968 resultados para common sense reasoning
Este artículo intenta mostrar la multiplicidad de significados que quedan comprendidos en la noción de sentido común y su vinculación con la vida práctica. Se analiza el sentido común entendido como conocimiento de la inteligencia natural; conocimiento de los primeros principios, axiomas, nociones comunes, preconocidos; sindéresis; como prudencia o sabiduría práctica; como criterio paralelo al cogito; como instinto; como creencia y finalmente como consenso.
Este artículo intenta mostrar la multiplicidad de significados que quedan comprendidos en la noción de sentido común y su vinculación con la vida práctica. Se analiza el sentido común entendido como conocimiento de la inteligencia natural; conocimiento de los primeros principios, axiomas, nociones comunes, preconocidos; sindéresis; como prudencia o sabiduría práctica; como criterio paralelo al cogito; como instinto; como creencia y finalmente como consenso.
L'objectiu de l'article és analitzar quin sentit té el kantisme a la filosofia de Llorens i Barba. S'ha afirmat sovint que potser Llorens es va distanciar de Kant al final de la seva vida. Aquesta qüestió ens pot ocultar quelcom més important: el veritable significat dels elements d'ètica kantiana dins de la filosofia de Llorens. Mostrarem que la influència de Kant és clara, però que cal tenir present que deriva igualment de la principal font de Llorens, el filòsof escocès William Hamilton. Per assolir aquesta conclusió analitzarem la presència de la noció de sentit comú en Kant i considerarem de quina manera l'ètica complementa la metafísica en Kant, Hamilton i Llorens.
The yearly genetic progress obtained by breeding for increased soybean yield has been considered acceptable worldwide. It is common sense, however, that this progress can be improved further if refined breeding techniques, developed from the knowledge of the genetic mechanisms controlling soybean yield, are used. In this paper, data from four cultivars and/or lines and their derived sets of F2, F3, F7, F8, F9 and F10 generations assayed in 17 environments were analyzed to allow an insight of the genetic control of soybean yield under different environmental conditions. The general picture was of a complex polygene system controlling yield in soybeans. Additive genetic effects predominated although dominance was often found to be significant. Complications such as epistasis, linkage and macro and micro genotype x environment (G x E) interactions were also commonly detected. The overall heritability was 0.29. The relative magnitude of the additive effects and the complicating factors allowed the inference that the latter are not a serious problem to the breeder. The low heritability values and the considerable magnitude of G x E interactions for yield, however, indicated that careful evaluation through experiments designed to allow for the presence of these effects is necessary for successful selection.
A admiración que destilou no seu tempo e durante o século XIX o bo sentido común das obras de Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) plasmouse na tradución dos seus libros a un considerable número de linguas. The Way to Wealth (El camino de la fortuna o Cómo hacerse rico), publicado en 1758, contén máis de cen máximas que instan ao traballo honrado, á orde e ao aforro, condenando calquera sinal de preguiza ou desidia. O noso corpus nútrese dunha selección de trece aforismos que teñen relación precisamente con este vicio que condena á miseria, a preguiza. En cambio, o home de ben que aplique as virtudes contidas en The Way to Wealth, aconselladas a modo de refráns, verá, segundo o autor, prosperar esplendidamente a súa economía. Pretendemos analizar, dende os puntos de vista tradutolóxico e contrastivo, o corpus de dúas traducións españolas deste libriño de Franklin: unha anónima, publicada en Barcelona, en 1891; e a de Alberto Lena de 1999.
