127 resultados para collocated cokriging


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The near-real time retrieval of low stratiform cloud (LSC) coverage is of vital interest for such disciplines as meteorology, transport safety, economy and air quality. Within this scope, a novel methodology is proposed which provides the LSC occurrence probability estimates for a satellite scene. The algorithm is suited for the 1 × 1 km Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data and was trained and validated against collocated SYNOP observations. Utilisation of these two combined data sources requires a formulation of constraints in order to discriminate cases where the LSC is overlaid by higher clouds. The LSC classification process is based on six features which are first converted to the integer form by step functions and combined by means of bitwise operations. Consequently, a set of values reflecting a unique combination of those features is derived which is further employed to extract the LSC occurrence probability estimates from the precomputed look-up vectors (LUV). Although the validation analyses confirmed good performance of the algorithm, some inevitable misclassification with other optically thick clouds were reported. Moreover, the comparison against Polar Platform System (PPS) cloud-type product revealed superior classification accuracy. From the temporal perspective, the acquired results reported a presence of diurnal and annual LSC probability cycles over Europe.


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Emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) continue to significantly threaten human and animal health. While there has been some progress in identifying underlying proximal driving forces and causal mechanisms of disease emergence, the role of distal factors is most poorly understood. This article focuses on analyzing the statistical association between highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 and urbanization, land-use diversity and poultry intensification. A special form of the urban transition—peri-urbanization—was hypothesized as being associated with ‘hot-spots’ of disease emergence. Novel metrics were used to characterize these distal risk factors. Our models, which combined these newly proposed risk factors with previously known natural and human risk factors, had a far higher predictive performance compared to published models for the first two epidemiological waves in Viet Nam. We found that when relevant risk factors are taken into account, urbanization is generally not a significant independent risk factor. However, urbanization spatially combines other risk factors leading to peri-urban places being the most likely ‘hot-spots’. The work highlights that peri-urban areas have highest levels of chicken density, duck and geese flock size diversity, fraction of land under rice, fraction of land under aquaculture compared to rural and urban areas. Land-use diversity, which has previously never been studied in the context of HPAI H5N1, was found to be a significant risk factor. Places where intensive and extensive forms of poultry production are collocated were found to be at greater risk.


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A new methodology based on combining active and passive remote sensing and simultaneous and collocated radiosounding data to study the aerosol hygroscopic growth effects on the particle optical and microphysical properties is presented. The identification of hygroscopic growth situations combines the analysis of multispectral aerosol particle backscatter coefficient and particle linear depolarization ratio with thermodynamic profiling of the atmospheric column. We analyzed the hygroscopic growth effects on aerosol properties, namely the aerosol particle backscatter coefficient and the volume concentration profiles, using data gathered at Granada EARLINET station. Two study cases, corresponding to different aerosol loads and different aerosol types, are used for illustrating the potential of this methodology. Values of the aerosol particle backscatter coefficient enhancement factors range from 2.1 ± 0.8 to 3.9 ± 1.5, in the ranges of relative humidity 60–90 and 40–83%, being similar to those previously reported in the literature. Differences in the enhancement factor are directly linked to the composition of the atmospheric aerosol. The largest value of the aerosol particle backscatter coefficient enhancement factor corresponds to the presence of sulphate and marine particles that are more affected by hygroscopic growth. On the contrary, the lowest value of the enhancement factor corresponds to an aerosol mixture containing sulphates and slight traces of mineral dust. The Hänel parameterization is applied to these case studies, obtaining results within the range of values reported in previous studies, with values of the γ exponent of 0.56 ± 0.01 (for anthropogenic particles slightly influenced by mineral dust) and 1.07 ± 0.01 (for the situation dominated by anthropogenic particles), showing the convenience of this remote sensing approach for the study of hygroscopic effects of the atmospheric aerosol under ambient unperturbed conditions. For the first time, the retrieval of the volume concentration profiles for these cases using the Lidar Radiometer Inversion Code (LIRIC) allows us to analyze the aerosol hygroscopic growth effects on aerosol volume concentration, observing a stronger increase of the fine mode volume concentration with increasing relative humidity.


