999 resultados para corn grain


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The main objective of the present work was to study nutritive strategies for lessening the CH4 formation associated to ruminant tropical diets. In vitro gas production technique was used for evaluating the effect of tannin-rich plants, essential oils, and biodiesel co-products on CH4 formation in three individual studies and a small chamber system to measure CH4 released by sheep for in vivo studies was developed. Microbial rumen population diversity from in vitro assays was studied using qPCR. In vitro studies with tanniniferous plants, herbal plant essential oils derived from thyme, fennel, ginger, black seed, and Eucalyptus oil (EuO) added to the basal diet and cakes of oleaginous plants (cotton, palm, castor plant, turnip, and lupine), which were included in the basal diet to replace soybean meal, presented significant differences regarding fermentation gas production and CH4 formation. In vivo assays were performed according to the results of the in vitro assays. , when supplemented to a basal diet (Tifton-85 hay sp, corn grain, soybean meal, cotton seed meal, and mineral mixture) fed to adult Santa Ines sheep reduced enteric CH4 emission but the supplementation of the basal diet with EuO did not affect ( > 0.05) methane released. Regarding the microbial studies of rumen population diversity using qPCR with DNA samples collected from the in vitro trials, the results showed shifts in microbial communities of the tannin-rich plants in relation to control plant. This research demonstrated that tannin-rich , essential oil from eucalyptus, and biodiesel co-products either in vitro or in vivo assays showed potential to mitigate CH4 emission in ruminants. The microbial community study suggested that the reduction in CH4 production may be attributed to a decrease in fermentable substrate rather than to a direct effect on methanogenesis.


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Problem statement: The aim of the present study was to characterize and differentiate the effects of addition of flavomycin or monensin on ruminal fermentation and degradability as well as on total digestibility in bovine. Approach: Twelve non-pregnant and non-lactating cows (736 kg of BW) were randomly assigned to three treatments: control, flavomycin (20 mg animal-1 day-1) and monensin (300 mg animal-1 day-1). The trial lasted 21 days. The last 10 days were used for external marker administration (15 g of chromic oxide animal-1 day-1). The last 5 days of the trial were used for feces collection and evaluation of corn grain, soybean meal or sugarcane ruminal degradability and the 21st day was used for ruminal fluid sampling. Results: Monensin increased 27.2%, on average, propionate molar proportion at 0, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 h after feeding, compared to control and flavomycin groups. When compared to control, flavomycin reduced the degradation rate of soybean meal CP in 31.0%, decreasing the effective degradability when passage rates of 5 and 8% h-1 were used. Dry matter intake, pH, total Short Chain Fatty Acids (tSCFA) or ammoniacal Nitrogen (NH3-N) concentration were not influenced by the addition of either antibiotics. Effective degradability of sugarcane NDF was not influenced by the use of either antibiotic; neither were the TDN nor the digestibility of DM, CP, EE, NFE, ADF, NDF, GE or starch of the diet. Conclusion/Recommendations: In the present study, it was possible to show the beneficial effects of monensin but not of flavomycin, on rumen fermentation


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A feeding trial was conducted with 940-lb yearling steers fed 113 days to determine the feeding value of distillers grains relative to corn grain. Replacing corn and urea with wet distillers grains for 20% of the diet dry matter tended to increase gain with no increase in feed consumption, resulting in improved feed conversion. Replacing 40% of diet dry matter with wet distillers grains decreased feed intake without affecting gains, and improved feed efficiency. The overall average estimated net energy value of wet distillers grains was 1.20 Mcal NEg per pound dry matter. This experiment confirmed the observations in previous cattle feeding experiments, that for finishing cattle wet distillers grains have a high energy value compared with cracked corn grain. Another objective of the study was to determine if cattle being fed wet distillers grains could be suddenly changed to a different diet if the supply of wet feed was suddenly disrupted. It was found that if intake is managed during the change, that distillers grains portion of the diet can be suddenly changed from wet to dry and then changed back to wet after a week, without sacrificing performance of the cattle.