Daily precipitation is recorded as the total amount of water collected by a rain-gauge in 24 h. Events are modelled as a Poisson process and the 24 h precipitation by a Generalised Pareto Distribution (GPD) of excesses. Hazard assessment is complete when estimates of the Poisson rate and the distribution parameters, together with a measure of their uncertainty, are obtained. The shape parameter of the GPD determines the support of the variable: Weibull domain of attraction (DA) corresponds to finite support variables as should be for natural phenomena. However, Fréchet DA has been reported for daily precipitation, which implies an infinite support and a heavy-tailed distribution. Bayesian techniques are used to estimate the parameters. The approach is illustrated with precipitation data from the Eastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula affected by severe convective precipitation. The estimated GPD is mainly in the Fréchet DA, something incompatible with the common sense assumption of that precipitation is a bounded phenomenon. The bounded character of precipitation is then taken as a priori hypothesis. Consistency of this hypothesis with the data is checked in two cases: using the raw-data (in mm) and using log-transformed data. As expected, a Bayesian model checking clearly rejects the model in the raw-data case. However, log-transformed data seem to be consistent with the model. This fact may be due to the adequacy of the log-scale to represent positive measurements for which differences are better relative than absolute
The concepts of molecule and of molecular structure are so central to understand chemical phenomena that seems to be no doubt about the uniqueness of its meanings. Nevertheless, the idea that the world exhibits a multiform structure and that to different spheres of the world correspond different ways of knowing (Berger & Luckmann, 1967) has received support from different areas of scientific inquiry. Bachelard (1940, 1982) showed that a single philosophical doctrine is not enough to describe all the different ways of thinking when we try to explain a single concept. Wooley's question about the possibility of deducing the concept of molecular structure from quantum theory (Wooley, 1978) strengthened the feasibility of thinking the concept of molecule as a profile that encompasses different meanings. Moreover, research on students' learning of scientific concepts have brought to light that students use several ideas to explain scientific and everyday phenomena which are different from those learned in formal schooling. These ideas are not extinguished or replaced by scientific concepts, despite the efforts to do so in science classes. The common sense and scientific ways of understanding and talking about reality seems to be complementary in the same sense of the Bohr's complementarity (Halliday & Martin, 1993). So, we have to include in our profile of the concept of molecule not only scientific but also common sense zones. Drawing from Bachelard's notion of epistemological profile, from the history of science and from the research on children's ideas in science, we have developed the idea of a conceptual profile and used it to analyse basic scientific concepts, such as the concepts of matter and physical states of matter (Mortimer, 1995) and to investigate new ways to teach them. In the present paper, we will discuss the zones that might constitute a conceptual profile of molecule. The need of complementary views to account for the molecular structure in different contexts bring important issues for understanding and teaching chemistry, which will be discussed further in the article.
This work presents an overview of the development of analytical chemistry in Brazil in the last 25 years under the influence of Brazilian Chemical Society (SBQ). It is shown that the common sense that analytical chemistry is still an under-developed area is not true. Data from specialized literature show a significant contribution of Brazilian analytical chemists in high impact periodicals and for several areas there is a good adherence among works carried out in Brazil and abroad according to a comparison of studies presented in the 11th Brazilian Meeting on Analytical Chemistry (Campinas, September, 2001) and the XI European Conference on Analytical Chemistry (Lisboa, September, 2000). According to the opinion of investigators in this area, there are some topics that require a focused attention for proper evolution. However, there is an absolute consensus about the evolution of graduate programs and the need to improve and extend strategies to absorb newcomers in the area. Some suggestions are presented considering possible pathways of analytical chemistry in Brazil.
In this paper I defend the idea that rather than disrupting rationality, as the common-sense conception has done it, love may actually help us to develop rational ways of thinking and acting. I make the case for romantic or erotic love, since this is the kind of love that is more frequently associated with irrationality in acting and thinking. I argue that this kind of love may make us develop epistemic and practical forms of rationality. Based on an analysis of its characteristic action tendencies, I argue that love may help us to develop an instrumental form of rationality in determining the best means to achieve the object of love. It may also narrow down the number of practical considerations that may help us to achieve our goals. Finally, love may generate rational ways of belief-formation by framing the parameters taken into account in perception and attention, and by bringing into light only a small portion of the epistemic information available. Love may make us perceive reality more acutely.
