938 resultados para digital divide


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Las TIC: herramientas clave para alcanzar la igualdad de género ONU MUJERES, Oficina Región Andina. Por una sociedad de la información con equidad de género Dafne Sabanes Plou. “Visualizamos el uso potencial de las TIC para reestructurar redes familiares de comunicación”, entrevista a Juan Eduardo Rojas. “Es una tarea permanente capacitar a administradores de telecentros como líderes tecnológicos en sus entornos sociales”, entrevista a Olga Paz Martínez. “La inclusión de la mujer en las TIC puede hacer una enorme diferencia en la disminución de la brecha digital”, entrevista a Zoraida Franco. “Las TIC pueden ser la herramienta más tangible que tenemos ahora para luchar contra la discriminación de género”, entrevista a Martin Hilbert.


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Information and communications technologies: essential tools for achieving gender equality. By UN-WOMEN, Andean Sub-Regional Office. -- “Training telecentre operators as technology leaders in their social environment is an ongoing task”, interview with Olga Paz Martínez. -- For an information society with gender equity. By Dafne Sabanes Plou. -- “Including women in ICT can make a big difference in narrowing the digital divide”, interview with Zoraida Franco. -- “We see the potential of ICT for rearranging family communication networks”, interview with Juan Eduardo Rojas .-- “ICT might be the most tangible tool we have right now to fight gender discrimination”, interview with Martin Hilbert.


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Incluye bibliografía


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Rural community development is a major issue for developing countries. Much attention has been given Information and Communication Technology (ICT) projects to connect rural communities with the global network. However, ICT resistance is a deterring factor in addressing the digital divide in developing countries. It is postulated that reversing the resistance to to ICT can be strategizedthrough "information acceptance." ICT can be accepted by rural communities by creating demand for information. The paper calls for the refocusing on the role of information in rural community development and ICT as a tool for change agent. Initiatives for rural community development must emphasize the importance of information in rural communities.


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The thesis in Urban and Regional Geography titled “URBAN AND TERRITORIAL COMPETITIVENESS IN SUSTAINABILITY. EMILIA-ROMAGNA, REGION OF EUROPE” is divided into two sections. Section one is additionally composed by two chapters (chap. 1 and 2) and deals with theoretical and gnosiological issues. Section two, of two more chapters (chap. 3 and 4), provides practical contributions: these issues give explanatory patterns to interpret the performances of emiliano-romagnoli urban systems. Chapter one is an introductory chapter. It analyzes globalization that involves a larger and larger number of cities, rich or poor. It also considers the so called “digital divide” either as one of the major phenomena of this unhomogeneous development or as an interesting gnosiological and practical challenge of geography. Globalization is now involving all the cities, large or small, but the small ones have higher risks of exclusion: it depends on their more fragile socio-economic, cultural, and environmental urban structure. That’s why European Union (chapter two) promotes policies and endows politics to sustain cities, because urban systems are the basis for the territorial development. So, European, national and local Institutions are firmly interested in promoting urban and local interventions and projects. Section two deals with economic-geography methods, which consists on collecting indicators and the benchmarking methodology. It also specifically analyzes the urban systems of Emilia-Romagna. Consequences of the globalization on the cities are interpreted with a study of their local resources, intended as potentials for their development. The STeMA approach, proposed by Professor Maria Prezioso (University of Roma, “Tor Vergata”) and used by the ESPON (European Spatial Program Observation Network) project, describes the main “determinants” of the territorial and urban development. These are easily comparable to one another (similar or better performing). This approach achieves two goals. On one hand, it is possible to analyze every urban system in its all main characteristics and to preserve its historical and cultural factors. On another hand, each city is “knowable” and “understandable” by all scholars, as it is objectively comparable. So, urban planners can propose specific “multi-level” and “multi-varied” programs of governance. These will face globalization by exalting local empowerment.


