983 resultados para curriculum management


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The paper aims at showing how curricular complexity tends to be depleted by the use of digital platforms based on the SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) standard, which was created with the main purpose of recycling content as it is supposed to be independent both from the context of learning and the supporting technology also deemed to be neutral, all surrounded by a rhetoric of innovation and “pedagogical” innovation. The starting point of the discussion is García Perez’s model of Traditional Didactics as a simple tool to show almost graphically that any ancient didactic model is far richer in terms of complexity than the linearity, in disguise most of the times but still visible under a not so sophisticated critical lens, of the interaction human-(reusable) content that is the basis of the SCORM standard. The paper also addresses some of the more common deliberate mix-ups related to those digital platforms, such as learning and teaching, content and learning object, systems of automatic teaching and learning management systems.


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The Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu is changing to, and implementing a new curriculum aimed at integrating teaching and learning in the community. Emphasis is on preparing the community settings for teaching, learning and providing health care. A particular task is staff development with emphasis on problem-based learning (PBL) and training medical and nursing students in the leadership to participate in this process. The new curriculum includes the gradual introduction of clinical practice during First Year, integration of the basic sciences with clinical sciences, through integrated modules studied in small groups, and maintenance of the two year clerkship. The undergraduates are introduced gradually to the community: 8% of the total curriculum during First Year, 10% during Second Year, 10% during Third Year, 20% during Fourth Year, 30% during Fifth and Sixth Years. The basic health units at primary care level, and the regional specialty outpatients and hospitals at the second level, are the main teaching sites. An Education Development Committee was established to discuss the strategies for supporting the changes and to structure the planning for promoting the gradual transformation of staff development. After 18 months of implementation of the curriculum, there followed discussions and monitoring of the objectives of changes in medical education at our school. Successful implementation of the new curriculum would fail, if the objectives were not absorbed by every member of the implementation Committee.


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Purpose: Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are recognized as one of the mostcontroversial topics in dentistry, despite the fact that both basic science and clinicalresearchers have currently reached some degree of consensus. This study aimed toconduct a questionnaire-based survey about the management of TMD patients bygeneral dental practitioners (GDPs).Materials and Methods: One hundred fifty-one GDPs with a private practice in a cityof southern Brazil were included, independent of school of origin, gender, graduationyear, and curriculum content. All participants were administered a questionnaire aboutthe management of patients with TMD, and the responses were analyzed by binomialand chi-square tests (α = 0.05).Results: Of the GDPs, 88.7% received TMD patients, who were primarily diagnosedon the basis of medical history (36.6%) or physical examination (30.4%). Of these,65.4% referred the patients elsewhere, primarily to specialists in occlusion (36.1%) ororthodontics (29.7%). Occlusal splinting was the most commonly used managementmodality (20.8%), followed by occlusal adjustment (18.1%) and pharmacotherapy(16.6%). Splints were fabricated in maximum habitual intercuspation or centric re-lation depending on individual patient (54.8%). The hard stabilization form was themost common type of appliance used (35.0%). Moreover, 73.8% of the GDPs didnot employ semi-adjustable articulators, and 69.5% adjusted the appliances at thetime of fixing. The duration of splint use and the frequency of follow-up were con-sidered patient dependent by 62.1% and 72.8%, respectively. GDPs considered thetwo major TMD etiologic categories as multifactorial (20.8%) and occlusion (19.9%).Multidisciplinary medical and dental treatment was considered necessary by 97.9%.Conclusions: The evaluated general dental practitioners manage TMD patients ac-cording to international guidelines.