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A feeding trial was conducted with 870-lb steers fed 137 days to evaluate replacing cracked corn with dry and wet distillers grains with solubles (DGS) as feed for finishing cattle. Dry DGS was evaluated at 16% of diet dry matter. Wet DGS (WDGS) was evaluated at 14.6%, 26.2%, and 37.5% of diet dry matter. Control diets were supplemented with urea or a combination of urea and soybean meal. Feeding 16% dry DGS or 14.6% wet DGS increased rate of gain and tended to increase carcass fatness. Increasing the amount of wet DGS in the diet decreased feed intake, reduced gain, and improved feed conversion. The calculated net energy for gain values for dry and wet DGS were .92 and 1.5 times the energy value of corn grain. Economic returns declined slightly as the percentage of wet DGS increased in the diet, but remained above the two diets without DGS. The average benefits from feeding wet DGS averaged $25, $21, and $19 per head for steers fed 14.6%, 26.2%, and 35.7%, respectively, based on a formula price for wet DGS related to price of corn and including a charge for transportation of the wet feed.


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A 3-year study, using 84 fall-born and 28 spring-born calves of similar genotypes, was conducted to integrate pasturing systems with drylot feeding systems. Calves were started on test following weaning in May and October. Seven treatments were imposed: 1) fall-born calves directly into feedlot; 2 and 3) fall-born calves put on pasture with or without ionophore and moved to the feedlot at the end of July; 4 and 5) fall-born calves put on pasture with or without ionophore and moved to the feedlot at the end of October; 6 and 7) spring-born calves put on pasture with or without ionophore and moved to the feedlot at the end of October. A bromegrass pasture consisting of 16 paddocks, each 1.7 acre in size, was available. Each treatment group had access to 1 paddock at a time and was rotated at approximately 3-day intervals. In the feedlot, steers were provided an 82% concentrate diet containing whole-shelled corn, ground alfalfa hay, and a protein, vitamin and mineral supplement containing ionophore and molasses. As pens of cattle reached about 1150 lb. average live weight, they were processed and carcass traits were evaluated. Pasture daily gains were highest for cattle on pasture for the longest duration (P < .03), and overall daily gains were highest for drylot cattle (P < .01) and decreased with increased time spent on pasture. Although differences among treatments existed in numerical scores for yield and quality grades (P < .05 and P < .03, respectively), all treatments provided average yield grade scores of 2 and quality grades of low Choice or higher. Use of four production costs and pricing scenarios revealed that fall-born calves placed on pasture for varying lengths of time were the most profitable (P < .04) among the treatments. Furthermore, employing a 5% price sensitivity analysis, indicated that fed-cattle selling price had great impact on profit potential and was followed in importance by feeder purchase price and corn grain price. Overall, these findings should provide significant production alternatives for some segments of the cattle feeding industry and also lend substantial credence to the concept of sustainable agriculture.