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In the public debate the internet is regarded as a central resource for knowledge and information. Associated with this is the idea that everyone is able and even expected to serve himself or herself according to his or her own needs via this medium. Since more and more services are also delivered online the internet seems to allow its users to enjoy specific advantages in dealing with their everyday life. However, using the internet is based on a range of preconditions. New results of empirical and theoretical research indicate the rise of a social divide in this context. Within the internet, different ways of use can be identified alongside social inequalities. Boundaries of the "real life" are mirrored in the virtual space e.g. in terms of forms of communification and spaces for appropriation. These are not only shaped by invidual preferences but particularly by social structures and processes. In the context of the broader debate on education it is stated that formal educational structures are to be completed by arrangements which are structured in informal respectively nonformal ways. Particularly the internet is suggested to play an important role in this respect. However, the phenomenon of digital inequality points to limitations consolidated by effects of economic, social, and cultural ressources: Economical resources affect opportunities of access, priorities of everyday life shape respective intentions of internet use, social relationships have an impact on the support structures available and ways of appropriation reproduce a specific understanding of informal education ("informelle Bildung"). This produces an early stratification of opportunities especially for the subsequent generation and may lead to extensive inequalities regarding the distribution of advantages in terms of education. Thus the capacity of the virtual space in terms of participatory opportunities and democratic potentials raises concerns of major relevance with respect to social and educational policy. From the perspective of different disciplines involved in these issues it is essential to clarify this question in an empirical as well as in a theoretical way and to make it utilizable for a future-orientied practice. This article discusses central questions regarding young people's internet use and its implications for informal education and social service delivery on the basis of empirical findings. It introduces a methodological approach for this particular perspective and illustrates that the phenomena of digital divide and digital inequality are as much created by social processes as by technical issues.


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Against the background of the emerging multicultural migration society, acquisition of intercultural competences is getting vitally important for youngsters to actively and effectively engage with intercultural dialogue in a co-existent life context. Contingencies for such intercultural dialogue and to foster intercultural competences of youngsters are opened in virtual space when youth with different ethnic, social and cultural background go online. However, differences in Internet use and competences acquisition as “digital inequality” also exist among youth with different socio-cultural background. This article reports on a quantitative survey of 300 Turkish migrant youth in Germany as empirical sample about how Internet use generally fosters their intercultural competences, what differences exist among them and which indicators can explain the differences. Preliminary findings show that the contingencies of Internet in fostering intercultural competences are still not much employed and realised by Turkish migrant youth. Four online groups connected with bonding, bridging, both (bonding and bridging) and none socio-cultural networks are found out based on the cluster analysis with SPSS. These different networks, from the perspective of social cultural capital, can explain the differences concerning development of intercultural competences among them. It is indicated in this research that many Turkish migrant youth still lack recognition and capabilities to construct their intercultural social networks or relations through using Internet and further to employ the relations as intercultural social capital or social support in their life context. This therefore poses a critical implication for youth work to help migrant youth construct and reconstruct their socio-cultural networks through using Internet so as to extend social support for competences acquisition.


