964 resultados para dehydration (Physiology)


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An LC method for the determination of 20 amino acids (AAs), using 1,2-Benzo-3,4-dihydrocarbazole-9-ethyl chloroformate (BCEOC) as fluorescent labeling reagent, has been validated and applied for the analysis of AAs in rat plasma at three different states concerning exercise physiology. Identification of AA derivatives was carried out by LC-MS with electrospray ion (ESI), and the MS-MS cleavage mode of the representative tyrosine (Tyr) derivative was analyzed. Gradient elution on a Hypersil BDS C-18 column gave good separation of the derivatives. Excellent linear responses were observed and good compositional data could be obtained from as little as 50-200 mu L of plasma samples. The contents of 20 AAs in rat plasma of three groups (24 rats, group A: quiet state, group B: at exercising exhaust, group C: 12 h after exercising exhaust) exhibited evident difference corresponding to the physiological states. Facile BCEOC derivatization coupled with LC-FLD-ESI-MS analysis allowed the development of a highly sensitive method for the quantitative analysis of trace level of AAs from plasma or other biochemical samples.


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An industrial scale dehydration process based on hollow fiber membranes for lowering the dew point of natural gas is described in this paper. A pilot test with the feed flux scale of 12x10(4) Nm(3)/d was carried out. Dew points of -8 degreesC-13 degreesC at a gas transport pressure in the pipeline of 4.6M Pa and methane recovery of more than 98% were attained. The water vapor content of the product gas could be maintained around 0.01 vol% during a continuous run of about 700 hours. The effects of feed flux and operation pressure on methane recovery and water vapor content were also investigated. Additionally, some auxiliary technologies, such as a full-time engine using natural gas as fuel and the utilization of vent gas in the process, are also discussed. A small amount of the vent gas from the system was used as a fuel for an engine to drive vacuum pumps, and the heat expelled from the engine was used to warm up the natural gas feed. The whole system can be operated in a self-sustainable manner from an energy point of view, and has a relatively high efficiency in the utilization of natural gas.


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Binocular rivalry refers to the alternating perceptions experienced when two dissimilar patterns are stereoscopically viewed. To study the neural mechanism that underlies such competitive interactions, single cells were recorded in the visual areas V1, V2, and V4, while monkeys reported the perceived orientation of rivaling sinusoidal grating patterns. A number of neurons in all areas showed alternating periods of excitation and inhibition that correlated with the perceptual dominance and suppression of the cell"s preferred orientation. The remaining population of cells were not influenced by whether or not the optimal stimulus orientation was perceptually suppressed. Response modulation during rivalry was not correlated with cell attributes such as monocularity, binocularity, or disparity tuning. These results suggest that the awareness of a visual pattern during binocular rivalry arises through interactions between neurons at different levels of visual pathways, and that the site of suppression is unlikely to correspond to a particular visual area, as often hypothesized on the basis of psychophysical observations. The cell-types of modulating neurons and their overwhelming preponderance in higher rather than in early visual areas also suggests -- together with earlier psychophysical evidence -- the possibility of a common mechanism underlying rivalry as well as other bistable percepts, such as those experienced with ambiguous figures.


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Coral reefs are facing major global and local threats due to climate change-induced increases in dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and because of land-derived increases in organic and inorganic nutrients. Recent research revealed that high availability of labile dissolved organic carbon (DOC) negatively affects scleractinian corals. Studies on the interplay of these factors, however, are lacking, but urgently needed to understand coral reef functioning under present and near future conditions. This experimental study investigated the individual and combined effects of ambient and high DIC (pCO2 403 μatm/ pHTotal 8.2 and 996 μatm/pHTotal 7.8) and DOC (added as Glucose 0 and 294 μmol L-1, background DOC concentration of 83 μmol L-1) availability on the physiology (net and gross photosynthesis, respiration, dark and light calcification, and growth) of the scleractinian coral Acropora millepora (Ehrenberg, 1834) from the Great Barrier Reef over a 16 day interval. High DIC availability did not affect photosynthesis, respiration and light calcification, but significantly reduced dark calcification and growth by 50 and 23%, respectively. High DOC availability reduced net and gross photosynthesis by 51% and 39%, respectively, but did not affect respiration. DOC addition did not influence calcification, but significantly increased growth by 42%. Combination of high DIC and high DOC availability did not affect photosynthesis, light calcification, respiration or growth, but significantly decreased dark calcification when compared to both controls and DIC treatments. On the ecosystem level, high DIC concentrations may lead to reduced accretion and growth of reefs dominated by Acropora that under elevated DOC concentrations will likely exhibit reduced primary production rates, ultimately leading to loss of hard substrate and reef erosion. It is therefore important to consider the potential impacts of elevated DOC and DIC simultaneously to assess real world scenarios, as multiple rather than single factors influence key physiological processes in coral reefs.


