975 resultados para diagnostic methods


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The objective of this study was to describe a pseudo-outbreak of C. difficile in a hospital, following a change in the method used to detect the toxin. In February 2002, there were two cases of CDAD and in March 7 occurred, coinciding with a change of the test (from detection of toxin A to toxin A/B). An outbreak was suspected. Active surveillance and education of staff were started. A CDAD case was defined as a patient with acute onset of diarrhea (³ three episodes of liquid stools) and a positive stool test. They were classified as hospital or community-acquired. Stool samples were also collected for C. difficile culture and isolates were typed using AP-PCR. From March 2002 through December 2003 there were 138 cases of CDAD: 70% were hospital-acquired and among the 30% with CDAD present on admission, most (81%) came directly from the community (50% had no history of hospitalization). Fifty-two percent of hospital-acquired CDAD and 94% of cases on admission had already used antibiotics. The incidence of CDAD in hospitalized patients during surveillance was 3.3 per 1000 patient-admissions. The incidence of CDAD present on admission was 6.1/1000 patients. Sixteen isolates were typed and presented 13 different profiles. In conclusion, the CDAD increase in our study occurred due to change in diagnostic methods and not due to an outbreak, as suspected initially. The incidence in hospitalized patients was much lower than in reported outbreaks. There were 13 molecular types suggesting that an outbreak did not occur. CDAD was largely community-acquired.


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8A>C>86A G:EDGI: A patient diagnosed Wilson’s disease (WD) 22 years previously, successfully treated initially with zinc, developed neuropsychiatric disease after years of irregular therapy. Reassuming zinc therapy was successful. After a normal pregnancy, she had two therapeutic abortions for corpus callosum agenesis, and a missed abortion. We review the genetics, physiopathology, clinics and imagiologic response to zinc therapy, the problems of pregnancy in WD, advising to maintain therapy. A hypothetic cause for fetus brain anomaly would be hypocupremia due to zinc therapy, confronting with two other possibilities, one related to Wilson’s disease in itself, other due to a congenital syndrome of agenesis of the corpus callosum, impossible to diagnose by our available diagnostic methods.


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Despite its efficacy, including in the prevention of vertical transmission, the antiretroviral nevirapine is associated with severe idiosyncratic hepatotoxicity and skin rash. The mechanisms underlying nevirapine toxicity are not fully understood, but drug bioactivation to reactive metabolites capable of forming stable protein adducts is thought to be involved. This hypothesis is based on the paradigm that drug reactive metabolites have the potential to bind to self-proteins, which results in drug-modified proteins being perceived as foreign by the immune system. The aim of the present work was to identify hemoglobin adducts in HIV patients as biomarkers of nevirapine haptenation upon bioactivation. The ultimate goal is to develop diagnostic methods for predicting the onset of nevirapine-induced toxic reactions. All included subjects were adults on nevirapine-containing antiretroviral therapy for at least 1month. The protocol received prior approval from the Hospital Ethics Committees and patients gave their written informed consent. Nevirapine-derived adducts with the N-terminal valine of hemoglobin were analyzed by an established liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry method and characterized on the basis of retention time and mass spectrometric fragmentation pattern by comparison with adduct standards prepared synthetically. The nevirapine adducts were detected in 12/13 patient samples, and quantified in 11/12 samples (2.58±0.8 fmol/g of hemoglobin). This work represents the first evidence of nevirapine-protein adduct formation in man and confirms the ability of nevirapine to modify self-proteins, thus providing clues to the molecular mechanisms underlying nevirapine toxicity. Moreover, the possibility of assessing nevirapine-protein adduct levels has the potential to become useful for predicting the onset of nevirapine-induced adverse reactions.


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A direct immunofluorescent antibody (DIFMA) test using a Leishmania genus- specific monoclonal antibody was evaluated in the routine diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in Ecuador. This test was compared with the standard diagnostic techniques of scrapings, culture and histology. Diagnostic samples were taken from a total of 90 active dermal ulcers from patients from areas of Ecuador known to be endemic for cutaneous leishmaniasis. DIFMA was positive in all lesions. It was shown to be significantly superior to standard diagnostic methods either alone or in combination. The sensitivity of DIFMA did not diminish with chronicity of lesions. This test proved to be extremely useful in the routine diagnosis of CL because it is highly sensitive, is easy to use and produces rapid results.


