992 resultados para classroom intervention
This article reports on an exploratory study into the use of students' native language (NL) by teachers in the foreign language (FL) classroom. The project was undertaken by four teachers of beginner French at the University of Queensland. The teachers' aim was to investigate the use of NL in a context which actively promotes an immersion approach to FL teaching. The audio recordings of the teachers' speech were transcribed to provide data for estimating the amount of NL, and for analyzing the various instances of NL use. The study indicates that the activity type is a significant variable affecting NL amount. It also isolates two strategic uses of NL, translating FL words into NL, and contrasting NL and FL forms, both of which involve intrasentential code switching with NL words embedded in an FL sentence. The study suggests that these strategies may facilitate acquisition during immersion in FL, but experimental research is needed to test the hypothesis that translation and contrast facilitate learning of FL vocabulary and grammar.
At semiarid Charters Towers, north Queensland, Australia, the importance of Aedes aegypti (L.) in wells was assessed in relation to the colonization of surface habitats during the wet season. From April to July 1999, 10 wells (five positive for Ae. aegypti) were monitored to assess their status and larvae population numbers therein. All surface containers located within a 100 m radius of each well were removed, treated with s-methoprene or sealed to prevent the utilization of these containers by mosquitoes. These inner cores were surrounded by outer zones for a further 100 m in which surface containers were left untreated but all subterranean habitats were treated. Ovitraps were monitored monthly in the inner cores for 36 wk from August 1999 to April 2000 and differences in the proportions of ovitraps positive for Ae. aegypti and Ochlerotatus notoscriptus (Skuse) were analyzed by logistic regression. Analysis of the proportions of ovitraps positive for Ae. aegypti near positive wells indicated significantly greater colonization from November to March (the wet season), compared with those situated near Ae. aegypti negative wells. As Oc. notoscriptus were not produced from subterranean sites, comparisons of the proportions of ovitraps positive for Oc. notoscriptus in positive and negative inner cores provided an indication of the relative productivity of the uncontrolled surface containers in the outer zones. Differences in the utililization of ovitraps by Oc. notoscriptus among positive and negative cores were observed during only one month (March), when oviposition was greater in ovitraps in the negative cores, compared with the positive cores. Best subsets linear regression analysis of the proportion of ovitraps positive for Ae. aegypti against meteorological variables (rainfall, mean wind speed, mean relative humidity, mean minimum, and maximum temperature) during the week of ovitrapping indicated that minimum temperature and wind speed accounted for 63.4% of the variability. This study confirms that for semiarid towns such as Charters Towers, the practice of treating a relatively small number of key subterranean habitats during winter will significantly affect Ae. aegypti recolonization of surface container habitats during summer, the period of greatest risk for dengue.
Diabetes mellitus is now occurring in epidemic proportions in many countries. Owing to the limited effectiveness of drug prophylaxis of diabetic complications after diabetes has developed, it may be more appropriate to investigate ways to prevent the onset of diabetes. A recent trial published by the Diabetes Prevention Programme Research Group investigated whether lifestyle changes or metformin were effective in delaying the onset of diabetes in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance. The goals of the intensive lifestyle intervention were to achieve and maintain a weight reduction of 7% through a low-calorie, low-fat diet and to engage in physical activity of moderate intensity, such as brisk walking, for at least 150 min/week. The effectiveness of the intensive lifestyle intervention on body weight was initially quite good but decreased over time. Metformin caused some weight loss but to a lesser extent than the intensive lifestyle intervention. Both therapies decreased the fasting plasma glucose levels to a similar extent initially. The intensive lifestyle intervention decreased plasma glycosylated haemoglobin levels to a greater extent than metformin. Both intensive lifestyle intervention and metformin reduced the incidence of diabetes, with the lifestyle intervention having the greater effect.
Binoy Kampmark Criticises the Basis of Australia's New Strategic Thinking for the Pacific Region
Drug overdose is a major cause of Premature death and morbidity among heroin users. This article examines recent research into heroin overdose to inform interventions that will reduce the rate of overdose death. The demographic characteristics of overdose cases are discussed, including factors associated with overdose: polydrug use, drug purity, drug tolerance, routes of administration, and suicide. Responses by heroin users at overdoses are also examined. Potential interventions to reduce the rate of overdose and overdose-related morbidity are examined in light of the emerging data in this field.
