980 resultados para collapse to the center


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We present a study of events with Z bosons and associated jets produced at the Fermilab Tevatron collider in p p collisions at a center of mass energy of 1.96 TeV The data sample consists of nearly 14000 Z/gamma* -> e(+)e(-) candidates corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 0.4 fb(-1) collected with the D circle divide detector. Ratios of the Z/gamma*+ >= n jet cross sections to the total inclusive Z/gamma* cross section have been measured for n = 1-4 jets, and found to be in good agreement with a next-to-leading order QCD calculation and with a tree-level QCD prediction with parton shower simulation and hadronization. Published by Elsevier B.V


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The seasonality of Alphitobius diaperinus population was studied during different seasons during one year, in broiler facilities located in the center-north region of the State of São Paulo. Parasite counting was weekly carried out by the use of traps adapted from the modified model of Arends. During the experimental period, facilities were not submitted to chemical treatment, and the litter was changed between flocks. A lower number of adults and larvae was observed during autumn, with the peak registered in the summer. There was no significant difference between spring and winter averages (adults and larvae), and between spring and summer averages (adults). Average temperatures in the facilities varied from 23.4ºC (winter) to 27.1ºC (spring). The environmentally controlled systems used by the broiler industry provide an adequate habitat for A. diaperinus development. The continuous monitoring of the population of this parasite is essential for designing control strategies, and this can be accomplished by utilizing the traps used in the present experiment.


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This investigation reports the results of tests performed in a laboratory with solid waste samples from an area belonging to Sibelco Mineracao Ltd., which is located around Analandia municipality, nearly in the center of São Paulo State, Brazil. Dissolution and leaching essays were realized under different experimental conditions in four samples collected from the mining front and decantation pool, with the aim of evaluating the possibility of release of several constituents to the liquid phase.


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The knowledge of the normal anatomy and variations regarding the management of tumors of the sellar region is paramount to perform safe surgical procedures. The sellar region is located in the center of the middle cranial fossa; it contains complex anatomical structures, and is the site of various pathological processes: tumor, vascular, developmental, and neuroendocrine. We review the microsurgical anatomy (microscopic and endoscopic) of this region and discuss the surgical nuances regarding this topic, based on anatomical concepts.


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An analog circuit that implements a radial basis function network is presented. The proposed circuit allows the adjustment of all shape parameters of the radial functions, i.e., amplitude, center and width. The implemented network was applied to the linearization of a nonlinear circuit, a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO). This application can be classified as an open-loop control in which the network plays the role of the controller. Experimental results have proved the linearization capability of the proposed circuit. Its performance can be improved by using a network with more basis functions. Copyright 2007 ACM.


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Electronic transactions are becoming increasingly commonplace in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, despite the collapse of many dotcom firms and the failure of e-commerce to make inroads in the region. In the transport sphere, the gradual incorporation of technology in support of processes and the exchange of money flows between players has brought greater versatility, security and flexibility. In public transport, such initiatives take the form of automatic ticket machines and prepaid card dispensing machines. In urban transit, electronic purses used for the supervision and payment of parking time, and in road pricing, electronic toll systems streamline the process of collecting money; this is especially the case with motorways and urban concessions. And in shipping, electronic transfers are increasingly being used for the payment of customs dues and port charges.In view of the importance of the topic and the interest expressed in it, the Transport Unit has begun a study of these issues, and recently published a paper entitled Sistemas de cobro electrónico de pasajes en el transporte público, ("Electronic systems for payment of tickets in public transport") LC/L.1752-P/E, July 2002, on which this issue of the Bulletin is based.


