969 resultados para correlational study


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Date of Acceptance: 08/04/2015 The paper presents, in part, the results of a broader non-profit development project entitled “Advance level of knowledge for quality in clinical mentorship — professional ethics and continuously professional development”. The project was financed by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia (contract no. 3211-11-000263, the number of project OP RCV_VS-11-14). The members of the development group of the project were: Brigita Skela-Savič (leader), Karmen Romih, Sanela Pivač, Katja Skinder Savić and Andreja Prebil. The research report for the entire project is available on the online bibliographic database COBIB.si, at the Faculty of Health Care Jesenice and at the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia.


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Background: Factors that individually influence blood sugar control, health-related quality of life, and diabetes self-care behaviors have been widely investigated; however, most previous diabetes studies have not tested an integrated association between a series of factors and multiple health outcomes. ---------- Objectives: The purposes of this study are to identify risk factors and protective factors and to examine the impact of risk factors and protective factors on adaptive outcomes in people with type 2 diabetes.---------- Design: A descriptive correlational design was used to examine a theoretical model of risk factors, protective factors, and adaptive outcomes.---------- Settings: This study was conducted at the endocrine outpatient departments of three hospitals in Taiwan. Participants A convenience sample of 334 adults with type 2 diabetes aged 40 and over.---------- Methods: Data were collected by a self-reported questionnaire and physiological examination. Using the structural equation modeling technique, measurement and structural regression models were tested.---------- Results: Age and life events reflected the construct of risk factors. The construct of protective factors was explained by diabetes symptoms, coping strategy, and social support. The construct of adaptive outcomes comprised HbA1c, health-related quality of life, and self-care behaviors. Protective factors had a significant direct effect on adaptive outcomes (β = 0.68, p < 0.001); however, risk factors did not predict adaptive outcomes (β = − 0.48, p = 0.118).---------- Conclusions: Identifying and managing risk factors and protective factors are an integral part of diabetes care. This theoretical model provides a better understanding of how risk factors and protective factors work together to influence multiple adaptive outcomes in people living with type 2 diabetes.


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Background Cancer itself can alter the metabolic and physiologic of the body's nutritional needs. As a result, some patients experience some degree of weight loss before the start of the treatment. Aim The aim of the study was to determine at which chemotherapy treatment cycle patients with cancer begin to exhibit signs and symptoms of malnutrition. Methods A prospective descriptive correlational design was used to assess the nutritional risk of 111 patients with cancer receiving chemotherapy in the ambulatory setting. The data were collected by using a nutritional screening tool. Findings The prevalence of malnutrition risk was 45% in patients undergoing the first cycle of chemotherapy. Patients who received the first three cycles of chemotherapy were 2.62 times more likely to develop malnutrition than those who received seven or more cycles. The risk of developing malnutrition varies depending on the type of cancer, the types of chemotherapy regime, the number of chemotherapy cycles, body mass index and the stage of cancer. Conclusion The study found about half of the patients had developed signs and symptoms of nutritional risk at cycle one. Hence, nutritional support may be required even before the start of chemotherapy.


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Although it seems reasonable to assume that activating patriotism might motivate citizens to cooperate with the state in reaching societal goals, the empirical evidence supporting this contention is based mostly on correlational rather than experimental studies. In addition, little is known on whether patriotism can be manipulated without simultaneously triggering nationalism and on the psychological processes which determine the patriotism-cooperation relation. This current article reports results of one survey and three experiments that manipulate patriotism by displaying either a national flag or national landscapes or by priming national achievements. The outcomes indicate that reported and manipulated patriotism indirectly increase tax compliance, although the national flag also increases nationalism. National achievements, on the other hand, seemingly increases trust in national public institutions and the voluntary motivation to cooperate, whereas national landscapes only increase the voluntary motivation to cooperate. Hence, it is possible to increase social capital in the form of trust and cooperation through patriotism without fostering nationalism as well.