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The satellite derived HOAPS (Hamburg Ocean Atmosphere Parameters and Fluxes from Satellite data) and ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) ERA-Interim reanalysis data sets have been validated against in-situ precipitation measurements from ship rain gauges and optical disdrometers over the open-ocean by applying a statistical analysis for binary forecasts. For this purpose collocated pairs of data were merged within a certain temporal and spatial threshold into single events, according to the satellites' overpass, the observation and the forecast times. HOAPS detects the frequency of precipitation well, while ERA-Interim strongly overestimates it, especially in the tropics and subtropics. Although precipitation rates are difficult to compare because along-track point measurements are collocated with areal estimates and the numbers of available data are limited, we find that HOAPS underestimates precipitation rates, while ERA-Interim's Atlantic-wide average precipitation rate is close to measurements. However, regionally averaged over latitudinal belts, there are deviations between the observed mean precipitation rates and ERA-Interim. The most obvious ERA-Interim feature is an overestimation of precipitation in the area of the intertropical convergence zone and the southern sub-tropics over the Atlantic Ocean. For a limited number of snow measurements by optical disdrometers it can be concluded that both HOAPS and ERA-Interim are suitable to detect the occurrence of solid precipitation.


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Civil engineering structures such as floor systems with open-plan layout or lightweight footbridges are susceptible to excessive level of vibrations caused by human loading. Active vibration control (AVC) via inertial mass actuators has been shown to be a viable technique to mitigate vibrations, allowing structures to satisfy vibration serviceability limits. Most of the AVC applications involve the use of SISO (single input single-output) strategies based on collocated control. However, in the case of floor structures, in which mostof the vibration modes are locally spatially distributed, SISO or multi-SISO strategies are quite inefficient. In this paper, a MIMO (multi-inputs multi-outputs) control in decentralised and centralised configuration is designed. The design process simultaneously finds the placement of multiple actuators and sensors and the output feedback gains. Additionally, actuator dynamics, actuator nonlinearities and frequency and time weightings are considered into the design process. Results with SISO and decentralised and centralised MIMO control (for a given number of actuators and sensors) are compared, showing the advantages of MIMO control for floor vibration control.


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We envision that dynamic multiband transmissions taking advantage of the receiver diversity (even for collocated antennas with different polarization or radiation pattern) will create a new paradigm for these links guaranteeing high quality and reliability. However, there are many challenges to face regarding the use of broadband reception where several out of band (with respect to multiband transmission) strong interferers, but still within the acquisition band, may limit dramatically the expected performance. In this paper we address this problem introducing a specific capability of the communication system that is able to mitigate these interferences using analog beamforming principles. Indeed, Higher Order Crossing (HOCs) joint statistics of the Single Input ? Multiple Output (SIMO) system are shown to effectively determine the angle on arrival of the wavefront even operating over highly distorted signals.


