928 resultados para complete genome
Complete genome sequences were determined for two distinct strains of slow bee paralysis virus (SBPV) of honeybees (Apis mellifera). The SBPV genome is approximately 9 5 kb long and contains a single ORF flanked by 5'- and 3'-UTRs and a naturally polyadenylated 3' tail, with a genome organization typical of members of the family Iflaviridae The two strains, labelled `Rothamsted' and 'Harpenden', are 83% identical at the nucleotide level (94% identical at the amino acid level), although this variation is distributed unevenly over the genome. The two strains were found to co-exist at different proportions in two independently propagated SBPV preparations The natural prevalence of SBPV for 847 colonies in 162 apiaries across five European countries was <2%, with positive samples found only in England and Switzerland, in colonies with variable degrees of Varroa infestation
The apicomplexan parasites Theileria annulata and Theileria parva cause severe lymphoproliferative disorders in cattle. Disease pathogenesis is linked to the ability of the parasite to transform the infected host cell (leukocyte) and induce uncontrolled proliferation. It is known that transformation involves parasite dependent perturbation of leukocyte signal transduction pathways that regulate apoptosis, division and gene expression, and there is evidence for the translocation of Theileria DNA binding proteins to the host cell nucleus. However, the parasite factors responsible for the inhibition of host cell apoptosis, or induction of host cell proliferation are unknown. The recent derivation of the complete genome sequence for both T. annulata and T. parva has provided a wealth of information that can be searched to identify molecules with the potential to subvert host cell regulatory pathways. This review summarizes current knowledge of the mechanisms used by Theileria parasites to transform the host cell, and highlights recent work that has mined the Theileria genomes to identify candidate manipulators of host cell phenotype.
BACKGROUND A novel Gram-negative, non-haemolytic, non-motile, rod-shaped bacterium was discovered in the lungs of a dead parakeet (Melopsittacus undulatus) that was kept in captivity in a petshop in Basel, Switzerland. The organism is described with a chemotaxonomic profile and the nearly complete genome sequence obtained through the assembly of short sequence reads. RESULTS Genome sequence analysis and characterization of respiratory quinones, fatty acids, polar lipids, and biochemical phenotype is presented here. Comparison of gene sequences revealed that the most similar species is Pelistega europaea, with BLAST identities of only 93% to the 16S rDNA gene, 76% identity to the rpoB gene, and a similar GC content (~43%) as the organism isolated from the parakeet, DSM 24701 (40%). The closest full genome sequences are those of Bordetella spp. and Taylorella spp. High-throughput sequencing reads from the Illumina-Solexa platform were assembled with the Edena de novo assembler to form 195 contigs comprising the ~2 Mb genome. Genome annotation with RAST, construction of phylogenetic trees with the 16S rDNA (rrs) gene sequence and the rpoB gene, and phylogenetic placement using other highly conserved marker genes with ML Tree all suggest that the bacterial species belongs to the Alcaligenaceae family. Analysis of samples from cages with healthy parakeets suggested that the newly discovered bacterial species is not widespread in parakeet living quarters. CONCLUSIONS Classification of this organism in the current taxonomy system requires the formation of a new genus and species. We designate the new genus Basilea and the new species psittacipulmonis. The type strain of Basilea psittacipulmonis is DSM 24701 (= CIP 110308 T, 16S rDNA gene sequence Genbank accession number JX412111 and GI 406042063).
Leptospiral pulmonary haemorrhage syndrome (LPHS) is a particularly severe form of leptospirosis. LPHS is increasingly recognized in both humans and animals and is characterized by rapidly progressive intra-alveolar haemorrhage leading to high mortality. The pathogenic mechanisms of LPHS are poorly understood which hampers the application of effective treatment regimes. In this study a 2-D guinea pig proteome lung map was created and used to investigate the pathogenic mechanisms of LPHS. Comparison of lung proteomes from infected and non-infected guinea pigs via differential in-gel electrophoresis revealed highly significant differences in abundance of proteins contained in 130 spots. Acute phase proteins were the largest functional group amongst proteins with increased abundance in LPHS lung tissue, and likely reflect a local and/or systemic host response to infection. The observed decrease in abundance of proteins involved in cytoskeletal and cellular organization in LPHS lung tissue further suggests that infection with pathogenic Leptospira induces changes in the abundance of host proteins involved in cellular architecture and adhesion contributing to the dramatically increased alveolar septal wall permeability seen in LPHS. BIOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE The recent completion of the complete genome sequence of the guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) provides innovative opportunities to apply proteomic technologies to an important animal model of disease. In this study, the comparative proteomic analysis of lung tissue from experimentally infected guinea pigs with leptospiral pulmonary haemorrhage syndrome (LPHS) revealed a decrease in abundance of proteins involved in cellular architecture and adhesion, suggesting that loss or down-regulation of cytoskeletal and adhesion molecules plays an important role in the pathogenesis of LPHS. A publically available guinea pig lung proteome map was constructed to facilitate future pulmonary proteomics in this species.
