315 resultados para descriptor


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El presente ensayo se realizó en la Finca El Plantel, Zambrano, departamento de Masaya, Nicaragua durante las épocas de siembra de primera, postrera y de riego (Junio 2005-Marzo 2006) con el objetivo de determinar el efecto de la densidad poblacional y la época de siembra sobre el rendimiento y la calidad de semilla de una población de caupí rojo. Fue establecido un diseño bifactorial de bloques completos al azar (BCA), con cuatro bloques, cinco distancias de siembra (0.40, 0.60, 0.80, 1.00, 1.20) y tres épocas de siembra. Se realizó el análisis de varianza y separación de medias por Tukey al 5% de confianza, utilizando el programa Statistical Analysis System (SAS). La medición de las variables se basó en el descriptor de Vignas sp y en la tabla de colores de Methuen. Las variables cuantitativas medidas fueron longitud del foliolo central, longitud del pecíolo, longitud del pecíolulo, longitud del pedúnculo de la vaina, longitud de la rama, longitud de la vaina, diámetro del tallo, altura de la planta, número de ramas por planta, contenido de humedad de la semilla, materia seca, germinación, número de semilla por vainas, número de vainas por parcela, peso de 1000 semillas, y rendimiento. De acuerdo con los resultados no se encontró interacción entre épocas y distancias de siembra. Se determinó que hubo efecto entre épocas de siembra sobre las variables medidas a excepción de número de ramas y diámetro del tallo. El mayor rendimiento se obtuvo en postrera con 1228.8 kg.ha-1, seguida de riego con 452.8 kg.ha-1 y primera 361.6kgha-1. La siembra con riego presentó el primer lugar en las variables peso de 1000 semillas (146.0 g), materia seca (1.8 g) y germinación (87.2 %). Respecto a distancia de siembra la variable número de vainas por parcela presentó efecto significativo correspondiente a la distancia de 1.20m con 406 vainas. De acuerdo a estos resultados se puede decir que la mejor época para producir semilla de caupí es riego por la calidad alcanzada de este insumo.


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La presente investigación se llevó a cabo en el Programa de Recursos Genéticos Nicaragüenses (REGEN) de la Universidad Nacional Agraria, durante el período Octubre 2002-Abril-2003. El objetivo fue estudiar y evaluar gennoplasma nativo e introducido de chile {Capsicum spp.) en condiciones del trópico seco de Nicaragua. La caracterización de las 14 accesiones en base a la guía de descriptores propuesta por IBPGR (lt¡83) y mediante el análisis estadístico univariado y multivariados permitió identificar los principales descriptores cualitatí vos ( fonna del fruto, pungencía y forma del fruto en la unión con el pedúnculo) y cuantitativos (diámetro de semillas, diámetro del fruto y peso del fruto) que son de gran utilidad para el estudio de la variación genética de chile. Además se logró conformar un catálogo con las características de cada uno de los material.es. Las accesiones de mayor variación fueron Bacatum, Diente de perro, Pico de pájaro, Alfilerillo y Chile ancho. El resto de materiales tienen características más uniformes. Las accesiones evaluadas presentaron características morfológicas propias de las especies C. annuum, C. frutescens y C. baccatum. En el germopla.sma de Capsicum evaluado se encontraron materiales que poseen diferente reacción a plagas y enfermedades. Palabras claves: Capsicum; accesión; germoplasma; descriptor.


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This project introduces an improvement of the vision capacity of the robot Robotino operating under ROS platform. A method for recognizing object class using binary features has been developed. The proposed method performs a binary classification of the descriptors of each training image to characterize the appearance of the object class. It presents the use of the binary descriptor based on the difference of gray intensity of the pixels in the image. It shows that binary features are suitable to represent object class in spite of the low resolution and the weak information concerning details of the object in the image. It also introduces the use of a boosting method (Adaboost) of feature selection al- lowing to eliminate redundancies and noise in order to improve the performance of the classifier. Finally, a kernel classifier SVM (Support Vector Machine) is trained with the available database and applied for predictions on new images. One possible future work is to establish a visual servo-control that is to say the reac- tion of the robot to the detection of the object.


