989 resultados para composed aggregation function


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Chambers (1998) explores the interaction between long memory and aggregation. For continuous-time processes, he takes the aliasing effect into account when studying temporal aggregation. For discrete-time processes, however, he seems to fail to do so. This note gives the spectral density function of temporally aggregated long memory discrete-time processes in light of the aliasing effect. The results are different from those in Chambers (1998) and are supported by a small simulation exercise. As a result, the order of aggregation may not be invariant to temporal aggregation, specifically if d is negative and the aggregation is of the stock type.


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Since the first description of sulfated polysaccharides from seaweeds, the biological activities of these compounds have been evaluated under different aspects and experimental procedures. Among the broad biological activities presented by seaweed polysaccharides, anticoagulant action appears as a promising function. In this present study we have obtained sulfated polysaccharides from the green seaweed Codium isthmocladium by proteolytic digestion, followed by separation into five fractions (0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9 and 1.2) by sequential acetone precipitation. The chemical analyses have demonstrated that all fractions are composed mainly by sulfated polysaccharides. The anticoagulant activity of these fractions was determined by activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) and prothrombin time test (PT) using citrate normal human plasma. None fraction has shown anticoagulant activity by PT test. Furthermore, all of them have shown anticoagulant activity by aPTT test. These results indicated that the molecular targets of these sulfated polysaccharides are mainly in the intrinsic via of the coagulation cascade. Agarose gel electrophoresis in 1,3-diaminopropane acetate buffer, pH 9.0, stained with 0.1% toluidine blue showed the presence of two or three bands in several fractions while the fraction 0.9 showed a single spot. By anion exchange chromatography, the acid polysaccharides from the 0.9 acetone fraction were separated into two new fractions eluted respectively with 2.0 and 3.0 M NaCl. These compounds showed a molecular weight of 6.4 and 7.4 kDa respectively. Chemical analyses and infrared spectroscopy showed that Gal 1 and Gal 2 are sulfated homogalactans and differ one from the other in degree and localization of sulfate groups. aPPT test demonstrated that fractions 2,0 and 3,0M (Gal1 and Gal 2, respectively) have anticoagulant activity. This is the first time that anticoagulant sulfated homogalatans have been isolated from green algae. To prolong the coagulation time to double the baseline value in the aPTT, the required amount of sulfated galactan 1 (6,3mg) was similar to low molecular heparin Clexane®, whereas only 0,7mg of sulfated galactan 2 was needed to obtain the same effect. Sulfated galactan 2 in high doses (250mg) induces platelet aggregation. These results suggest that these galactans from C. isthmocladum have a potential application as an anticoagulant drug