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CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO:Para a realização de transplantes de medula óssea com material alogênico, é necessária a verificação de histocompatibilidade das moléculas do sistema HLA (human leukocyte antigen), fundamental para o sucesso desses transplantes. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi caracterizar os doadores de medula óssea segundo gênero, idade, etnia e grupos HLA de um centro regional de hemoterapia brasileiro.TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL:Estudo descritivo dos doadores cadastrados em um centro regional de hemoterapia de um hospital público universitário da região Sudeste do Brasil.MÉTODOS:Foram consultadas as fichas dos 66.780 doadores cadastrados entre 2005 e junho de 2011 e tabuladas as variáveis estudadas.RESULTADOS:Encontrou-se distribuição equilibrada entre os gêneros, e 82,8% dos doadores tinham até 45 anos de idade. Quanto à etnia auto-referida, 77,3% se apresentaram como brancos, 15,0% como pardos, 5,7% como negros, os 2% restantes dividindo-se em outras etnias. Quanto à caracterização imunogenética, no grupo alélico HLA-A, o mais frequente foi o HLA-A*02, com 39,20%; no grupo alélico HLA-B, o mais comum foi o HLA-B*35, com 14,18%; no grupo alélico HLA-DRB1, o mais frequente foi o HLA-DRB1*03, com 17,03% do total de doadores. Quando esses resultados são comparados com os dados do cadastro nacional de doadores (REDOME), observam-se diferenças demográficas e imunogenéticas, que se explicam pelo histórico de imigração da região de Ribeirão Preto, no Sudeste brasileiro.CONCLUSÕES:Os resultados encontrados reforçam a importância de conhecer o perfil demográfico e imunogenético das regiões do Brasil, para reduzir o tempo de espera por um doador histocompatível.


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Springer et al. (2003) contend that sequential declines occurred in North Pacific populations of harbor and fur seals, Steller sea lions, and sea otters. They hypothesize that these were due to increased predation by killer whales, when industrial whaling’s removal of large whales as a supposed primary food source precipitated a prey switch. Using a regional approach, we reexamined whale catch data, killer whale predation observations, and the current biomass and trends of potential prey, and found little support for the prey-switching hypothesis. Large whale biomass in the Bering Sea did not decline as much as suggested by Springer et al., and much of the reduction occurred 50–100 yr ago, well before the declines of pinnipeds and sea otters began; thus, the need to switch prey starting in the 1970s is doubtful. With the sole exception that the sea otter decline followed the decline of pinnipeds, the reported declines were not in fact sequential. Given this, it is unlikely that a sequential megafaunal collapse from whales to sea otters occurred. The spatial and temporal patterns of pinniped and sea otter population trends are more complex than Springer et al. suggest, and are often inconsistent with their hypothesis. Populations remained stable or increased in many areas, despite extensive historical whaling and high killer whale abundance. Furthermore, observed killer whale predation has largely involved pinnipeds and small cetaceans; there is little evidence that large whales were ever a major prey item in high latitudes. Small cetaceans (ignored by Springer et al.) were likely abundant throughout the period. Overall, we suggest that the Springer et al. hypothesis represents a misleading and simplistic view of events and trophic relationships within this complex marine ecosystem.


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The Brown Tree Snake (Boiga irregularis) has caused ecological and economic damage to Guam, and the snake has the potential to colonize other islands in the Pacific Ocean. This study quantifies the potential economic damage if the snake were translocated, established in the state of Hawaii, and causing damage at levels similar to those on Guam. Damages modeled included costs of medical treatments due to snakebites, snake-caused power outages, and decreased tourism resulting from effects of the snake. Damage caused by presence of the Brown Tree Snake on Guam was used as a guide to estimate potential economic damage to Hawaii from both medical- and power outage–related damage. To predict tourism impact, a survey was administered to Hawaiian tourists that identified tourist responses to potential effects of the Brown Tree Snake. These results were then used in an input-output model to predict damage to the state economy. Summing these damages resulted in an estimated total potential annual damage to Hawaii of between $593 million and $2.14 billion. This economic analysis provides a range of potential damages that policy makers can use in evaluation of future prevention and control programs.