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Con esta disertación se pretenden resolver algunos de los problemas encontrados actualmente en la recepción de señales de satélites bajo dos escenarios particularmente exigentes: comunicaciones de Espacio Profundo y en banda Ka. Las comunicaciones con sondas de Espacio Profundo necesitan grandes aperturas en tierra para poder incrementar la velocidad de datos. La opción de usar antennas con diámetro mayor de 35 metros tiene serios problemas, pues antenas tan grandes son caras de mantener, difíciles de apuntar, pueden tener largos tiempo de reparación y además tienen una efeciencia decreciente a medida que se utilizan bandas más altas. Soluciones basadas en agrupaciones de antenas de menor tamaño (12 ó 35 metros) son mas ecónomicas y factibles técnicamente. Las comunicaciones en banda Ka tambien pueden beneficiarse de la combinación de múltiples antennas. Las antenas de menor tamaño son más fáciles de apuntar y además tienen un campo de visión mayor. Además, las técnicas de diversidad espacial pueden ser reemplazadas por una combinación de antenas para así incrementar el margen del enlace. La combinación de antenas muy alejadas sobre grandes anchos de banda, bien por recibir una señal de banda ancha o múltiples de banda estrecha, es complicada técnicamente. En esta disertación se demostrará que el uso de conformador de haz en el dominio de la frecuencia puede ayudar a relajar los requisitos de calibración y, al mismo tiempo, proporcionar un mayor campo de visión y mayores capacidades de ecualización. Para llevar esto a cabo, el trabajo ha girado en torno a tres aspectos fundamentales. El primero es la investigación bibliográfica del trabajo existente en este campo. El segundo es el modelado matemático del proceso de combinación y el desarrollo de nuevos algoritmos de estimación de fase y retardo. Y el tercero es la propuesta de nuevas aplicaciones en las que usar estas técnicas. La investigación bibliográfica se centra principalmente en los capítulos 1, 2, 4 y 5. El capítulo 1 da una breve introducción a la teoría de combinación de antenas de gran apertura. En este capítulo, los principales campos de aplicación son descritos y además se establece la necesidad de compensar retardos en subbandas. La teoría de bancos de filtros se expone en el capítulo 2; se selecciona y simula un banco de filtros modulado uniformemente con fase lineal. Las propiedades de convergencia de varios filtros adaptativos se muestran en el capítulo 4. Y finalmente, las técnicas de estimación de retardo son estudiadas y resumidas en el capítulo 5. Desde el punto de vista matemático, las principales contribución de esta disertación han sido: • Sección 3.1.4. Cálculo de la desviación de haz de un conformador de haz con compensación de retardo en pasos discretos en frecuencia intermedia. • Sección 3.2. Modelo matemático de un conformador de haz en subbandas. • Sección 3.2.2. Cálculo de la desviación de haz de un conformador de haz en subbandas con un buffer de retardo grueso. • Sección 3.2.4. Análisis de la influencia de los alias internos en la compensación en subbandas de retardo y fase. • Sección Cálculo de la desviación de haz de un conformador de haz con compensación de retardo en subbandas. • Sección 3.2.6. Cálculo de la ganancia de relación señal a ruido de la agrupación de antenas en cada una de las subbandas. • Sección 3.3.2. Modelado de la función de transferencia de la agrupación de antenas bajo errores de estimación de retardo. • Sección 3.3.3. Modelado de los efectos de derivas de fase y retardo entre actualizaciones de las estimaciones. • Sección 3.4. Cálculo de la directividad de la agrupación de antenas con y sin compensación de retardos en subbandas. • Sección 5.2.6. Desarrollo de un algorimo para estimar la fase y el retardo entre dos señales a partir de su descomposición de subbandas bajo entornos estacionarios. • Sección 5.5.1. Desarrollo de un algorimo para estimar la fase, el retardo y la deriva de retardo entre dos señales a partir de su descomposición de subbandas bajo entornos no estacionarios. Las aplicaciones que se pueden beneficiar de estas técnicas son descritas en el capítulo 7: • Sección 6.2. Agrupaciones de antenas para comunicaciones de Espacio Profundo con capacidad multihaz y sin requisitos de calibración geométrica o de retardo de grupo. • Sección 6.2.6. Combinación en banda ancha de antenas con separaciones de miles de kilómetros, para recepción de sondas de espacio profundo. • Secciones 6.4 and 6.3. Combinación de estaciones remotas en banda Ka en escenarios de diversidad espacial, para recepción de satélites LEO o GEO. • Sección 6.3. Recepción de satélites GEO colocados con arrays de antenas multihaz. Las publicaciones a las que ha dado lugar esta tesis son las siguientes • A. Torre. Wideband antenna arraying over long distances. Interplanetary Progress Report, 42-194:1–18, 2013. En esta pulicación se resumen los resultados de las secciones 3.2, 3.2.2, 3.3.2, los algoritmos en las secciones 5.2.6, 5.5.1 y la aplicación destacada en 6.2.6. • A. Torre. Reception of wideband signals from geostationary collocated satellites with antenna arrays. IET Communications, Vol. 8, Issue 13:2229–2237, September, 2014. En esta segunda se muestran los resultados de la sección 3.2.4, el algoritmo en la sección , y la aplicación mostrada en 6.3. ABSTRACT This dissertation is an attempt to solve some of the problems found nowadays in the reception of satellite signals under two particular challenging scenarios: Deep Space and Ka-band communications. Deep Space communications require from larger apertures on ground in order to increase the data rate. The option of using single dishes with diameters larger than 35 meters has severe drawbacks. Such antennas are expensive to maintain, prone to long downtimes, difficult to point and have a degraded performance in high frequency bands. The array solution, either with 12 meter or 35 meter antennas is deemed to be the most economically and technically feasible solution. Ka-band communications can also benefit from antenna arraying technology. The smaller aperture antennas that make up the array are easier to point and have a wider field of view allowing multiple simultaneous beams. Besides, site diversity techniques can be replaced by pure combination in order to increase link margin. Combination of far away antennas over a large bandwidth, either because a wideband signal or multiple narrowband signals are received, is a demanding task. This dissertation will show that the use of frequency domain beamformers with subband delay compensation can help to ease calibration requirements and, at the same time, provide with a wider field of view and enhanced equalization capabilities. In order to do so, the work has been focused on three main aspects. The first one is the bibliographic research of previous work on this subject. The second one is the mathematical modeling of the array combination process and the development of new phase/delay estimation algorithms. And the third one is the proposal of new applications in which these techniques can be used. Bibliographic research is mainly done in chapters 1, 2, 4 and 5. Chapter 1 gives a brief introduction to previous work in the field of large aperture antenna arraying. In this chapter, the main fields of application are described and the need for subband delay compensation is established. Filter bank theory is shown in chapter 2; a linear phase uniform modulated filter bank is selected and simulated under diverse conditions. The convergence properties of several adaptive filters are shown in chapter 4. Finally, delay estimation techniques are studied and summarized in chapter 5. From a mathematical point of view, the main contributions of this dissertation have been: • Section 3.1.4. Calculation of beam squint of an IF beamformer with delay compensation at discrete time steps. • Section 3.2. Establishment of a mathematical model of a subband beamformer. • Section 3.2.2. Calculation of beam squint in a subband beamformer with a coarse delay buffer. • Section 3.2.4. Analysis of the influence of internal aliasing on phase and delay subband compensation. • Section Calculation of beam squint of a beamformer with subband delay compensation. • Section 3.2.6. Calculation of the array SNR gain at each of the subbands. • Section 3.3.2. Modeling of the transfer function of an array subject to delay estimation errors. • Section 3.3.3. Modeling of the effects of phase and delay drifts between estimation updates. • Section 3.4. Calculation of array directivity with and without subband delay compensation. • Section 5.2.6. Development of an algorithm to estimate relative delay and phase between two signals from their subband decomposition in stationary environments. • Section 5.5.1. Development of an algorithm to estimate relative delay rate, delay and phase between two signals from their subband decomposition in non stationary environments. The applications that can benefit from these techniques are described in chapter 7: • Section 6.2. Arrays of antennas for Deep Space communications with multibeam capacity and without geometric or group delay calibration requirement. • Section 6.2.6. Wideband antenna arraying over long distances, in the range of thousands of kilometers, for reception of Deep Space probes. • Sections 6.4 y 6.3. Combination of remote stations in Ka-band site diversity scenarios for reception of LEO or GEO satellites. • Section 6.3. Reception of GEO collocated satellites with multibeam antenna arrays. The publications that have been made from the work in this dissertation are • A. Torre. Wideband antenna arraying over long distances. Interplanetary Progress Report, 42-194:1–18, 2013. This article shows the results in sections 3.2, 3.2.2, 3.3.2, the algorithms in sections 5.2.6, 5.5.1 and the application in section 6.2.6. • A. Torre. Reception of wideband signals from geostationary collocated satellites with antenna arrays. IET Communications, Vol. 8, Issue 13:2229–2237, September, 2014. This second article shows among others the results in section 3.2.4, the algorithm in section , and the application in section 6.3.