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A avaliação da Educação Básica tem sido alvo de discussões em diversas esferas da sociedade e centra-se em dois aspectos principais: os quantitativos de controle e os organizacionais dos processos de ensino, ou seja, a avaliação pedagógica. O objetivo desta dissertação é refletir sobre a metodologia utilizada na Prova Brasil e as contribuições que esta avaliação pode oferecer a formação de alunos leitores. Há alguns trabalhos na área já que se trata de uma avaliação relativamente recente. Nossa pesquisa se diferencia das demais ao apresentar uma análise detalhada dos tópicos, descritores e itens que compõem a avaliação. O processo de pesquisa empreendido neste estudo perpassa quatro fases: na primeira etapa analisamos os aspectos particulares do sistema avaliativo nacional, na segunda fase refletimos sobre a construção da proposta avaliativa e sua apresentação, na terceira fase relacionamos os elementos presentes na proposta, analisando de que maneira estes elementos afetam positivamente ou negativamente a avaliação e na última fase apresentamos nossas considerações à luz das teorias linguísticas e pedagógicas. Utilizamos como corpus os itens de Língua Portuguesa referentes ao 5 ano de escolaridade liberados pelo INEP. Nossa pesquisa evidenciou que apesar de cada item ter como objetivo verificar a habilidade expressa por um único descritor, boa parte das questões apresenta problemas de seleção textual ou de elaboração fazendo com que determinadas habilidades não sejam efetivamente contempladas na avaliação, fato este que compromete diretamente a confiabilidade dos resultados apresentados. A contribuição social desta pesquisa reside na orientação para o trabalho com a multiplicidade de gêneros que circulam na sociedade, ressaltando a importância da formação plena do educando, não para que ele demonstre bom desempenho em avaliações, mas para que ele possa atuar em favor de sua própria vida e em benefício da sociedade em que está inserido, transformando-a


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Esta pesquisa analisa o discurso de educação de qualidade nas políticas curriculares para a Educação Básica forjadas no Brasil, no período compreendido entre 2003 e 2011, na vigência do governo de Luís Inácio Lula da Silva e no início do governo Dilma Roussef, procurando entender os nexos estabelecidos entre currículo e qualidade. Para tanto, é investigado o contexto de produção dos textos da referida política o Ministério da Educação (MEC), por meio da leitura de cinquenta e sete documentos assinados e/ou encomendados pela Secretaria de Educação Básica (SEB), pelo Conselho Nacional de Educação (CNE) e pelo Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais (INEP), os quais constituíram um corpus de estudo para esta pesquisa. Tal leitura tem como ferramenta de entrada e organização dos textos o programa computacional WordSmith Tools (versão 5), a partir do qual foi possível focar em significantes identificados como condutores dos sentidos de qualidade. A análise desse corpus de estudo é relacionada ainda aos programas de governo divulgados pelo Partido dos Trabalhadores na ocasião das campanhas eleitorais de 2002, 2006 e 2010, com vistas a uma maior compreensão do contexto político partidário ao qual a política curricular se conecta. A pesquisa se fundamenta na Teoria do Discurso de Ernesto Laclau, articulada às teorias do currículo produzidas por Alice Lopes e Elizabeth Macedo e à abordagem do ciclo de políticas de Stephen Ball e colaboradores. Com essa filiação teórica entende-se as políticas de currículo como produção cultural discursiva em múltiplos contextos, marcada pela contingência do social. A tese apresentada é a de que, na política Lula/Dilma, o significante educação de qualidade é tendencialmente vazio, representando, no que se refere ao currículo, tanto demandas por um ensino voltado para a distribuição igualitária do conhecimento, visto como possibilidade de promover a justiça social, quanto demandas por um ensino voltado para resultados estipulados e mensurados por meio de sistemas de avaliação nacional que atestam sua eficiência e que representam o discurso da qualidade que se pretende total, segundo o qual a educação é um investimento que precisa dar retornos. A equivalência entre demandas, aparentemente, antagônicas, é possibilitada pelo vínculo que o significante qualidade estabelece com a demanda por justiça social, ao ser adjetivado como social, dando origem ao discurso da qualidade social. A política de qualidade social da educação, portanto, constrói um discurso de promoção da justiça social por meio do currículo comum e da centralidade do conhecimento (verificável), lançando mão do vocabulário das perspectivas críticas e ao mesmo tempo utilizando-se de ações das perspectivas instrumentais, que reduz o currículo às dimensões instrucionais. São, portanto, duas cadeias de equivalência em disputa no cenário educacional: a cadeia da qualidade social, representada pelo projeto de poder Lula/Dilma, que se justifica pela demanda da justiça social e opera a ressignificação das lógicas da centralização curricular e suas formas de avaliar, e a cadeia da qualidade que se pretende total, representada pelo projeto de poder FHC, que condiciona a educação às demandas de produtividade do mercado