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In light of the World Health Organization's initiative to extend schistosomiasis morbidity and mortality control programs by including a disease elimination strategy in low endemic settings, this paper reviews diagnostic tools described during the last decades and provide an overview of ongoing efforts in making an efficient diagnostic tool available worldwide. A literature search on PubMed using the search criteria schistosomiasis and diagnosis within the period from 1978 to 2013 was carried out. Articles with abstract in English and that used laboratory techniques specifically developed for the detection of schistosomiasis in humans were included. Publications were categorized according to the methodology applied (parasitological, immunological, or molecular) and stage of development (in house development, limited field, or large scale field testing). The initial research generated 4,535 publications, of which only 643 met the inclusion criteria. The vast majority (537) of the publications focused on immunological techniques; 81 focused on parasitological diagnosis, and 25 focused on molecular diagnostic methods. Regarding the stage of development, 307 papers referred to in-house development, 202 referred to limited field tests, and 134 referred to large scale field testing. The data obtained show that promising new diagnostic tools, especially for Schistosoma antigen and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) detection, which are characterized by high sensitivity and specificity, are being developed. In combination with international funding initiatives these tools may result in a significant step forward in successful disease elimination and surveillance, which is to make efficient tests accessible and its large use self-sustainable for control programs in endemic countries.


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RESUMO: A infecção por H. pylori, enquadra-se nas doenças infecciosas gastroduodenais e estima-se que mais de 50% da população mundial esteja infectada. A história natural da infecção por H. pylori, sofre interferências relacionadas com a genética do hospedeiro, a estirpe e as características da toxicidade da bactéria. Associam-se a estes factores, o tempo de exposição à infecção, assim como as condições sociais e higiéno-sanitárias. Paralelamente, o H. pylori é considerado o principal agente patogénico das doenças gastroduodenais. Este estudo teve como objectivo principal caracterizar a infecção por H. pylori em populações de Angola e sua avaliação como problema de Saúde Pública. Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo dirigido a dois grupos populacionais, um constituído por indivíduos aparentemente saudáveis, sem queixas gástricas específicas, em ambiente de comunidade, Grupo I, e outro, Grupo II, constituído por doentes que acorreram ao serviço de Gastrenterologia do Hospital Militar Principal de Luanda (HMP). No que diz respeito ao estudo na comunidade a pesquisa de H. pylori foi realizada pelo método ELISA de pesquisa de antigénios nas fezes. Por sua vez, a nível hospitalar, os métodos de diagnóstico da infecção por H. pylori foram: a endoscopia digestiva alta para a colheita de biópsias da mucosa gástrica destinadas ao exame anatomopatológico, ao exame citobacteriológico e aos métodos moleculares. Como método não invasivos foi utilizado o teste respiratório com ureia marcada. Grupo I: o diagnóstico da infecção por H. pylori, realizado pela pesquisa de antigénios deste microrganismo nas fezes, revelou uma frequência de 69,6% na população em estudo. Considerando em cada região, verificou-se que a região do Sambizanga possuía o valor mais elevado de frequência, 81,2%, seguida do Dinge com 79,5%, estatisticamente significativas (p 0,001). A avaliação da distribuição da frequência da infecção por grupo etário, revelou que os indivíduos com idade inferior a 15 anos, possuíam uma frequência de infecção de 63,5% e sendo de 76% nos indivíduos com idade superior a 15 anos. Este estudo permitiu concluir que a frequência da infecção por H. pylori nas regiões estudadas, é de 70% à excepção do Capulo, zona litoral em que não obstante as precárias condições de saneamento, a frequência da infecção por H. pylori é baixa. Grupo II: dos 309 doentes avaliados, verificou-se que 22 (7%), apresentavam uma mucosa normal e 287 (93%) uma mucosa alterada. A avaliação histológica das biópsias do antro, em 270 amostras de acordo com o Sistema de Sidney, em 235 (87,0%), revelou a presença de gastrite, 13 (4,8%) a presença de úlcera e em 9 (3,3%), uma lesão tumoral. A avaliação histológica da actividade nas 226 amostras do antro gástrico, verificou-se que 129 (57%) possuíam actividade e 97 (43%) não possuíam. O estudo das 255 biópsias do corpo, revelou em 212 (83,1%), a presença de lesões de gastrite, em 7 (2,7%), observaram-se lesões tumorais e 2 (0.8%) apresentaram úlcera. Dos 263 doentes avaliados histologicamente para pesquisa do H. pylori, 148 (58,2%) revelaram a presença positiva desta bactéria e 106 (41,7%) foram negativas. No que diz respeito à susceptibilidade aos macrólidos, do universo de 158 doentes com H. pylori positivo, 125 (79,1%) doentes apresentaram estirpes sensíveis aos macrólidos e 33 (20,9%) estirpes resistentes. Em relação aos factores de virulência, na avaliação conjunta dos dois factores de virulência estudados (cagA e vacA), em relação ao tipo de lesões