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Sweet clover has made a phenomenal growth in popularity and acreage during recent years. In Nebraska, the production increased from 30,000 acres in 1920 to 1,126,000 acres in 1930, an expansion of over one million acres in a 10-year period. Just a few years ago, when sweet clover was classified as a weed, it was the subject of proposed state legislation to prevent its production and spread. Today sweet clover has a recognized place among standard crops and in rotation systems. The acreage of sweet clover in Nebraska is now practically equal to that of alfalfa and is more than ten times that of red clover. Some Nebraska counties grow more than 40,000 acres of sweet clover annually. This 1932 extension circular discusses the kinds of sweet clover; time and method of seeding; kinds of seed and rates of seeding; liming and inoculation; growth habits; utilization of sweet clover for pasture, soil building, hay and seed; and sweet clover in wild hay meadows.


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The agricultural lands of this country are its greatest natural resource. History points out that nations with vast areas of good farm land are most likely to prosper and survive over long periods of time. Local communities, too, prosper and flourish in proportion to the productiveness of the surrounding land. Schools, social life, and business develop best in areas where the land is productive and properly managed and conserved. Nebraska, in common with other states, has suffered by the depletion of soil fertility. The reduction in acres in legumes and grasses, and the deplation of the organic matter in the surface soils, has likewise had its effect on the run-off of precipitation, soil blowing, and damage from drouth. In order to know what elements of fertility may become deficient and how soil fertility may be restored and maintained, we should understand the composition, character, and management of soils. In the following pages, some fundamentals of soil feritlity are given, followed later by a discussion of practical soil-management practices.


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The Livestock Waste Management Act requires all livestock operations with 300 animal units or more to be inspected by the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to determine whether livestock wastes contaminate surface or ground water. This NebFact discusses the following parts of the Livestock Waste Management Act: Act (how cited); Terms (defined); Livestock operation, exemption, livestock waste control facility, permit, restriction; Construction permit or operating permit (when required), livestock waste control facilities, classification, restrictions; Section (how construed); Cold water class A streams (designation); Permit (acknowledgment required); Livestock operation (request inspection, when, fees, department, duties); Permits (duration, modification); Permit (application and modification fees, Livestock Waste Management Cash Fund (created, use, investment, report, legislative intent); Applicant (rejection, grounds, application, information required, certification required); Postconstruction inspection requirement; Department (contracts authorized, permit application, notice required); Permit application (approval from Department of Natural Resources and Department of Environmental Quality, powers); Council (rules and regulations); and Enforcement of act (legislative intent).


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This NebGuide describes the life cycle of the army cutworm and pale western cutworm, and provides recommendations for management.The army cutworm, Euxoa auxiliaris, and the pale western cutworm, Agrotis orthogonia, are sporadic pests that are distributed throughout the Great Plains. The army cutworm can be found throughout Nebraska, but is more common in the western half of the state. Because of the drier environment, the pale western cutworm is found only in the western third of Nebraska. Both cutworms can feed on a vast array of crops and weeds. Their major economic impact is limited to winter wheat and alfalfa, because these are the vulnerable crops growing in the early spring when larval feeding activity occurs. However, they can also cause substantial damage to early spring row crops (sugarbeets and corn), especially in areas where winter cereal cover crops are used.


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This NebGuide describes the two common spider mites found in Nebraska corn and soybeans, their natural enemies and management. Two species of spider mites, the Banks grass mite and twospotted spider mite, commonly feed on Nebraska corn. Banks grass mites (BGM) feed almost exclusively on grasses, including corn and sorghum. Twospotted spider mites (TSM) not only feed on many species of grasses, but also on soybeans, fruit trees and a variety of vegetables and ornamental plants. Although these two species are somewhat similar in appearance, they differ in several biological characteristics and in their susceptibility to pesticides. Banks grass mites usually appear earlier in the season, feed mostly on the lower leaves of the corn plant, and in Nebraska are moderately susceptible to many of the commonly used miticides. On the other hand, TSM tend to appear in mid to late season, increase rapidly, feed over the entire plant, and often are not consistently controlled by available pesticides.