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The influence of particle shape on the stress-strain response of fine silica sand is investigated experimentally. Two sands from the same source and with the same particle size distribution were examined using Fourier descriptor analysis for particle shape. Their grains were, on average, found to have similar angularity but different elongation. During triaxial stress path testing, the stress-strain behavior of the sands for both loading and creep stages were found to be influenced by particle elongation. In particular, the behavior of the sand with less elongated grains was more like that of rounded glass beads during creep. The results highlight the role of particle shape in stress transmission in granular packings and suggest that shape should be taken more rigorously into consideration in characterizing geomaterials. © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group.


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Camera motion estimation is one of the most significant steps for structure-from-motion (SFM) with a monocular camera. The normalized 8-point, the 7-point, and the 5-point algorithms are normally adopted to perform the estimation, each of which has distinct performance characteristics. Given unique needs and challenges associated to civil infrastructure SFM scenarios, selection of the proper algorithm directly impacts the structure reconstruction results. In this paper, a comparison study of the aforementioned algorithms is conducted to identify the most suitable algorithm, in terms of accuracy and reliability, for reconstructing civil infrastructure. The free variables tested are baseline, depth, and motion. A concrete girder bridge was selected as the "test-bed" to reconstruct using an off-the-shelf camera capturing imagery from all possible positions that maximally the bridge's features and geometry. The feature points in the images were extracted and matched via the SURF descriptor. Finally, camera motions are estimated based on the corresponding image points by applying the aforementioned algorithms, and the results evaluated.


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Camera motion estimation is one of the most significant steps for structure-from-motion (SFM) with a monocular camera. The normalized 8-point, the 7-point, and the 5-point algorithms are normally adopted to perform the estimation, each of which has distinct performance characteristics. Given unique needs and challenges associated to civil infrastructure SFM scenarios, selection of the proper algorithm directly impacts the structure reconstruction results. In this paper, a comparison study of the aforementioned algorithms is conducted to identify the most suitable algorithm, in terms of accuracy and reliability, for reconstructing civil infrastructure. The free variables tested are baseline, depth, and motion. A concrete girder bridge was selected as the "test-bed" to reconstruct using an off-the-shelf camera capturing imagery from all possible positions that maximally the bridge's features and geometry. The feature points in the images were extracted and matched via the SURF descriptor. Finally, camera motions are estimated based on the corresponding image points by applying the aforementioned algorithms, and the results evaluated.


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Temporal synchronization of multiple video recordings of the same dynamic event is a critical task in many computer vision applications e.g. novel view synthesis and 3D reconstruction. Typically this information is implied through the time-stamp information embedded in the video streams. User-generated videos shot using consumer grade equipment do not contain this information; hence, there is a need to temporally synchronize signals using the visual information itself. Previous work in this area has either assumed good quality data with relatively simple dynamic content or the availability of precise camera geometry. Our first contribution is a synchronization technique which tries to establish correspondence between feature trajectories across views in a novel way, and specifically targets the kind of complex content found in consumer generated sports recordings, without assuming precise knowledge of fundamental matrices or homographies. We evaluate performance using a number of real video recordings and show that our method is able to synchronize to within 1 sec, which is significantly better than previous approaches. Our second contribution is a robust and unsupervised view-invariant activity recognition descriptor that exploits recurrence plot theory on spatial tiles. The descriptor is individually shown to better characterize the activities from different views under occlusions than state-of-the-art approaches. We combine this descriptor with our proposed synchronization method and show that it can further refine the synchronization index. © 2013 ACM.