encontradas na mucosa gástrica, verificou-se que dos 11 doentes com úlcera, 7 (63,6%), apresentavam uma estirpe cagA negativa, sendo 6 vacA s1 (85,7%), uma s2 e 4 (36,3%) com uma estirpe cagA positiva e vacA s1. Por sua vez dos 2 doentes com tumor, ambas as estirpes eram cagA negativas, sendo uma vacA s1 e outra vacA s2. Em relação aos factores de virulência nos doentes aos quais se diagnosticou úlcera e tumor apresentavam estirpe cagA negativa, vacAs1. Em relação ás lesões gástricas inflamatórias, os doentes com gastrite apresentavam cagA positivo. Do presente trabalho, em atenção aos resultados obtidos no que concerne a prevalência em populações sem queixas gastrenterológicas, recomenda-se que o mesmo se possa vir a replicar numa abrangência maior, realizando-se, por exemplo, estudos comparativos de prevalência entre as populações residentes no litoral (beira-mar) e as do interior. Pelas características genotípicas de H. pylori, em correspondência com as lesões encontradas, após novos estudos mais abrangentes, recomenda-se a avaliação de uma terapêutica mais acessível para o doente e que seja de maior eficácia. Face à escassez de médicos especialistas em gastrenterologia em Angola e de meios de diagnóstico, recomenda-se um estudo mais alargado da eficácia do seguimento do doente dispéptico, conforme protocolo avaliado pelo Colégio da Especialidade de Gastrenterologia da Ordem dos Médicos de Angola e já em prática em algumas instituições de saúde.--------------------------- ABSTRACT: H.pylori infection, is part of the gastroduodenal infectious diseases and it is estimated that over 50% of the world population is infected. The natural history of H.pylori infection, is influenced by host genetic, strain type, of bacterial virulence factors, time of exposure to the infection, as well as social and hygienic-sanitary conditions. In parallel, H.pylori is considered the main pathogen of gastroduodenal diseases. This study's main objective was to characterize H.pylori infection in populations of Angola and its evaluation as a public health problem. This is a prospective study conducted in two population groups, one in community environment composed by healthy individuals without specific gastric complaints - Group I, and Group II consisting of patients who went to the Gastroenterology Service of the Hospital Military of Luanda (HMP). As regards to the study in the community detection of H.pylori was carried out by antigen search in faeces using ELISA method. At hospital level H.pylori infection diagnostic methods were: upper gastrointestinal endoscopy to obtain gastric mucosal biopsies for histology, culture and molecular methods. As a non-invasive breath test with labelled urea was used. Group I: the diagnosis of H.pylori infection, by antigens detection in faeces, revealed a frequency of 69.6% in the study population. Whereas in each region, it was found that the Sambizanga region had the highest frequency of positive cases, 81.2% , followed by Dinge with 79.5%, Funda with 78.7 and Capulo with 39.8% being differences statistically significant (p=0.001). The evaluation of the distribution of the infection frequency by age group, revealed that individuals younger than 15 years had a frequency of 63.5% and in individuals older than 15 years, 76%. This study showed that the frequency of H.pylori infection in the regions studied was 70% exception due to Capulo, a coastal zone where despite the poor sanitation conditions; the frequency of H.pylori infection is lower. Group II: from the 309 patients evaluated, it was found that 22 (7%) had a normal mucosa and 287 (93%) a modified mucosa. Histological evaluation of antrum biopsies in 270 samples according to the Sydney System revealed the presence of gastritis in 235 (87.0%), the presence of ulcers in 13 (4.8%) and a tumour in 9 (3 3%). Histological assessment of activity in the gastric antrum of 226 samples, revealed that 129 (57%) had activity and 97 (43%) did not. The evaluation of the 255 corpus biopsies showed in 212 (83.1%), the presence of lesions of gastritis, in 7 (2.7%) tumour lesions and in 2 (0.8%) an ulcer. Of the 263 patients histological evaluated for H.pylori, 148 (58.2%) revealed the presence of this bacteria and 106 (41.7%) were negative. As regards susceptibility to macrolides from the universe of 158 patients with H.pylori, 125 (79.1%) patients had macrolides susceptible strains and 33 (20.9%) resistant strains. Regarding virulence factors (vacA and cagA), it was found that from the 11 patients with ulcers, 7 (63.6%), had a cagA negative strain, being 6 vacA s1, (85.7%) one vacA s2 and 4 (36.3%) with a cagA positive strain vacA s1. Concerning the 2 patients with tumour, both strains were cagA negative, one vacA s1 and other vacA s2. Patients with ulcer and tumour had cagA negative strains vacAs1. From this work, considering the prevalence of H.pylori obtained in health population, it is recommended that the same study should be performed in larger scale to confirm these results. The results of H.pylori genotyping suggest that more comprehensive studies are needed. Given the reduce number gastroenterology specialist in Angola and the lack of diagnostics methods, we recommend a larger study of the effectiveness of follow-up the patient dyspeptic, according to the protocol assessed by the College of Gastroenterology Specialty of the Order of Doctors and Angola already in place in some health institutions.


