869 resultados para computational geometry
In the development of a ventricular assist device, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis is an efficient tool to obtain the best design before making the final prototype. In this study, different designs of a centrifugal blood pump were developed to investigate flow characteristics and performance. This study assumed the blood flow as being an incompressible homogeneous Newtonian fluid. A constant velocity was applied at the inlet; no slip boundary conditions were applied at device wall; and pressure boundary conditions were applied at the outlet. The CFD code used in this work was based on the finite volume method. In the future, the results of CFD analysis can be compared with flow visualization and hemolysis tests.
Honeycomb structures have been used in different engineering fields. In civil engineering, honeycomb fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) structures have been used as bridge decks to rehabilitate highway bridges in the United States. In this work, a simplified finite-element modeling technique for honeycomb FRP bridge decks is presented. The motivation is the combination of the complex geometry of honeycomb FRP decks and computational limits, which may prevent modeling of these decks in detail. The results from static and modal analyses indicate that the proposed modeling technique provides a viable tool for modeling the complex geometry of honeycomb FRP bridge decks. The modeling of other bridge components (e.g., steel girders, steel guardrails, deck-to-girder connections, and pier supports) is also presented in this work.
In this work, an axisymmetric two-dimensional finite element model was developed to simulate instrumented indentation testing of thin ceramic films deposited onto hard steel substrates. The level of film residual stress (sigma(r)), the film elastic modulus (E) and the film work hardening exponent (n) were varied to analyze their effects on indentation data. These numerical results were used to analyze experimental data that were obtained with titanium nitride coated specimens, in which the substrate bias applied during deposition was modified to obtain films with different levels of sigma(r). Good qualitative correlation was obtained when numerical and experimental results were compared, as long as all film properties are considered in the analyses, and not only sigma(r). The numerical analyses were also used to further understand the effect of sigma(r) on the mechanical properties calculated based on instrumented indentation data. In this case, the hardness values obtained based on real or calculated contact areas are similar only when sink-in occurs, i.e. with high n or high ratio VIE, where Y is the yield strength of the film. In an additional analysis, four ratios (R/h(max)) between indenter tip radius and maximum penetration depth were simulated to analyze the combined effects of R and sigma(r) on the indentation load-displacement curves. In this case, or did not significantly affect the load curve exponent, which was affected only by the indenter tip radius. On the other hand, the proportional curvature coefficient was significantly affected by sigma(r) and n. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
UV-LIGA is a versatile technique which allows the fabrication of metal parts with high aspect ratio (height / width) through the combination of a photolithographic processing of a polymer and the electroforming of a metal inside the cavities engraved in the polymer. This low-cost technique is used in a variety of areas including microfluidic, optics, instrumentation, plastic molding and telecommunications, among others. To approximate Colombia to this modern technologies for materials processing, the Materials Science and Technology Group has started an appropriation process of microfabrication techniques, specifically, this paper presents the results of UV-LIGA technique implementation for the fabrication of Nickel microparts, and examine the effects of mold geometry on the growing speed and integrity of the obtained deposits, important parameters in order to achieve the fabrication of complex micrometric parts that leads to devices with commercial applications.
The well-known modified Garabedian-Mcfadden (MGM) method is an attractive alternative for aerodynamic inverse design, for its simplicity and effectiveness (P. Garabedian and G. Mcfadden, Design of supercritical swept wings, AIAA J. 20(3) (1982), 289-291; J.B. Malone, J. Vadyak, and L.N. Sankar, Inverse aerodynamic design method for aircraft components, J. Aircraft 24(2) (1987), 8-9; Santos, A hybrid optimization method for aerodynamic design of lifting surfaces, PhD Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1993). Owing to these characteristics, the method has been the subject of several authors over the years (G.S. Dulikravich and D.P. Baker, Aerodynamic shape inverse design using a Fourier series method, in AIAA paper 99-0185, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 1999; D.H. Silva and L.N. Sankar, An inverse method for the design of transonic wings, in 1992 Aerospace Design Conference, No. 92-1025 in proceedings, AIAA, Irvine, CA, February 1992, 1-11; W. Bartelheimer, An Improved Integral Equation Method for the Design of Transonic Airfoils and Wings, AIAA Inc., 1995). More recently, a hybrid formulation and a multi-point algorithm were developed on the basis of the original MGM. This article discusses applications of those latest developments for airfoil and wing design. The test cases focus on wing-body aerodynamic interference and shock wave removal applications. The DLR-F6 geometry is picked as the baseline for the analysis.
