases, a low solubility for methane and hydrogen, a low vapour pressure, and a low viscosity. The solvent chosen, of molecular structure Ch3-COCH2-CH2-CO-CH3, was tested in the laboratory and shown to have physical properties, except for vapour pressures, close to those predicted. That is gas solubilities were within 10% but lower than predicted. Viscosity within 10% but higher than predicted and a vapour pressure significantly lower than predicted. A computer program was written to predict gas solubility in the new solvent at the high pressures (25 bar) used in practice. This is based on the group contribution method of Skold Jorgensen (1984). Before using this with the new solvent, Acetonyl acetone, the method was show to be sufficiently accurate by comparing predicted values of gas solubility with experimental solubilities from the literature for 14 systems up to 50 bar. A test of the commercial potential of the new solvent was made by means of two design studies which compared the size of plant and approximate relative costs of absorbing acid gases by means of the new solvent with other commonly used solvents. These were refrigerated methanol(Rectisol process) and Dimethyl Ether or Polyethylene Glycol(Selexol process). Both studies showed in terms of capital and operating cost some significant advantage for plant designed for the new solvent process.


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Robust, bifunctional catalysts comprising Rh(CO)(Xantphos) exchanged phosphotungstic acids of general formulas [Rh(CO)(Xantphos)]+n[H3–nPW12O40]n− have been synthesized over silica supports which exhibit tunable activity and selectivity toward direct vapor phase methanol carbonylation. The optimal Rh:acid ratio = 0.5, with higher rhodium concentrations increasing the selectivity to methyl acetate over dimethyl ether at the expense of lower acidity and poor activity. On-stream deactivation above 200 °C reflects Rh decomplexation and reduction to Rh metal, in conjunction with catalyst dehydration and loss of solid acidity because of undesired methyl acetate hydrolysis, but can be alleviated by water addition and lower temperature operation.


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This study presents a computational fluid dynamic (CFD) study of Dimethyl Ether steam reforming (DME-SR) in a large scale Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) reactor. The CFD model is based on Eulerian-Eulerian dispersed flow and solved using commercial software (ANSYS FLUENT). The DME-SR reactions scheme and kinetics in the presence of a bifunctional catalyst of CuO/ZnO/Al2O3+ZSM-5 were incorporated in the model using in-house developed user-defined function. The model was validated by comparing the predictions with experimental data from the literature. The results revealed for the first time detailed CFB reactor hydrodynamics, gas residence time, temperature distribution and product gas composition at a selected operating condition of 300 °C and steam to DME mass ratio of 3 (molar ratio of 7.62). The spatial variation in the gas species concentrations suggests the existence of three distinct reaction zones but limited temperature variations. The DME conversion and hydrogen yield were found to be 87% and 59% respectively, resulting in a product gas consisting of 72 mol% hydrogen. In part II of this study, the model presented here will be used to optimize the reactor design and study the effect of operating conditions on the reactor performance and products.