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Introduction The aim of this study was to estimate the incidence of tuberculous meningitis in the State of Santa Catarina (SC), Brazil, during the period from 2001 to 2010. Methods Ecological, temporal, and descriptive methods were employed using data obtained from the Information System on Disease Notification (Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação). Results One hundred sixteen reported cases of tuberculous meningitis occurred from 2001 to 2010, corresponding to 1.2% (0.2 cases/100,000 inhabitants) of all meningitis cases reported in SC. There was a predominance of new cases in males, corresponding to 56.9% of new cases (0.2 cases/100,000 inhabitants; males vs. females; p=0.374), in patients aged 20-39 years, corresponding to 52.6% of new cases (0.5 cases/100,000 inhabitants; 20-39 years versus others; p<0.001), and in urban areas, corresponding to 91.4% of new cases (0.2 cases/100,000 inhabitants; urban vs. rural; p=0.003). In 48.3% of cases, the outcome was death. Conclusions The incidence rate of tuberculous meningitis in SC has increased within the last decade, with the most affected population comprising young adult white males with an average education. Thus, tuberculous meningitis remains a serious disease, emphasizing the need for disease prevention with vaccination campaigns against tuberculosis, the development of faster and more accurate diagnostic methods, and the use of current epidemiological knowledge regarding the disease to facilitate the establishment of early treatment.


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Abstract INTRODUCTION: Hepatitis C is a public health problem of global dimensions, affecting approximately 200 million people worldwide. The main objective of this study was to estimate the incidence rate of hepatitis C in Brazil during the period between 2001 and 2012. METHODS: An epidemiological, temporal, and descriptive study was performed using data from the Information System for Reportable Diseases. RESULTS: Between 2001 and 2012, a total of 151,056 hepatitis C cases were recorded, accounting for 30.3% of all hepatitis notifications in Brazil. The average gross coefficient for the analysis period was 6.7 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The regions with the highest rates were the Southeast region (8.7 new cases/100,000 inhabitants) and the South (13.9 new cases/100,000 inhabitants). There was a predominance of men with respect to the incidence rate (8.0 new cases/100,000 inhabitants) compared to women (5.5 new cases/100,000 inhabitants). Injection drug use was the most common source of infection, and members of the white race, residents of urban areas, and those aged 60 to 64 years had the highest incidences. CONCLUSIONS: Over the last 10 years, the incidence of hepatitis C in Brazil has increased, mainly in the South and Southeast. The adoption of fast, accurate diagnostic methods, together with epidemiological awareness, can facilitate early intervention measures for adequate control of the disease.


