990 resultados para cellular copper homeostasis


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The neurodegenerative disease Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA) is the most common autosomal-recessively inherited ataxia and is caused by a GAA triplet repeat expansion in the first intron of the frataxin gene. In this disease, transcription of frataxin, a mitochondrial protein involved in iron homeostasis, is impaired, resulting in a significant reduction in mRNA and protein levels. Global gene expression analysis was performed in peripheral blood samples from FRDA patients as compared to controls, which suggested altered expression patterns pertaining to genotoxic stress. We then confirmed the presence of genotoxic DNA damage by using a gene-specific quantitative PCR assay and discovered an increase in both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA damage in the blood of these patients (p<0.0001, respectively). Additionally, frataxin mRNA levels correlated with age of onset of disease and displayed unique sets of gene alterations involved in immune response, oxidative phosphorylation, and protein synthesis. Many of the key pathways observed by transcription profiling were downregulated, and we believe these data suggest that patients with prolonged frataxin deficiency undergo a systemic survival response to chronic genotoxic stress and consequent DNA damage detectable in blood. In conclusion, our results yield insight into the nature and progression of FRDA, as well as possible therapeutic approaches. Furthermore, the identification of potential biomarkers, including the DNA damage found in peripheral blood, may have predictive value in future clinical trials.


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To understand how a signaling molecule's activities are regulated, we need insight into the processes controlling the dynamic balance between its synthesis and degradation. For the Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5 signal, this information is woefully inadequate. For example, the only known cytosolic enzyme with the capacity to degrade Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5 is the tumour-suppressor PTEN [J.J. Caffrey, T. Darden, M.R. Wenk, S.B. Shears, FEBS Lett. 499 (2001) 6 ], but the biological relevance has been questioned by others [E.A. Orchiston, D. Bennett, N.R. Leslie, R.G. Clarke, L. Winward, C.P. Downes, S.T. Safrany, J. Biol. Chem. 279 (2004) 1116 ]. The current study emphasizes the role of physiological levels of PTEN in Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5 homeostasis. We employed two cell models. First, we used a human U87MG glioblastoma PTEN-null cell line that hosts an ecdysone-inducible PTEN expression system. Second, the human H1299 bronchial cell line, in which PTEN is hypomorphic due to promoter methylation, has been stably transfected with physiologically relevant levels of PTEN. In both models, a novel consequence of PTEN expression was to increase Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5 pool size by 30-40% (p<0.01); this response was wortmannin-insensitive and, therefore, independent of the PtdIns 3-kinase pathway. In U87MG cells, induction of the G129R catalytically inactive PTEN mutant did not affect Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P(5) levels. PTEN induction did not alter the expression of enzymes participating in Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5 synthesis. Another effect of PTEN expression in U87MG cells was to decrease InsP6 levels by 13% (p<0.02). The InsP6-phosphatase, MIPP, may be responsible for the latter effect; we show that recombinant human MIPP dephosphorylates InsP6 to D/L-Ins(1,2,4,5,6)P5, levels of which increased 60% (p<0.05) following PTEN expression in U87MG cells. Overall, our data add higher inositol phosphates to the list of important cellular regulators [Y. Huang, R.P. Wernyj, D.D. Norton, P. Precht, M.C. Seminario, R.L. Wange, Oncogene, 24 (2005) 3819 ] the levels of which are modulated by expression of the highly pleiotropic PTEN protein.