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La investigación de esta tesis se centra en el estudio de técnicas geoestadísticas y su contribución a una mayor caracterización del binomio factores climáticos-rendimiento de un cultivo agrícola. El inexorable vínculo entre la variabilidad climática y la producción agrícola cobra especial relevancia en estudios sobre el cambio climático o en la modelización de cultivos para dar respuesta a escenarios futuros de producción mundial. Es información especialmente valiosa en sistemas operacionales de monitoreo y predicción de rendimientos de cultivos Los cuales son actualmente uno de los pilares operacionales en los que se sustenta la agricultura y seguridad alimentaria mundial; ya que su objetivo final es el de proporcionar información imparcial y fiable para la regularización de mercados. Es en este contexto, donde se quiso dar un enfoque alternativo a estudios, que con distintos planteamientos, analizan la relación inter-anual clima vs producción. Así, se sustituyó la dimensión tiempo por la espacio, re-orientando el análisis estadístico de correlación interanual entre rendimiento y factores climáticos, por el estudio de la correlación inter-regional entre ambas variables. Se utilizó para ello una técnica estadística relativamente nueva y no muy aplicada en investigaciones similares, llamada regresión ponderada geográficamente (GWR, siglas en inglés de “Geographically weighted regression”). Se obtuvieron superficies continuas de las variables climáticas acumuladas en determinados periodos fenológicos, que fueron seleccionados por ser factores clave en el desarrollo vegetativo de un cultivo. Por ello, la primera parte de la tesis, consistió en un análisis exploratorio sobre comparación de Métodos de Interpolación Espacial (MIE). Partiendo de la hipótesis de que existe la variabilidad espacial de la relación entre factores climáticos y rendimiento, el objetivo principal de esta tesis, fue el de establecer en qué medida los MIE y otros métodos geoestadísticos de regresión local, pueden ayudar por un lado, a alcanzar un mayor entendimiento del binomio clima-rendimiento del trigo blando (Triticum aestivum L.) al incorporar en dicha relación el componente espacial; y por otro, a caracterizar la variación de los principales factores climáticos limitantes en el crecimiento del trigo blando, acumulados éstos en cuatro periodos fenológicos. Para lleva a cabo esto, una gran carga operacional en la investigación de la tesis consistió en homogeneizar y hacer los datos fenológicos, climáticos y estadísticas agrícolas comparables tanto a escala espacial como a escala temporal. Para España y los Bálticos se recolectaron y calcularon datos diarios de precipitación, temperatura máxima y mínima, evapotranspiración y radiación solar en las estaciones meteorológicas disponibles. Se dispuso de una serie temporal que coincidía con los mismos años recolectados en las estadísticas agrícolas, es decir, 14 años contados desde 2000 a 2013 (hasta 2011 en los Bálticos). Se superpuso la malla de información fenológica de cuadrícula 25 km con la ubicación de las estaciones meteorológicas con el fin de conocer los valores fenológicos en cada una de las estaciones disponibles. Hecho esto, para cada año de la serie temporal disponible se calcularon los valores climáticos diarios acumulados en cada uno de los cuatro periodos fenológicos seleccionados P1 (ciclo completo), P2 (emergencia-madurez), P3 (floración) y P4 (floraciónmadurez). Se calculó la superficie interpolada por el conjunto de métodos seleccionados en la comparación: técnicas deterministas convencionales, kriging ordinario y cokriging ordinario ponderado por la altitud. Seleccionados los métodos más eficaces, se calculó a nivel de provincias las variables climatológicas interpoladas. Y se realizaron las regresiones locales GWR para cuantificar, explorar y modelar las relaciones espaciales entre el rendimiento del trigo y las variables climáticas acumuladas en los cuatro periodos fenológicos. Al comparar la eficiencia de los MIE no destaca una técnica por encima del resto como la que proporcione el menor error en su predicción. Ahora bien, considerando los tres indicadores de calidad de los MIE estudiados se han identificado los métodos más efectivos. En el caso de la precipitación, es la técnica geoestadística cokriging la más idónea en la mayoría de los casos. De manera unánime, la interpolación determinista en función radial (spline regularizado) fue la técnica que mejor describía la superficie de precipitación acumulada en los cuatro periodos fenológicos. Los resultados son más heterogéneos para la evapotranspiración y radiación. Los métodos idóneos para estas se reparten entre el Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW), IDW ponderado por la altitud y el Ordinary Kriging (OK). También, se identificó que para la mayoría de los casos en que el error del Ordinary CoKriging (COK) era mayor que el del OK su eficacia es comparable a la del OK en términos de error y el requerimiento computacional de este último es mucho menor. Se pudo confirmar que existe la variabilidad espacial inter-regional entre factores climáticos y el rendimiento del trigo blando tanto en España como en los Bálticos. La herramienta estadística GWR fue capaz de reproducir esta variabilidad con un rendimiento lo suficientemente significativo como para considerarla una herramienta válida en futuros estudios. No obstante, se identificaron ciertas limitaciones en la misma respecto a la información que devuelve el programa a nivel local y que no permite desgranar todo el detalle sobre la ejecución del mismo. Los indicadores y periodos fenológicos que mejor pudieron reproducir la variabilidad espacial del rendimiento en España y Bálticos, arrojaron aún, una mayor credibilidad a los resultados obtenidos y a la eficacia del GWR, ya que estaban en línea con el conocimiento agronómico sobre el cultivo del trigo blando en sistemas agrícolas mediterráneos y norteuropeos. Así, en España, el indicador más robusto fue el balance climático hídrico Climatic Water Balance) acumulado éste, durante el periodo de crecimiento (entre la emergencia y madurez). Aunque se identificó la etapa clave de la floración como el periodo en el que las variables climáticas acumuladas proporcionaban un mayor poder explicativo del modelo GWR. Sin embargo, en los Bálticos, países donde el principal factor limitante en su agricultura es el bajo número de días de crecimiento efectivo, el indicador más efectivo fue la radiación acumulada a lo largo de todo el ciclo de crecimiento (entre la emergencia y madurez). Para el trigo en regadío no existe ninguna combinación que pueda explicar más allá del 30% de la variación del rendimiento en España. Poder demostrar que existe un comportamiento heterogéneo en la relación inter-regional entre el rendimiento y principales variables climáticas, podría contribuir a uno de los mayores desafíos a los que se enfrentan, a día de hoy, los sistemas operacionales de monitoreo y predicción de rendimientos de cultivos, y éste es el de poder reducir la escala espacial de predicción, de un nivel nacional a otro regional. ABSTRACT This thesis explores