Rhizobium leguminosarum (Rl) es una alfa-proteobacteria capaz de establecer una simbiosis diazotrófica con distintas leguminosas. A pesar de la importancia de esta simbiosis en el balance global del ciclo del nitrógeno, muy pocos genomas de rhizobios han sido secuenciados, que aporten nuevos conocimientos relacionados con las características genéticas que contribuyen a importantes procesos simbióticos. Únicamente tres secuencias completas de Rl han sido publicadas: Rl bv. viciae 3841 y dos genomas de Rl bv. trifolii (WSM1325 y WSM2304), ambos simbiontes de trébol. La secuencia genómica de Rlv UPM791 se ha determinado por medio de secuenciación 454. Este genoma tiene un tamaño aproximado de 7.8 Mb, organizado en un cromosoma y 5 replicones extracromosómicos, que incluyen un plásmido simbiótico de 405 kb. Este nuevo genoma se ha analizado en relación a las funciones simbióticas y adaptativas en comparación con los genomas completos de Rlv 3841 y Rl bv. trifolii WSM1325 y WSM2304. Mientras que los plásmidos pUPM791a y b se encuentran conservados, el plásmido simbiótico pUPM791c exhibe un grado de conservación muy bajo comparado con aquellos descritos en las otras cepas de Rl. Uno de los factores implicados en el establecimiento de la simbiosis es el sistema de comunicación intercelular conocido como Quorum Sensing (QS). El análisis del genoma de Rlv UPM791 ha permitido la identificación de dos sistemas tipo LuxRI mediados por señales de tipo N-acyl-homoserina lactonas (AHLs). El análisis mediante HPLC-MS ha permitido asociar las señales C6-HSL, C7-HSL y C8-HSL al sistema rhiRI, codificado en el plásmido simbiótico; mientras que el sistema cinRI, localizado en el cromosoma, produce 3OH-C14:1-HSL. Se ha identificado una tercera sintasa (TraI) codificada en el plásmido simbiótico, pero su regulador correspondiente se encuentra truncado debido a un salto de fase. Adicionalmente, se han encontrado tres reguladores de tipo LuxR-orphan que no presentan una sintasa LuxI asociada. El efecto potencial de las señales tipo AHL se ha estudiado mediante una estrategia de quorum quenching, la cual interfiere con los sistemas de QS de la bacteria. Esta estrategia está basada en la introducción del gen aiiA de Bacillus subtilis, que expresa constitutivamente una enzima lactonasa degradadora de AHLs. Para llevar a cabo el análisis en condiciones simbióticas, se ha desarrollado un sistema de doble marcaje que permite la identificación basado en los marcadores gusA y celB, que codifican para una enzima β–glucuronidasa y una β–galactosidasa termoestable, respectivamente. Los resultados obtenidos indican que Rlv UPM791 predomina sobre la cepa Rlv 3841 para la formación de nódulos en plantas de guisante. La baja estabilidad del plásmido que codifica para aiiA, no ha permitido obtener una conclusión definitiva sobre el efecto de la lactonasa AiiA en competitividad. Con el fin de analizar el significado y la regulación de la producción de moléculas señal tipo AHL, se han generado mutantes defectivos en cada uno de los dos sistemas de QS. Se ha llevado a cabo un análisis detallado sobre la producción de AHLs, formación de biofilm y simbiosis con plantas de guisante, veza y lenteja. El efecto de las deleciones de los genes rhiI y rhiR en Rlv UPM791 es más drástico en ausencia del plásmido pUPM791d. Mutaciones en cinI o cinRIS muestran tanto ausencia de señales, como producción exclusivamente de las de bajo peso molecular, respectivamente, producidas por el sistema rhiRI. Estas mutaciones mostraron un efecto importante en simbiosis. El sistema rhiRI se necesita para un comportamiento simbiótico normal. Además, mutantes cinRIS generaron nódulos blancos e ineficientes, mientras que el mutante cinI fue incapaz de producir nódulos en ninguna de las leguminosas utilizadas. Dicha mutación resultó en la inestabilización del plasmido simbiótico por un mecanismo dependiente de cinI que no ha sido aclarado. En general, los resultados obtenidos indican la existencia de un modelo de regulación dependiente de QS significativamente distinto a los que se han descrito previamente en otras cepas de R. leguminosarum, en las cuales no se había observado ningún fenotipo relevante en simbiosis. La regulación de la producción de AHLs Rlv UPM791 es un proceso complejo que implica genes situados en los plásmidos UPM791c y UPM791d, además de la señal 3-OH-C14:1-HSL. Finalmente, se ha identificado un transportador de tipo RND, homologo a mexAB-oprM de P. aeruginosa e implicado en la extrusión de AHLs de cadena larga. La mutación he dicho transportador no tuvo efectos apreciables sobre la simbiosis. ABSTRACT Rhizobium leguminosarum (Rl) is