512 resultados para derrame pleural


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Experimental assessment of anticancer effect, normal tissue damage, and toxicity of intrathoracic mTHPC-mediated photodynamic therapy (PDT) combined to surgery in malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) bearing rats. STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: Six days after implantation of syngenic malignant mesothelioma cells in the left chest cavity of Fischer rats (n = 21) and 4 days after sensitization (0.1 mg/kg mTHPC), a left-sided pneumonectomy was performed, followed by intraoperative light delivery (652 nm, fluence 20 J/cm(2)), either by spherical illumination of the chest cavity (fluence rate 15 mW/cm(2)) or by focal illumination of a tumor area (fluence rate 150 mW/cm(2)). Controls comprised tumor-bearing untreated animals, tumor-bearing animals undergoing pneumonectomy, and tumor-bearing animals undergoing pneumonectomy and light delivery without sensitization or sensitization without light delivery. No thoracocentesis was performed during follow-up. RESULTS: An invasively growing sarcomatous type of mesothelioma was found in all animals at day 10, without tumor necrosis in control animals. PDT resulted in 0.5-1 mm deep inhomogeneous tumor necrosis after spherical, and in a 1-2 mm deep tumor necrosis after focal illumination. No injury to mediastinal organs was observed, neither after PDT with spherical nor with focal light delivery except focal interstitial lung fibrosis at the mediastinal area of the opposite lung. All animals with pneumonectomy followed by spherical PDT of the entire tumor-bearing chest cavity died within 72 hours whereas all other animals survived. All animals that died presented massive pleural effusion. CONCLUSIONS: PDT following pneumonectomy in mesothelioma bearing rats was technically feasible and allowed to study its effect on tumor and normal tissues. PDT-related tumor necrosis was observed after spherical and focal light delivery, however, pneumonectomy followed by PDT with spherical light delivery to the tumor-bearing chest cavity resulted in fatal complications.


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Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is increasingly observed in industrial countries. Despite concerted efforts and combined treatments including surgery, chemotherapy and irradiation patients eventually succumb from relentless local progression of the disease. Recent publications have demonstrated an improved response rate with the cytostatic agent pemetrexed which will be tested in a neoadjuvant setting followed by surgery. However, effective tumor control requires new loco-regional treatment modalities, eventually in combination with neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Intraoperative photodynamic therapy (PDT) of the chest cavity has been proposed as an attractive treatment concept for MPM since a selective treatment of the tumor bed following resection has the potential to improve local tumor control. It has been shown to afford tumor destruction in patients with mesothelioma but efficiency and selectivity is not yet sufficient for routine clinical application. Experimental work on MPM has shown that tumor selectivity of PDT depend on treatment conditions and can be improved by structural modification and improved targeting of the sensitizers. Refinements of PDT for mesothelioma will depend on a more detailed understanding of the pathways for preferential sensitizer accumulation within the tumor as well as on synergistic effects between PDT and chemotherapeutic agents.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the postmortem distributions of procalcitonin (PCT), C-reactive protein (CRP), soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 (sTREM-1) and soluble interleukin-2 receptor (sIL-2R) levels in postmortem serum from femoral blood, pericardial fluid and pleural fluid in a series of sepsis-related fatalities (12 subjects) and control cases (20 subjects) that underwent medico-legal investigations. Our aim was to assess the diagnostic potential of the results obtained from pericardial and pleural fluid analysis in identifying sepsis-related deaths. All sepsis-related cases had a documented, clinical diagnosis that was established in vivo during hospitalization. Pneumonia was the main infectious focus identified during autopsy and histology. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pnemoniae and Escherichia coli were the most commonly identified bacteria in blood and lung tissue cultures. The preliminary results corroborate the usefulness of PCT, CRP, sTREM-1 and sIL-2R determination in postmortem serum for the identification of sepsis-related deaths. Moreover, the data suggest that, as far as PCT, CRP, sTREM-1 and sIL-2R measurements are concerned, pericardial and pleural fluids can be considered suitable alternatives to postmortem serum should femoral blood prove unavailable at autopsy.


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L'empyème pleural réagit favorablement à l'antibiothérapie et au drainage thoracique dans la plupart des cas, pour autant que ces traitements soient entrepris précocement. Après quelques jours déjà, en raison de son riche contenu protéique, il se cloisonne. En l'absence d'autre modalité thérapeutique, il évolue alors vers la pachypleurite rétractile qui laissera des séquelles. Nous rapportons une série de 10 cas d'empyème pleural au stade subaigu traités avec succès par thoracoscopie. Sur la base de cette expérience et de la littérature, nous soulignons l'importance de la thoracoscopie dans cette indication, qui permet au prix d'une intervention peu invasive une restauration rapide et complète de la fonction respiratoire.