This paper reports theoretical and experimental studies of gas-phase fragmentation reactions of four naturally occurring isoflavones. The samples were analyzed in negative ion mode by direct infusion in ESI-QqQ, ESI-QqTOF and ESI-Orbitrap systems. The MS/MS and MS(n) spectra are in agreement with the fragmentation proposals and high-resolution analyses have confirmed the formulae for each ion observed. As expected, compounds with methoxyl aromatic substitution have showed a radical elimination of center dot CH(3) as the main fragmentation pathway. A second radical loss (center dot H) occurs as previously observed for compounds which exhibit a previous homolytic center dot CH(3) cleavage (radical anion) and involves radical resonance to stabilize the anion formed. However, in this study we suggest another mechanism for the formation of the main ions, on the basis of the enthalpies for each species. Compounds without methoxy substituent dissociate at the highest energies and exhibit the deprotonated molecule as the most intense ion. Finally, energy-resolved experiments were carried out to give more details about the gas-phase dissociation reaction of the isoflavones and the results are in agreement with the theoretical approaches. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The oxidation of critical cysteines/related thiols of adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT) is believed to be an important event of the Ca(2+)-induced mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT), a process mediated by a cyclosporine A/ADP-sensitive permeability transition pores (PTP) opening. We addressed the ANT-Cys(56) relative mobility status resulting from the interaction of ANT/surrounding cardiolipins with Ca(2+) and/or ADP by means of computational chemistry analysis (Molecular Interaction Fields and Molecular Dynamics studies), supported by classic mitochondrial swelling assays. The following events were predicted: (i) Ca(2+) interacts preferentially with the ANT surrounding cardiolipins bound to the H4 helix of translocase, (ii) weakens the cardiolipins/ANT interactions and (iii) destabilizes the initial ANT-Cys(56) residue increasing its relative mobility. The binding of ADP that stabilizes the conformation ""m"" of ANT and/or cardiolipin, respectively to H5 and H4 helices, could stabilize their contacts with the short helix h56 that includes Cys(56), accounting for reducing its relative mobility. The results suggest that Ca(2+) binding to adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT)-surrounding cardiolipins in c-state of the translocase enhances (ANT)-Cys(56) relative mobility and that this may constitute a potential critical step of Ca(2+)-induced PTP opening. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper provides a computational framework, based on Defeasible Logic, to capture some aspects of institutional agency. Our background is Kanger-Lindahl-P\"orn account of organised interaction, which describes this interaction within a multi-modal logical setting. This work focuses in particular on the notions of counts-as link and on those of attempt and of personal and direct action to realise states of affairs. We show how standard Defeasible Logic can be extended to represent these concepts: the resulting system preserves some basic properties commonly attributed to them. In addition, the framework enjoys nice computational properties, as it turns out that the extension of any theory can be computed in time linear to the size of the theory itself.
This paper describes U2DE, a finite-volume code that numerically solves the Euler equations. The code was used to perform multi-dimensional simulations of the gradual opening of a primary diaphragm in a shock tube. From the simulations, the speed of the developing shock wave was recorded and compared with other estimates. The ability of U2DE to compute shock speed was confirmed by comparing numerical results with the analytic solution for an ideal shock tube. For high initial pressure ratios across the diaphragm, previous experiments have shown that the measured shock speed can exceed the shock speed predicted by one-dimensional models. The shock speeds computed with the present multi-dimensional simulation were higher than those estimated by previous one-dimensional models and, thus, were closer to the experimental measurements. This indicates that multi-dimensional flow effects were partly responsible for the relatively high shock speeds measured in the experiments.
In most Of the practical six-actuator in-parallel manipulators, the octahedral form is either taken as it stands or is approximated. Yet considerable theoretical attention is paid in the literature to more general forms. Here we touch on the general form, and describe some aspects of its behavior that vitiate strongly against its adoption as a pattern for a realistic manipulate,: We reach the conclusion that the structure for in-parallel manipulators must be triangulated as fully as possible, so leading to the octahedral form. In describing some of the geometrical properties of the general octahedron, we show how they apply to manipulators. We examine in detail the special configurations at which the 6 x 6 matrix of leg lines is singular presenting results from the point of view of geometry in preference to analysis. In extending and enlarging on some known properties, a few behavioral surprises materialize. In studying special configurations, we start with the most general situation, and every other case derives from this. Our coverage is more comprehensive than any that we have found. We bring to light material that is, we think, of significant use to a designer.
Computer models can be combined with laboratory experiments for the efficient determination of (i) peptides that bind MHC molecules and (ii) T-cell epitopes. For maximum benefit, the use of computer models must be treated as experiments analogous to standard laboratory procedures. This requires the definition of standards and experimental protocols for model application. We describe the requirements for validation and assessment of computer models. The utility of combining accurate predictions with a limited number of laboratory experiments is illustrated by practical examples. These include the identification of T-cell epitopes from IDDM-, melanoma- and malaria-related antigens by combining computational and conventional laboratory assays. The success rate in determining antigenic peptides, each in the context of a specific HLA molecule, ranged from 27 to 71%, while the natural prevalence of MHC-binding peptides is 0.1-5%.