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This study described the formulation and characterisation of the viscoelastic, mechanical and mucoadhesive properties of thermoresponsive, binary polymeric systems composed of poloxamer (P407) and poly(acrylic acid, C974P) that were designed for use as a drug delivery platform within the oral cavity. Monopolymeric and binary polymeric formulations were prepared containing 10, 15 and 20% (w/w) poloxamer (407) and 0.10-0.25% (w/w) poly(acrylic acid, 934P). The flow theological and viscoelastic properties of the formulations were determined using controlled stress and oscillatory rheometry, respectively, the latter as a function of temperature. The mechanical and mucoadhesive properties (namely the force required to break the bond between the formulation and a pre-hydrated mucin disc) were determined using compression and tensile analysis, respectively. Binary systems composed of 10% (w/w) P407 and C934P were elastoviscous, were easily deformed under stress and did not exhibit mucoadhesion. Formulations containing 15 or 20% (w/w) Pluronic P407 and C934P exhibited a sol-gel temperature T(sol/gel), were viscoelastic and offered high elasticity and resistance to deformation at 37 degrees C. Conversely these formulations were elastoviscous and easily deformed at temperatures below the sol-gel transition temperature. The sol-gel transition temperatures of systems containing 15% (w/w) P407 were unaffected by the presence of C934P; however, increasing the concentration of C934P decreased the T(sol/gel) in formulations containing 20%(w/w) P407. Rheological synergy between P407 and C934P at 37 degrees C was observed and was accredited to secondary interactions between these polymers, in addition to hydrophobic interactions between P407 micelles. Importantly, formulations composed of 20% (w/w) P407 and C934P exhibited pronounced mucoadhesive properties. The ease of administration (below the T(sol/gel)) in conjunction with the viscoelastic (notably high elasticity) and mucoadhesive properties (at body temperature) render the formulations composed of 20% (w/w) P407 and C934P as potentially useful platforms for mucoadhesive, controlled topical drug delivery within the oral cavity. (c) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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A agregação plaquetária avalia a função das plaquetas através de diferentes vias de ativação plaquetária in vitro, fornecendo traçados de ondas equivalentes à propriedade física dessa agregação. Sabendo-se que a aspirina acetila irrever­sivelmente a enzima cicloxigenase prevenindo a geração de tromboxana A2, potente ativador da agregação plaquetária, esta droga tem sido analisada há mais de trinta anos na clínica médica em pacientes com doenças cardiovasculares como uma potente droga antitrombótica. Foram nossos objetivos obter traçados de ondas correspondentes às fases da agregação plaquetária para nossa padronização utilizando nosso grupo controle de doadores de sangue e compará-las com nosso grupo estudo, frente a diferentes agentes agonistas em diferentes concentrações: ADP 1µM e 3µM; AA, 0,5mM; ADR, 0,05 mg/mL, 0,025 mg/mL e 0,010 mg/mL. Os grupos analisados foram constituídos por 41 cardíacos e 40 doadores de sangue considerados controle. Dos cardíacos, 33 faziam uso regular do AAS na concentração de 200 mg/dia e oito na concentração de 100 mg/dia, sendo todos considerados hipertensos. A padronização da agregometria estava na dependência do encontro de traçados correspondentes a ondas de agregação, sendo esses obtidos em porcentagem no tempo de cinco minutos estandartizados pelo aparelho utilizado. Comparando os resultados entre os pacientes e o grupo controle, foi possível observar que, na presença dos agentes agregantes ADP 1µM e ADP 3 µM, ADR 0,05 mg/mL, 0,025mg/mL e 0,010 mg/mL, os pacientes apresentaram 1ª onda, mas não 2ª onda. Por sua vez, no caso do AA 0,5 mM não houve o encontro de traçados de ondas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Phospholipases A(2) constitute the major components from Bothrops snake venoms and have been extensively investigated not only because they are relatively very abundant in these venoms but mainly because they display a range of many relevant biological effects, including: myotoxic, cytotoxic, edema-inducing, artificial membrane disrupting, anticoagulant, neuromuscular, platelet aggregation inhibiting, hypotensive, bactericidal, anti-HIV, anti-tumoural, anti-malarial and anti-parasitic. The primary structures of several PLA(2)s have been elucidated through direct amino acid sequencing or, inderectly, through the corresponding nucleotide sequencing. Two main subgroups were thus described: (i) Asp49 PLA(2)s, showing low (basic, highly myotoxic) to relatively high (acidic, less or non myotoxic) Ca++-dependent hydrolytic activity upon artificial substrates; (ii) Lys49 PLA(2)s (basic, highly myotoxic) , showing no detectable hydrolytic activity on artificial substrates. Several crystal structures of Lys49 PLAs from genus Bothrops have already been solved, revealing very similar fold patterns. Lack of catalytic activity of myotoxic Lys49-PLA(2)s, first related solely with the fact that Lys49 occupies the position of the calcium ion in the catalyticly active site of Asp49 PLA(2)s, is now also attributed to Lys122 which interacts with the carbonyl of Cys29 hyperpolarising the peptide bond between Cys29 and Gly30 and trapping the fatty acid product in the active site, thus interrupting the catalytic cycle. This hypothesis, supported for three recent structures, is also discussed here. All Asp49 myotoxins showed to be pharmacologically more potent when compared with the Lys49 variants, but phospholipid hydrolysis is not an indispensable condition for the myotoxic, cytotoxic, bactericidal, anti-HIV, anti-parasitic, liposome disrupting or edema-inducing activities. Recent studies on site directed mutagenesis of the recombinant Lys49 myotoxin from Bothrops jararacussu revealed the participation of important amino acid residues in the membrane damaging and myotoxic activities.