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Two new species of Toxophora Meigen are described and illustrated-T. paulistana sp. nov. (Neotropical) and T. azteca sp. nov. (Nearctic and Neotropical). An identification key to the New World species is also presented. Morphological differences between populations of T. aurea Macquart (1848) are recorded, illustrated and added to the key. The new species are easily recognized by: scape with long, yellow scales laterally; presence of yellow scales on mesonotum margins; posterior margin of mesonotum with a pre-scutellar pair of setae; and yellow scales forming thin bands on posterior margins of abdominal tergites in T. paulistana sp. nov., and scape entirely covered with long dark-brown scales and yellow scales forming a broad, longitudinal stripe on center of abdominal tergites III-VII in T. azteca sp. nov.


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The supply of nutrients to the low-latitude thermocline is largely controlled by intermediate-depth waters formed at the surface in the high southern latitudes. Silicic acid is an essential macronutrient for diatoms, which are responsible for a significant portion of marine carbon export production. Changes in ocean circulation, such as those observed during the last deglaciation, would influence the nutrient composition of the thermocline and, therefore, the relative abundance of diatoms in the low latitudes. Here we present the first record of the silicic acid content of the Atlantic over the last glacial cycle. Our results show that at intermediate depths of the South Atlantic, the silicic acid concentration was the same at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) as it is today, overprinted by high silicic acid pulses that coincided with abrupt changes in ocean and atmospheric circulation during Heinrich Stadials and the Younger Dryas. We suggest these pulses were caused by changes in intermediate water formation resulting from shifts in the subpolar hydrological cycle, with fundamental implications for the nutrient supply to the Atlantic.


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Hymenoptera exhibit an incredible diversity of phenotypes, the result of similar to 240 million years of evolution and the primary subject of more than 250 years of research. Here we describe the history, development, and utility of the Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology (HAO) and its associated applications. These resources are designed to facilitate accessible and extensible research on hymenopteran phenotypes. Outreach with the hymenopterist community is of utmost importance to the HAO project, and this paper is a direct response to questions that arose from project workshops. In a concerted attempt to surmount barriers of understanding, especially regarding the format, utility, and development of the HAO, we discuss the roles of homology, "preferred terms", and "structural equivalency". We also outline the use of Universal Resource Identifiers (URIs) and posit that they are a key element necessary for increasing the objectivity and repeatability of science that references hymenopteran anatomy. Pragmatically, we detail a mechanism (the "URI table") by which authors can use URIs to link their published text to the HAO, and we describe an associated tool (the "Analyzer") to derive these tables. These tools, and others, are available through the HAO Portal website (http://portal.hymao.org). We conclude by discussing the future of the HAO with respect to digital publication, cross-taxon ontology alignment, the advent of semantic phenotypes, and community-based curation.


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The periodic spectroscopic events in eta Carinae are now well established and occur near the periastron passage of two massive stars in a very eccentric orbit. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the variations of different spectral features, such as an eclipse by the wind-wind collision (WWC) boundary, a shell ejection from the primary star or accretion of its wind onto the secondary. All of them have problems explaining all the observed phenomena. To better understand the nature of the cyclic events, we performed a dense monitoring of eta Carinae with five Southern telescopes during the 2009 low-excitation event, resulting in a set of data of unprecedented quality and sampling. The intrinsic luminosity of the He II lambda 4686 emission line (L similar to 310 L-circle dot) just before periastron reveals the presence of a very luminous transient source of extreme UV radiation emitted in the WWC region. Clumps in the primary's wind probably explain the flare-like behavior of both the X-ray and He II lambda 4686 light curves. After a short-lived minimum, He II lambda 4686 emission rises again to a new maximum, when X-rays are still absent or very weak. We interpret this as a collapse of the WWC onto the "surface" of the secondary star, switching off the hard X-ray source and diminishing the WWC shock cone. The recovery from this state is controlled by the momentum balance between the secondary's wind and the clumps in the primary's wind.