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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: The treatment of individuals with active tuberculosis (TB) and the identification and treatment of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) contacts are the two most important strategies for the control of TB. The objective of this study was compare the performance of tuberculin skin testing (TST) with QuantiFERON-TB Gold In TUBE(r) in the diagnosis of LTBI in contacts of patients with active TB. METHODS: Cross-sectional analytical study with 60 contacts of patients with active pulmonary TB. A blood sample of each contact was taken for interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA) and subsequently performed the TST. A receiver operating characteristic curve was generated to assess the cutoff points and the sensitivity, predictive values, and accuracy were calculated. The agreement between IGRA and TST results was evaluated by Kappa coefficient. RESULTS: Here, 67.9% sensitivity, 84.4% specificity, 79.1% PPV, 75% NPV, and 76.7% accuracy were observed for the 5mm cutoff point. The prevalence of LTBI determined by TST and IGRA was 40% and 46.7%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Both QuantiFERON-TB Gold In TUBE(r) and TST showed good performance in LTBI diagnosis. The creation of specific diagnostic methods is necessary for the diagnosis of LTBI with higher sensitivity and specificity, preferably with low cost and not require a return visit for reading because with early treatment of latent forms can prevent active TB.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the predictive values of noninvasive tests for the detection of allograft vascular disease. METHODS: We studied 39 patients with mean ages of 48±13 years and a follow-up period of 86±13 months. The diagnosis of allograft vascular disease was made by cine-coronary arteriography, and it was considered as positive if lesions existed that caused > or = 50% obstruction of the lumen. Patients underwent 24h Holter monitoring, thallium scintigraphy, a treadmill stress test, and dobutamine stress echocardiography. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values were determined in percentages for each method, as compared with the cine-coronary arteriography results. RESULTS: Allograft vascular disease was found in 15 (38%) patients. The Holter test showed 15.4% sensitivity, 95.5% specificity. For the treadmill stress test, sensitivity was 10%, specificity was 100%. When thallium scintigraphy was used, sensitivity was 40%, specificity 95.8%. On echocardiography with dobutamine, we found a 63.6% sensitivity, 91.3% specificity. When the dobutamine echocardiogram was associated with scintigraphy, sensitivity was 71.4%, specificity was 87%. CONCLUSION: In this group of patients, the combination of two noninvasive methods (dobutamine echocardiography and thallium scintigraphy) may be a good alternative for the detection of allograft vascular disease in asymptomatic patients with normal ventricular function.


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Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada al Finnish Cancer Registry a Helsinki, Finlandia entre setembre i novembre del 2006. Davant l’increment dels tumors hepàtics en països industrialitzats, s’avaluen les tendències temporals de la malaltia hepàtica a Catalunya durant el període 1983-2002 i s’estima la tendència futura a partir de l’any 2005. L’estudi s’ha basat en dades del Registre de Mortalitat de Catalunya i de l’Institut d’Estadística de Catalunya. La malaltia hepàtica inclou diverses tipologies de tumors hepàtics i la cirrosi hepàtica. Els models edad-període-cohort s’han emprat per estimar els efectes període de mortalitat i cohort de naixement. Els resultats han mostrat que les taxes de mortalitat per cirrosi han disminuït en ambdós sexes, exceptuant els homes d’entre els 35-50 anys, pels quals la mortalitat es mantingué estable. S’han observat increments en la mortalitat per carcinoma hepatocel•lular i en els tumors de vies biliars intrahepàtiques, mentre que les projeccions mostren estabilitat en la tendència d’aquestes malalties durant el període 2005-2009. Les tendències de la mortalitat per malaltia hepàtica constatades poden ser degudes a la implementació de teràpies noves, nous mètodes de diagnòstic, infecció pel virus de l’hepatitis C d’altres factors desconeguts.