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The structural evolution in silica sols prepared from tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) sonohydrolysis was studied 'in situ' using small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS). The structure of the gelling system can be reasonably well described by a correlation function given by gamma(r) similar to (1/R(2))(1/r) exp(- r/xi), where xi is the structure correlation length and R is a chain persistence length, as an analogy to the Ornstein-Zernike theory in describing critical phenomenon. This approach is also expected for the scattering from some linear and branched molecules as polydisperse coils of linear chains and random f-functional branched polycondensates. The characteristic length. grows following an approximate power law with time t as xi similar to t(1) (with the exponent quite close to 1) while R remains undetermined but with a constant value, except at the beginning of the process in which the growth of. is slower and R increases by only about 15% with respect to the value of the initial sol. The structural evolution with time is compatible with an aggregation process by a phase separation by coarsening. The mechanism of growth seems to be faster than those typically observed for pure diffusion controlled cluster-cluster aggregation. This suggests that physical forces (hydrothermal forces) could be actuating together with diffusion in the gelling process of this system. The data apparently do not support a spinodal decomposition mechanism, at least when starting from the initial stable acid sol studied here.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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After an aggregated problem has been solved, it is often desirable to estimate the accuracy loss due to the fact that a simpler problem than the original one has been solved. One way of measuring this loss in accuracy is the difference in objective function values. To get the bounds for this difference, Zipkin (Operations Research 1980;28:406) has assumed, that a simple (knapsack-type) localization of an original optimal solution is known. Since then various extensions of Zipkin's bound have been proposed, but under the same assumption. A method to compute the bounds for variable aggregation for convex problems, based on general localization of the original solution is proposed. For some classes of the original problem it is shown how to construct the localization. Examples are given to illustrate the main constructions and a small numerical study is presented.


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The aggregation, gelation, and aging of urea-cross-linked siloxane-poly(oxyethylene) nanohybrids [(U600)-n] containing two different amounts of europium triflate initially dissolved in an ethanol-water mixture were investigated by in situ small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). For both low (n = [O]/[Eu] = 80) and high (n = 25) europium contents, the SAXS intensity was attributed to the formation of siloxane clusters of about 8-11 Angstrom in size. Siloxane cluster formation and growth is a rapid process in hybrids with low Eu contents and slow in Eu-rich hybrids. An additional contribution to the scattering intensity at very low angles was attributed to the formation of a coarse structure level. At this secondary level, the structure can be described as a set of dense domains containing siloxane clusters embedded in a depleted matrix composed of unfolded polymer chains and solvent. By fitting a theoretical function for this model to the experimental SAXS curves, relevant structural parameters were determined as functions of time during the sol-gel transition and gel aging. For hybrids with low europium contents (n = 80), the size of the siloxane clusters remains essentially invariant, whereas the dense segregation domains progressively grow. In hybrids with high doping contents (n = 25), the preponderant structure variation during the first stages of the sol-gel transformation is the slow growth of siloxane clusters. For these hybrids, the segregation of siloxane clusters forming dense domains occurs only during advanced stages of the process.