geostatistical techniques and their contribution to a better characterization of the relationship between climate factors and agricultural crop yields. The crucial link between climate variability and crop production plays a key role in climate change research as well as in crops modelling towards the future global production scenarios. This information is particularly important for monitoring and forecasting operational crop systems. These geostatistical techniques are currently one of the most fundamental operational systems on which global agriculture and food security rely on; with the final aim of providing neutral and reliable information for food market controls, thus avoiding financial speculation of nourishments of primary necessity. Within this context the present thesis aims to provide an alternative approach to the existing body of research examining the relationship between inter-annual climate and production. Therefore, the temporal dimension was replaced for the spatial dimension, re-orienting the statistical analysis of the inter-annual relationship between crops yields and climate factors to an inter-regional correlation between these two variables. Geographically weighted regression, which is a relatively new statistical technique and which has rarely been used in previous research on this topic was used in the current study. Continuous surface values of the climate accumulated variables in specific phenological periods were obtained. These specific periods were selected because they are key factors in the development of vegetative crop. Therefore, the first part of this thesis presents an exploratory analysis regarding the comparability of spatial interpolation methods (SIM) among diverse SIMs and alternative geostatistical methodologies. Given the premise that spatial variability of the relationship between climate factors and crop production exists, the primary aim of this thesis was to examine the extent to which the SIM and other geostatistical methods of local regression (which are integrated tools of the GIS software) are useful in relating crop production and climate variables. The usefulness of these methods was examined in two ways; on one hand the way this information could help to achieve higher production of the white wheat binomial (Triticum aestivum L.) by incorporating the spatial component in the examination of the above-mentioned relationship. On the other hand, the way it helps with the characterization of the key limiting climate factors of soft wheat growth which were analysed in four phenological periods. To achieve this aim, an important operational workload of this thesis consisted in the homogenization and obtention of comparable phenological and climate data, as well as agricultural statistics, which made heavy operational demands. For Spain and the Baltic countries, data on precipitation, maximum and minimum temperature, evapotranspiration and solar radiation from the available meteorological stations were gathered and calculated. A temporal serial approach was taken. These temporal series aligned with the years that agriculture statistics had previously gathered, these being 14 years from 2000 to 2013 (until 2011 for the Baltic countries). This temporal series was mapped with a phenological 25 km grid that had the location of the meteorological stations with the objective of obtaining the phenological values in each of the available stations. Following this procedure, the daily accumulated climate values for each of the four selected phenological periods were calculated; namely P1 (complete cycle), P2 (emergency-maturity), P3 (flowering) and P4 (flowering- maturity). The interpolated surface was then calculated using the set of selected methodologies for the comparison: deterministic conventional techniques, ordinary kriging and ordinary cokriging weighted by height. Once the most effective methods had been selected, the level of the interpolated climate variables was calculated. Local GWR regressions were calculated to quantify, examine and model the spatial relationships between soft wheat production and the accumulated variables in each of the four selected phenological periods. Results from the comparison among the SIMs revealed that no particular technique seems more favourable in terms of accuracy of prediction. However, when the three quality indicators of the compared SIMs are considered, some methodologies appeared to be more efficient than others. Regarding precipitation results, cokriging was the most accurate geostatistical technique for the majority of the cases. Deterministic interpolation in its radial function (controlled spline) was the most accurate technique for describing the accumulated precipitation surface in all phenological periods. However, results are more heterogeneous for the evapotranspiration and radiation methodologies. The most appropriate technique for these forecasts are the Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW), weighted IDW by height and the Ordinary Kriging (OK). Furthermore, it was found that for the majority of the cases where the Ordinary CoKriging (COK) error was larger than that of the OK, its efficacy was comparable to that of the OK in terms of error while the computational demands of the latter was much lower. The existing spatial inter-regional variability between climate factors and soft wheat production was confirmed for both Spain and the Baltic countries. The GWR statistic tool reproduced this variability with an outcome significative enough as to be considered a valid tool for future studies. Nevertheless, this tool also had some limitations with regards to the information delivered by the programme because it did not allow for a detailed break-down of its procedure. The indicators and phenological periods that best reproduced the spatial variability of yields in Spain and the Baltic countries made the results and the efficiency of the GWR statistical tool even more reliable, despite the fact that these were already aligned with the agricultural knowledge about soft wheat crop under mediterranean and northeuropean agricultural systems. Thus, for Spain, the most robust indicator was the Climatic Water Balance outcome accumulated throughout the growing period (between emergency and maturity). Although the flowering period was the phase that best explained the accumulated climate variables in the GWR model. For the Baltic countries where the main limiting agricultural factor is the number of days of effective growth, the most effective indicator was the accumulated radiation throughout the entire growing cycle (between emergency and maturity). For the irrigated soft wheat there was no combination capable of explaining above the 30% of variation of the production in Spain. The fact that the pattern of the inter-regional relationship between the crop production and key climate variables is heterogeneous within a country could contribute to one is one of the greatest challenges that the monitoring and forecasting operational systems for crop production face nowadays. The present findings suggest that the solution may lay in downscaling the spatial target scale from a national to a regional level.