In this and a preceding paper, we provide an introduction to the Fujitsu VPP range of vector-parallel supercomputers and to some of the computational chemistry software available for the VPP. Here, we consider the implementation and performance of seven popular chemistry application packages. The codes discussed range from classical molecular dynamics to semiempirical and ab initio quantum chemistry. All have evolved from sequential codes, and have typically been parallelised using a replicated data approach. As such they are well suited to the large-memory/fast-processor architecture of the VPP. For one code, CASTEP, a distributed-memory data-driven parallelisation scheme is presented. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
To investigate whether there are gender differences in the bone geometry of the proximal femur during the adolescent years we used an interactive computer program ?Hip Strength Analysis? developed by Beck and associates (Beck et al., Invest Radiol. 1990,25:6-18.) to derive femoral neck geometry parameters from DXA bone scans (Hologic 2000, array mode). We analyzed a longitudinal data-set collected on 70 boys and 68 girls over a seven year period. Distance and velocity curves for height were fitted for each child utilizing a cubic spline procedure and the age of peak height velocity (PHV) was determined. To control for maturational differences between children of the same chronological age and between boys and girls, section modulus (Z) an index of bending strength, cross sectional area of bone (CSA), sub-periosteal width (SPW), and BMD values at the neck and shaft of the proximal femur were determined for points on each individual?s curve at the age of PHV and one and two years on either side of peak. To control for size differences, height and weight were introduced as co-variates in the two-way analyses of variance looking at gender over time measured at the maturational age points (-2, -1, age of PHV, +1, +2). The following figure presents the results of the analyses on two variables, BMD and Z at neck and shaft regions:After the age of peak linear growth (PHV), independent of body size, there was a gender difference in BMD at the shaft but not at the neck. Section modulus at both sites indicated that male bones became significantly stronger after PHV. Underlying these maturational changes, male bones became wider (SPW) after PHV in both the neck and shaft and enclosed more material (CSA) at all maturational age points at both regions. These results call into question the emphasis on using BMD as a measure of skeletal integrity in growing children
Protein kinases exhibit various degrees of substrate specificity. The large number of different protein kinases in the eukaryotic proteomes makes it impractical to determine the specificity of each enzyme experimentally. To test if it were possible to discriminate potential substrates from non-substrates by simple computational techniques, we analysed the binding enthalpies of modelled enzyme-substrate complexes and attempted to correlate it with experimental enzyme kinetics measurements. The crystal structures of phosphorylase kinase and cAMP-dependent protein kinase were used to generate models of the enzyme with a series of known peptide substrates and non-substrates, and the approximate enthalpy of binding assessed following energy minimization. We show that the computed enthalpies do not correlate closely with kinetic measurements, but the method can distinguish good substrates from weak substrates and non-substrates. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
Surge flow phenomena. e.g.. as a consequence of a dam failure or a flash flood, represent free boundary problems. ne extending computational domain together with the discontinuities involved renders their numerical solution a cumbersome procedure. This contribution proposes an analytical solution to the problem, It is based on the slightly modified zero-inertia (ZI) differential equations for nonprismatic channels and uses exclusively physical parameters. Employing the concept of a momentum-representative cross section of the moving water body together with a specific relationship for describing the cross sectional geometry leads, after considerable mathematical calculus. to the analytical solution. The hydrodynamic analytical model is free of numerical troubles, easy to run, computationally efficient. and fully satisfies the law of volume conservation. In a first test series, the hydrodynamic analytical ZI model compares very favorably with a full hydrodynamic numerical model in respect to published results of surge flow simulations in different types of prismatic channels. In order to extend these considerations to natural rivers, the accuracy of the analytical model in describing an irregular cross section is investigated and tested successfully. A sensitivity and error analysis reveals the important impact of the hydraulic radius on the velocity of the surge, and this underlines the importance of an adequate description of the topography, The new approach is finally applied to simulate a surge propagating down the irregularly shaped Isar Valley in the Bavarian Alps after a hypothetical dam failure. The straightforward and fully stable computation of the flood hydrograph along the Isar Valley clearly reflects the impact of the strongly varying topographic characteristics on the How phenomenon. Apart from treating surge flow phenomena as a whole, the analytical solution also offers a rigorous alternative to both (a) the approximate Whitham solution, for generating initial values, and (b) the rough volume balance techniques used to model the wave tip in numerical surge flow computations.