789 resultados para customer satisfaction
Online grocery shopping has enjoyed strong growth and it is predicted this channel will continue to grow exponentially in the coming years. While online shopping has attracted an abundance of research interest, examinations of online grocery shopping behaviour are only now emerging. Shopping online for groceries differs considerably from general online shopping due to the perishability and variability of the product, and frequency of the shopping activity. Two salient gaps underpin this research into online grocery shopping. This study responds to calls to investigate the online shoppers’ experience in the context of online purchasing frequency. Second, this study examines the mediating effect of perceived risk between trust and online repurchase intention of groceries. An online survey was employed to collect data from shoppers who were recruited from a multi-channel grocery e-retailer’s database. The online survey, comprising 16 reflective validated scale items, was sent to 555 frequent and infrequent online grocery shoppers. Results find that while customer satisfaction predicts trust for both infrequent and frequent online grocery shoppers, perceived risk fully mediates the effect of trust on repurchase intentions for infrequent online grocery shoppers. Furthermore path analysis reveals that the developed behavioural model is variant across both groups of shoppers. Theoretically, we provide a deeper understanding of the online customer experience, while gaining insight into two shopper segments identified as being important to grocery e-retailers. For managers, this study tests an online customer behavioural model with actual purchasing behaviour and identifies the continued presence of perceived risk in grocery e-retailing regardless of purchase frequency or experience.
The operation environment in the roundwood trade in Finland in the 1990’s include several changes. They are changes in the structure of non-industrial private forest (NIPF) ownership, forest taxation, in forest legislation, in price recommendation agreement, diminishing resources of forestry extension services, etc. At the same time, the roundwood demand has been rising. All these developments cause uncertainty in wood procurement organisations, and call for research to find out how to adapt into the changing environment. The objective of this study is to produce information for roundwood purchasing planning and cus-tomer satisfaction management to be used by Stora Enso Metsä Customer Service, Helsinki. For this pur-pose, data needs to be gathered about the urban NIPFs and their forest estates, behaviour related to forestry and timber-selling, customer satisfaction in their latest timber selling transaction, and their opinions about Enso’s new customer service office and its service concept. To fulfil the objective of the study, a NIPF -owner -survey (N=1064, response rate 39,7%) was con-ducted in October 1998-January 1999. The sample was made on the basis of the marketing database of Stora Enso Oyj Forest Customer Service in Helsinki. In planning the frame of reference of the empirical study, the model of service quality by Grönroos was applied. The following aspects were included in the 7-page questionnaire: demographic, sosio-economic and forest estate background, relation to the forest service supply, behaviour related to forestry, timber-selling motives and behaviour, last contact organisation and its image in forestry business, expectations and percep-tions in the latest timber-selling transactions, and behavioural intentions. The results revealed that the share of women, pensioners and academically educated people among forest owners was quite high. The majority of the forest estates of the metropolitan forest owners were situ-ated in the provinces of South Finland and East Finland. The average forest estate area was considerably smaller than in a previous study. Economic and recreational objectives were most important in the use of forests. Forest Associations were involved in half of the roundwood sales transactions of the respondents in the metropolitan area. The wood quantity of transactions was considerably higher than the average in the whole country. Bank-organised forest-related activities, taxation infos and trips to the forest were the most popular activities. Among the services, silvicultural advices were needed mostly and stub treatment least. Brochure material related to stumpage timber sales and taxation were considered most important compared to material related to delivery sales. The service expectations were at highest for women and they were less satisfied with the service than men. 2nd and 3rd generation residents of the metropolitan area thought about the new customer service concept more positively than the 1st generation residents. Internet users under 60 years thought more positively about new satellite picture-based woodlot search concept. Cross-tabulation of factor scores against background variables indicated that women with relatively low education level a greater need to sell roundwood than entrepreneurs, white-collar workers and directors, and Internet users. Suspiciousness towards timber procurement organisations was relatively strong among women and those whose forest income share of the total income was either null or over 20 %. The average customer satisfaction score was negative in all nine questions. Statistical differences be-tween different companies did not exist in the average satisfaction scores. Stora Enso’s Helsinki forest cus-tomer service could choose the ability to purchase all timber grades as its competitive advantage. Out of nine service dimension included in the questionnaire, in this particular service dimension, Enso’s Helsinki forest customer service’s score exceeded most all organisations’ average customer satisfaction score. On the basis of importance – performance matrix, advice and quidance could have been provided more to the forest owners in their latest timber–selling transaction.