Human activity recognition in everyday environments is a critical, but challenging task in Ambient Intelligence applications to achieve proper Ambient Assisted Living, and key challenges still remain to be dealt with to realize robust methods. One of the major limitations of the Ambient Intelligence systems today is the lack of semantic models of those activities on the environment, so that the system can recognize the speci c activity being performed by the user(s) and act accordingly. In this context, this thesis addresses the general problem of knowledge representation in Smart Spaces. The main objective is to develop knowledge-based models, equipped with semantics to learn, infer and monitor human behaviours in Smart Spaces. Moreover, it is easy to recognize that some aspects of this problem have a high degree of uncertainty, and therefore, the developed models must be equipped with mechanisms to manage this type of information. A fuzzy ontology and a semantic hybrid system are presented to allow modelling and recognition of a set of complex real-life scenarios where vagueness and uncertainty are inherent to the human nature of the users that perform it. The handling of uncertain, incomplete and vague data (i.e., missing sensor readings and activity execution variations, since human behaviour is non-deterministic) is approached for the rst time through a fuzzy ontology validated on real-time settings within a hybrid data-driven and knowledgebased architecture. The semantics of activities, sub-activities and real-time object interaction are taken into consideration. The proposed framework consists of two main modules: the low-level sub-activity recognizer and the high-level activity recognizer. The rst module detects sub-activities (i.e., actions or basic activities) that take input data directly from a depth sensor (Kinect). The main contribution of this thesis tackles the second component of the hybrid system, which lays on top of the previous one, in a superior level of abstraction, and acquires the input data from the rst module's output, and executes ontological inference to provide users, activities and their in uence in the environment, with semantics. This component is thus knowledge-based, and a fuzzy ontology was designed to model the high-level activities. Since activity recognition requires context-awareness and the ability to discriminate among activities in di erent environments, the semantic framework allows for modelling common-sense knowledge in the form of a rule-based system that supports expressions close to natural language in the form of fuzzy linguistic labels. The framework advantages have been evaluated with a challenging and new public dataset, CAD-120, achieving an accuracy of 90.1% and 91.1% respectively for low and high-level activities. This entails an improvement over both, entirely data-driven approaches, and merely ontology-based approaches. As an added value, for the system to be su ciently simple and exible to be managed by non-expert users, and thus, facilitate the transfer of research to industry, a development framework composed by a programming toolbox, a hybrid crisp and fuzzy architecture, and graphical models to represent and con gure human behaviour in Smart Spaces, were developed in order to provide the framework with more usability in the nal application. As a result, human behaviour recognition can help assisting people with special needs such as in healthcare, independent elderly living, in remote rehabilitation monitoring, industrial process guideline control, and many other cases. This thesis shows use cases in these areas.
Consolidated democracy and size of the State. Common sense suggests that the more consolidated democracies and advanced economies tend to be more efficient and produce smaller States. What is observed in practice, however, is a positive correlation between "democratic consolidation" and "tax burden" (as a proxy for"size of Government"). This finding, while not expressing any causal relationship between the two variables, is an evidence that a more republican and democratic State, as defined in Bresser-Pereira, must be able to provide, effectively and efficiently, broader public services with better quality. This is, in consolidated democracies, the State should not be small.
Internetin yhteisöpalveluiden käyttäjien avoimuus ja sosiaalisuus altistavat heidät monenlaisille riskeille. “Social engineering” eli käyttäjien manipulointi on uhka, joka liittyy informaation hankkimiseen perinteisen kanssakäymisen kautta, mutta yhä enenevissä määrin myös internetissä. Kun kanssakäyminen tapahtuu internetin välityksellä, käyttäjien manipuloijat hyödyntävät yhteisöpalveluita yhteydenpitoon uhrien kanssa sekä paljon käyttäjäinformaatiota sisältävänä alustana. Tämän tutkielman tarkoitus on löytää internetin yhteisöpalveluiden ja käyttäjien manipuloinnin välinen yhteys. Tämä päämäärä saavutettiin etsimällä vastauksia kysymyksiin kuten: Mitkä ovat tyypilliset hyökkäystyypit? Miksi informaatiolla on niin suuri rooli? Mitä seurauksia ilmiöllä on ja miten hyökkäyksiltä on mahdollista suojautua? Vastaukset kysymyksiin löydettiin toteuttamalla systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus. Katsaus muodostui yhdistämällä tärkeimmät löydökset 60 tarkoin valitusta ilmiötä käsittelevästä artikkelista. Käyttäjien manipuloinnin huomattiin olevan hyvin laaja ja monimutkainen ilmiö internetin yhteisöpalveluissa. Huomattiin, että manipulointia ilmenee sivustoilla useissa erilaisissa muodoissa, joita ovat muun muassa tietojen kalastelu, profiilien yhdistäminen, sosiaaliset sovellukset, roskaposti, haitalliset linkit, identiteettivarkaudet, tietovuodot ja erilaiset huijaukset, jotka hyödyntävät sekä ihmisluonnon että sivustojen perusominaisuuksia. Haavoittuvuus ja luottamus havaittiin myös tärkeiksi aspekteiksi, sillä ne yhdistävät informaation merkityksen ja ihmisluonnon, jotka molemmat ovat avaintekijöitä sekä manipuloinnissa että yhteisöpalvelusivustoilla. Vaikka ilmiön seurausten huomattiin olevan negatiivisia niin käyttäjien olemukselle internetissä kuin todellisessakin elämässä, havaittiin myös, että ilmiön ymmärtäminen ja tunnistaminen helpottaa siltä suojautumista
Not all categorization is conceptual. Many of the experimental findings concerning infant and animal categorization invite the hypothesis that the subjects form abstract perceptual representations, mental models or cognitive maps that are not composed of concepts. The paper is a reflection upon the idea that conceptual categorization involves the ability to make categorical judgements under the guidance of norms of rationality. These include a norm of truth-seeking and a norm of good evidence. Acceptance of these norms implies willingness to defer to cognitive authorities, unwillingness to commit oneself to contradictions, and knowledge of how to reorganize one's representational system upon discovering that one has made a mistake. It is proposed that the cognitive architecture required for basic rationality is similar to that which underlies pretend-play. The representational system must be able to make room for separate 'mental spaces' in which alternatives to the actual world are entertained. The same feature underlies the ability to understand modalities, time, the appearance-reality distinction, other minds, and ethics. Each area of understanding admits of degrees, and mastery (up to normal adult level) takes years. But rational concept-management, at least in its most rudimentary form, does not require a capacity to form second-order representations. It requires knowledge of how to operate upon, and compare, the contents of different mental spaces.