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To investigate the symptom burden experiences of individuals with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). An explanatory sequential mixed methods study was conducted. A cross-sectional, correlational survey was first undertaken. Symptom burden was measured using a modified disease specific version of the Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale, which was administered to a consecutive sample of individuals with IBD (n = 247) at an IBD Outpatients department in one urban teaching hospital in Ireland. Disease activity was determined using clinical disease activity indices, which were completed by the consulting physician. A sequential qualitative, descriptive study was then conducted aimed at explaining noteworthy quantitative findings. A criterion-related purposeful sample of seven participants from the quantitative study was recruited. Semi-structured face to face interviews were conducted using an interview guide and data were analysed using content analysis. Findings revealed that participants experienced a median of 10 symptoms during the last week, however as many as 16 symptoms were experienced during active disease. The most burdensome symptoms were lack of energy, bowel urgency, diarrhoea, feeling bloated, flatulence and worry. Total symptom burden was found to be low with a mean score of 0.56 identified out of a possible range from 0 to 4. Participants with active disease (M = 0.81, SD = 0.48; n = 68) had almost double mean total symptom burden scores than participants with inactive disease (M = 0.46, SD = 0.43; n = 166) (p < 0.001). Mean total psychological symptom burden was found to be significantly greater than mean total physical symptom burden (rho = 0.73, n = 247, p < 0.001). Self-reported disease control, gender, number of flare ups in the last two years, and smoking status was found to be significant predictors of total symptom burden, with self-reported disease control identified as the strongest predictor. Qualitative data revealed tiredness, pain, bowel symptoms, worry and fear as being burdensome. Furthermore, symptom burden experiences were described in terms of its impact on restricting aspects of daily activities, which accumulated into restrictions on general life events. Psychological symptom burden was revealed as more problematic than physical symptom burden due to its constant nature, with physical and psychological symptoms described to occur in a cyclical manner. Participants revealed that disease control was evaluated not only in terms of symptoms, but also in terms of their abilities to control the impact of symptoms on their lives. This study highlights the considerable number of symptoms and the most burdensome symptoms experienced by individuals with IBD, both during active and inactive disease. This study has important implications on symptom assessment in terms of the need to encompass both physical and psychological symptoms. In addition, greater attention needs to be placed on psychological aspects of IBD care.


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Background: The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the world’s most common sexually transmitted infections, and a causative factor of oropharyngeal, anal and penile cancers in males. Worldwide, an estimated 39,000 HPV-associated cancers occur each year in men. The highest rates of HPV infection are found in adults aged 18 to 28 years. Clinical evidence indicates that use of a condom in addition to obtaining the HPV vaccine provides the greatest protection from HPV infections. Aim: To explore young men’s attitudes, beliefs, and behavioural intention in relation to receiving the HPV vaccine and using a condom correctly and consistently. Collectively, both behaviours are linked to the prevention of HPV transmission and associated infections with HPV. Method: A multi- phase study, underpinned by the Theory of Planned Behaviour, involving a qualitative belief elicitation, pilot, and quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted. A belief elicitation (n=12) phase was used to generate items to include in a newly developed research instrument. Post pilot the research instrument was utilised in a cross sectional online survey to explore the attitudes, beliefs, and behavioural intention of young men (n= 359) with regard to receiving the HPV vaccine, and using a condom correctly and consistently. Data Collection: Data collection took place over a three month time frame. Male participants were recruited from a university in Southern Ireland via a student email system, as well as posting advertisements on numerous health, social and sports websites. Sample: Three hundred and fifty nine male participants aged 18- 28 years completed the online questionnaire. Data Analysis: Data were analysed using SPSS. Descriptive, correlational, multiple and hierarchical regression analysis were performed on the indirect and direct variables of the Theory of Planned Behaviour i.e. attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioural control, and intention. Status variables were also included in descriptive analysis and hierarchical regressions. Findings are presented through text and graphical representation. Results: Alarming sexual health statistics identified that only 44.3% of participants always used a condom, and 78.6% never used a condom for oral sex. Furthermore, findings reveal that the constructs of the Theory of Planned Behaviour adequately measure male’s attitudes, beliefs and behavioural intention with regard to both behaviours. The Theory of Planned Behaviour has assisted in identifying how social pressures play an influential role in relation to males receiving the HPV vaccine. Attitudes presented as the most significant predictor of male’s intentions to use a condom correctly and consistently. Intention to perform both behaviours was identified as moderate to high. Conclusion: This study has contributed to the field of HPV research, as it is the first piece of research to explore preventative HPV behaviours i.e. receiving the HPV vaccine, and condom use, amongst young males, utilising the Theory of Planned Behaviour. A deeper understanding of young male’s attitudes, beliefs, and behavioural intention on this topic has been achieved. Additionally, a new robust research instrument has been constructed. Findings from this study will undoubtedly help in the implementation of the HPV vaccine in Ireland, as well as influence health promotion campaigns aimed at young males, addressing the topic of condom use.