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Although the bactericidal effect of copper has been known for centuries, there is a current resurgence of interest in the use of this element as an antimicrobial agent. During this study the use of dendritic copper microparticles embedded in an alginate matrix as a rapid method for the deactivation of Escherichia coli ATCC 11775 was investigated. The copper/alginate produced a decrease in the minimum inhibitory concentration from free copper powder dispersed in the media from 0.25 to 0.065 mg/ml. Beads loaded with 4% Cu deactivated 99.97% of bacteria after 90 minutes, compared to a 44.2% reduction in viability in the equivalent free copper powder treatment. There was no observed loss in the efficacy of this method with increasing bacterial loading up to 10(6) cells/ml, however only 88.2% of E. coli were deactivated after 90 minutes at a loading of 10(8) cells/ml. The efficacy of this method was highly dependent on the oxygen content of the media, with a 4.01% increase in viable bacteria observed under anoxic conditions compared to a >99% reduction in bacterial viability in oxygen tensions above 50% of saturation. Scanning electron micrographs (SEM) of the beads indicated that the dendritic copper particles sit as discrete clusters within a layered alginate matrix, and that the external surface of the beads has a scale-like appearance with dendritic copper particles extruding. E. coli cells visualised using SEM indicated a loss of cellular integrity upon Cu bead treatment with obvious visible blebbing. This study indicates the use of microscale dendritic particles of Cu embedded in an alginate matrix to effectively deactivate E. coli cells and opens the possibility of their application within effective water treatment processes, especially in high particulate waste streams where conventional methods, such as UV treatment or chlorination, are ineffective or inappropriate.


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Every aerobic organism expresses cytochrome c oxidase to catalyze reduction of molecular oxygen to water, and takes advantage of this energy releasing reaction to produce an electrochemical gradient used in cellular energy production. The protein SCO (Synthesis of cytochrome c oxidase) is a required assembly factor for the oxidase, conserved across many species. SCO is implicated in the assembly of one of two copper centres (ie., CuA) of cytochrome oxidase. The exact mechanism of SCO’s participation in CuA assembly is not known. SCO has been proposed to bind and deliver copper, or alternatively to act in reductive preparation of the CuA site within the oxidase. In this body of work, the strength and stability of Cu(II) binding to Bacillus subtilis SCO is explored via electronic absorption and fluorescence spectroscopies and by calorimetric methods. An equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) of 3.5x10-12 M was determined as an upper limit for the BsSCO-Cu(II) interaction, via differential scanning calorimetry. In the first reported case for a SCO homolog, dissociation kinetics of Cu(II) from BsSCO were characterized, and found to be dependent on both ionic strength and the presence of free Cu(II) in solution. Further differential scanning calorimetry experiments performed at high ionic strength support a two-step model of BsSCO and Cu(II) binding. The implications of this model for the BsSCO-Cu(II) interaction are presented in relation to the mechanism of interaction between SCO and the CuA site of cytochrome c oxidase.


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Obestatin is a recently discovered peptide hormone that appears to be involved in reducing food intake, gut motility and body weight. Obestatin is a product of the preproghrelin gene and appears to oppose several physiological actions of ghrelin. This study investigated the acute effects of obestatin (1-23) and the truncated form, obestatin (11-23), on feeding activity, glucose homeostasis or insulin secretion. Mice received either intraperitoneal obestatin (1-23) or (11-23) (1 mu mol/kg) 4 h prior to an allowed 15 min period of feeding. Glucose excursions and insulin responses were lowered by 64-77% and 39-41%, respectively, compared with saline controls. However this was accompanied by 43% and 53% reductions in food intake, respectively. The effects of obestatin peptides were examined under either basal or glucose (18 mmol/kg) challenge conditions to establish whether effects were independent of changes in feeding. No alterations in plasma glucose or insulin responses were observed. In addition, obestatin peptides had no effect on insulin sensitivity as revealed by hypoglycaemic response when co-administered with insulin. Our observations support a role for obestatin in regulating metabolism through changes of appetite, but indicate no direct actions on glucose homeostasis or insulin secretion. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A novel N-terminally substituted Pro(3) analogue of glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) was synthesized and tested for plasma stability and biological activity both in vitro and in vivo. Native GIP was rapidly degraded by human plasma with only 39 +/- 6% remaining intact after 8 h, whereas (Pro(3))GIP was completely stable even after 24 h. In CHL cells expressing the human GIP receptor, (Pro(3))GIP antagonized the cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) stimulatory ability of 10(-7)M native GIP, with an IC50 value of 2.6 muM. In the clonal pancreatic beta cell line BRIN-BD11, (Pro(3))GIP over the concentration range 10(-13) to 10(-8) M dose dependently inhibited GIP-stimulated (10(-7) M) insulin release (1.2- to 1.7-fold; P <0.05 to P <0.001). In obese diabetic (ob/ob) mice, intraperitoneal administration of (Pro(3))GIP (25 nmol/kg body wt) countered the ability of native GIP to stimulate plasma insulin (2.4-fold decrease; P <0.001) and lower the glycemic excursion (1.5-fold decrease; P <0.001) induced by a glucose load (18 mmol/kg body wt). Collectively these data demonstrate that (Pro(3))GIP is a novel and potent enzyme-resistant GIP receptor antagonist capable of blocking the ability of native GIP to increase cAMP, stimulate insulin secretion, and improve glucose homeostasis in a commonly employed animal model of type 2 diabetes. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).


