911 resultados para corn oil


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Rolled high-oil corn in comparison with rolled isogenetic control corn was fed to finishing steers as 33%, 66% and 100% of the corn grain in their diet in a 134-day feeding trial. During the first 75 days of the trial, steers fed highoil corn had numerically lower rates of gain and tended to have poorer feed conversions compared with the control corn. At the end of the trial, there were not statistically significant differences in performance or carcass measurements of the steers fed the different amounts of high-oil or control corns. The results of this study indicated that the steers did not respond to the higher energy content of high-oil corn.


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Three specialty corns, high oil, high protein and high oil with high protein, were compared with control corn in a 113-day steer feeding trial. During the first 63 days of the study, steers fed the corns containing more oil had slower gain and poorer feed conversion compared with the control corn. At the end of the trial there were no statistically significant differences in performance of steers fed the different corns. Steers fed the high protein corn tended to have higher grading carcasses compared with those fed the control corn. Otherwise there were no differences in carcass measurements due to source of corn fed the steers. Feed cost of gain was reduced with the high-protein corn and the corn with high fat and high protein compared with the control corn because of similar feed conversions and the reduced amount of soybean meal needed to supplement the specialty corns.


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Two 3 x 3 latin squares were utilized in an 84-day digestion trial with ruminally- and duodenallycannulated steers. Diets consisted of 73 to 78% whole corn grain, 12.3% corn silage and 2.0% N, with treatment differences being high-oil corn- (HOC), isogenetic typical-corn- (TC), or isogenetic typical-corn + fat- (TC+F) based diets. The HOC and TC+F diets were formulated to provide the same ether extract (EE) content. All diets were fed at 90% of ad libitum intake. Chromic oxide was used as a digestibility marker. Total tract dry matter (DM) (P=.08), organic matter (OM) (P=.08) and nitrogen (N) (P=.06) digestibilities tended to be greater for TC than HOC diets, whereas starch neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), and ether extract digestibilities were similar (P>.10). There were no differences (P>.10) in total tract dry matter, organic matter, starch, NDF, ADF, ether extract, or nitrogen digestibilities between TC+F and HOC diets or TC and TC+F diets. Ruminal digestion of dry matter, organic matter, starch, NDF, ADF, and feed nitrogen was similar (P>.10) among treatments. Microbial-nitrogen flow and efficiencies were also similar (P>.10) among treatments. Results indicate finishing steer diets composed of primarily HOC are equally or less digestible than similar diets composed of TC, and adding fat to TC diets did not affect the digestibility of the diet when fed to finishing steers.


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Purpose: To formulate the water in oil (W/O) emulsion of corn silk (CS) extract and to evaluate its stability at various storage conditions. Methods: Ethanol CS extract was prepared using maceration (cold) technique. A 4 % CS emulsion was prepared using varying concentrations of liquid paraffin, ABIL EM90 and water. The formulations were kept at 40 oC for 28 days and to screen out the less stable formulations. The remaining formulations were further stressed at 50 oC to choose the most stable formulation. The optimized formulation was evaluated for physical characteristics including phase separation, rheology and mean droplet size. The physical stability of the formulation was evaluated by monitoring these parameters over a period of 12 weeks at 8, 25, 40 and 40 oC, and 75 % RH. Results: The chosen formulation showed good resistance to phase separation on centrifugation under all storage conditions. Rheological behavior followed non-Newtonian pseudoplastic pattern at various storage conditions. Mean droplet size of freshly prepared formulation was 2.98 ± 1.32 µm and did not show significant (p < 0.05) changes at normal storage conditions (8 and 25 oC). Conclusion: The findings indicate that the developed CS extract W/O emulsion is stable and therefore may be suitable for topical use on skin as an antioxidant preparation.


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The compositions of canola, soybean, corn, cottonseed and sunflower oils suggest that they exhibit substantially different propensity for oxidation following the order of Canola < corn < cottonseed < sunflower approximate to soybean. These data suggest that any of the vegetable oils evaluated could be blended with minimal impact on viscosity although compositional differences would surely affect oxidative stability. Cooling curve analysis showed that similar cooling profiles were obtained for different vegetable oils. Interestingly, no film boiling or transition nucleate boiling was observed with any of the vegetable oils and heat transfer occurs only by pure nucleate boiling and convection. High-temperature cooling properties of vegetable oils are considerable faster than those observed for petroleum oil-based quenchants. (C)2010 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved.