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OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os principais achados na tomografia computadorizada de pacientes portadores de leucemia aguda complicada com aspergilose pulmonar angioinvasiva. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram estudadas, retrospectivamente, as tomografias computadorizadas de 19 pacientes, avaliando-se a presença de consolidações, nódulos e massas, com ou sem sinal do halo, escavação e sinal do crescente aéreo. RESULTADOS: Áreas de consolidação foram o achado mais comum, ocorrendo em 12 dos 19 casos. A maioria delas apresentou o sinal do halo, enquanto escavação foi encontrada em 5 dos 12 casos com consolidações, sendo um deles com sinal do crescente aéreo. Nódulos e massas ocorreram em, respectivamente, seis e quatro casos, a maioria com sinal do halo. Escavação foi encontrada em apenas um caso de massa. Outros achados observados foram pavimentação em mosaico (dois casos), áreas de vidro fosco esparsas (três casos) e envolvimento pleural (sete casos), sob a forma de derrame ou espessamento. CONCLUSÃO: Áreas de consolidação, massas ou nódulo, mesmo solitário, com sinal do halo, quando vistos na tomografia computadorizada em um contexto clínico apropriado, são altamente sugestivos de aspergilose angioinvasiva.


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BACKGROUND: Low-dose, Visudyne®-mediated photodynamic therapy (photo-induction) was shown to selectively enhance tumor vessel transport causing increased uptake of systemically administered chemotherapy in various tumor types grown on rodent lungs. The present experiments explore the efficacy of photo-induced vessel modulation combined to intravenous (IV) liposomal cisplatin (Lipoplatin®) on rodent lung tumors and the feasibility/toxicity of this approach in porcine chest cavities. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Three groups of Fischer rats underwent orthotopic sarcoma (n = 14), mesothelioma (n = 14), or adenocarcinoma (n = 12) implantation on the left lung. Half of the animals of each group had photo-induction (0.0625 mg/kg Visudyne®, 10 J/cm(2) ) followed by IV administration of Lipoplatin® (5 mg/kg) and the other half received Lipoplatin® without photo-induction. Then, two groups of minipigs underwent intrapleural thoracoscopic (VATS) photo-induction (0.0625 mg/kg Visudyne®; 30 J/cm(2) hilum; 10 J/cm(2) apex/diaphragm) with in situ light dosimetry in combination with IV Lipoplatin® administration (5 mg/kg). Protocol I (n = 6) received Lipoplatin® immediately after light delivery and Protocol II (n = 9) 90 minutes before light delivery. Three additional animals received Lipoplatin® and VATS pleural biopsies but no photo-induction (controls). Lipoplatin® concentrations were analyzed in blood and tissues before and at regular intervals after photo-induction using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. RESULTS: Photo-induction selectively increased Lipoplatin® uptake in all orthotopic tumors. It significantly increased the ratio of tumor to lung Lipoplatin® concentration in sarcoma (P = 0.0008) and adenocarcinoma (P = 0.01) but not in mesothelioma, compared to IV drug application alone. In minipigs, intrapleural photo-induction combined to systemic Lipoplatin® was well tolerated with no toxicity at 7 days for both treatment protocols. The pleural Lipoplatin® concentrations were not significantly different at 10 and 30 J/cm(2) locations but they were significantly higher in protocol I compared to II (2.37 ± 0.7 vs. 1.37 ± 0.7 ng/mg, P  < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Visudyne®-mediated photo-induction selectively enhances the uptake of IV administered Lipoplatin® in rodent lung tumors. Intrapleural VATS photo-induction with identical treatment conditions combined to IV Lipoplatin chemotherapy is feasible and well tolerated in a porcine model. Lasers Surg. Med. 47:807-816, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Aim: We have previously documented the feasibility of neoadjuvant chemotherapy and EPP in a multicenter trial of MPM (Weder, Ann Oncol 18: 1196, 2007). The objectives of the trimodality trial SAKK17/04 (NCT00334594) were to evaluate the time to loco-regional relapse with or without high dose hemithoracic radiotherapy in a prospective multicenter randomized phase II trial in patients with R0 and R1 resection after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and EPP. Methods: Eligible patients had pathologically confirmed MPM, surgically resectable TNM stage (T1-3 N0-2 M0), PS0-1, ages 18-70 years. Part 1 had a phase II design, and included neoadjuvant chemotherapy with 3 cycles of cisplatin and pemetrexed, followed by restaging and EPP. The primary endpoint of part 1 was complete macroscopic resection (R0-1). Part 2 randomized consenting patients with R0-1 resection into two parallel phase II arms (control arm A and radiotherapy arm B). The primary endpoint for part 2 was loco-regional relapse-free survival (RFS). To detect a 1 year increase with 80% power and 10% alpha, 37 patients were needed for arm B. Secondary endpoints included operability, tolerability of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, survival, and translational research Results: Because accrual of part 2 was slower than planned, the trial was stopped in 2013. Overall, 153 patients entered the trial, of whom 125 underwent surgery and 99 had a complete macroscopic resection (primary endpoint part 1). Of the later patients, 54 could be randomized 1:1 into each arm. Reasons for non-randomization included patient refusal in 24 and ineligibility or protocol deviations in 21. Of the 27 patients randomized to hemithoracic radiotherapy, 25 completed the treatment as planned. For part 1 the median RFS was 8.8 (95%CI: 7.3-10.7) and median OS was 15.0 (95% CI: 12.1-19.3) months. For part 2 the median local RFS for group A was 7.6 (95%CI: 5.5-10.7) and for group B 9.4 (95%CI: 6.5-11.9) months (primary endpoint part 2), while the overall RFS and OS for group A were 5.7 (95%CI: 3.5-8.8) and 16.9 (95%CI: 10.7-23.6) months and for group B 7.6 (95% CI:5.2-10.6) and 14.9 (95%CI: 7.0-17.6) months. Conclusions: This study did not reach the primary endpoint which was defined as one-year increase in loco-regional relapse-free survival and thus does not support the routine use of hemithoracic RT after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and EPP. Disclosure: All authors have declared no conflicts of interest.