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The octanol-air partition coefficient (K-OA) is a key descriptor of chemicals partitioning between the atmosphere and environmental organic phases. Quantitative structure-property relationships (QSPR) are necessary to model and predict KOA from molecular structures. Based on 12 quantum chemical descriptors computed by the PM3 Hamiltonian, using partial least squares (PLS) analysis, a QSPR model for logarithms of K-OA to base 10 (log K-OA) for polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs), chlorobenzenes and p,p'-DDT was obtained. The cross-validated Q(cum)(2) value of the model is 0.973, indicating a good predictive ability of the model. The main factors governing log K-OA of the PCNs, chlorobenzenes, and p,p'-DDT are, in order of decreasing importance, molecular size and molecular ability of donating/accepting electrons to participate in intermolecular interactions. The intermolecular dispersive interactions play a leading role in governing log K-OA. The more chlorines in PCN and chlorobenzene molecules, the greater the log K-OA values. Increasing E-LUMO (the energy of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital) of the molecules leads to decreasing log K-OA values, implying possible intermolecular interactions between the molecules under study and octanol molecules. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new method has been developed to describe the quantitative relationship between molecular structures of PCDFs and their gas chromatographic retention indices on a 30-m fused silica column coated with DB-5 stationary phase. The regression equation is derived with a multiple correlation coefficient greater than 0.9995. The highest residual is 20 index units. The standard deviation is less than 7 index units. Using this regression equation, the retention indices of PCDFs for which data is not available have also been predicted. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We introduce a view-point invariant representation of moving object trajectories that can be used in video database applications. It is assumed that trajectories lie on a surface that can be locally approximated with a plane. Raw trajectory data is first locally approximated with a cubic spline via least squares fitting. For each sampled point of the obtained curve, a projective invariant feature is computed using a small number of points in its neighborhood. The resulting sequence of invariant features computed along the entire trajectory forms the view invariant descriptor of the trajectory itself. Time parametrization has been exploited to compute cross ratios without ambiguity due to point ordering. Similarity between descriptors of different trajectories is measured with a distance that takes into account the statistical properties of the cross ratio, and its symmetry with respect to the point at infinity. In experiments, an overall correct classification rate of about 95% has been obtained on a dataset of 58 trajectories of players in soccer video, and an overall correct classification rate of about 80% has been obtained on matching partial segments of trajectories collected from two overlapping views of outdoor scenes with moving people and cars.


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We propose that a simple, closed-form mathematical expression--the Wedge-Dipole mapping--provides a concise approximation to the full-field, two-dimensional topographic structure of macaque V1, V2, and V3. A single map function, which we term a map complex, acts as a simultaneous descriptor of all three areas. Quantitative estimation of the Wedge-Dipole parameters is provided via 2DG data of central-field V1 topography and a publicly available data set of full-field macaque V1 and V2 topography. Good quantitative agreement is obtained between the data and the model presented here. The increasing importance of fMRI-based brain imaging motivates the development of more sophisticated two-dimensional models of cortical visuotopy, in contrast to the one-dimensional approximations that have been in common use. One reason is that topography has traditionally supplied an important aspect of "ground truth", or validation, for brain imaging, suggesting that further development of high-resolution fMRI will be facilitated by this data analysis. In addition, several important insights into the nature of cortical topography follows from this work. The presence of anisotropy in cortical magnification factor is shown to follow mathematically from the shared boundary conditions at the V1-V2 and V2-V3 borders, and therefore may not causally follow from the existence of columnar systems in these areas, as is widely assumed. An application of the Wedge-Dipole model to localizing aspects of visual processing to specific cortical areas--extending previous work in correlating V1 cortical magnification factor to retinal anatomy or visual psychophysics data--is briefly discussed.


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BACKGROUND: A Royal Statistical Society Working Party recently recommended that "Greater use should be made of numerical, as opposed to verbal, descriptions of risk" in first-in-man clinical trials. This echoed the view of many clinicians and psychologists about risk communication. As the clinical trial industry expands rapidly across the globe, it is important to understand risk communication in Asian countries. METHODS: We conducted a cognitive experiment about participation in a hypothetical clinical trial of a pain relief medication and a survey in cancer and arthritis patients in Singapore. In part 1 of the experiment, the patients received information about the risk of side effects in one of three formats (frequency, percentage and verbal descriptor) and in one of two sequences (from least to most severe and from most to least severe), and were asked about their willingness to participate. In part 2, the patients received information about the risk in all three formats, in the same sequence, and were again asked about their willingness to participate. A survey of preference for risk presentation methods and usage of verbal descriptors immediately followed. RESULTS: Willingness to participate and the likelihood of changing one's decision were not affected by the risk presentation methods. Most patients indicated a preference for the frequency format, but patients with primary school or no formal education were indifferent. While the patients used the verbal descriptors "very common", "common" and "very rare" in ways similar to the European Commission's Guidelines, their usage of the descriptors "uncommon" and "rare" was substantially different from the EU's. CONCLUSION: In this sample of Asian cancer and arthritis patients, risk presentation format had no impact on willingness to participate in a clinical trial. However, there is a clear preference for the frequency format. The lay use of verbal descriptors was substantially different from the EU's.