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Berseem clover and oats were incorporated into a corncorn- oat/berseem clover rotation in 1994 and 1995. Two cuttings of oat-berseem clover hay were harvested during the summer before forage was allowed to stockpile for winter grazing. In 1995, a brown midrib sorghum x sudangrass hybrid was seeded into a field adjacent to a corn field. After corn grain harvest in 1994 and 1995, Charolais x Angus x Simmental cows in midgestation were allotted to replicated fields containing corn crop residues with no complementary forages at 2.5 acres/cow, or corn crop residues and stockpiled berseem clover (2:1) at 2.5 acres/cow to simultaneously graze, or to a drylot. In 1995, cows were allotted to fields containing corn crop residues and brown midrib sorghum x sudangrass (7:3) at 2.5 acres/cow. Berseem clover had greater concentrations of digestible organic matter and crude protein than corn crop residues at the initiation of grazing, but had a more rapid decrease in digestible organic matter concentration than corn crop residues. Brown midrib sorghum x sudangrass forage also had a higher initial concentration of digestible organic matter, but an equal rate of decrease in digestible organic matter concentration to corn crop residues in ungrazed areas of the field. Cows grazing berseem clover with corn crop residues had greater body condition score increases during the first half of the grazing season than cows grazing corn crop residues without complementary forages. Cows grazing corn crop residues without complementary forages required 2,786 and 1,412 less lb hay per cow than cows maintained in a drylot in 1994 and 1995. In 1994, simultaneous grazing of berseem clover with corn crop residues did not reduce hay feeding more than feeding corn crop residues alone. However, in 1995, grazing berseem clover or brown midrib sorghum x sudangrass with corn crop residues reduced the amount of hay required to maintain cows by 358 and 376 lb hay per cow compared with grazing corn crop residues without complementary forage.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da inclusão de caroço de algodão e vitamina E em dietas para bovinos confinados por 83, 104 e 111 dias sobre as características da carcaça, qualidade da carne e características sensoriais da carne in natura e de hambúrgueres. Foram utilizados 54 bovinos da raça Nelore, machos, não castrados, com média de 350 kg ± 30 kg de peso vivo inicial e 24 meses de idade, divididos em três grupos de acordo com o peso vivo inicial e distribuídos em três dietas: dieta sem inclusão de caroço de algodão (C), dieta contendo 30% MS de caroço de algodão (CA) e dieta contendo 30% MS de caroço de algodão e 500 UI de vitamina E/kg de matéria seca da ração (CAE). As dietas empregadas foram compostas de diferentes concentrados, incluindo milho grão seco, polpa cítrica, bagaço de cana cru e farelo de soja, com relação volumoso:concentrado de 14:86 e média de 16% PB nas três dietas. Os animais abatidos aos 83 dias de confinamento eram correspondentes ao grupo de maior peso vivo, já os animais mais leves foram abatidos aos 111 dias de confinamento. O experimento foi em arranjo fatorial 3 x 3, considerando três dietas e três períodos de confinamento, totalizando 9 tratamentos. Os animais que permaneceram em confinamento por mais tempo apresentaram maior rendimento de carcaça (56,33%) e carnes mais macias (3,02 kg). As dietas CA e CAE resultaram em menor força de cisalhamento (3,15 e 3,31 kg, respectivamente). A inclusão de vitamina E se mostrou indiferente para a cor e TBARS, em relação à dieta CA. A inclusão do caroço de algodão em dietas para bovinos não influenciou no teor de ácidos graxos saturados, porém aumentou os teores de alguns ácidos graxos poli-insaturados (AGPI) nas carnes. Por outro lado, houve um aumento linear nos níveis de ácidos graxos saturados (AGS) à medida que aumentaram os dias de confinamento. Em relação às características sensoriais, no teste descritivo, as carnes in natura dos animais alimentados com CA e CAE foram mais macias e suculentas (P < 0,05), porém apresentaram um sabor mais intenso e os provadores treinados detectaram um sabor estranho nestas carnes (P < 0,05). No entanto, para o teste afetivo, apenas foi detectado sabor estranho para os hambúrgueres provenientes da dieta CA, os atributos aroma e aroma estranho não foram influenciados pelas dietas (P > 0,05). Por meio do teste discriminativo, foi observado que os hambúrgueres provenientes de animais alimentados com CA e CAE por 104 e 111 dias de confinamento apresentaram diferença em relação ao sabor quando comparados aos hambúrgueres de animais do grupo C destes mesmos períodos, e que os hambúrgueres da dieta CA não apresentaram diferença de sabor quanto aos dias de confinamento. A inclusão de 30% MS de caroço de algodão mostrou ser uma boa alternativa para melhorar as características físico-químicas da carne e seu perfil de ácidos graxos, entretanto atribui um sabor estranho ao produto final, independente do período de confinamento, sendo perceptível ao consumidor e reduzindo aceitabilidade. Ao longo dos dias de confinamento, a carne dos animais se torna menos saudável, do ponto de vista de composição lipídica, ao consumo humano. A adição de 500 UI de vitamina E em dietas contendo caroço de algodão mostrou-se desnecessária