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El estándar LTE se ha posicionado como una de las claves para que los operadores de telecomunicación puedan abordar de manera eficiente en costes el crecimiento de la demanda de tráfico móvil que se prevé para los próximos años, al ser una tecnología más escalable en el núcleo de la red y más flexible en la interfaz radio que sus predecesoras. En este sentido, es necesario también que los reguladores garanticen un acceso al espectro radioeléctrico adecuado, equitativo y no discriminatorio, que permita un entorno estable para el despliegue de redes de comunicaciones móviles avanzadas. Además de la flexibilización del marco regulador del espectro radioeléctrico en Europa, que ha permitido el despliegue de nuevas tecnologías en las bandas de frecuencia históricas de GSM, se ha puesto a disposición espectro adicional para sistemas IMT en nuevas bandas de frecuencia, lo que ha planteando a su vez nuevos retos para la tecnología y la regulación. La fragmentación del espectro disponible para comunicaciones móviles ha impulsado el desarrollo de técnicas de agregación de portadoras en las nuevas versiones del estándar LTE, que permiten explotar mejor los recursos radio en su conjunto. No obstante, el espectro inferior a 1 GHz sigue siendo escaso, ya que el tráfico móvil aumenta y la banda de 900 MHz aún se utiliza para servicios GSM, lo que no ha conseguido sino agravar la disputa entre los servicios de radiodifusión terrestre y de comunicaciones móviles por la parte superior de la banda UHF. En concreto, la banda de 700 MHz se perfila como una de las próximas para aumentar el espectro disponible para los servicios en movilidad, si bien su liberación por parte de las actuales redes de Televisión Digital Terrestre presenta no pocas dificultades en los Estados miembros en los que ésta es la principal plataforma audiovisual de acceso gratuito, abriendo un debate sobre el modelo audiovisual a largo plazo en Europa. Por otro lado, las políticas públicas de promoción del acceso a la banda ancha rápida y ultrarrápida de la presente década han establecido objetivos ambiciosos para el año 2020, tanto en el ámbito europeo como en los diferentes Estados miembros. La universalización del acceso a redes de banda ancha de al menos 30 Mbps constituye uno de los principales retos. Las expectativas generadas por la tecnología LTE y la puesta a disposición de nuevas bandas de frecuencia hace posible que los servicios de acceso fijo inalámbrico adquieran especial relevancia ante los objetivos de política pública establecidos que, como ha sido reconocido en diversas ocasiones, no podrán lograrse sino con un compendio de diferente tecnologías. Para esta Tesis Doctoral se han desarrollado una serie modelos tecnoeconómicos con el objetivo de realizar un análisis prospectivo que evalúa tres casos de especial relevancia en el despliegue de redes LTE: en primer lugar, la valoración económica de la banda de 700 MHz; en segundo lugar, la evaluación de modelos de negocio y reducción de costes considerando tecnologías femtocelulares; y finalmente, la viabilidad de las redes LTE de acceso fijo inalámbrico para el cierre de la brecha digital en el acceso a la banda ancha de 30 Mbps. En relación con la aplicación del análisis tecnoeconómico para la valoración del espectro de 700 MHz, los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto dos cuestiones fundamentales. En primer lugar, la necesidad de asignar a los operadores más espectro para satisfacer las previsiones de demanda de tráfico móvil a medio plazo. En segundo, existe una diferencia notable en los costes de despliegue de una red LTE cuando se dispone de espectro en frecuencias inferiores a 1 GHz y cuando no, pero esta diferencia de costes disminuye a medida que se añade nuevo espectro sub-1GHz. De esta manera, la atribución de la banda de 700 MHz a servicios de comunicaciones móviles supone una reducción relevante en los costes de despliegue si el operador no dispone de espectro en la banda de 800 MHz, pero no así si ya dispone de espectro en bandas bajas para el despliegue. En este sentido, puede concluirse que el precio que los operadores estarán dispuestos a pagar por el espectro de la banda de 700 MHz dependerá de si ya tienen disponible espectro en la banda de 800 MHz. Sin embargo, dado que la competencia por ese espectro será menor, los ingresos esperables en las licitaciones de esta nueva banda serán en general menores, a pesar de que para algunos operadores este espectro sería tan valioso como el de 800 MHz. En segundo lugar, en relación con el despliegue de femtoceldas pueden extraerse algunas conclusiones en términos de ahorro de costes de despliegue y también de cara a la viabilidad de los modelos de negocio que posibilitan. El ahorro que supone la introducción de femtoceldas en el despliegue de una red LTE frente al caso de un despliegue exclusivamente macrocelular se ha demostrado que es mayor cuanto menor es el ancho de banda disponible para la red macrocelular. En esta línea, para un operador convergente el despliegue de femtoceldas tiene sentido económico si el ancho de banda disponible es escaso (en torno a 2x10 MHz), que, en el caso de España, puede reflejar el caso de los operadores del segmento fijo que son nuevos entrantes en el móvil. Por otro lado, los modelos de acceso abierto son interesantes para operadores exclusivamente móviles, porque consiguen flexibilizar los costes sustituyendo estaciones base macrocelulares por el despliegue de femtoceldas, pero necesitan desplegarse en zonas con una densidad de población relativamente elevada para que éstas descarguen tráfico de varios usuarios de la red macrocelular simultáneamente. No obstante, las femtoceldas son beneficiosas en todo caso si es el usuario quien asume los costes de la femtocelda y el backhaul, lo que sólo parece probable si se integran en el modelo de negocio de comercialización de nuevos servicios. Por tanto, el despliegue de femtoceldas en buena parte de la casuística estudiada sólo tiene sentido si consiguen aumentar los ingresos por usuario comercializando servicios de valor añadido que necesiten calidad de servicio garantizada y exploten a la vez de esa forma su principal ventaja competitiva respecto a la tecnología WiFi. Finalmente, en relación con el papel de la tecnología LTE para la provisión de servicios de acceso fijo inalámbrico para la banda ancha de 30 Mbps, se ha desarrollado un modelo TD-LTE y mediante la metodología de análisis tecnoeconómico se ha realizado un estudio prospectivo para el caso de España. Los resultados obtenidos preciden una huella de cobertura de FTTH del 74% para 2020, y demuestran que una red TD-LTE en la banda de 3,5 