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Background: In neutralophilic bacteria, monovalent metal cation/H+ antiporters play a key role in pH homeostasis. In Escherichia coli, only four antiporters (NhaA, NhaB, MdfA and ChaA) are identified to function in maintenance of a stable cytoplasmic pH under conditions of alkaline stress. We hypothesised that the multidrug resistance protein MdtM, a recently characterised homologue of MdfA and a member of the major facilitator superfamily, also functions in alkaline pH homeostasis.
Results: Assays that compared the growth of an E. coli ΔmdtM deletion mutant transformed with a plasmid encoding wild-type MdtM or the dysfunctional MdtM D22A mutant at different external alkaline pH values (ranging from pH 8.5 to 10) revealed a potential contribution by MdtM to alkaline pH tolerance, but only when millimolar concentrations of sodium or potassium was present in the growth medium. Fluorescence-based activity assays using inverted vesicles generated from transformants of antiporter-deficient (ΔnhaA, ΔnhaB, ΔchaA) E. coli TO114 cells defined MdtM as a low-affinity antiporter that catalysed electrogenic exchange of Na+, K+, Rb+ or Li+ for H+. The K+/H+ antiport reaction had a pH optimum at 9.0, whereas the Na+/H+ exchange activity was optimum at pH 9.25. Measurement of internal cellular pH confirmed MdtM as contributing to maintenance of a stable cytoplasmic pH, acid relative to the external pH, under conditions of alkaline stress.
Conclusions: Taken together, the results support a role for MdtM in alkaline pH tolerance. MdtM can therefore be added to the currently limited list of antiporters known to function in pH homeostasis in the model organism E. coli.


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Grape-seed procyanidins (GSPE) modulate glucose homeostasis and it was suggested that GSPE may achieve this by enhancing the secretion of incretin hormones such as glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). Therefore, the aim of the present study is to examine in detail the effects of GSPE on intestinal endocrine cells (STC-1). GSPE was found to modulate plasma membrane potential in enteroendocrine cells, inducing depolarization at low concentrations (0.05 mg/L) and hyperpolarization at high concentrations (50 mg/L), and surprisingly this was also accompanied by suppressed GLP-1 secretion. Furthermore, how GSPE affects STC-1 cells under nutrient-stimulated conditions (i.e. glucose, linoleic acid and L-proline) was also explored, and we found that the higher GSPE concentration was effective in limiting membrane depolarization and reducing GLP-1 secretion. Next, it was also examined whether GSPE affected mitochondrial membrane potential, finding that this too is altered by GSPE, however this does not appear to explain the observed effects on plasma membrane potential and GLP-1 secretion. In conclusion, our results show that grape-seed procyanidins modulate cellular membrane potential and nutrient-induced enteroendocrine hormone secretion in STC-1 cells.