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The magnetic field in the local interstellar medium (ISM) provides a key indicator of the galactic environment of the Sun and influences the shape of the heliosphere. We have studied the interstellar magnetic field (ISMF) in the solar vicinity using polarized starlight for stars within 40 pc of the Sun and 90 degrees of the heliosphere nose. In Frisch et al. (Paper I), we developed a method for determining the local ISMF direction by finding the best match to a group of interstellar polarization position angles obtained toward nearby stars, based on the assumption that the polarization is parallel to the ISMF. In this paper, we extend the analysis by utilizing weighted fits to the position angles and by including new observations acquired for this study. We find that the local ISMF is pointed toward the galactic coordinates l, b = 47 degrees +/- 20 degrees, 25 degrees +/- 20 degrees. This direction is close to the direction of the ISMF that shapes the heliosphere, l, b = 33 degrees +/- 4 degrees, 55 degrees +/- 4 degrees, as traced by the center of the "Ribbon" of energetic neutral atoms discovered by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) mission. Both the magnetic field direction and the kinematics of the local ISM are consistent with a scenario where the local ISM is a fragment of the Loop I superbubble. A nearby ordered component of the local ISMF has been identified in the region l approximate to 0 degrees -> 80 degrees and b approximate to 0 degrees -> 30 degrees, where PlanetPol data show a distance-dependent increase of polarization strength. The ordered component extends to within 8 pc of the Sun and implies a weak curvature in the nearby ISMF of +/- 0 degrees.25 pc(-1). This conclusion is conditioned on the small sample of stars available for defining this rotation. Variations from the ordered component suggest a turbulent component of +/- 23 degrees. The ordered component and standard relations between polarization, color excess, and H-o column density predict a reasonable increase of N(H) with distance in the local ISM. The similarity of the ISMF directions traced by the polarizations, the IBEX Ribbon, and pulsars inside the Local Bubble in the third galactic quadrant suggest that the ISMF is relatively uniform over spatial scales of 8-200 pc and is more similar to interarm than spiral-arm magnetic fields. The ISMF direction from the polarization data is also consistent with small-scale spatial asymmetries detected in GeV-TeV cosmic rays with a galactic origin. The peculiar geometrical relation found earlier between the cosmic microwave background dipole moment, the heliosphere nose, and the ISMF direction is supported by this study. The interstellar radiation field at +/- 975 angstrom does not appear to play a role in grain alignment for the low-density ISM studied here.


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Background: Hypomethylation of the paternal imprinting center region 1 (ICR1) is the most frequent molecular cause of Silver-Russell syndrome (SRS). Clinical evidence suggests that patients with this epimutation have mild IGF1 insensitivity. Objective: To assess in vitro IGF1 action in fibroblast culture from a patient with SRS and IGF1 insensitivity. Methods: Fibroblast cultures from one patient with SRS due to ICR1 demethylation and controls were established. The SRS patient has severe growth failure, elevated IGF1 level, and poor growth rate during human recombinant GH treatment. IGF1 action was assessed by cell proliferation, AKT, and p42/44-MAPK phosphorylation. Gene expression was determined by real-time PCR. Results: Despite normal IGF1R sequence and expression, fibroblast proliferation induced by IGF1 was 50% lower in SRS fibroblasts in comparison with controls. IGF1 and insulin promoted a p42/44-MAPK activation in SRS fibroblasts 40 and 36%, respectively, lower than that in control fibroblasts. On the other hand, p42/44-MAPK activation induced by EGF stimulation was only slightly reduced (75% in SRS fibroblasts in comparison with control), suggesting a general impairment in MAPK pathway with a greater impairment of the stimulation induced by insulin and IGF1 than by EGF. A PCR array analysis disclosed a defect in MAPK pathway characterized by an increase in DUSP4 and MEF2C gene expressions in patient fibroblasts. Conclusion: A post-receptor IGF1 insensitivity was characterized in one patient with SRS and ICR1 hypomethylation. Although based on one unique severely affected patient, these results raise an intriguing mechanism to explain the postnatal growth impairment observed in SRS patients that needs confirmation in larger cohorts.