GHz resulta viable para aumentar la cobertura de servicios de 30 Mbps en 14 puntos porcentuales. Junto con la consideración de la cobertura de otras redes, la cobertura de 30 Mbps de acuerdo a la viabilidad de los despliegues alcanzaría el 95% en España en el año 2020. Como resumen, los resultados obtenidos muestran en todos los casos la capacidad de la tecnología LTE para afrontar nuevos desafíos en relación con el aumento del tráfico móvil, especialmente crítico en las zonas más urbanas, y el cierre de la brecha digital en el acceso a la banda ancha rápida en las zonas más rurales. ABSTRACT The LTE standard has been pointed out as one of the keys for telecom operators to address the demand growth in mobile traffic foreseen for the next years in a cost-efficient way, since its core network is more scalable and its radio interface more flexible than those of its predecessor technologies. On the other hand, regulators need to guarantee an adequate, equitable and non-discriminatory access to radio spectrum, which enable a favorable environment for the deployment of advanced mobile communication networks. Despite the reform of the spectrum regulatory framework in Europe, which allowed for the deployment of new technologies in the historic GSM bands, additional spectrum has been allocated to IMT systems in new frequency bands, what in turn has set out new challenges for technology and regulation. The current fragmentation of available spectrum in very different frequency bands has boosted the development of carrier aggregation techniques in most recent releases of the LTE standard, which permit a better exploitation of radio resources as a whole. Nonetheless, spectrum below 1 GHz is still scarce for mobile networks, since mobile traffic increases at a more rapid pace than spectral efficiency and spectrum resources. The 900 MHz frequency band is still being used for GSM services, what has worsen the dispute between mobile communication services and terrestrial broadcasting services for the upper part of the UHF band. Concretely, the 700 MHz frequency band has been pointed out as one of the next bands to be allocated to mobile in order to increase available spectrum. However, its release by current Digital Terrestrial Television networks is challenging in Member States where it constitutes the main free access audiovisual platform, opening up a new debate around the audiovisual model in the long term in Europe. On the other hand, public policies of the present decade to promote fast and ultrafast broadband access has established very ambitious objectives for the year 2020, both at European and national levels. Universalization of 30 Mbps broadband access networks constitutes one of the main challenges. Expectations raised by LTE technology and the allocation of new frequency bands has lead fixed wireless access (FWA) services to acquire special relevance in light of public policy objectives, which will not be met but with a compendium of different technologies, as different involved stakeholders have acknowledged. This PhD Dissertation develops techno-economic models to carry out a prospective analysis for three cases of special relevance in LTE networks’ deployment: the spectrum pricing of the 700 MHz frequency band, an assessment of new business models and cost reduction considering femtocell technologies, and the feasibility of LTE fixed wireless access networks to close the 30 Mbps broadband access gap in rural areas. In the first place and regarding the application of techno-economic analysis for 700 MHz spectrum pricing, obtained results reveal two core issues. First of all, the need to allocate more spectrum for operators in order to fulfill mobile traffic demand in the mid-term. Secondly, there is a substantial difference in deployment costs for a LTE network when there is sub-1GHz spectrum available and when there is not, but this difference decreases as additional sub-1GHz spectrum is added. Thus, the allocation of 700 MHz band to mobile communication services would cause a relevant reduction in deployment costs if the operator does not count on spectrum in the 800 MHz, but not if it already has been assigned spectrum in low frequencies for the deployment. In this regard, the price operators will be willing to pay for 700 MHz spectrum will depend on them having already spectrum in the 800 MHz frequency band or not. However, since competition for the new spectrum will not be so strong, expected incomes from 700 MHz spectrum awards will be generally lower than those from the digital dividend, despite this spectrum being as valuable as 800 MHz spectrum for some operators. In the second place, regarding femtocell deployment, some conclusions can be drawn in terms of deployment cost savings and also with reference to the business model they enable. Savings provided by a joint macro-femto LTE network as compared to an exclusively macrocellular deployment increase as the available bandwidth for the macrocells decreases. Therefore, for a convergent operator the deployment of femtocells can only have economic sense if the available bandwidth is scarce (around 2x10 MHz), which might be the case of fix market operators which are new entrant in mobile market. Besides, open access models are interesting for exclusively mobile operators, since they make costs more flexible by substituting macrocell base stations by femtocells, but they need to be deployed relatively densely populated areas so that they can offload traffic from several macrocell users simultaneously. Nonetheless, femtocells are beneficial in all cases if the user assumes both femtocell and backhaul costs, which only seems probable if they are integrated in a business model commercializing new services. Therefore, in many of the cases analyzed femtocell deployment only makes sense if they increase revenues per user through new added value services which need from guaranteed quality of service, thus exploiting its main competitive advantage compared to WiFi. Finally, regarding the role of LTE technology in the provision of fixed wireless access services for 30 Mbps broadband, a TD-LTE model has been developed and a prospective study has been carried out through techno-economic methodology for the Spanish case. Obtained results foresee a FTTH coverage footprint of 74% households for 2020, and prove that a TD-LTE network in the 3.5 GHz band results feasible to increase 30 Mbps service coverage in additional 14 percentage points. To sum up, obtained results show LTE technology capability to address new challenges regarding both mobile traffic growth, particularly critical in urban zones, and the current digital divide in fast broadband access in most rural zones.