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Lycopene can exert antioxidant effects against peripheral and cellular oxidative stress and may be associated with reduced diabetic risk. Conversely, exercise-induced free radicals are thought to underpin many of the desirable whole-body adaptations following training and the use of antioxidants within the exercise model remains debatable. PURPOSE: To investigate the effect of lycopene supplementation on oxidative stress and glucose homeostasis following acute aerobic exercise. METHOD: Twenty-eight (n=28) apparently healthy male volunteers were recruited (age 24 ± 4 years; weight 78 ± 10 kg; height 178 ± 8 cm; 2max 40 ± 7 ml·kg-1 ·min-1 ) in a randomised, single blind, placebo-controlled study. Participants were required to attend the Laboratory on two occasions: prior to and following 6 weeks of supplementation of either 10mg lycopene (LG; n=15) or placebo (PG; n=13) followed by a bout of acute exercise for one hour at 65% 2max. Exogenous glucose oxidation was then measured on an isotope ratio mass spectrometer in a sub-group of participants (n=14) following exercise, by administration of a standard oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT; 75g glucose). Venous blood samples were drawn for measurement of oxidative stress parameters, plasma glucose and insulin. RESULTS: Plasma lycopene increased in LG only (0.01 ± 0.004 vs.0.02 ± 0.007 µmol/L; P <0.05) following supplementation and remained elevated post exercise compared to PG (0.01 ± 0.004 vs. 0.02 ± 0.009 µmol/L; P <0.05). There were no changes in other markers of oxidative stress (SOD, LOOHs, F2 ISP and Alkoxyl radical) either between or within the trials, (P >0.05, respectively). A main effect for an increase in insulin was observed two hours post OGTT in the sub-groups (Pooled data, P <0.05) but trends in the HOMA scores were evident with a 57% increase for LG (2.20 ± 1.84 vs. 5.14 ± 2.5; P >0.05) and an 11% decrease for PG (2.17 ± 1.06 vs. 1.94 ± 1.53; P >0.05). No change in plasma glucose was detected at any point, or after the OGTT (P >0.05). CONCLUSION: In healthy males, lycopene supplementation had no effect on post exercise levels of ROS or markers of lipid peroxidation, despite an increase in plasma lycopene. However, lycopene supplementation may affect post exercise insulin sensitivity in response to glucose consumption, but further parallel research is required.


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Cellular stress responses often involve elevation of cytosolic calcium levels, and this has been suggested to stimulate autophagy. Here, however, we demonstrated that agents that alter intracellular calcium ion homeostasis and induce ER stress-the calcium ionophore A23187 and the sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca (2+)-ATPase inhibitor thapsigargin (TG)-potently inhibit autophagy. This anti-autophagic effect occurred under both nutrient-rich and amino acid starvation conditions, and was reflected by a strong reduction in autophagic degradation of long-lived proteins. Furthermore, we found that the calcium-modulating agents inhibited autophagosome biogenesis at a step after the acquisition of WIPI1, but prior to the closure of the autophagosome. The latter was evident from the virtually complete inability of A23187- or TG-treated cells to sequester cytosolic lactate dehydrogenase. Moreover, we observed a decrease in both the number and size of starvation-induced EGFP-LC3 puncta as well as reduced numbers of mRFP-LC3 puncta in a tandem fluorescent mRFP-EGFP-LC3 cell line. The anti-autophagic effect of A23187 and TG was independent of ER stress, as chemical or siRNA-mediated inhibition of the unfolded protein response did not alter the ability of the calcium modulators to block autophagy. Finally, and remarkably, we found that the anti-autophagic activity of the calcium modulators did not require sustained or bulk changes in cytosolic calcium levels. In conclusion, we propose that local perturbations in intracellular calcium levels can exert inhibitory effects on autophagy at the stage of autophagosome expansion and closure.