This paper describes the development and evolution of research themes in the Design Theory and Methodology (DTM) conference. Essays containing reflections on the history of DTM, supported by an analysis of session titles and papers winning the ``best paper award'', describe the development of the research themes. A second set of essays describes the evolution of several key research themes. Two broad trends in research themes are evident, with a third one emerging. The topics of the papers in the first decade or so reflect an underlying aim to apply artificial intelligence toward developing systems that could `design'. To do so required understanding how human designers behave, formalizing design processes so that they could be computed, and formalizing representations of design knowledge. The themes in the first DTM conference and the recollections of the DTM founders reflect this underlying aim. The second decade of DTM saw the emergence of product development as an underlying concern and included a growth in a systems view of design. More recently, there appears to be a trend toward design-led innovation, which entails both executing the design process more efficiently and understanding the characteristics of market-leading designs so as to produce engineered products and systems of exceptional levels of quality and customer satisfaction.
[ES] Partiendo de la consideración inicial de aquellos atributos del establecimiento comercial que la literatura de marketing ha identificado como fundamentales para que los distribuidores minoristas de alimentación puedan llevar a cabo sus estrategias de diferenciación, este trabajo identifica los principales factores que subyacen a dichos atributos. Todo ello, con objeto de comprender cuáles de estos factores ejercen una mayor influencia sobre el nivel más elevado de satisfacción del consumidor.
[ES] Este trabajo de investigación pretende proponer un modelo de cuantificación de la competitividad portuaria que puede alcanzar un puerto comercial para un tráfico de contenedores. Derivado de este objetivo, podría conseguirse una Estrategia a la medida para un puerto concreto orientada a la búsqueda de mercados, fundamentalmente. Para este último aspecto, esta investigación se centra en el Puerto de Bilbao y los servicios directos de línea regular en contenedor en las rutas intercontinentales que conectan Europa con América y el Caribe. La finalidad principal es la elaboración de un modelo teórico tratado dentro del área de la ciencia de la Economía de la Empresa como antecedente inmediato y básico de la Dirección Estratégica. Se consideran varios factores en el proceso de selección de un puerto que pueden contribuir a las preferencias de elección, tanto los relativos a las características del mismo, como a su hinterland para los grupos de usuarios. También se analizarán los estudios sobre modelos y métodos de competitividad portuaria considerados por la literatura especializada en los últimos años. La metodología a utilizar será una combinación de distintos métodos, para la consecución de cada uno de los objetivos. La investigación se apoya en el análisis de Importance–Performance (IPa) que consiste en evaluar tanto la satisfacción del cliente y la calidad del servicio. El análisis IPa tiene preponderancia para la obtención de un índice de competitividad de un puerto de contenedores. Dicho índice podría ser calculado mediante el uso de postulados y reglas de la matemática, en concreto de la Teoría de la Decisión/ Investigación de Operaciones.
Over the last decad , the paradigm of Total Quality Management (TQM) has been successfully forged in our business world. TQM may be defined as something that is both complex and ambiguous; nevertheless, some key elements or principles can be mentioned which are common to all of them: customer satisfaction, continuous improvement, commitment and leadership on the part of top management, involvement and support on the part of employees, teamwork, measurement via indicators and feedback. There are, in short, two main reasons for it having spread so widely: on the one hand, the successful diffusion of ISO 9000 standards for the implementation and certification of quality management systems, standards that have been associated to the TQM paradigm, and, on the other, the also successful diffusion of self evaluation models such as the EFQM promoted by the European Foundation for Quality Management and the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in the USA, promoted by the Foundation for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. However, the quality movement is not without its problems as far as its mid and long term development is concerned. In this book some research findings related to these issues are presented.