a soil alpha-proteobacterium that establishes a diazotrophic symbiosis with different legumes. Despite the importance of this symbiosis to the global nitrogen cycling balance, very few rhizobial genomes have been sequenced so far which provide new insights into the genetic features contributing to symbiotically relevant processes. Only three complete sequences of Rl strains have been published: Rl bv. viciae 3841, harboring six plasmids (7.75 Mb) and two Rl bv. trifolii (WSM1325 and WSM2304), both clover symbionts, harboring 5 and 4 plasmids, respectively (7.41 and 6.87 Mb). The genomic sequence of Rlv UPM791 was undertaken by means of 454 sequencing. Illumina and Sanger reads were used to improve the assembly, leading to 17 final contigs. This genome has an estimated size of 7.8 Mb organized in one chromosome and five extrachromosomal replicons, including a 405 kb symbiotic plasmid. Four of these plasmids are already closed, whereas there are still gaps in the smallest one (pUPM791d) due to the presence of insertion elements and repeated sequences, which difficult the assembly. The annotation has been carried out thanks to the Manatee pipeline. This new genome has been analyzed as regarding symbiotic and adaptive functions in comparison to the Rlv 3841 complete genome, and to those from Rl bv. trifolii strains WSM1325 and WSM2304. While plasmids pUPM791a and b are conserved, the symbiotic plasmid pUPM791c exhibited the lowest degree of conservation as compared to those from the other Rl strains. One of the factors involved in the symbiotic process is the intercellular communication system known as Quorum Sensing (QS). This mechanism allows bacteria to carry out diverse biological processes in a coordinate way through the production and detection of extracellular signals that regulate the transcription of different target genes. Analysis of the Rlv UPM791 genome allowed the identification of two LuxRI-like systems mediated by N-acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs). HPLC-MS analysis allowed the adscription of C6-HSL, C7-HSL and C8-HSL signals to the rhiRI system, encoded in the symbiotic plasmid, whereas the cinRI system, located in the chromosome, produces 3OH-C14:1-HSL, previously described as “bacteriocin small”. A third synthase (TraI) is encoded also in the symbiotic plasmid, but its cognate regulator TraR is not functional due to a fameshift mutation. Three additional LuxR orphans were also found which no associated LuxI-type synthase. The potential effect of AHLs has been studied by means of a quorum quenching approach to interfere with the QS systems of the bacteria. This approach is based upon the introduction into the strains Rl UPM791 and Rl 3841 of the Bacillus subtilis gene aiiA expressing constitutively an AHL-degrading lactonase enzyme which led to virtual absence of AHL even when AiiA-expressing cells were a fraction of the total population. No significant effect of AiiA-mediated AHL removal on competitiveness for growth in solid surface was observed. For analysis under symbiotic conditions we have set up a two-label system to identify nodules produced by two different strains in pea roots, based on the markers gusA and celB, encoding a β–glucuronidase and a thermostable β–galactosidase enzymes, respectively. The results obtained show that Rlv UPM791 outcompetes Rlv 3841 for nodule formation in pea plants, and that the presence of the AiiA plasmid does not significantly affect the relative competitiveness of the two Rlv strains. However, the low stability of the pME6863 plasmid, encoding aiiA, did not lead to a clear conclusion about the AiiA lactonase effect on competitiveness. In order to further analyze the significance and regulation of the production of AHL signal molecules, mutants deficient in each of the two QS systems were constructed. A detailed analysis of the effect of these mutations on AHL production, biofilm formation and symbiosis with pea, vetch and lentil plants has been carried out. The effect of deletions on Rlv UPM791 rhiI and rhiR genes is more pronounced in the absence of plasmid pUPM791d, as no signal is detected in UPM791.1, lacking this plasmid. Mutations in cinI or cinRIS show either no signals, or only the small ones produced by the rhiRI system, suggesting that cinR might be regulating the rhiRI system. These mutations had a strong effect on symbiosis. Analysis of rhi mutants revealed that rhiRI system is required for normal symbiotic performance, as a drastic reduction of symbiotic fitness is observed when rhiI is deleted, and rhiR is essential for nitrogen fixation in the absence of plasmid pUPM791d. Furthermore, cinRIS