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To investigate the role of the N-terminal region in the lytic mechanism of the pore-forming toxin sticholysin II (St II), we studied the conformational and functional properties of peptides encompassing the first 30 residues of the protein. Peptides containing residues 1-30 (P1-30) and 11-30 (P11-30) were synthesized and their conformational properties were examined in aqueous solution as a function of peptide concentration, pH, ionic strength, and addition of the secondary structure-inducing solvent trifluoroethanol (TFE). CD spectra showed that increasing concentration, pH, and ionic strength led to aggregation of P1-30; as a consequence, the peptide acquired beta-sheet conformation. In contrast, P11-30 exhibited practically no conformational changes under the same conditions, remaining essentially structureless. Moreover, this peptide did not undergo aggregation. These differences clearly point to the modulating effect of the first 10 hydrophobic residues on the peptides aggregation and conformational properties. In TFE both the first ten hydrophobic peptides acquired alpha-helical conformation, albeit to a different extent, P11-30 displayed lower alpha-helical content. P1-30 presented a larger-fraction of residues in alpha-helical conformation in TFE than that found in St II's crystal structure for that portion of the protein. Since TFE mimics the membrane em,, such increase in helical content could also occur upon toxin binding to membranes and represent a step in the mechanism of pore formation. The peptides conformational properties correlated well with their functional behaviour. Thus, P1-30 exhibited much higher hemolytic activity than P11-30. In addition, P11-30 was able to block the toxin's hemolytic activity. The size of pores formed in red blood cells by P 1-30 was estimated by measuring the permeability PEGs of different molecular mass. The pore radius (0.95 +/- 0.01 nm) was very similar to that of the PEGs of different pore formed by the toxin. The results demonstrate that the synthetic peptide P1-30 is a good model of St 11 conformation and function and emphasize the contribution of the toxin's N-terminal region, and, in particular, the hydrophobic residues 1-10 to pore formation. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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An EPR approach to monitor peptide chain aggregation inside resin beads is introduced. Model low and highly peptide-loaded resins containing an aggregating sequence were labeled with a paramagnetic amino acid derivative and studied with regard to their solvation behavior in different solvent systems. For the first time in the peptide synthesis, EPR spectroscopic has allowed the detection of differentiated levels of peptide chain aggregation as a function of solvent and resin loading. (C) 1997, Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The salivary glands of females in Grigiotermes bequaerti (Snyder & Emerson 1949) are composed of many acini. Within the acini, the secretion is collected by canals that join into excretory ducts that open at the acini are formed of 3 classes of cells: secretory, parietal and canalicular. The secretory cells present 2 distinct types which, however, seem to be only different functional stages. Their secretion appears to be highly fluid and accumulates in vacuoles of low electron density. The morphological features of parietal cells point to an ionic transportation function, since they contain an intracellular canaliculus lined with microvilli, and are rich in mitochondria. The final product of the gland may result from the interaction of these 2 cells. The canicular cells located within the acini, in addition to constituting the way of secretion elimination, may have a support function serving as a point of aggregation an interconnection of secretory and parietal cells.


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A randomized double blind and placebo controlled design was used to investigate the hemostatic, biochemical, gastrointestinal and behavioral effects of pre- and postoperative administration of vedaprofen 0.5 mg/kg PO (V), tramadol 2 mg/kg SC (T), their association (VT) or placebo (P) in 40 adult female cats (3.0 +/- 0.32 kg; 1.8 +/- 0.7 years) distributed in groups of 10. Platelet aggregation and bleeding time were measured before and 52 11 after ovariohysterectomy. Serum urea, creatinine, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase and gamma-glutamyl transferase concentrations were measured before and 7 days postoperatively. The occurrence of vomiting, frequency and consistency of feces, and behavior were observed for 7 days postoperatively. Morphine (0.5 mg/kg, IM) was used as rescue analgesic. Laboratory variables did not change. Vomiting was observed only after morphine administration. Mild euphoria was observed in T and VT. The perioperative use of vedaprofen and/or tramadol did not modify the hemostatic, biochemical and gastrointestinal function in cats. (C) 2009 ESFM and AAFP. published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.