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Foram conduzidos dois experimentos com o intuito de se avaliar o desempenho, características de carcaça e parâmetros ruminais de bovinos Nelore recebendo dietas contendo grãos de milho flint processados de diferentes formas em associação a diferentes aditivos e níveis de FDN de silagem de milho (FDNf). No Experimento 1, 239 tourinhos (PCI=350±26,79kg) foram alojados em 40 baias de acordo com o peso corporal inicial e receberam dietas contendo dois tipos de processamento dos grãos de milho (moagem fina e floculação) e diferentes aditivos (monensina sódica; 25 ppm e formulação A062 a base de virginiamicina; produto teste, não comercial, fornecido pela Ourofino Saúde Animal; nas dosagens de 17 e 25 ppm), totalizando 8 tratamentos. Os dados foram analisados pelo PROC MIXED do SAS. A floculação aumentou o peso final, o ganho de peso diário, a eficiência alimentar, o peso da carcaça quente e tendeu a aumentar o rendimento de carcaça em comparação a moagem fina. Houve tendência de interação entre processamento e fornecimento de aditivos para a ingestão de matéria seca e ganho de peso diário. A floculação reduziu o teor de amido fecal, aumentou a digestibilidade do amido no trato total, aumentou os valores de energia liquida para manutenção e ganho da dieta e o numero médio de papilas ruminais. Os aditivos aumentaram a altura, largura e área das papilas e reduziram a espessura de faixa de queratina em relação ao tratamento controle. Houve tendência das formulações a base de virginiamicina aumentarem o peso da carcaça quente dos animais em comparação com a monensina sódica, mas não em relação ao tratamento controle sem aditivo. A floculação foi mais efetiva para aumentar a digestiblidade do amido no trato total, o valor energético do milho e o desempenho dos bovinos enquanto que os aditivos não foram efetivos para aumentar o valor energético das dietas e a eficiência alimentar dos animais. No Experimento 2, 237 tourinhos (PCI=350±28,49kg) foram alojados em 32 baias de acordo com o peso corporal inicial e receberam dietas contendo dois tipos de processamento (moagem grosseira e floculação) e diferentes níveis de FDNf (4; 7; 10 e 13% MS), totalizando 8 tratamentos. Os dados foram analisados pelo PROC MIXED do SAS. A floculação tendeu a aumentar a eficiência alimentar, o peso da carcaça quente e a espessura de gordura subcutânea, reduziu o teor de amido fecal, aumentou a digestibilidade do amido no trato total como também aumentou os valores de energia liquida para manutenção e para ganho das dietas. Os níveis de FDNf afetaram ingestão de matéria seca e o peso da carcaça quente independente do método de processamento. Houve tendência de aumento linear no GPD e tendência de redução quadrática na eficiência alimentar com inclusão crescente de FDNf. A inclusão de silagem de milho em dietas com alto teor de milho flint reduziu a eficiência alimentar dos animais, mas aumentou o peso da carcaça quente. A floculação aumentou o valor energético do cereal para tourinhos Nelore em dietas com alto teor de energia.


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Nitrogen (N) is one of the major nutrients nutrients absorbed in corn crops, for this reason, nitrogen based fertilizers are expensive and suffer large losses to the environment. Therefore, a diversity of fertilizers, known as special or of enhanced efficiency fertilizers, has been commercialized. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different sources and levels of nitrogen fertilization in coverage, for agronomic characteristics and corn grain productivity, cultivated in the Cerrado region. The experiment was installed in 2015, in Monte Carmelo-MG. The experimental design utilized was a RCBD with four replications. The treatments consisted of five N sources (common urea, polymerized urea, urea combined with NBPT (thiophosphate N-n-butiltriamida or N-n-butiltriamida of thiophosphoric acid), organomineral combined or not with NBPT), five topdress N levels (40, 80, 120, 160 and 200 kg ha-1) and a control (no N topdressing). The evaluated parameters were: the first spike insertion height (FSIH), plant height (PH), stem diameter (DC), number of rows per spike (RS), number of grains per row (GR), spike length (SL), spike diameter (SD), prolificacy (EP), 1,000-grain weight (TGW), leaf chlorophyll index (LCI), content of foliar nutrients, dry matter in aerial part of the plant (DM) and productivity (PG). The results showed that, with the exception of stem diameter, there was no significant statistical difference between sources of nitrogen, indicating that the organomineral source is as efficient as a mineral source. Regardless of the source, the addition of N fertilizers in increasing doses promoted enhanced development of corn plants, increased chlorophyll content, stem diameter, leaf N content, crude protein and productivity. For most phytotechnical features, there was no significant statistic difference in treatments compared to control.