mutants resulted in white and inefficient nodules, whereas cinI mutant was unable to form nodules on any legume tested. The latter mutation is associated to the instabilization of the symbiotic plasmid through a mechanism still uncovered. Overall, the results obtained indicate the existence of a model of QS-dependent regulation significantly different to that previously described in other R. leguminosarum strains, where no relevant symbiotic phenotype had been observed. The regulation of AHL production in Rlv UPM791 is a complex process involving the symbiotic plasmid (pUPM791c) and the smallest plasmid (pUPM791d), with a key role for the 3-OH-C14:1-HSL signal. Finally, we made a search for potential AHL transporters in Rlv UPM791 genome. These signals diffuse freely across membranes, but in the case of the long-chain AHLs an active efflux system might be required, as it has been described for C12-HSL in the case of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We have identified a putative AHL transporter of the RND family homologous to P. aeruginosa mexAB-oprM. A mutant strain deficient in this transporter has been generated, and TLC analysis shows absence of 3OH-C14:1-HSL in its supernatant. This deficiency was complemented by the reintroduction of an intact copy of the genes via plasmid transfer. The mutation in mexAB genes had no significant effects on the symbiotic performance of R. leguminosarum bv. viciae.
A menudo los científicos secuencian el ADN de un gran número de personas con el objetivo de determinar qué genes se asocian con determinadas enfermedades. Esto permite meóon del genoma humano. El precio de un perfil genómico completo se ha posicionado por debajo de los 200 dólares y este servicio lo ofrecen muchas compañías, la mayor parte localizadas en EEUU. Como consecuencia, en unos pocos a~nos la mayoría de las personas procedentes de los países desarrollados tendrán los medios para tener su ADN secuenciado. Alrededor del 0.5% del ADN de cada persona (que corresponde a varios millones de nucleótidos) es diferente del genoma de referencia debido a variaciones genéticas. Así que el genoma contiene información altamente sensible y personal y representa la identidad biológica óon sobre el entorno o estilo de vida de uno (a menudo facilmente obtenible de las redes sociales), sería posible inferir el fenotipo del individuo. Multiples GWAS (Genome Wide Association Studies) realizados en los últimos a~nos muestran que la susceptibilidad de un paciente a tener una enfermedad en particular, como el Alzheimer, cáncer o esquizofrenia, puede ser predicha parcialmente a partir de conjuntos de sus SNP (Single Nucleotide Polimorphism). Estos resultados pueden ser usados para medicina genómica personalizada (facilitando los tratamientos preventivos y diagnósticos), tests de paternidad genéticos y tests de compatibilidad genética para averiguar a qué enfermedades pueden ser susceptibles los descendientes. Estos son algunos de los beneficios que podemos obtener usando la información genética, pero si esta información no es protegida puede ser usada para investigaciones criminales y por compañías aseguradoras. Este hecho podría llevar a discriminaci ón genética. Por lo que podemos concluir que la privacidad genómica es fundamental por el hecho de que contiene información sobre nuestra herencia étnica, nuestra predisposición a múltiples condiciones físicas y mentales, al igual que otras características fenotópicas, ancestros, hermanos y progenitores, pues los genomas de cualquier par de individuos relacionados son idénticos al 99.9%, contrastando con el 99.5% de dos personas aleatorias. La legislación actual no proporciona suficiente información técnica sobre como almacenar y procesar de forma segura los genomas digitalizados, por lo tanto, es necesaria una legislación mas restrictiva ---ABSTRACT---Scientists typically sequence DNA from large numbers of people in order to determine genes associated with particular diseases. This allows to improve the modern healthcare and to provide a better understanding of the human genome. The price of a complete genome profile has plummeted below $200 and this service is ofered by a number of companies, most of them located in the USA. Therefore, in a few years, most individuals in developed countries will have the means of having their genomes sequenced. Around 0.5% of each person's DNA (which corresponds to several millions of nucleotides) is diferent from the reference genome, owing to genetic variations. Thus, the genome contains highly personal and sensitive information, and it represents our ultimate biological identity. By