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En el presente trabajo se ha realizado un estudio acústico de la Iglesia de San Sebastián de Alcorisa (Teruel). La finalidad del trabajo es averiguar cómo afectó a la acústica del recinto la reforma que se llevó a cabo en el año 2001, la cual adecuó la nave principal como sala de conciertos y conferencias. Además de esto se propondrán posibles mejoras acústicas para el recinto. Para llevar a cabo dicho estudio se ha utilizado el proyecto de restauración de dicha iglesia, firmado por la empresa mmt,S.L en enero de 2001. A partir de los planos de este proyecto se han construido dos modelos en tres dimensiones de la sala (uno anterior a la reforma y otro posterior) con los que se ha hecho una simulación acústica. La simulación del recinto actual ha sido ajustada a partir de las medidas acústicas llevadas a cabo in-situ, de tal forma que las soluciones acústicas que se integren al modelo se comporten de una forma lo más realista posible. Además de las soluciones acústicas a nivel arquitectónico, se propondrá un sistema de sonorización que permita un adecuado uso del recinto como sala de conciertos y conferencias. ABSTRACT. In the following thesis, an acoustic study of the church San Sebastian in Alcorisa (Teruel) has been made. The aim is to find how the reformation in 2001 affected or changed the acoustic characteristics of the concert and conference hall area. Moreover, suggestion for improvements will also be presented later in the work. To start the study, the restoration project of the church, which was signed by the company mmt, SL in January 2001 is used. Based on the maps found in this project, two and three dimensions models of the room have been built before and after the restoration, to use them in the acoustic simulation. The simulation of the area studied has been adjusted according to the measurement in site, which will help giving the most realistic result possible. In addition to the architectural acoustic solutions, a sound system is collocated so that the hall can be used for concerts and conferences.