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La risorsa acqua in zone semi-aride è sottoposta a un'estrema variabilità climatica nello spazio e nel tempo. La gestione della risorsa acqua è quindi soggetta a un insieme di sfide quando i vincoli naturali vengono uniti agli effetti indotti da attività umana come per esempio l'aumento dello sfruttamento dell'acqua di sottosuolo, cambiamento dell'uso del suolo e presenza di infrastruttura mista. Si spera che il cambiamento climatico e l'attività risultanti dallo sviluppo economico, a corto termine aumentino la pressione su un sistema ormai sensibile. Se pianificato e gestito correttamente, lo stoccaggio dell'acqua, nelle sue varie forme, funge come un meccanismo di controllo della variabilità climatica e può potenziare la capacità adattiva. Lo uadi Merguellil è un corso d'acqua a carattere non perenne al centro della Tunisia, più specificamente a est della città di Kairouan. Il Merguellil drena la pioggia sulla dorsale Tunisina insieme al uadi Zeroud e Nebhana, ed è tra i principali fiumi che scorre sulla piana di Kairouan. Lo stoccaggio dell'acqua nel bacino assume diverse forme come i laghi collinari, i terrazzi, acqua di sottosuolo e una diga. Alcune delle opzioni per lo stoccaggio dell'acqua sono state costruite per preservare la risorsa acqua, mantenere la popolazione rurale e mantenere l'equità tra le zone a monte ed a valle ma solitamente non è mai stata fatta un'analisi comprensiva dei "trade-offs" coinvolti in tali sviluppi. Anche se la ricerca è sviluppata in questa zona, finora nessuna analisi ha cercato di combinare le dinamiche del sistema idrologico con scenari gestionali. L'analisi di scenari gestionali consente ai decisori di valutare delle alternative di pianificazione e può incrementare positivamente la loro abilità di creare delle politiche che si basino sulle necessità fisiche ma anche sociali di un particolare sistema. Questo lavoro è un primo passo verso un Sistema di Gestione Integrata della Risorsa Idrica (inglese: IWMR) capace di mettere in prospettiva strategie future su diverse scale. L'uso di uno strumento metodologico illustra le sfide associate nell'affrontare questo compito. In questo caso, un modello WEAP (Water Evaluation and Planning System) è stato sviluppato in collaborazione con partners Tunisini in modo da integrare le conoscenze su processi fisici e valutare diverse tendenze come l'aumento dell'irrigazione o il cambio di alcuni aspetti climatici. Lo strumento ora è disponibile ai ricercatori locali dove potrà essere sviluppato ulteriormente a fine di indirizzare domande più specifiche. Questo lavoro focalizza lo stoccaggio dell'acqua per poter evidenziare le interazioni dinamiche tra le diverse opzioni di stoccaggio nella zona di studio e valutare i "trade-offs" tra di esse. I risultati iniziali dimostrati in questo lavoro sono: - Se lo sfruttamento degli acquiferi fosse ristretto ai livelli delle loro ricarica, la domanda d'acqua dei diversi utilizzatori non sarebbe soddisfatta al 25% dei livelli di consumo attuale. - La tendenza di incremento dell'agricoltura di irrigazione crea un impatto più accentuato nelle risorse di sottosuolo di quello creato da un'ipotetica riduzione della piovosità all'85% - L'aumento del numero di laghi collinari riduce la quantità d'acqua che arriva a valle, allo stesso tempo aumenta la quantità d'acqua "persa" per evaporazione.