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L'ubiquitination est une modification des protéines conservée, consistant en l'addition de résidus « ubiquitine » et régulant le destin cellulaire des protéines. La protéine « TRAF-interacting protein » TRAIP (ou TRIP) est une ligase E3 qui catalyse l'étape finale de l'ubiquitination. TRAIP est conservé dans l'évolution et est nécessaire au développement des organismes puisque l'ablation de TRAIP conduit à la mort embryonnaire aussi bien de la drosophile que de la souris. De plus, la réduction de l'expression de TRAIP dans des kératinocytes épidermiques humains réprime la prolifération cellulaire et induit un arrêt du cycle cellulaire en phase Gl, soulignant le lien étroit entre TRAIP et la prolifération cellulaire. Comme les mécanismes de régulation de la prolifération jouent un rôle majeur dans l'homéostasie de la peau, il est important de caractériser la fonction de TRAIP dans ces mécanismes. En utilisant des approches in vitro, nous avons déterminé que la protéine TRAIP est instable, modifiée par l'addition d'ubiquitine et ayant une demi-vie d'environ 4 heures. Nos analyses ont également révélé que l'expression de TRAIP est dépendante du cycle cellulaire, atteignant un pic d'expression en phase G2/M et que l'induction de son expression s'effectue principalement au cours de la transition Gl/S. Nous avons identifié le facteur de transcription E2F1 comme en étant le responsable, en régulant directement le promoteur de TRAIP. Aussi, TRAIP endogène ou surexprimée est surtout localisée au niveau du nucléole, une organelle nucléaire qui est désassemblée pendant la division cellulaire. Pour examiner la localisation subcellulaire de TRAIP pendant la mitose, nous avons imagé la protéine TRAIP fusionnée à une protéine fluorescente, à l'intérieur de cellules vivantes nommées HeLa, à l'aide d'un microscope confocal. Dans ces conditions, TRAIP est majoritairement localisée autour des chromosomes en début de mitose, puis est arrangée au niveau de l'ADN chromosomique en fin de mitose. La détection de TRAIP endogène à l'aide d'un anticorps spécifique a confirmé cette localisation. Enfin, l'inactivation de TRAIP dans les cellules HeLa par interférence ARN a inhibé leur capacité à s'arrêter en milieu de mitose. Nos résultats suggèrent que le mécanisme sous-jacent peut être lié au point de contrôle de l'assemblage du fuseau mitotique. - Ubiquitination of proteins is a post-translational modification which decides the cellular fate of the protein. The TRAF-interacting protein (TRAIP, TRIP) functions as an E3 ubiquitin ligase mediating addition of ubiquitin moieties to proteins. TRAIP interacts with the deubiquitinase CYLD, a tumor suppressor whose functional inactivation leads to skin appendage tumors. TRAIP is required for early embryonic development since removal of TRAIP either in Drosophila or mice by mutations or knock¬out is lethal due to aberrant regulation of cell proliferation and apoptosis. Furthermore, shRNA- mediated knock-down of TRAIP in human epidermal keratinocytes (HEK) repressed cell proliferation and induced a Gl/S phase block in the cell cycle. Additionally, TRAIP expression is strongly down- regulated during keratinocyte differentiation supporting the notion of a tight link between TRAIP and cell proliferation. We thus examined the biological functions of TRAIP in epithelial cell proliferation. Using an in vitro approach, we could determine that the TRAIP protein is unstable, modified by addition of ubiquitin moieties after translation and exhibits a half-life of 3.7+/-1-6 hours. Our analysis revealed that the TRAIP expression is modulated in a cell-cycle dependent manner, reaching a maximum expression level in G2/M phases. In addition, the expression of TRAIP was particularly activated during Gl/S phase transition and we could identify the transcription factor E2F1 as an activator of the TRAIP gene promoter. Both endogenous and over-expressed TRAIP mainly localized to the nucleolus, a nuclear organelle which is disassembled during cell division. To examine the subcellular localization of TRAIP during M phase, we performed confocal live-cell imaging of a functional fluorescent protein TRAIP-GFP in HeLa cells. TRAIP was distributed in the cytoplasm and accumulated around mitotic chromosomes in pro- and meta-phasic cells. TRAIP was then confined to chromosomal DNA location in anaphase and later phases of mitosis. Immune-detection of endogenous TRAIP protein confirmed its particular localization in mitosis. Finally, inactivating TRAIP expression in HeLa cells using RNA interference abrogated the cells ability to stop or delay mitosis progression. Our results suggested that TRAIP may involve the spindle assembly checkpoint.