Desde 2004, o CONAMA (Conselho Nacional de Meio Ambiente), através de sua Resolução n 344, vem exigindo que as análises físicas, químicas e biológicas em matrizes ambientais sejam realizadas em laboratórios ambientais que possuam sua competência técnica reconhecida formalmente através da acreditação concedida pelo Inmetro. Assim, algumas Unidades Federativas vem adotando o mesmo critério para cadastramento de laboratórios em seus bancos de dados. Com isso, houve um crescimento no número de acreditações: em 2002 haviam 12 laboratórios acreditados e em 2012 foram concedidas 198 acreditações a laboratórios ambientais. A adoção da ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17025 como padrão de trabalho, além de atender as legislações vigentes, possui as seguintes vantagens: satisfação do cliente, credibilidade e melhoria contínua do laboratório, melhoria da capacitação profissional e a conquista de um mercado mais amplo. Buscando adequar-se a essa realidade, apesar de todas as dificuldades inerentes ao processo de implementação dos requisitos da ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17025 em laboratórios universitários e de pesquisa, o Laboratório de Engenharia Sanitária (LES/DESMA) priorizou a adequação da determinação da demanda química de oxigênio (DQO) aos requisitos técnicos da ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17025:2005, por ser um parâmetro indicador global de matéria orgânica em águas residuárias e superficiais e ser amplamente utilizado no monitoramento de estações de tratamento de efluentes líquidos e pelo fato deste poder ser determinado por duas técnicas analíticas distintas: espectrofotometria e colorimetria. Em razão deste cenário, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho dos métodos 5220 B e 5220 D descritos pelo Standard Methods, através dos parâmetros de validação de métodos analíticos. Ambos os métodos mostraram-se adequados ao uso a que se destinam e o limite de quantificação determinado apresentou-se compatível com o praticado com os laboratórios acreditados. As incertezas foram calculadas de forma a quantificar a qualidade do resultado.
This paper describes the University of Cambridge, Engineering Design Centre's (EDC) case for inclusive design, based on 10 years of research, promotion and knowledge transfer. In summary, inclusive design applies an understanding of customer diversity to inform decisions throughout the development process, in order to better satisfy the needs of more people. Products that are more inclusive can reach a wider market, improve customer satisfaction and drive business success. The rapidly ageing population increases the importance of this approach. The case presented here has helped to convince BT, Nestlé and others to adopt an inclusive approach.
With the rapid growth of information and communication technology (ICT) in Korea, there was a need to improve the quality of official ICT statistics. In order to do this, various factors had to be considered, such as the quality of surveying, processing, and output as well as the reputation of the statistical agency. We used PLS estimation to determine how these factors might influence customer satisfaction. Furthermore, through a comparison of associated satisfaction indices, we provided feedback to the responsible statistics agency. It appears that our model can be used as a tool for improving the quality of official ICT statistics. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Designing technology products that embrace the needs and capabilities of heterogeneous users leads not only to increased customer satisfaction and enhanced corporate social responsibility, but also better market penetration. Yet, achieving inclusion in today's pressured and fast-moving markets is not straight-forward. For a time, inaccessible and unusable design was solely seen as the fault of designers and a whole line of research was dedicated to pinpointing their frailties. More recently, it has become progressively more recognised that it is not necessarily designers' lack of awareness, or unwillingness, that results in sub-optimal design, but rather there are multi-faceted organisational factors at play that seldom provide an adequate environment in which inclusive products could be designed. Through literature review, a detailed audit of inclusivity practice in a large global company and ongoing research regarding quantification of cost-effectiveness of inclusive design, this paper discusses the overarching operational problems that prevent organisations from developing optimally inclusive products and offers best-practice principles for the future. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão da Qualidade
El estudio de la satisfacción de los estudiantes es fundamental para conocer los errores y aciertos de una institución educativa superior con el fin de poner en práctica estrategias que conduzcan a una mejora en la calidad de su enseñanza. Con este fin, en este artículo hemos evaluado el grado de satisfacción de los estudiantes de Interpretación Textual de la Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático de Córdoba “Miguel Salcedo Hierro”. Alejándonos de los modelos habituales de medir la satisfacción, principalmente de carácter cuantitativo, hemos utilizado como eje metodológico la Teoría Fundamentada en Datos, y como técnicas, la entrevista comprehensiva de Kaufmann y los grupos de discusión. Los resultados han sido muy positivos, pues han mostrado que estos estudiantes tienen un alto nivel de satisfacción, lo que resulta muy valioso para conocer la calidad de esta enseñanza en el momento presente, así como para desarrollar planes específicos que conduzcan a su mejora en el futuro cercano.