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Five vegetable oils: canola, soybean, corn, cottonseed and sunflower oils were characterized with respect to their composition by gas chromatography and viscosity. The compositions of the vegetable oils suggest that they exhibit substantially different propensity for oxidation following the order of: canola < corn < cottonseed < sunflower approximate to soybean. Viscosities at 40 degrees C and 100 degrees C and the viscosity index (VI) values were determined for the vegetable oils and two petroleum oil quenchants: Microtemp 157 (a conventional slow oil) and Microtemp 153B (an accelerated or fast oil). The kinematic viscosities of the different vegetable and petroleum oils at 40 degrees C were similar. The VI values for the different vegetable oils were very close and varied between 209-220 and were all much higher than the VI values obtained for Microtemp 157 (96) and Microtemp 153B (121). These data indicate that the viscosity variations of these vegetable oils are substantially less sensitive to temperature variation than are the parafinic oil based Microtemp 157 and Microtemp 153B. Although these data suggest that any of the vegetable oils evaluated could be blended with minimal impact on viscosity, the oxidative stability would surely be substantially impacted. Cooling curve analysis was performed on these vegetable oils at 60 degrees C under non-agitated conditions. These results were compared with cooling curves obtained for Microtemp 157, a conventional, unaccelerated petroleum oil, and Microtemp 153B, an accelerated petroleum oil under the same conditions. The results showed that cooling profiles of the different vegetable oils were similar as expected from the VI values. However, no boiling was observed wit any of the vegetable oils and heat transfer occurs only by convection since there is no full-film boiling and nucleate boiling process as typically observed for petroleum oil quenchants, including those of this study. Therefore, high-temperature cooling is considerable faster for vegetable oils as a class. The cooling properties obtained suggest that vegetable oils would be especially suitable fur quenching low-hardenability steels such as carbon steels.


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The variation in the Ca:Mg ratio in amendments used to neutralize soil acidity is one way of altering the availability of those nutrients to the plants in acid soils. The objective of the work was to evaluate the effect of different proportions of calcium and magnesium in the form of CaCO(3) and MgCO(3) Oil the nutrient uptake, and initial production of dry matter by corn plants. The study was carried out in greenhouse conditions, in Lages, SC, with a completely randomized experimental design, with three replications. The treatments were the application of equivalent to 21.0 t ha(-1) of lime, using mixtures of CaCO(3) and MgCO(3) in several proportions to obtain different Ca:Mg ratios (1: 1, 2:1, 4:1, 8:1, 16:1 and 32:1), on a Humic Alic Cambisol, with 310 g kg(-1) of clay. The application of treatments caused the following Ca:Mg ratios in the CEC: 1. 1: 1, 2.1:1, 4.0:1, 8.1:1, 16.4:1 and 31.8:1. The high concentrations of exchangeable Ca in soil caused by addition of lime with high Ca content inhibited the uptake of Mg and K by the corn plants. The increase in the soil Ca:Mg ratio reduced the dry matter production and height of plants in the initial stage of development.


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The ongoing growth of corn-based ethanol production raises some fundamental questions about what impact continued growth will have on U.S. and world agriculture. Estimates of the long-run potential for ethanol production can be made by calculating the corn price at which the incentive to expand ethanol production disappears. Under current ethanol tax policy, if the prices of crude oil, natural gas, and distillers grains stay at current levels, then the break-even corn price is $4.05 per bushel. A multi-commodity, multi country system of integrated commodity models is used to estimate the impacts if we ever get to $4.05 corn. At this price, corn-based ethanol production would reach 31.5 billion gallons per year, or about 20% of projected U.S. fuel consumption in 2015. Supporting this level of production would require 95.6 million acres of corn to be planted. Total corn production would be approximately 15.6 billion bushels, compared to 11.0 billion bushels today. Most of the additional corn acres come from reduced soybean acreage. Wheat markets would adjust to fulfill increased demand for feed wheat. Corn exports and production of pork and poultry would all be reduced in response to higher corn prices and increased utilization of corn by ethanol plants. These results should not be viewed as a prediction of what will eventually materialize. Rather, they indicate a logical end point to the current incentives to invest in corn-based ethanol plants.