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v. 17, n .2, p. 164-174, abr./jun. 2016.


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The use of cover crops is a fundamental strategy to the weed management in Southern Brazil. In highly infested areas, the herbicides use is increasing, which increases the costs of the crops production as well as the environmental contamination. Oat and velvet bean plants havecontrasting characteristics regarding to residues decomposition speed and the capacity to immobilize Nitrogen in the soil, providing distinct results of weeds suppression throughout the time, and therefore, requiring distinct management strategies before, during, and after the corn crop establishment. The general objective of the experiment was to evaluate the environmental dynamics of the herbicide atrazine, the corn grain yield, and the efficiency of the weed control, considering areas with distinct history regarding the use of mulching, levels of straw and rates of atrazine. For this, the experiment was carried out in two parts: in the first part, two trials with the corn crop were established, one using oat and the other using velvet bean as cover crops. The experimental design used for both field trials was randomized complete blocks arrangement with four replications. The factor A was constituted by four levels of straw (0; 0.75x; 1.5x; 3x) and the factor B was constituted by four rates of the herbicide atrazine (0; 2100; 4200; 8400 g a i. ha-1). Soil samples were collected for greenhouse trialsto determine the persistence. Atrazine leaching evaluation was performed by chromatography using samples collected over the soil profile.In the field, the weed density, the fresh and dry weight and the yield of the corn were evaluated. In the greenhouse trials, the main variables evaluated were plant height and injury caused by the herbicide toxicity. In the second part, soils with distinct covering history were sampled, and the mineralization and sorption studies, both with 14C-atrazine, were conducted in the laboratory. The experimental design was randomized complete blocks arrangement with four replications. The results from the field experiment show that the high levels of straw above ground, isolated, were not efficient to control completely the weeds, and that high levels of velvet bean`s straw decreased the corn potential yield. The greenhouse trials showed that high levels of oat straw prevent the scape of atrazine to soil, this effect of oat straw upon the herbicide availability on soil was detected up to 12 days after spraying. The half-life of atrazine sprayed over oat straw varied from 7 to 14 days after spraying, while the half-life of atrazine sprayed over velvet bean varied from 5 to 14 days after spraying. Increasing oat straw levels presents the capacity to reduce the lixiviation of atrazine in the soil profile, however, this effect was not verified when using velvet bean straw, because the herbicide was not detected in the soil profile, at 21 days after spraying. The chromatographic analysis indicate thatthe atrazine concentrates closer to the soil surface regardless of amount of straw, not being detected deeper than 8 cm in the soil. The accumulated mineralization of 14C-arazine sprayed over V. sativa is superior if compared to soils with S. cereale or non-covered soils. The sorption coefficient of atrazine is superior when sprayed over straw than over the soil.


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The competitiveness in the rural sector and the need to make viable and sustainable property, direct the farmer to seek new production strategies. In this sense, the book Techniques of sustainable agricultural management has as objective contributed information on concepts, management practices, technological innovations, which are applicable in the agricultural production. The same is composed of 13 chapters, topics covered in aquaculture production, management and dairy production, as general aspects of hematology fish; dynamics of decision-making and adaptive flow dairy production systems; importance of performance measures and body biometrics in small ruminants; milk production in beef cows; parasitism in beef cattle; performance of dairy cows in production; efficiency of cross beef cattle in finishing phase; development of Marchangus: five years; and, bovine growth efficiency. In vegetable production area are addressed matters relating on management and olive cultivation, species of great economic importance and diversification as alternative on the property; functional foods in fruit and vegetables; influence of environmental factors, harvesting and drying in the production and composition of essential oils of Mentha spp; and, implication of the contamination of corn grain by mycotoxins in livestock production. At the end of the book, the expectation of the authors is to have contributed with relevant themes of Brazilian agriculture, which could reflect positively on knowledge, values and quality of available material.