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A condutividade hidráulica (K) é um dos parâmetros controladores da magnitude da velocidade da água subterrânea, e consequentemente, é um dos mais importantes parâmetros que afetam o fluxo subterrâneo e o transporte de solutos, sendo de suma importância o conhecimento da distribuição de K. Esse trabalho visa estimar valores de condutividade hidráulica em duas áreas distintas, uma no Sistema Aquífero Guarani (SAG) e outra no Sistema Aquífero Bauru (SAB) por meio de três técnicas geoestatísticas: krigagem ordinária, cokrigagem e simulação condicional por bandas rotativas. Para aumentar a base de dados de valores de K, há um tratamento estatístico dos dados conhecidos. O método de interpolação matemática (krigagem ordinária) e o estocástico (simulação condicional por bandas rotativas) são aplicados para estimar os valores de K diretamente, enquanto que os métodos de krigagem ordinária combinada com regressão linear e cokrigagem permitem incorporar valores de capacidade específica (Q/s) como variável secundária. Adicionalmente, a cada método geoestatístico foi aplicada a técnica de desagrupamento por célula para comparar a sua capacidade de melhorar a performance dos métodos, o que pode ser avaliado por meio da validação cruzada. Os resultados dessas abordagens geoestatísticas indicam que os métodos de simulação condicional por bandas rotativas com a técnica de desagrupamento e de krigagem ordinária combinada com regressão linear sem a técnica de desagrupamento são os mais adequados para as áreas do SAG (rho=0.55) e do SAB (rho=0.44), respectivamente. O tratamento estatístico e a técnica de desagrupamento usados nesse trabalho revelaram-se úteis ferramentas auxiliares para os métodos geoestatísticos.