O presente trabalho teve por objetivos a identificação de uma estratégia e o desenvolvimento de um modelo que permita às operadoras de telecomunicações a sua sustentabilidade, bem como a identificação de caminhos para a adaptação a uma realidade sempre em mudança como é a da indústria das telecomunicações. Numa primeira parte do trabalho elaborou-se uma revisão de literatura do atual estado da arte das principais estratégias relevantes e com aplicação à indústria de telecomunicações. A pesquisa realizada investigou a estrutura atual da indústria de telecomunicações e o estado da competitividade das operadoras de telecomunicações. Dos resultados desta foi possível constatar uma evolução constante da tecnologia e dos modelos de negócio neste ecossistema, assim como a presença de uma pressão concorrencial significativa exercida sobre as operadoras, quer por parte das empresas já existentes no mercado quer por parte das emergentes. As operadoras têm de transformar o seu modelo de rede e de negócios para se adaptarem às mudanças e às tendências da indústria e do mercado. Com base na revisão de literatura, elegeu-se a metodologia baseada num inquérito de pesquisa empírica para aferir o estado da indústria e derivar as estratégias possíveis. Este inquérito foi efetuado a especialistas da área de telecomunicações de diferentes subsectores e países para abordar todos os elementos estratégicos do modelo de negócio futuro. Os resultados da pesquisa revelaram que as empresas que operam no mercado da Internet (Over The Top - OTT) representam a maior ameaça sobre o futuro dos operadores de telecomunicações. Os operadores só vão conseguir responder através da modernização de sua rede, melhorando a qualidade, reduzindo o custo global, e investindo em produtos inovadores e diferenciados e em serviços. Os resultados do inquérito revelam-se de acordo com os pressupostos da Blue Ocean Strategy. A aplicabilidade da Blue Ocean Strategy foi aprofundada permitindo concluir que o valor inovador obtido simultaneamente através da redução de custos e da diferenciação permitem aumentar as vantagens dos operadores existentes em termos das infra-estruturas físicas detidas e das relações estabelecidas com os clientes. O caso particular da fibra óptica até casa (FTTH) foi considerado como aplicação da Blue Ocean Strategy a uma nova tecnologia que as operadoras podem implementar para criar novas soluções e abrir segmentos de mercado inexplorados. Os resultados do inquérito e da investigação realizada à aplicação da Blue Ocean Strategy foram combinados para propor um novo modelo de negócio para as operadoras de telecomunicações que lhes permite, não só responder aos desafios existentes, mas, também, ter uma melhor posição competitiva no futuro. Foi, ainda, realizado um estudo de caso que destacou como a Verizon Communications foi capaz de transformar a sua rede e o modelo de negócio em resposta ao aumento da pressão competitiva. Através do valor da inovação transferida aos seus clientes, a Verizon foi capaz de aumentar significativamente as suas receitas e satisfação do cliente.
A tennis coach works in a social environment, employed in a service based economy with the outcome of client-customer interactions significantly impacting on the consumer experience. Research conducted outside of sport has shown that positive affective displays during interactions, which in a tennis situation may include providing support through displays of warmth, empathy, positivity and compassion as the client attempts to master a new technique, have shown positive associations with customer satisfaction. Hochschild (1983) coined the term ‘emotional labour’ to describe the process of, and demands resulting from adjusting one’s demeanour, language and tone during social encounters in a planned and strategic manner in order to facilitate a positive outcome. Hochschild proposed that individuals in jobs which require a high degree of face-to-face interaction with the public are particularly at risk of experiencing potentially deleterious effects that result from dealing with emotional labour demands on a daily basis. It would appear that tennis coaches work in environments that make them susceptible to experiencing emotional labour and as such the intention of this article is to first introduce the concept and then to provide suggestions for how a coach may cope with these demands.
Dissertação de Mestrado , Ciências Económicas e Empresariais, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2008