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The Internet enables access to information, services, support and participation in leisure opportunities. Some populations, including people with disabilities, lack access to these opportunities through the Internet. Barriers may include finances, physical access, lack of resources and inaccessible websites. Limited access to Internet training is an additional barrier for people with communication impairments. People with Parkinson's disease (PD) may have difficulty accessing usual Internet training due to high-level language, cognitive and physical limitations. Aphasia-friendly Internet training materials were trialed with this population to investigate if participants could learn to use the Internet and would benefit from Internet training. The tutors' experience was also investigated using qualitative measures. Seven people with PD were matched with volunteer tutors. These pairs met for six Internet training lessons using training materials available as a free download from: http://dexter.shrs.uq.edu.au/cdaru/aphasiagroups/. Pre and post-test Internet skills assessments and attitudinal questionnaires were conducted. Significant differences between pre and post-test scores were found. Participants reached varying levels of independence on Internet tasks. Favorable outcomes were reported by participants, and tutors reported a positive experience. Further investigation is recommended to determine the efficacy of this approach compared with other training avenues and with other communication-impaired populations. Practical and theoretical implications for speech pathology practice are discussed.


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Questions relating to the ability of particular groups in society to access information and communications technologies (ICTs) have become a growing part of the academic and policy literature. The issues raised in this literature have revolved around a number of themes, many of which can be subsumed under concerns about a growing digital divide whereby society is being divided into information rich and information poor sectors. This differentiation can be between particular social groups irrespective of place, or between people in particular places be these large regional areas (e.g. metropolitan versus non-metropolitan) or localities and communities within an urban area. This paper focuses on the existence of a 'digital divide' across the Sydney metropolitan area. Using ABS 2001 census data the paper presents an analysis of computer and internet access and use for clusters of local communities and focuses on how usage differs across communities as differentiated by socio-economic status, household and family status and ethnic background