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Cardiovascular diseases and in particular heart failure are major causes of morbidity and mortality in the Western world. Recently, the notion of promoting cardiac regeneration as a means to replace lost cardiomyocytes in the damaged heart has engendered considerable research interest. These studies envisage the utilization of both endogenous and exogenous cellular populations, which undergo highly specialized cell fate transitions to promote cardiomyocyte replenishment. Such transitions are under the control of regenerative gene regulatory networks, which are enacted by the integrated execution of specific transcriptional programs. In this context, it is emerging that the non-coding portion of the genome is dynamically transcribed generating thousands of regulatory small and long non-coding RNAs, which are central orchestrators of these networks. In this review, we discuss more particularly the biological roles of two classes of regulatory non-coding RNAs, i.e. microRNAs and long non-coding RNAs, with a particular emphasis on their known and putative roles in cardiac homeostasis and regeneration. Indeed, manipulating non-coding RNA-mediated regulatory networks could provide keys to unlock the dormant potential of the mammalian heart to regenerate. This should ultimately improve the effectiveness of current regenerative strategies and discover new avenues for repair. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Cardiomyocyte Biology: Cardiac Pathways of Differentiation, Metabolism and Contraction.


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The nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) transcription factor is a master regulator of inflammation. Short-term NF-κB activation is generally beneficial. However, sustained NF-κB might be detrimental, directly causing apoptosis of cells or leading to a persistent damaging inflammatory response. NF-κB activity in stressed cells needs therefore to be controlled for homeostasis maintenance. In mildly stressed cells, caspase-3 cleaves p120 RasGAP, also known as RASA1, into an N-terminal fragment, which we call fragment N. We show here that this fragment is a potent NF-κB inhibitor. Fragment N decreases the transcriptional activity of NF-κB by promoting its export from the nucleus. Cells unable to generate fragment N displayed increased NF-κB activation upon stress. Knock-in mice expressing an uncleavable p120 RasGAP mutant showed exaggerated NF-κB activation when their epidermis was treated with anthralin, a drug used for the treatment of psoriasis. Our study provides biochemical and genetic evidence of the importance of the caspase-3-p120-RasGAP stress-sensing module in the control of stress-induced NF-κB activation.


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When emerging from the ribosomes, new polypeptides need to fold properly, eventually translocate, and then assemble into stable, yet functionally flexible complexes. During their lifetime, native proteins are often exposed to stresses that can partially unfold and convert them into stably misfolded and aggregated species, which can in turn cause cellular damage and propagate to other cells. In animal cells, especially in aged neurons, toxic aggregates may accumulate, induce cell death and lead to tissue degeneration via different mechanisms, such as apoptosis as in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases and aging in general. The main cellular mechanisms effectively controlling protein homeostasis in youth and healthy adulthood are: (1) the molecular chaperones, acting as aggregate unfolding and refolding enzymes, (2) the chaperone-gated proteases, acting as aggregate unfolding and degrading enzymes, (3) the aggresomes, acting as aggregate compacting machineries, and (4) the autophagosomes, acting as aggregate degrading organelles. For unclear reasons, these cellular defences become gradually incapacitated with age, leading to the onset of degenerative diseases. Understanding these mechanisms and the reasons for their incapacitation in late adulthood is key to the design of new therapies against the progression of aging, degenerative diseases and cancers.