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Spatial characterization of non-Gaussian attributes in earth sciences and engineering commonly requires the estimation of their conditional distribution. The indicator and probability kriging approaches of current nonparametric geostatistics provide approximations for estimating conditional distributions. They do not, however, provide results similar to those in the cumbersome implementation of simultaneous cokriging of indicators. This paper presents a new formulation termed successive cokriging of indicators that avoids the classic simultaneous solution and related computational problems, while obtaining equivalent results to the impractical simultaneous solution of cokriging of indicators. A successive minimization of the estimation variance of probability estimates is performed, as additional data are successively included into the estimation process. In addition, the approach leads to an efficient nonparametric simulation algorithm for non-Gaussian random functions based on residual probabilities.


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We report less than 1-dB cross-talk penalty for 26 DWDM channels modulated at 43.7 Gb/s RZ-DPSK when amplified by a fiber optical parametric amplifier showing compatibility with high-capacity (> 1 Tb/s) communication systems. © 2010 Optical Society of America.


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We show that using a shortened delay in the demodulator for DQPSK channels can significantly reduce the XPM penalties caused by transmitting 40Gb/s DQPSK channels alongside 10Gb/s OOK channels. © 2010 Optical Society of America.


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We report less than 1-dB cross-talk penalty for 26 DWDM channels modulated at 43.7 Gb/s RZ-DPSK when amplified by a fiber optical parametric amplifier showing compatibility with high-capacity (> 1 Tb/s) communication systems. © 2010 Optical Society of America.


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We show that using a shortened delay in the demodulator for DQPSK channels can significantly reduce the XPM penalties caused by transmitting 40Gb/s DQPSK channels alongside 10Gb/s OOK channels. © 2010 Optical Society of America.