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Clinical epidemiology is the most currently used name for a comparatively new branch of medicine covering a certain number of activities related to the practice of clinical medicine, but using epidemiological techniques and methods. Clinical epidemiology has only just begun to be known in Europe, whereas units are being increasingly developed and expanded in North America, particularly within the clinical departments of hospitals. The methods it offers are valid for both practicing physicians and hospital doctors (or those being trained in hospitals) and serve the purpose of promoting a better quality medical service, especially where a more adequate evaluation of the effectiveness of diagnostic methods, therapy and prognosis in medicine is concerned. Clinical epidemiology proposes a methodology of medical reasoning and of decision-making, as well as techniques intended to facilitate the indispensable task of keeping up with advances in medical knowledge.


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Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a clinicopathologic condition of increasing recognition and prevalence. In 2007, a consensus recommendation provided clinical and histopathologic guidance for the diagnosis and treatment of EoE; however, only a minority of physicians use the 2007 guidelines, which require fulfillment of both histologic and clinical features. Since 2007, the number of EoE publications has doubled, providing new disease insight. Accordingly, a panel of 33 physicians with expertise in pediatric and adult allergy/immunology, gastroenterology, and pathology conducted a systematic review of the EoE literature (since September 2006) using electronic databases. Based on the literature review and expertise of the panel, information and recommendations were provided in each of the following areas of EoE: diagnostics, genetics, allergy testing, therapeutics, and disease complications. Because accumulating animal and human data have provided evidence that EoE appears to be an antigen-driven immunologic process that involves multiple pathogenic pathways, a new conceptual definition is proposed highlighting that EoE represents a chronic, immune/antigen-mediated disease characterized clinically by symptoms related to esophageal dysfunction and histologically by eosinophil-predominant inflammation. The diagnostic guidelines continue to define EoE as an isolated chronic disorder of the esophagus diagnosed by the need of both clinical and pathologic features. Patients commonly have high rates of concurrent allergic diatheses, especially food sensitization, compared with the general population. Proved therapeutic options include chronic dietary elimination, topical corticosteroids, and esophageal dilation. Important additions since 2007 include genetic underpinnings that implicate EoE susceptibility caused by polymorphisms in the thymic stromal lymphopoietin protein gene and the description of a new potential disease phenotype, proton pump inhibitor-responsive esophageal eosinophila. Further advances and controversies regarding diagnostic methods, surrogate disease markers, allergy testing, and treatment approaches are discussed.


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As Schistosoma sp. control programs are chiefly based on treatment of infected population, adequate case finding has a crucial role. The available diagnostic methods are far from ideal, since the search for eggs in stools and the detection of circulating antigens lack sensitivity in low prevalence and post-treatment situations and antibody detection lacks specificity. In most endemic foci, repeated treatment of infected people leaves a number of non-diagnosed and consequently non-treated persons, enough to maintain a persistent residue of 5 to 10% prevalence. In an attempt to surpass these diagnostic limitations we have developed a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of Schistosoma sp. in feces that, in a first population study, has shown to be more sensitive than three-repeated stool Kato-Katz examination. The PCR may constitute a valuable tool for the diagnosis of the Schistosoma sp. infection in special situations, when high sensitivity and specificity are required and infrastructure is available.


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Small mammals are found naturally infected by Schistosoma mansoni, becoming a confounding factor for control programs of schistosomiasis in endemic areas. The aims of this study were: to investigate the infection rates by S. mansoni on the water-rat Nectomys squamipes during four years in endemic areas of Sumidouro, state of Rio de Janeiro, using mark-recapture technique; to compare two diagnostic methods for schistosomiasis; and to evaluate the effects of the chemotherapy in the human infected population on the rodent infection rates. The rodent infection rates of S. mansoni increased when rodent population sizes were lower. Coprology and serology results presented the same trends along time and were correlated. Serology could detect recent infection, including the false negatives in the coprology. The chemotherapy in the humans could not interrupt the rodent infection. Rodents can increase the schistosomiaisis transmission where it already exists, they probably maintain the transmission cycle in the nature and can be considered as biological indicators of the transmission sites of this parasite since they are highly susceptible to infection. The water-rats may present different levels of importance in the transmission dynamics of S. mansoni infection cycle for each area, and can be considered important wild-reservoirs of this human disease.