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Development of functional foods with bioactive components requires component stability in foods and ingredients. Stabilization of sensitive bioactive components can be achieved by entrapment or encapsulation of these components in solid food matrices. Lactose or trehalose was used as the structure-forming material for the entrapment of hydrophilic ascorbic acid and thiamine hydrochloride or the encapsulation of oil particles containing hydrophobic α-tocopherol. In the delivery of hydrophobic components, milk protein isolate, soy protein isolate, or whey protein isolate were used as emulsifiers and, in some cases, applied in excess amount to form matrices together with sugars. Dehydrated amorphous structures with bioactives were produced by freezing and freeze-drying. Experimental results indicated that: (i) lactose and trehalose showed similar water sorption and glass transition but very different crystallization behavior as pure sugars; (ii) the glass transition of sugar-based systems was slightly affected by the presence of other components in anhydrous systems but followed closely that of sugar after water plasticization; (iii) sugar crystallization in mixture systems was composition-dependent; (iv) the stability of bioactives was better retained in the amorphous matrices, although small losses of stability were observed for hydrophilic components above glass transition and for hydrophobic components as a function of water activity; (v) sugar crystallization caused significant loss of hydrophilic bioactives as a result of the exclusion from the continuous crystalline phase; (vi) loss of hydrophobic bioactives upon sugar crystallization was a result of dramatic change of emulsion properties and the exclusion of oil particles from the protecting structure; (vii) the double layers at the hydrophilic-hydrophobic interfaces improved the stability of hydrophobic bioactives in dehydrated systems. The present study provides information on the physical and chemical stability of sugar-based dehydrated delivery systems, which could be helpful in designing foods and ingredients containing bioactive components with improved storage stability.


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The work in this thesis concerns the advanced development of polymeric membranes of two types; pervaporation and lateral-flow. The former produced from a solution casting method and the latter from a phase separation. All membranes were produced from casting lacquers. Early research centred on the development of viable membranes. This led to a supported polymer blend pervaporation membrane. Selective layer: plasticized 4:1 mass ratio sodium-alginate: poly(vinyl-alcohol) polymer blend. Using this membrane, pervaporation separation of ethanol/water mixtures was carefully monitored as a function of film thickness and time. Contrary to literature expectations, these films showed increased selectivity and decreased flux as film thickness was reduced. It is argued that morphology and structure of the polymer blend changes with thickness and that these changes define membrane efficiency. Mixed matrix membrane development was done using spherical, discreet, size-monodisperse mesoporous silica particles of 1.8 - 2μm diameter, with pore diameters of ~1.8 nm were incorporated into a poly(vinyl alcohol) [PVA] matrix. Inclusion of silica benefitted pervaporation performance for the dehydration of ethanol, improving flux and selectivity throughout in all but the highest silica content samples. Early lateral-flow membrane research produced a membrane from a basic lacquer composition required for phase inversion; polymer, solvent and non-solvent. Results showed that bringing lacquers to cloud point benefits both the pore structure and skin layers of the membranes. Advancement of this work showed that incorporation of ethanol as a mesosolvent into the lacquer effectively enhances membrane pore structure resulting in an improvement in lateral flow rates of the final membranes. This project details the formation mechanics of pervaporation and lateral-flow membranes and how these can be controlled. The principle methods of control can be applied to the formation of any other flat sheet polymer membranes, opening many avenues of future membrane research and industrial application.


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Synthetic biology seeks to enable programmed control of cellular behavior though engineered biological systems. These systems typically consist of synthetic circuits that function inside, and interact with, complex host cells possessing pre-existing metabolic and regulatory networks. Nevertheless, while designing systems, a simple well-defined interface between the synthetic gene circuit and the host is frequently assumed. We describe the generation of robust but unexpected oscillations in the densities of bacterium Escherichia coli populations by simple synthetic suicide circuits containing quorum components and a lysis gene. Contrary to design expectations, oscillations required neither the quorum sensing genes (luxR and luxI) nor known regulatory elements in the P(luxI) promoter. Instead, oscillations were likely due to density-dependent plasmid amplification that established a population-level negative feedback. A mathematical model based on this mechanism captures the key characteristics of oscillations, and model predictions regarding perturbations to plasmid amplification were experimentally validated. Our results underscore the importance of plasmid copy number and potential impact of "hidden interactions" on the behavior of engineered gene circuits - a major challenge for standardizing biological parts. As synthetic biology grows as a discipline, increasing value may be derived from tools that enable the assessment of parts in their final context.


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Artificial neural network (ANN) models for water loss (WL) and solid gain (SG) were evaluated as potential alternative to multiple linear regression (MLR) for osmotic dehydration of apple, banana and potato. The radial basis function (RBF) network with a Gaussian function was used in this study. The RBF employed the orthogonal least square learning method. When predictions of experimental data from MLR and ANN were compared, an agreement was found for ANN models than MLR models for SG than WL. The regression coefficient for determination (R2) for SG in MLR models was 0.31, and for ANN was 0.91. The R2 in MLR for WL was 0.89, whereas ANN was 0.84.Osmotic dehydration experiments found that the amount of WL and SG occurred in the following descending order: Golden Delicious apple > Cox apple > potato > banana. The effect of temperature and concentration of osmotic solution on WL and SG of the plant materials followed a descending order as: 55 > 40 > 32.2C and 70 > 60 > 50 > 40%, respectively.


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