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Evidence demonstrates that the digital divide is deepening despite strategies mobilized worldwide to reduce it. In disadvantaged communities, beyond training and infrastructural issues, there often lies a range of cultural and historically formed relationships that affect people's adoption of ICTs. This article presents an analysis of local resident's engagement with their council's pilot project to develop a computer facility in their community center. We ask, to what extent can people in poor urban communities, once trained, be expected to volunteer to work on furthering community education and development in ICTs in their local area? Findings indicate four patterns of individual engagement with the computer project: reflexive, utilitarian, distributive, and nonparticipatory. It is argued that local people engaged with the intervention in historically patterned and locally distinctive ways that served immediate personal and pragmatic ends. They did not adopt the long-term strategic goals of the council or university.


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Primary objective: To test whether people with cognitive-linguistic impairments following traumatic brain injury could learn to use the Internet using specialized training materials. Research design: Pre-post test design. Methods and procedures: Seven participants were each matched with a volunteer tutor. Basic Internet skills were taught over six lessons using a tutor's manual and a student manual. Instructions used simple text and graphics based on Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5. Students underwent Internet skills assessments and interviews pre- and post-training. Tutors completed a post-training questionnaire. Main outcomes and results: Six of seven participants reached moderate-to-high degrees of independence. Literacy impairment was an expected training barrier; however, cognitive impairments affecting concentration, memory and motivation were more significant. Conclusions: Findings suggest that people with cognitive-linguistic impairments can learn Internet skills using specialized training materials. Participants and their carers also reported positive outcomes beyond the acquisition of Internet skills.


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Journalists have always used equipment which has been generally available in the communities in which they worked. This has been a result both of economy and necessity, since they found they had to connect with their audiences using means that were available to the audience, not just to the sender. Newspapers sold on street corners in the very early media days; SMS and email have become the rule for the early 21st century. This development also admits the possibility of the roles of the communication professional and the community merging during the “public journalism” process, and has become most recently evident in the areas around the Bay of Bengal, struck by the tsunami on December 26, 2004, especially in the Indonesian province of Banda Aceh, and in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, where tiny portable radios, featuring solar panels and hand-cranked dynamos, have suddenly become part of a vital news media channel. In this article participant-observation and personal interview techniques are used to record and compare many of the digital channels used by news and information senders up to 2005. It also investigates the level of genuine participation which these new technologies have brought to the communications process.


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This study investigates the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) expansion on economic and social freedom in the Middle East (Bahrain, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria and United Arab Emirates) for the period of 1996 to 2005. This study is unique as it analyzes the effect of institutional resistance (governments’ restrictions) on ICT development, economic freedom and democracy. The results show that institutional resistance poses a significant negative effect on ICT development and democracy. Results also show that ICT expansion in Middle East has not only been effective in bridging the Digital Divide, but that it had a positive impact on promoting civil liberties and economic freedom in a region that is vulnerable to political, social, and global conflicts.


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This study investigates the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) inflow and trade openness on the expansion of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for the period of 1996 to 2005, in the Asia-Pacific and Middle East regions. The results of regression analyses conducted indicate that while dissimilarities exist among the countries included in this study in terms of their level of socio-economic and political development, factors such as trade openness, education and the growth of GDP had a positive impact on their ICT development. While FDI inflow had positive impact on the expansion of ICTs on Asia-Pacific countries its impact on Middle Eastern countries was not statistically significant. The study results also show that governmental intervention in economic activities has a negative impact on ICT expansion in both regions. In the Middle East, regional conflict imposes additional negative impact on FDI inflow and trade openness and consequently, ICT expansion. The regression results show that those countries that implemented liberalization of their ICT sector were able to not only reduce the digital divide with other developed countries, but also increase their operations in both local and global markets.