combining genomic data with information about one's environment or lifestyle (often easily obtainable from social networks), could make it possible to infer the individual's phenotype. Multiple Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) performed in recent years have shown that a patient's susceptibility to particular diseases, such as Alzheimer's, cancer, or schizophrenia, can be partially predicted from sets of his SNPs. This results can be used for personalized genomic medicine (facilitating preventive treatment and diagnosis), genetic paternity tests, ancestry and genealogical testing, and genetic compatibility tests in order to have knowledge about which deseases would the descendant be susceptible to. These are some of the betefts we can obtain using genoma information, but if this information is not protected it can be used for criminal investigations and insurance purposes. Such issues could lead to genetic discrimination. So we can conclude that genomic privacy is fundamental due to the fact that genome contains information about our ethnic heritage, predisposition to numerous physical and mental health conditions, as well as other phenotypic traits, and ancestors, siblings, and progeny, since genomes of any two closely related individuals are 99.9% identical, in contrast with 99.5%, for two random people. The current legislation does not ofer suficient technical information about safe and secure ways of storing and processing digitized genomes, therefore, there is need for more restrictive legislation.
Bacillus subtilis strain ATCC6633 has been identified as a producer of mycosubtilin, a potent antifungal peptide antibiotic. Mycosubtilin, which belongs to the iturin family of lipopeptide antibiotics, is characterized by a β-amino fatty acid moiety linked to the circular heptapeptide Asn-Tyr-Asn-Gln-Pro-Ser-Asn, with the second, third, and sixth position present in the D-configuration. The gene cluster from B. subtilis ATCC6633 specifying the biosynthesis of mycosubtilin was identified. The putative operon spans 38 kb and consists of four ORFs, designated fenF, mycA, mycB, and mycC, with strong homologies to the family of peptide synthetases. Biochemical characterization showed that MycB specifically adenylates tyrosine, as expected for mycosubtilin synthetase, and insertional mutagenesis of the operon resulted in a mycosubtilin-negative phenotype. The mycosubtilin synthetase reveals features unique for peptide synthetases as well as for fatty acid synthases: (i) The mycosubtilin synthase subunit A (MycA) combines functional domains derived from peptide synthetases, amino transferases, and fatty acid synthases. MycA represents the first example of a natural hybrid between these enzyme families. (ii) The organization of the synthetase subunits deviates from that commonly found in peptide synthetases. On the basis of the described characteristics of the mycosubtilin synthetase, we present a model for the biosynthesis of iturin lipopeptide antibiotics. Comparison of the sequences flanking the mycosubtilin operon of B. subtilis ATCC6633, with the complete genome sequence of B. subtilis strain 168 indicates that the fengycin and mycosubtilin lipopeptide synthetase operons are exchanged between the two B. subtilis strains.
A recent study of the divergence times of the major groups of organisms as gauged by amino acid sequence comparison has been expanded and the data have been reanalyzed with a distance measure that corrects for both constraints on amino acid interchange and variation in substitution rate at different sites. Beyond that, the availability of complete genome sequences for several eubacteria and an archaebacterium has had a great impact on the interpretation of certain aspects of the data. Thus, the majority of the archaebacterial sequences are not consistent with currently accepted views of the Tree of Life which cluster the archaebacteria with eukaryotes. Instead, they are either outliers or mixed in with eubacterial orthologs. The simplest resolution of the problem is to postulate that many of these sequences were carried into eukaryotes by early eubacterial endosymbionts about 2 billion years ago, only very shortly after or even coincident with the divergence of eukaryotes and archaebacteria. The strong resemblances of these same enzymes among the major eubacterial groups suggest that the cyanobacteria and Gram-positive and Gram-negative eubacteria also diverged at about this same time, whereas the much greater differences between archaebacterial and eubacterial sequences indicate these two groups may have diverged between 3 and 4 billion years ago.