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BACKGROUND: Postoperative hemithoracic radiotherapy has been used to treat malignant pleural mesothelioma, but it has not been assessed in a randomised trial. We assessed high-dose hemithoracic radiotherapy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and extrapleural pneumonectomy in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma. METHODS: We did this phase 2 trial in two parts at 14 hospitals in Switzerland, Belgium, and Germany. We enrolled patients with pathologically confirmed malignant pleural mesothelioma; resectable TNM stages T1-3 N0-2, M0; WHO performance status 0-1; age 18-70 years. In part 1, patients were given three cycles of neoadjuvant chemotherapy (cisplatin 75 mg/m(2) and pemetrexed 500 mg/m(2) on day 1 given every 3 weeks) and extrapleural pneumonectomy; the primary endpoint was complete macroscopic resection (R0-1). In part 2, participants with complete macroscopic resection were randomly assigned (1:1) to receive high-dose radiotherapy or not. The target volume for radiotherapy encompassed the entire hemithorax, the thoracotomy channel, and mediastinal nodal stations if affected by the disease or violated surgically. A boost was given to areas at high risk for locoregional relapse. The allocation was stratified by centre, histology (sarcomatoid vs epithelioid or mixed), mediastinal lymph node involvement (N0-1 vs N2), and T stage (T1-2 vs T3). The primary endpoint of part 1 was the proportion of patients achieving complete macroscopic resection (R0 and R1). The primary endpoint in part 2 was locoregional relapse-free survival, analysed by intention to treat. The trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00334594. FINDINGS: We enrolled patients between Dec 7, 2005, and Oct 17, 2012. Overall, we analysed 151 patients receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy, of whom 113 (75%) had extrapleural pneumonectomy. Median follow-up was 54·2 months (IQR 32-66). 52 (34%) of 151 patients achieved an objective response. The most common grade 3 or 4 toxic effects were neutropenia (21 [14%] of 151 patients), anaemia (11 [7%]), and nausea or vomiting (eight [5%]). 113 patients had extrapleural pneumonectomy, with complete macroscopic resection achieved in 96 (64%) of 151 patients. We enrolled 54 patients in part 2; 27 in each group. The main reasons for exclusion were patient refusal (n=20) and ineligibility (n=10). 25 of 27 patients completed radiotherapy. Median total radiotherapy dose was 55·9 Gy (IQR 46·8-56·0). Median locoregional relapse-free survival from surgery, was 7·6 months (95% CI 4·5-10·7) in the no radiotherapy group and 9·4 months (6·5-11·9) in the radiotherapy group. The most common grade 3 or higher toxic effects related to radiotherapy were nausea or vomiting (three [11%] of 27 patients), oesophagitis (two [7%]), and pneumonitis (two [7%]). One patient died of pneumonitis. We recorded no toxic effects data for the control group. INTERPRETATION: Our findings do not support the routine use of hemithoracic radiotherapy for malignant pleural mesothelioma after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and extrapleural pneumonectomy. FUNDING: Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research, Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation, Eli Lilly.


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Diagnosis of pleural plaques (PPs) is commonly straightforward, especially when a typical appearance is observed in a context of previous asbestos exposure. Nevertheless, numerous causes of focal pleural thickening may be seen in routine practice. They may be related to normal structures, functional pleural thickening, previous tuberculosis, pleural metastasis, silicosis or other rarer conditions. An application of a rigorous technical approach as well as a familiarity with loco-regional anatomy and the knowledge of typical aspects of PP are required. Indeed, false-positive or false-negative results may engender psychological and medico-legal consequences or can delay diagnosis of malignant pleural involvement. Correct recognition of PPs is crucial, as they may also be an independent risk factor for mortality from lung cancer in asbestos-exposed workers particularly in either smokers or former/ex-smokers. Finally, the presence of PP(s) may help in considering asbestosis as a cause of interstitial lung disease predominating in the subpleural area of the lower lobes. The aim of this pictorial essay is to provide a brief reminder of the normal anatomy of the pleura and its surroundings as well as the various aspects of PPs. Afterwards, the common pitfalls encountered in PP diagnosis will be emphasized and practical clues to differentiate actual plaque and pseudoplaque will be concisely described.