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Neuroimaging studies of aesthetic appreciation have shown that activity in the lateral occipital area (LO)—a key node in the object recognition pathway—is modulated by the extent to which visual artworks are liked or found beautiful. However, the available evidence is only correlational. Here we used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to investigate the putative causal role of LO in the aesthetic appreciation of paintings. In our first experiment, we found that interfering with LO activity during aesthetic appreciation selectively reduced evaluation of representational paintings, leaving appreciation of abstract paintings unaffected. A second experiment demonstrated that, although the perceived clearness of the images overall positively correlated with liking, the detrimental effect of LO TMS on aesthetic appreciation does not owe to TMS reducing perceived clearness. Taken together, our findings suggest that object-recognition mechanisms mediated by LO play a causal role in aesthetic appreciation of representational art.


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This study was an investigation of individual and organizational factors, as perceived by front-line vocational service workers from Adult Rehabilitation Centres (ARC Industries) for mentally retarded adults. The specific variables which were measured included role conflict/role ambiguity (role factors), internal/external locus of control (individual differences), job satisfaction with work and supervision (job attitudes) and participation in deci~ion making (organizational factor). The exploration of these constructs was conducted by means of self-report questionnaires which were completed by sixty-nine out of a total of ninety front-line employees. The surveys were distributed in booklet form to nine distinct rehabilitation facilities from St. Catharines, West Lincoln, Greater Niagara, Port Colborne, WeIland, Fort Erie, Hamilton, Guelph and Brantford. The survey data was evaluated by the statisti.cal Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) which used the Pearson Product Moment Correlation procedure and a compar~son of means test. A comparison of correlation coefficients test was also conducted. This statistical procedure was calculated mathematically. The results obtained from the statistical evaluation confirmed the prediction that self-reported measures of participation in decision making and satisfaction (work and supervision) would be negatively correlated with role conflict and role ambiguity. As well, the speculation that perceived satisfaction (work and supervision) would be positively correlated with participation in decision making was empirically supported. Internal and external locus of control did not contribute to a significant difference in r~sponses to role perceptions (conflict and ambiguity) , satisfaction (work and supervision) or the correlational relationship between participation in decision making and satisfaction (work and supervision). Overall, the findings from this study substantiated the importance of examining employee perceptions in the workplace and the interrelationships among individual and organizational variables. This research was considered a contribution to the general area of occupational stress and to the study of individuals in work organizations.


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Background: Disturbances in cortisol secretion are associated with risk for psychiatric disorder, including depression. Animal research indicates that early care experiences influence hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis functioning in offspring. Similar effects are suggested in human development, but evidence of longitudinal associations between observed early parenting and offspring cortisol secretion is extremely limited. We studied associations between parenting disturbances occurring in the context of maternal postnatal depression (PND), and elevations in morning cortisol secretion in the adolescent offspring of PND mothers. Methods: We observed maternal parenting behaviour on four occasions through the first year and at five-year follow up in postnatally depressed (n = 29) and well (n = 20) mothers. Observations were coded for maternal sensitivity and withdrawal. Basal offspring salivary cortisol secretion was measured at 13-years, using collections over 10-days. Results: Postnatal, but not five-year, maternal withdrawal predicted elevated mean and maximum morning cortisol secretion in 13-year-old offspring. There were no significant associations between maternal sensitivity and offspring cortisol secretion. Limitations: The sample size was relatively small, and effects tended to be reduced to trend level when covariates were considered. The correlational nature of the study (albeit longitudinal) limits conclusions regarding causality. Conclusions: Individual differences in early maternal parenting behaviour may influence offspring cortisol secretion, and thereby risk for depression. Parenting interventions that facilitate active maternal engagement with the infant may be indicated for high risk populations.