This study applies a Marxist theoretical paradigm to examine the working conditions of greenhouse workers in the Niagara Region, and the range of factors that bear upon the formation of their class-consciousness. The Niagara greenhouse industry represents one of the most developed horticultural regions in Canada and plays a prominent role in the local economy. The industry generates substantial revenues and employs a significant number of people, yet the greenhouse workers are paid one of the lowest rates in the region. Being classified as agricultural workers, the greenhouse employees are exempted from many provisions of federal and provincial labour regulations. Under the current provincial statutes, agricultural workers in Ontario are denied the right to organize and bargain collectively. Except for a few technical and managerial positions, the greenhouse industry employs mostly low-skilled workers who are subjected to poor working conditions that stem from the employer's attempts to adapt to larger structural imperatives of the capitalist economy. While subjected to these poor working conditions, the greenhouse workers are also affected by objectively alienated social relations and by ruling class ideological domination and hegemony. These two sets of factors arise from the inherent conflict of interests between wage-labour and capital but also militate against the development of class-consciousness. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 greenhouse workers to examine the role played by their material circumstances in the formulation of their social and political views as well as the extent to which they are aware of their class location and class interests. The hegemonic notions of 'common sense' acted as impediments to formation of classconsciousness. The greenhouse workers have virtually no opportunities to access alternative perspectives that would address the issues associated with exploitation in production and offer solutions leading to 'social justice'. Fonnidable challenges confront any organized political body seeking to improve the conditions of the working people.
L'utilisation de l'expérience comme un mode de détermination des faits, c'est-à-dire comme un élément qui comble les lacunes dans l'ensemble des éléments de preuve dans le procès civil, est un thème quelque peu tabou. La doctrine est souvent basée sur la prémisse voulant que le décideur rende une décision uniquement en vertu des éléments de preuve et qu'il doit absolument s'abstenir d'insérer aux constatations quoi que ce soit qui n'est pas présent dans les éléments de preuve. Cette vision est éloignée de la réalité juridique. Dans la première partie, nous allons aborder les principes procéduraux qui empêchent l'utilisation de l'expérience comme mode de détermination des faits. Ce sont le principe de la reconstruction de l'événement du passé, le principe de l'abstraction des connaissances acquises hors du procès et le principe de l'exclusion de la preuve par ouï-dire. Ensuite, nous portons notre attention sur les différents types d'expérience, c'est-à-dire l'expérience profane, divisible en bon sens et sens commun, et l'expérience scientifique, ainsi sur leurs modes de fonctionnement dans le procès civil. La première partie se termine par une brève confrontation des différents types d'expérience avec les principes procéduraux. La deuxième partie est consacré à l'analyse de l'expérience dans trois instruments juridiques: la connaissance d'office, la présomption de fait et le témoignage d'expert. Nous nous intéressons principalement à vérifier si l'expérience fonctionne à l'intérieur de ces instruments juridiques comme mode de détermination des faits et ensuite quelles sont les limites que le droit pose à l'expérience dans ce rôle. L'analyse va confirmer que le principal instrument par lequel l'expérience comme mode de détermination des faits pénètre dans le procès civil est la présomption de fait.