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The interference imposed the by weeds on corn decreases practically all vegetative characteristics. As consequence, the green ear and grain yield are also reduced. Losses due to the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) attack can reduce corn grain yield up to 34%. In general, weed and insect control issues are addressed separately in research papers. Nevertheless, interaction between weeds and insects may exist. This study aimed to evaluate green ear and corn grain yield response to weed and fall armyworm control. A completely randomized block design with split-plots and five replicates was adopted. Corn cultivar AG 1051 was grown under weedy conditions or with control by hand hoeings performed at 20 and 40 days after planting. Fall armyworm control (applied to subplots) was performed with sprays of water (control), deltamethrin (5g active ingredient ha-1); neem oil, at 0.5% (diluted in water), and neem leaf extract at 5%. Each product was sprayed three times, at seven-day intervals, starting at the 7th day after planting, using 150 L ha-1 of the tank solution. Dry mass of the above-ground part, internode diameter, leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, green ear yield and grain yield of corn were reduced due to the lack of weed control. Fall armyworm control in the weeded plots did not influence green ear yield and grain yield, except green mass of marketable, husked ears, which was reduced when the caterpillar was not controlled. Without weed control, neem extracts and deltamethrin sprays provided highest yields of number and total weight of green ears with husks, number and weight of marketable ears with husks and number of marketable ears without husks. The best results for husked ear mass and for grain yield were obtained with neem extract and deltamethrin, respectively.


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The germ fraction with pericarp (bran) is generated in the industrial processing of corn kernel, and it is used for oil extraction and animal feed. This study evaluated the nutritional and protein quality of this fraction in relation to whole corn. The proximate composition, mineral contents, and amino acid profile of the germ fraction with pericarp and of whole corn were determined. A 4-week experiment was conducted using 36 weanling male Wistar rats, and three 10%-protein diets (reference, germ with 15% lipids and casein with 15% lipids), two 6%-protein diets (whole corn and casein), and a protein-free diet were prepared. The germ showed higher contents of proteins, lipids, dietary fiber (27.8 g.100 g-1), ash, minerals (Fe and Zn- approximately 5 mg.100 g-1), and lysine (57.2 mg.g-1 protein) than those of corn. The germ presented good quality protein (Relative Protein Efficiency Ratio-RPER = 80%; Protein Digestibility-Corrected Amino Acid Score-PDCAAS = 86%), higher than that of corn (RPER = 49%; PDCAAS = 60%). The corn germ fraction with pericarp is rich in dietary fiber, and it is a source of good quality protein as well as of iron and zinc, and its use as nutritive raw material is indicated in food products for human consumption.


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Starch derivatives of taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott) and rice were characterized as wall materials of orange oil (d-limonene) by spray drying. Native starches were initially hydrolyzed with HCl and then esterified. Succinylated starches were modified using a conventional method in a slurry and were extruded; whereas, the phosphorylated starches were modified using the extrusion process. Viscosity and solubility of starches reduced after acid hydrolysis, derivatization, and extrusion. The particle size of the wall materials ranged between 20.05 and 31.81 µm. The encapsulation efficiency of the phosphorylated taro, rice, and waxy corn starches was 96.9, 96.8 and 97.1% respectively, and 98.6, 98.1, and 98.8% for succynilated taro, rice, and waxy corn starches, respectively. Starch derivatives of taro and rice could potentially be used as wall materials of orange oil d-limonene.


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This research aimed to develop tortilla chips (TC) high in antioxidants from extruded and nixtamalized blue corn flours prepared with calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 and calcium lactate C6H10O6Ca. Tortilla chips were made with extruded flours [0.1% Ca(OH)2; 0.9% C6H10O6Ca; without calcium] and nixtamalized flours [1% Ca(OH)2; 2.95% C6H10O6Ca] using the frying process. Total anthocyanin, total phenolics content, antioxidant activity, color, texture, and oil content were determined. The color of tortilla chips from extruded flours (TCEF) showed high values of the parameters a* and b* indicating a reduction in the blue color. These color parameters were significantly different from those observed in tortilla chips from nixtamalized flours (TCNF), which tended to be more blue. The TCEF retained 15% anthocyanins, 34% phenolics, and 54% antioxidant activity. Pearson's correlation analysis indicated that anthocyanins and phenolics correlated significantly with antioxidant activity and color. TCEF with both calcium sources showed higher fracturability compared with that of TCNF. Oil absorption showed an opposite effect, with lower oil content in TCEF. Nixtamalization and extrusion with C6H10O6Ca resulted in flours and TC high in anthocyanins and antioxidant activity, representing an alternative production process for corn snack high in antioxidants.