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This study experimentally investigated methyl chloride (MeCl) purification method using an inhouse designed and built volumetric adsorption/desorption rig. MeCl is an essential raw material in the manufacture of silicone however all technical grades of MeCl contain concentrations (0.2 - 1.0 % wt) of dimethyl ether (DME) which poison the process. The project industrial partner had previously exhausted numerous separation methods, which all have been deemed not suitable for various reasons. Therefore, adsorption/desorption separation was proposed in this study as a potential solution with less economic and environmental impact. Pure component adsorption/desorption was carried out for DME and MeCl on six different adsorbents namely: zeolite molecular sieves (types 4 Å and 5 Å); silica gels (35-70 mesh, amorphous precipitated, and 35-60 mesh) and granular activated carbon (type 8-12 mesh). Subsequent binary gas mixture adsorption in batch and continuous mode was carried out on both zeolites and all three silica gels following thermal pre-treatment in vacuum. The adsorbents were tested as received and after being subjected to different thermal and vacuum pre-treatment conditions. The various adsorption studies were carried out at low pressure and temperature ranges of 0.5 - 3.5 atm and 20 - 100 °C. All adsorbents were characterised using Brunauer Emmett Teller (BET), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive x-ray analysis (EDXA) to investigate their physical and chemical properties. The well-known helium (He) expansion method was used to determine the empty manifold and adsorption cell (AC) regions and respective void volumes for the different adsorbents. The amounts adsorbed were determined using Ideal gas laws via the differential pressure method. The heat of adsorption for the various adsorbate-adsorbent (A-S) interactions was calculated using a new calorimetric method based on direct temperature measurements inside the AC. Further adsorption analysis included use of various empirical and kinetic models to determine and understand the behaviour of the respective interactions. The gas purification behaviour was investigated using gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy (GC-MC) analysis. Binary gas mixture samples were syringed from the manifold iii and AC outlet before and after adsorption/desorption analysis through manual sample injections into the GC-MS to detect and quantify the presence of DME and ultimately observe for methyl chloride purification. Convincing gas purification behaviour was confirmed using two different GC columns, thus giving more confidence on the measurement reliability. From the single pure component adsorption of DME and MeCl on the as received zeolite 4A subjected to 1 h vacuum pre-treatment, both gases exhibited pseudo second order adsorption kinetics with DME exhibiting a rate constant nearly double that of MeCl thus suggesting a faster rate of adsorption. From the adsorption isotherm classification both DME and MeCl exhibited Type II and I adsorption isotherm classifications, respectively. The strength of bonding was confirmed by the differential heat of adsorption measurement, which was found to be 23.30 and 10.21 kJ mol-1 for DME and MeCl, respectively. The former is believed to adsorb heterogeneously through hydrogen bonding whilst MeCl adsorbs homogenously via van der Waal’s (VDW) forces. Single pure component adsorption on as received zeolite 5A, silica gels (35-70, amorphous precipitated and 35-60) resulted in similar adsorption/desorption behaviour in similar quantities (mol kg-1). The adsorption isotherms for DME and MeCl on zeolite 5A, silica gels (35-70, amorphous precipitated and 35-60) and activated carbon 8-12 exhibited Type I classifications, respectively. Experiments on zeolite 5A indicated that DME adsorbed stronger, faster and with a slightly stronger strength of interaction than MeCl but in lesser quantities. On the silica gels adsorbents, DME exhibited a slightly greater adsorption capacity whilst adsorbing at a similar rate and strength of interaction compared to MeCl. On the activated carbon adsorbent, MeCl exhibited the greater adsorption capacity at a faster rate but with similar heats of adsorption. The effect of prolonged vacuum (15 h), thermal pre-treatment (150 °C) and extended equilibrium time (15 min) were investigated for the adsorption behaviour of DME and MeCl on both zeolites 4A and 5A, respectively. Compared to adsorption on as received adsorbents subjected to 1 h vacuum the adsorption capacities for DME and MeCl were found to increase by 1.95 % and 20.37 % on zeolite 4A and by 4.52 % and 6.69 % on zeolite 5A, respectively. In addition the empirical and kinetic models and differential heats of adsorption resulted in more definitive fitting curves and trends due to the true equilibrium position of the adsorbate with the adsorbent. Batch binary mixture adsorption on thermally and vacuum pre-treated zeolite 4A demonstrated purification behaviour of all adsorbents used for MeCl streams containing DME impurities, with a concentration as low as 0.66 vol. %. The GC-MS analysis showed no DME detection for the tested concentration mixtures at the AC outlet after 15 or 30 min, whereas MeCl was detectable in measurable amounts. Similar behaviour was also observed when carrying out adsorption in continuous mode. On the other hand, similar studies on the other adsorbents did not show such favourable MeCl purification behaviour. Overall this study investigated a wide range of adsorbents (zeolites, silica gels and activated carbon) and demonstrated for the first time potential to purify MeCl streams containing DME impurities using adsorption/desorption separation under different adsorbent pre-treatment and adsorption operating conditions. The study also revealed for the first time the adsorption isotherms, empirical and kinetic models and heats of adsorption for the respective adsorbentsurface (A-S) interactions. In conclusion, this study has shown strong evidence to propose zeolite 4A for adsorptive purification of MeCl. It is believed that with a technical grade MeCl stream competitive yet simultaneous co-adsorption of DME and MeCl occurs with evidence of molecular sieiving effects whereby the larger DME molecules are unable to penetrate through the adsorbent bed whereas the smaller MeCl molecules diffuse through resulting in a purified MeCl stream at the AC outlet. Ultimately, further studies are recommended for increased adsorption capacities by considering wider operating conditions, e.g. different adsorbent thermal and vacuum pre-treatment and adsorbing at temperatures closer to the boiling point of the gases and different conditions of pressure and temperature.


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In this study, pendant epoxy functional poly dimethyl siloxanes were synthesized by the hydrosilylation reaction of pendant silyl hydride functional polydimethyl siloxane with allyl glycidyl ether. The hydrosilylation reaction was characterized by spectroscopic techniques. Samples of pendant epoxy functional poly dimethyl siloxanes and pendant silyl hydride functional polydimethyl siloxane were blended with commercial epoxy resin, diglycidyl ether of bis-phenol A, at various ratios using a polyamine as curing agent. The results show that the addition of functionalised poly dimethyl siloxanes increases the flexibility of the cross linked network and also the thermal stability and water resistance


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Emmotin-H, a naturally occurring sesquiterpenoid 1,2-naphthoquinone pigment (1) has been synthesised in a four step sequence starting from the known 5,8-dimethyl-4-oxotetralin-2-carboxylic acid (3a). Selenium dioxide oxidation of its methyl ester (3b) gives 3-methoxycarbonyl-5,8-dimethyl-1,2-naphthoquinone (4) which on reductive acetylation affords the corresponding diacetoxynaphthalene ester (5). Its reaction with excess of methylmagnesium iodide is accompanied by aerial oxidation during work-up and furnishes emmotin-H (1).


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Grignard reaction of ethyl 3-(3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-propionate (4) followed by cyclodehydration of the carbinol (5) with conc H2SO4 gave 4,6-dimethoxy-3,3-dimethylindane (6). Oxidation of the indane (6) with CrO3-pyridine complex in methylene chloride gave 4,6-dimethoxy-3,3-dimethylindan-1- one (1) in high yield. Conjugate addition of methyl magnesium iodide to methyl α-cyano-β-methyl-3,5-dimethoxycinnamate (11), prepared from 3,5-dimethoxyacetophenone (10) by Knoevenagel condensation, resulted in methyl 2-cyano-3-(3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-3,3-dimethylpropionate (12). Refluxing the ester (12) with aq DMSO containing sodium chloride gave the corresponding nitrile (15) which underwent Höesch reaction to yield 5,7-dimethoxy-3,3-dimethylindan-1-one (2).