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Negli ultimi quindici anni il traffico aereo passeggeri in Italia è stato interessato da un cospicuo incremento: si è passati dai 91 milioni di passeggeri nel 2000 ai 150 milioni nel 2014. Le previsioni di crescita per il Paese indicano il possibile raddoppio del traffico entro il 2030, quando si dovrebbe raggiungere la soglia dei 300 milioni di passeggeri, con un aumento soprattutto della quota parte internazionale. Non vi può essere sviluppo economico di uno Stato senza crescita del traffico aereo, la quale si può realizzare solo con un adeguamento e un potenziamento delle capacità delle infrastrutture aeroportuali compatibile con le condizioni ambientali e un’efficace interconnessione degli scali con gli altri modi di trasporto. Infatti la pianificazione e la progettazione degli aeroporti non può prescindere da un’analisi approfondita sugli impatti ambientali prodotti dalle attività svolte all’interno degli scali. Inoltre l’incremento del numero medio di passeggeri per movimento (dal 75 pax/mov nel 2000 a 106 pax/mov nel 2011, dato riferito al traffico nazionale) rappresenta un dato positivo dal punto di vista ambientale: nei cieli vola un minor numero di aeromobili, ma in grado di trasportare un maggior numero di passeggeri, con conseguente diminuzione del numero dei movimenti, quindi del rumore, delle emissioni e dell’inquinamento ambientale provocato dalle operazioni necessarie a garantire l’operatività di ciascun volo. La salvaguardia dell’ambiente per un aeroporto è un compito difficile e oneroso, poiché può creare problemi ambientali come inquinamento acustico, dell’aria, delle acque fondiarie e trattamento dei rifiuti. In particolare, scopo di questo elaborato è studiare l’impatto che le operazioni svolte in air-side provocano sulla qualità delle acque di dilavamento, osservando e analizzando le attività che avvengono presso l’Aeroporto G. Marconi di Bologna. Si intende svolgere un censimento delle operazioni che influenzano la qualità delle acque (sia direttamente sia a seguito del dilavamento delle pavimentazioni aeroportuali), indagando quali siano i soggetti coinvolti, le procedure da eseguire, la frequenza e gli eventuali mezzi impiegati. Poi si vogliono eseguire analisi chimiche e granulometriche con un duplice obiettivo: conoscere la qualità delle acque raccolte dalle caditoie presenti nel piazzale e a bordo pista e verificare l’efficacia delle operazioni eseguite anche per ridurre il build up, cioè il tasso di accumulo in tempo secco e, di conseguenza, l’apporto di inquinanti riversato nelle acque di dilavamento. Infine si propongono interventi volti a incrementare la sostenibilità ambientale dell’infrastruttura aeroportuale, con particolare attenzione alla riduzione dell’inquinamento idrico.


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The art of construction is a risky activity that directly affects the life and physical integrity of persons. Since the approval of Law 31/1995, of November 8, Prevention of Occupational Risks was the first legislation that established the current basis in all sectors and then transposed into Spanish law Directive 92/57/CEE called Royal Decree 1627/1997 of October 24, on minimum safety and health dispositions in construction works, measures have been proposed to develop a mixed body of scientific literature composed of researchers and professionals in the field of occupational safety and health, but even today there is still no clear and firm proposal, showing a lack of awareness in the occupational risk prevention and, therefore, a consolidation of the culture of prevention in society. Therefore, the technicians, who make up the building process, can incur in very high responsibilities, such as: Author of the project, Coordinator of Safety and Health during the preparation of the project and during the execution of works, Site Management: Site Manager. This involves the immediate creation of a general training in prevention for all architects starting when still studying, as well as specific training, appropriate and complementary to all the architects that will be devoted to the specialty of occupational safety and health in construction works. That is, first, we must make the responsible bodies aware of the urgent need to integrate risk prevention in the curricula of architecture and later in the continuing education of the profession. It is necessary that our teaching must conform to the laws on safety and health, due to the fact that the law recognizes our academic degrees and professional qualifications to perform functions in that area


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Since 2010 the Industrial Engineering School at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ETSII UPM) has its Plan Study accredited by ABET. Since then a big motivation has been promoted from the management team encouraging teachers to work on the measurement and strengthening of student¿s competences. Generic skills or behavior acquired significant importance in the workplace, particularly in relation to project management. Because of this, and framed within the requirements of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the curriculum of the new degrees are being developed under the competence-based learning. This situation leads to the need to have a clear measurement tool skills as a basis for developing them within the curriculum. A group of multidisciplinary teachers have been working together during two years to design measuring instruments valid for engineering students.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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