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The 2014 Farm Bill created Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO), a new add-on crop insurance option which provides supplemental coverage on a producer’s underlying crop insurance policy. SCO operates by mimicking a producer’s individual crop insurance coverage and covering a portion of the deductible based on county-level yield or revenue. SCO is available in select Maryland counties for apples, barley, corn, grain sorghum, green peas, oats, peaches, processing beans, soybeans, sweet corn, and winter wheat, as of the 2017 crop year. USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) continues to expand covered counties and crops covered, and begin distinguishing by practices (such as irrigated compared to non-irrigated).


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Objetivo: En este estudio, el proceso de pelado de maíz con cal(PPC) fue documentado y sus parámetros optimizados mediante un diseño experimental, con el fin de conseguir un pelado completo del maíz con el mínimo grado de contaminación con fumonisinas. La presencia de fumonisina B1 (FB1) en el maíz fue analizada mediante HPLC-RP-FLD. Metodología: Los experimentos se realizaron a partir de un lote de maíz en grano seco conformado por submuestras provistas por agricultores seleccionados del cantón Nabón de la provincia del Azuay en base a un trabajo de investigación previo realizado por el proyecto VLIR-IUC, “Nutrición, Alimentación y Salud”. El diseño experimental fue divido en tres etapas: la caracterización de proceso, el mismo que se realizó mediante encuestas y observaciones in situ; pruebas de agotamiento de cal para el PPC, las que se realizaron partiendo de los datos recogidos en la primera etapa, y las pruebas de evaluación del PPC en la reducción de fumonisinas B1. Resultados y conclusiones: Se observó que, independiente de la concentración de cal utilizada, la etapa de pelado produjo una reducción de 8.73 veces la concentración de FB1 del maíz crudo (P=0.030), y que el maíz pelado y cocinado presentó una reducción de 9.14 veces (P=0.019). Recomendaciones: Se recomienda continuar con la experimentación para elucidar si la reducción de FB1se debió al proceso mecánico de remoción de la cáscara, o a la transformación química en su forma hidrolizada, por lo que este trabajo podría considerarse como un estudio explorativo preliminar.


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Landfill leachates carry nutrients, especially N and K, which can be recycled in cropping systems. We applied doses of landfill leachate (0 [Control], 32.7, 65.4, 98.1, and 130.8 m3 ha-1 ) three times in 2008 and three times in 2009 on a clay Rhodic Kandiudult soil. In 2009, black oat (Avena strigosa L.) and corn (Zea mays L.) were cropped in succession and assessed for concentration of nutrients in leaves and for shoot biomass and grain yield, respectively. As a positive control, an additional treatment with urea (120 kg ha-1 of N) was studied in corn. Soil was sampled at four depths (down to 60 cm) in three sampling dates to assess chemical and biochemical properties. Concentration of nutrients in leaves, oat biomass (8530?23,240 kg ha-1), and corn grain yield (4703-8807 kg ha-1 ) increased with increasing doses of leachate. There was a transient increase in the concentration of nitrate in soil (3-30 mg kg-1), increasing the risk of N losses by leaching at doses above 120 kg ha-1 N, as revealed by an estimated N balance in the cropping system. Sodium and K in soil also increased with increasing doses of leachate but decreased as rainfall occurred. The activity of dehydrogenase decreased about 30% from the control to the highest dose of leachate and urea, suggesting an inhibitory effect of mineral N on microbial metabolism. Landfill leachate was promising as a source of N and K for crop productivity and caused minor or transient effects on soil properties.