An increasing number of proteins with weak sequence similarity have been found to assume similar three-dimensional fold and often have similar or related biochemical or biophysical functions. We propose a method for detecting the fold similarity between two proteins with low sequence similarity based on their amino acid properties alone. The method, the proximity correlation matrix (PCM) method, is built on the observation that the physical properties of neighboring amino acid residues in sequence at structurally equivalent positions of two proteins of similar fold are often correlated even when amino acid sequences are different. The hydrophobicity is shown to be the most strongly correlated property for all protein fold classes. The PCM method was tested on 420 proteins belonging to 64 different known folds, each having at least three proteins with little sequence similarity. The method was able to detect fold similarities for 40% of the 420 sequences. Compared with sequence comparison and several fold-recognition methods, the method demonstrates good performance in detecting fold similarities among the proteins with low sequence identity. Applied to the complete genome of Methanococcus jannaschii, the method recognized the folds for 22 hypothetical proteins.
The availability of complete genome sequences and mRNA expression data for all genes creates new opportunities and challenges for identifying DNA sequence motifs that control gene expression. An algorithm, “MobyDick,” is presented that decomposes a set of DNA sequences into the most probable dictionary of motifs or words. This method is applicable to any set of DNA sequences: for example, all upstream regions in a genome or all genes expressed under certain conditions. Identification of words is based on a probabilistic segmentation model in which the significance of longer words is deduced from the frequency of shorter ones of various lengths, eliminating the need for a separate set of reference data to define probabilities. We have built a dictionary with 1,200 words for the 6,000 upstream regulatory regions in the yeast genome; the 500 most significant words (some with as few as 10 copies in all of the upstream regions) match 114 of 443 experimentally determined sites (a significance level of 18 standard deviations). When analyzing all of the genes up-regulated during sporulation as a group, we find many motifs in addition to the few previously identified by analyzing the subclusters individually to the expression subclusters. Applying MobyDick to the genes derepressed when the general repressor Tup1 is deleted, we find known as well as putative binding sites for its regulatory partners.
Complete genome sequences are providing a framework to allow the investigation of biological processes by the use of comprehensive approaches. Genome analysis also is having a dramatic impact on medicine through its identification of genes and mutations involved in disease and the elucidation of entire microbial gene sets. Studies of the sequences of model organisms, such as that of the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans, are providing extraordinary insights into development and differentiation that aid the study of these processes in humans. The field of functional genomics seeks to devise and apply technologies that take advantage of the growing body of sequence information to analyze the full complement of genes and proteins encoded by an organism.
Symbiotic associations with microorganisms are pivotal in many insects. Yet, the functional roles of obligate symbionts have been difficult to study because it has not been possible to cultivate these organisms in vitro. The medically important tsetse fly (Diptera: Glossinidae) relies on its obligate endosymbiont, Wigglesworthia glossinidia, a member of the Enterobacteriaceae, closely related to Escherichia coli, for fertility and possibly nutrition. We show here that the intracellular Wigglesworthia has a reduced genome size smaller than 770 kb. In an attempt to understand the composition of its genome, we used the gene arrays developed for E. coli. We were able to identify 650 orthologous genes in Wigglesworthia corresponding to ≈85% of its genome. The arrays were also applied for expression analysis using Wigglesworthia cDNA and 61 gene products were detected, presumably coding for some of its most abundant products. Overall, genes involved in cell processes, DNA replication, transcription, and translation were found largely retained in the small genome of Wigglesworthia. In addition, genes coding for transport proteins, chaperones, biosynthesis of cofactors, and some amino acids were found to comprise a significant portion, suggesting an important role for these proteins in its symbiotic life. Based on its expression profile, we predict that Wigglesworthia may be a facultative anaerobic organism that utilizes ammonia as its major source of nitrogen. We present an application of E. coli gene arrays to obtain broad genome information for a closely related organism in the absence of complete genome sequence data.