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The effects of specific nutrients on secretion and plasma concentrations of gut peptides (glucagon-like peptide-1((7-36)) amide (GLP-1), glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), and cholecystokinin-8 (CCK)) differ across species, but are not reported for cattle. Our objective was to determine acute (hours) and chronic (1 week) effects of increased abomasal supply of protein, carbohydrate, or fat to the small intestine on dry matter intake (DMI) and plasma concentrations of GLP-1, GIP, CCK, and insulin. Four mid-lactation Holstein cows were used in a 4 x 4 Latin square design experiment. Treatments were 7-day abomasal infusions of water, soybean oil (500 g/d), corn starch (1100 g/d), or casein (800 g/d). Jugular vein plasma was obtained over 7 h at the end of the first and last day of infusions. Oil infusion decreased DMI on day 7, but total metabolizable energy (ME) supply (diet plus infusate) did not differ from water infusion. Casein and starch infusion had no effect on feed DMI; thus, ME supply increased. Decreased DMI on day 7 of oil infusion was accompanied by increased plasma GLP-1 concentration, but decreased plasma CCK concentration. Increased plasma GIP concentration was associated with increased ME supply on day 7 of casein and starch infusion. Casein infusion tended to increase plasma CCK concentration on both days of sampling, and increased plasma GLP-1 and insulin concentration on day 1 of infusion. The present data indicate a sustained elevation of plasma concentration of GLP-1, but not CCK, may contribute to the reduced DMI observed in dairy cows provided supplemental fat. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The objective of the present studies was to determine effects of basal dietary forage source on the response of milk fatty acid composition to an oil supplement based (2:1, respectively, w/w) on soybean oil and marine algae biomass oil high in cis-9, cis-12 C18:2n − 3 and C22:6n − 3, respectively. In Study 1, Hampshire × Dorset ewes (48) were randomly assigned to one of four treatments and 12 pens in a completely randomized design blocked on the basis of lambing date and number of lambs suckled. Control rations (60:40 forage:concentrate, dry matter (DM) basis) based on alfalfa pellets (AP) or corn silage (CS) were fed from lambing. Beginning at 22 days postpartum, three pens of ewes fed AP and three pens of ewes fed CS were supplemented with oil (30 g/kg of ration DM) in place of corn meal. Average ewe DM intake (DMI) and average daily gain (ADG) were measured weekly. Milk yield and composition were measured at 42 days postpartum. DMI was lower (P<0.02) for CS and for oil, but milk yield was not affected by forage source or oil supplementation. Milk fat content was higher for oil (P<0.10) and milk protein content was higher for AP (P<0.04). Total CLA concentration (g/100 g fatty acids) increased (P<0.01) with CS and oil, and the response to oil was greater for AP (P<0.04). Similarly, total trans-C18:1 and C22:6ω−3 concentrations were higher for CS and oil, but the response to oil was greater for CS (P<0.06 and P<0.01, respectively). In Study 2, the experiment was repeated using alfalfa haylage (AH) instead of AP. The DMI decreased (P<0.05) with oil feeding, but was not affected by forage source. Milk yield was decreased by feeding oil with AH, but not by feeding oil with CS (P<0.03). Milk fat content tended to be increased by feeding oil with AH, but tended to be decreased by feeding oil with CS (P<0.08). Total CLA concentration was increased (P<0.01) for AH versus CS and by oil, and the response to oil supplementation was greater for AH (P<0.01). In contrast, total trans-C18:1 concentration was higher for CS versus AH, with a greater response to oil for CS (P<0.05). Feeding marine oil increased the C22:6ω−3 (P<0.01) concentration, and the response was greater for AH (P<0.04). To further characterize the response of milk fat composition to dietary oil in ewes, a third study used six pens of three ewes each assigned to either the control CS diet used for Study 2 or the same diet supplemented with 45 g/kg (DM basis) of the oil mixture. Feeding oil had no effect on DMI, milk yield or milk fat concentration, but again increased (P<0.001) total trans-C18:1 and C22:6ω−3 concentrations and numerically increased (114%) total CLA concentration. Milk fatty acid composition responses to supplemental vegetable and marine oils were affected by forage source. Milk trans-C18:1 concentration was higher when CS was fed in Studies 1 and 2, but the effect of forage species on CLA concentration differed between studies, which may reflect differences in diet PUFA content and consumption, as well as amounts of dietary starch and fiber consumed. Despite large increases in trans-C18:1 concentration, milk fat content was not decreased by feeding unsaturated oils to ewes, even at diet levels of 45 g/kg of ration DM.