PURPOSE: To determine the effects of aggressive lipid lowering on markers of ischemia, resistance vessel function, atherosclerotic burden, and Symptom status in patients with symptomatic coronary artery disease. METHODS: Sixty consecutive patients with coronary artery disease that was unsuitable for revascularization were assigned randomly to either usual therapy of lipids for patients with a low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol target level <116 mg/dL, or to a, more aggressive lipid-lowering strategy involving up to 80 mg/d of atorvastatin, with a target LDL cholesterol level <77 mg/dL. The extent and severity of inducible ischemia (by dobutamine echocardiography), vascular function.(brachial artery reactivity), atheroma burden (carotid intima-media thickness), and symptom status were evaluated blindly at baseline and after 12 weeks of treatment. RESULTS: After 12 weeks of treatment, patients in the aggressive therapy group had a significantly greater decrease in mean (+/- SD) LDL cholesterol level than those in the usual care group (29 +/- 38 mg/dL vs. 7 +/- 24 mg/dL, P = 0.03). Patients in the aggressive therapy group had a reduction in the number of ischemic wall segments (mean between-group difference of 1.3; 95% confidence interval: 0.1 to 2.0; P = 0.04), flow-mediated dilatation (mean between-group difference of 5.9%; 95% confidence interval: 2.5% to 9.4%; P = 0.001), and angina score after 12 weeks. There were no significant changes in atherosclerotic burden in either group. CONCLUSION: Patients with symptomatic coronary artery disease who are treated with aggressive lipid lowering have improvement of symptom status and ischemia that appears to reflect improved vascular function but not atheroma burden. Am J Med. 2003;114:445-453. (C) 2003 by Excerpta Medica Inc.
The Internet has the potential for delivering innovative, interactive physical activity (PA) interventions to large numbers of people. This study was designed to test the efficacy. of ant Internet intervention that consisted of a Web site plus 12 weekly e-mail tip sheets, compared with a waiting list control group. The Internet intervention was theory based and emphasized clear, graphical presentation of PA information. Sixty-five (30 intervention and 35 control) sedentary adult employees of several large hospitals (9 men and 56 women) were randomly assigned to 1 of the 2 study arms. Of the 65 participants, 57 completed the 1-month follow-up, and 52 completed the 3-month follow-up. At both 1 and 3 months, those in the intervention group were significantly more likely to have progressed, in stage of motivational readiness for PA than participants in the control group: 1 month, chi(2)(1, N = 52) = 4.05, p
One perpetual concern among Indigenous Australian peoples is authenticity of voice. Who has the right to speak for, and to make representations about, the knowledges and cultures of Indigenous Australian peoples? Whose voice is more authentic, and what happens to these ways of knowing when they make the journey into mainstream Western academic classrooms? In this paper, I examine these questions within the politics of “doing” Indigenous Australian studies by focusing on my own experiences as a lecturer in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit at the University of Queensland. My findings suggest that representation is a matter of problematizing positionality and, from a pedagogical standpoint, being aware of, and willing to address, the ways in which power, authority, and voice are performed and negotiated as teachers and learners of Indigenous Australian studies.
A tese afirma a vida por meio das biopotências que se manifestam em movimentações invisíveis aos olhos acostumados a permitir o ver, o julgar e o falar. Foca o tempo presente, na comunicação em redes, traz em si a potência de reatar a multidão, com a capacidade de sondar possibilidades mostrando o que antes parecia opaco e impossível. Perambular é ligar nas redes quentes de um bairro com/no/do território ao privilegiar o movimento, o processo, sempre caminhando pelas vias e conexões abertas, aposta estética-ética-política nos paradoxos sem superação e não hierarquizados. Toma como método de pesquisa-intervenção elementos de uma cartografia de movimentos e devires, traçando um perambular rizomático em que são problematizados a constituição do problema de pesquisa, que considera a construção do conhecimento diversificada, descentralizada e horizontalizada. Problematiza as práticas discursivas de si em suas relações com a biopolítica, a governabilidade e a biopolítica das populações. O que está(rá) rolando nesse bairro, no que foi chamado de criança, adolescente, escola, compor para que as coisas apareçam, junto com outros que vivem a loucura em duplas e trios. A tese é a possibilidade da existência de uma educação menor na periferia para as populações marginalizadas, muçulmanizadas. Educação menor, da sala de aula, do bairro, do cotidiano de professores, familiares e alunos. Educação que permite revolucionários, na medida em que alguma revolução ainda faz sentido na educação nesses dias. A educação menor constitui-se, assim, num empreendimento de militância, de professores militantes. Plano das afecções em que não há unidades, apenas intensidade. A tese fala do processo, de como reproduzir, ou não, os modos de subjetividade dominante, não se trata de medidas - "menor" ou "pequeno". Nesse sentido, é preciso considerar os efeitos de produção de subjetividade e a incorporação dos fatos à própria vida. A tese analisa movimentos instituintes buscando reconhecê-los em sua natureza contestatória e transgressora e ter conhecimento de como se organiza na escola e muito além dela. Discutindo a produtividade dessa coreografia do perambular, esboçamos movimentos que denominamos: estradas que levam a nada, além muro
With the number of elderly people increasing tremendously worldwide, comes the need for effective methods to maintain or improve older adults' cognitive performance. Using continuous neurofeedback, through the use of EEG techniques, people can learn how to train and alter their brain electrical activity. A software platform that puts together the proposed rehabilitation methodology has been developed: a digital game protocol that supports neurofeedback training of alpha and theta rhythms, by reading the EEG activity and presenting it back to the subject, interleaved with neurocognitive tasks such as n-Back and Corsi Block-Tapping. This tool will be used as a potential rehabilitative platform for age-related memory impairments.