The structural proteins of the cytoplasmic intermediate filaments (IFs) arise in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans from eight reported genes and an additional three genes now identified in the complete genome. With the use of double-stranded RNA interference (RNAi) for all 11 C. elegans genes encoding cytoplasmic IF proteins, we observe phenotypes for the five genes A1, A2, A3, B1, and C2. These range from embryonic lethality (B1) and embryonic/larval lethality (A3) to larval lethality (A1 and A2) and a mild dumpy phenotype of adults (C2). Phenotypes A2 and A3 involve displaced body muscles and paralysis. They probably arise by reduction of hypodermal IFs that participate in the transmission of force from the muscle cells to the cuticle. The B1 phenotype has multiple morphogenetic defects, and the A1 phenotype is arrested at the L1 stage. Thus, at least four IF genes are essential for C. elegans development. Their RNAi phenotypes are lethal defects due to silencing of single IF genes. In contrast to C. elegans, no IF genes have been identified in the complete Drosophila genome, posing the question of how Drosophila can compensate for the lack of these proteins, which are essential in mammals and C. elegans. We speculate that the lack of IF proteins in Drosophila can be viewed as cytoskeletal alteration in which, for instance, stable microtubules, often arranged as bundles, substitute for cytoplasmic IFs.
Os rotavírus do grupo A (RVA) são importantes causadores de diarreias virais em crianças e animais jovens de diferentes espécies, com impactos na saúde pública e animal. Visando contribuir para o entendimento e prevenção das rotaviroses assim como suas possíveis relações zoonóticas, caracterizou-se os 11 segmentos de dsRNA de rotavírus codificadores das proteínas estruturais e não estruturais presentes em amostras fecais positivas de suínos coletadas nos anos de 2012-2013, em 2 estados brasileiros. Mediante o emprego de RT-PCR, sequenciamento nucleotídico e análises filogenéticas, todos os segmentos genéticos oriundos de 12 amostras de RVA detectados em suínos foram analisados e comparados com os de outras amostras descritas previamente. As sequências obtidas para os genes codificadores das proteínas NSP2, NSP3 e VP6 contemplaram a open reading frame (ORF) completa do gene, enquanto que a ORF parcial foi determinada para os genes codificadores das proteínas VP1, VP2, VP3, VP4, VP7, NSP1, NSP4, NSP5 e NSP6. Os genotipos de rotavírus suíno provenientes das regiões amostradas concordam com os mais frequentemente descritos nesta espécie animal, apresentando, assim, uma matriz genética suína com a maioria dos segmentos pertencentes à constelação genotípica 1, com exceção dos genes codificadores das proteínas VP6 e NSP1, os quais foram os genotipos I5 e A8, respectivamente. Apesar de predominar o genotipo 1 (Wa-like) nas sequências deste estudo, a análise genômica sugere a existência de uma variação intragenotípica no genoma do rotavírus do grupo A atualmente circulante nas populações suína amostradas dos estados de São Paulo e Mato Grosso. Adicionalmente, buscou-se identificar os aminoácidos relacionados com a adaptação dos rotavírus no hospedeiro e assinaturas genéticas que distinguissem RVA suíno e humano. Para isso, as sequências obtidas neste estudo foram comparadas com outras cepas de RVA detectadas nestas duas espécies e pertencentes ao genotipo 1 (Wa-like) disponíveis no Genbank. Como resultados foram encontrados mais de 75 sítios de mudanças deaminoácidos que diferenciam RVA suíno e humano além de sítios de substituiçãopresentes em algumas proteínas virais que frequentemente covariaram entre elas. Estes resultados proporcionam um maior entendimento da diversidade viral circulante em unidades de produção suína e uma melhor compreensão dos animaiscomo reservatórios genéticos de cepas de rotavírus emergentes em humanos.
Pilin is the major subunit of the essential virulence factor pili and is glycosylated at Ser63. In this study we investigated the gene pglI to determine whether it is involved in the biosynthesis of the pilin-linked glycan of Neisseria meningitidis strain C311#3. A N. meningitidis C311#3pglI mutant resulted in a change of apparent molecular weight in SDS-PAGE and altered binding of antisera, consistent with a role in the biosynthesis of the pilin-linked glycan. These data, in conjunction with homology with well-characterised acyltransferases suggests a specific role for pglI in the biosynthesis of the basal 2,4-diacetamido-2,4,6-trideoxyhexose residue of the pilin-linked glycan. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of the Federation of European Microbiological Societies.