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While engaging in romantic relationships is regarded as a normative task during young adulthood, non-normative life events such as the emergence of chronic illness can mitigate against the successful negotiation of such tasks. Chronic illness brings with it a series of additional challenges and stressors to the realm of personal relationships that are thought to interrupt the development of normative interpersonal and intra-individual processes. However, few studies have examined how young adults faced with a chronic illness such as arthritis navigate romantic relationships and the consequences of illness and relationships on psychological adjustment. The aim of the study was to compare the relationship experiences of healthy young adults with those faced with arthritis. One hundred and nine young adults (M 23.01 years, SD 2.43) took part in the study. Of these participants 41 had been diagnosed with arthritis. A univariate MANOVA revealed arthritic young adults reported significantly more insecure attachment, lower levels of readiness for intimacy, and poorer relationship satisfaction compared to healthy young adults. Further correlational and regression analyses on the arthritic sample revealed psychological adjustment was related to arthritis severity, attachment and components of coping. Findings will be discussed in relation to attachment theory and coping processes.


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Foot temperature has long been advocated as a reliable noninvasive measure of cardiac output despite equivocal evidence. The aim of this pilot study was to investigate the relationship between noninvasively measured skin temperature and the more invasive core-peripheral temperature gradients (CPTGs), against cardiac output, systemic vascular resistance, serum lactate, and base deficit.

Research methodology
The study was of a prospective, observational and correlational design. Seventy-six measurements were recorded on 10 adults postcardiac surgery. Haemodynamic assessments were made via bolus thermodilution. Skin temperature was measured objectively via adhesive probes, and subjectively using a three-point scale.

The study was conducted within a tertiary level intensive care unit.

Cardiac output was a significant predictor for objectively measured skin temperature and CPTG (p = .001 and p = .004, respectively). Subjective assessment of skin temperature was significantly related to cardiac output, systemic vascular resistance, and serum lactate (p < .001, respectively).

These results support the utilisation of skin temperature as a noninvasive marker of cardiac output and perfusion. The use of CPTG was shown to be unnecessary, given the parallels in results with the less invasive skin temperature parameters. A larger study is however required to validate these findings.


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The objective of this study was to identify the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of children and adolescents who study and work outside their home. This non-experimental, correlational, cross-sectional study was performed using questionnaires applied to primary education students, enrolled in public schools in Ribeirao Preto (Brazil). Two schools were selected through a draw. Data analysis was performed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences, version 14.0. Of the 133 students who answered the questionnaire, 36 (27.7%) reported working outside their home, 20.6% were between 11 and 13 years of age, and 66.7% were male (p=0.000) and had started working early to help with the family income (p=0.003). The salary they received helped comprise the family income, and it was found that as the family income increased, the need for the youngsters to work was reduced. It was found that many factors contribute to these subjects' early start at work, including family size, structure and poverty.


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PURPOSE: The aim of the present study was to assess the oral mucosal health status of young male adults (aged 18 to 24 years) in Switzerland and to correlate their clinical findings with self-reported risk factors such as tobacco use and alcohol consumption. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Data on the oral health status of 615 Swiss Army recruits were collected using a standardised self-reported questionnaire, followed by an intraoral examination. Positive clinical findings were classified as (1) common conditions and anatomical variants, (2) reactive lesions, (3) benign tumour lesions and (4) premalignant lesions. The main locations of the oral mucosal findings were recorded on a topographical classification chart. Using correlational statistics, the findings were further associated with the known risk factors such as tobacco use and alcohol consumption. RESULTS: A total of 468 findings were diagnosed in 327 (53.17%) of the 615 subjects. In total, 445 findings (95.09%) were classified as common conditions, anatomical variants and reactive soft-tissue lesions. In the group of reactive soft-tissue lesions, there was a significantly higher percentage of smokers (P < 0.001) and subjects with a combination of smoking and alcohol consumption (P < 0.001). Eight lesions were clinically diagnosed as oral leukoplakias associated with smokeless tobacco. The prevalence of precursor lesions in the population examined was over 1%. CONCLUSIONS: Among young male adults in Switzerland, a significant number of oral mucosal lesions can be identified, which strongly correlate with tobacco use. To improve primary and secondary prevention, young adults should therefore be informed more extensively about the negative effects of tobacco use on oral health.


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In the antisaccade task, subjects are requested to suppress a reflexive saccade towards a visual target and to perform a saccade towards the opposite side. In addition, in order to reproduce an accurate saccadic amplitude, the visual saccade vector (i.e., the distance between a central fixation point and the peripheral target) must be exactly inverted from one visual hemifield to the other. Results from recent studies using a correlational approach (i.e., fMRI, MEG) suggest that not only the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) but also the frontal eye field (FEF) might play an important role in such a visual vector inversion process. In order to assess whether the FEF contributes to visual vector inversion, we applied an interference approach with continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) during a memory-guided antisaccade task. In 10 healthy subjects, one train of cTBS was applied over the right FEF prior to a memory-guided antisaccade task. In comparison to the performance without stimulation or with sham stimulation, cTBS over the right FEF induced a hypometric gain for rightward but not leftward antisaccades. These results obtained with an interference approach confirm that the FEF is also involved in the process of visual vector inversion.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between Hispanic parents' sense of self-efficacy at various degrees of acculturation to the United States and specific indicators of school involvement in their elementary school children's education. It assessed the effects of acculturation on the level of parental self-efficacy and their degree of school involvement. The theoretical framework guiding this investigation was Bandura's theory of self-efficacy which advocates that the amount of effort a person devotes to the accomplishment of a specific outcome is related to a person's beliefs in their capabilities regardless of actual competencies.^ The research method involved a correlational design measuring levels of parental self-efficacy, acculturation, degree of school involvement and related demographic characteristics. Multiple regression analysis was performed to determine the degree of relationships existing between the predictor variables of self-efficacy and level of acculturation, and level of school involvement. The data was subjected to a path analysis to test the validity of the causal model advanced in this study specifying a positive relationship between the constructs of acculturation, parental self-efficacy and level of school involvement.^ A total of 109 Hispanic parents of students enrolled in five elementary public schools in Dade County, Florida, were selected for participation in the study. Results revealed a significant positive correlation r =.23, p $<$.05 between level of parental self-efficacy and number of hours parents spent helping their children with homework. A statistically significant positive correlation was found between acculturation and level of self-efficacy r =.21, p $<$.05. Statistically significant positive correlations were also found between acculturation and such indicators of parental school involvement as participation in parent-teacher conferences r =.20, p $<$.05, volunteering at school, r =.22, p $<$.05, attendance at school sponsored sports activities r =.26, p $<$.01, and volunteering in field-trips r =.28, p $<$.01.^ The multiple regression analysis equation predicting level of homework assistance provided by parents and self-efficacy was statistically significant, F(2,106) = 3.59, p $<$.03. The beta weights revealed that self-efficacy contributed the most to the prediction of homework assistance by parents, B =.258, p $<$.009. In turn, the variable of acculturation was the most significant predictor of number of school based parent involvement activities, B =.281, p $<$.05 level. The path analysis confirmed the results obtained in the multiple regression analyses, establishing self-efficacy as having a direct effect on the level of homework assistance provided by parents. Conversely, the variable of acculturation had a direct effect on the number of school based parent involvement activities. ^