998 resultados para cattle-tick


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The structure of tick anticoagulant peptide (TAP) has been determined by X-ray crystallography at t.6 Å resolution complexed with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI). The TAP-BPTI crystals are tetragonal, a = b = 46.87, c = 50.35 Å, space group P41, four complexes per unit cell. The TAP molecules are highly dipolar and form an intermolecular helical array along the c-axis with a diameter of about 45 Å. Individual TAP units interact in a head-to-tail fashion, the positive end of one molecule associating with the distal negative end of another, and vice versa. The BPTI molecules have a uniformly distributed positively charged surface that interacts extensively through 14 hydrogen bonds and two hydrogen bonded salt bridges with the helical groove around the helical TAP chains. Comparing the structure of TAP in TAP-BPTI with TAP bound to factor Xa(Xa) suggests a massive reorganization in the N-terminal tetrapeptide and the first disulfide loop of TAP (CyS5(T)- Cys 15(T)) upon binding to Xa. The Tyr1(T)OH atom of TAP moves 14.2 Å to interact with Asp189 of the S1 specificity site, Arg3(T)CZ moves 5.0 Å with the guanidinium group forming a cation-π-electron complex in the S4 subsite of Xa, while Lys7(T)NZ differs in position by 10.6 Å in TAP-BPTI and TAP-Xa, all of which indicates a different pre-Xa-bound conformation for the N- terminal of TAP in its native state. In contrast to TAP, the BPTI structure of TAP-BPTI is practically the same as all those of previously determined structures of BPTI, only arginine and lysine side-chain conformations showing significant differences.


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PCR and nested-PCR methods were used to assess the frequency of Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina infection in Boophilus microplus engorged females and eggs and in cattle reared in an area with endemic babesiosis. Blood and the engorged female ticks were from 27 naturally infested calves and 25 crossbred cows. The frequency of both Babesia species was similar in calves and cows (P > 0.05). Babesia bovis was detected in 23 (85.2%) calves and in 25 (100%) cows and B. bigemina was detected in 25 (92.6%) calves and in 21 (84%) cows. Mixed infections with the both Babesia species were identified in 42 animals, 21 in each age category. Of female ticks engorged on calves, 34.9% were negative and single species infection with B. bigemina (56.2%) was significantly more frequent (P < 0.01) than with B. bovis (4.7%). Most of the females (60.8%) engorged on cows did not show Babesia spp. infection and the frequency of single B. bovis infection (17.6%) was similar (P > 0.05) to the frequency of single B. bigemina infection (15.9%). Mixed Babesia infection was lower (P < 0.01) than single species infection in female ticks engorged either in cows (5.7%) or in calves (4.3%). An egg sample from each female was analysed for the presence of Babesia species. Of the egg samples from female ticks infected with B. bovis, 26 (47.3%) were infected while from those from female ticks infected with B. bigemina 141 (76.6%) were infected (P < 0.01). The results showed that although the frequency of both species of Babesia was similar in calves and cows, the infectivity of B. bigemina was higher to ticks fed on calves while to those ticks fed on cows the infectivity of both Babesia species was similar. © 2004 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The present study provides the first epidemiological data on infection with Babesia bovis in cattle raised in the southwestern Brazilian Amazon. Blood clot samples were filtered through nylon cloth before being submitted to DNA extraction. PCR and nested-PCR were applied to assess the frequency of infection with B. bovis in calves with ages from 4 to 12 months bred in 4 microregions each in the states of Rondônia and Acre. After the DNA was extracted from the samples, the infection in cattle was investigated by amplification of the rap1 gene from B. bovis. The DNA amplification results revealed a frequency of infection with B. bovis of 95.1% (272/286) in the samples from Rondônia and 96.1% (195/203) in those from Acre. The high frequency of B. bovis infection in the animals with ages from 4 to 12 months indicates a situation of enzootic stability in the regions studied. The infection rates are comparable to those detected by immunodiagnostic techniques in other endemic regions of Brazil. © 2012 Elsevier GmbH.


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A babesiose, a anaplasmose e a tripanossomose são enfermidades relevantes, potencialmente causadoras de morbidade em bovinos, levando a perdas econômicas. A borreliose assume importância como zoonose potencial. O objetivo desse estudo foi determinar, por meio do ensaio de imunoadsorção enzimática (ELISA), a freqüência de anticorpos para Babesia bigemina, B. bovis, Anaplasma marginale, Trypanosoma vivax e Borrelia burgdorferi em bovinos da região nordeste do Estado do Pará, Brasil. Amostras de soro de 246 vacas dos municípios de Castanhal e São Miguel do Guamá foram usadas. ELISAs com antígeno bruto foram utilizados para detector anticorpos contra todos os agentes, exceto para A. marginale, para o qual um ELISA indireto com proteína principal de superfície 1a (MSP1a) foi usado. As freqüências de bovinos soropositivos foram: B. bigemina - 99,2%; B. bovis - 98,8%; A. marginale - 68,3%; T. vivax - 93,1% and B. burgdorferi -54,9% As freqüências de bovinos soropositivos para B. bovis e B. bigemina sugerem uma alta taxa de transmissão desses organismos por carrapatos, na região estudada, a qual pode ser classificada com sendo de estabilidade enzoótica para os hemoparasitos. A baixa freqüência de bovinos soropositivos para A. marginale pode ser atribuída a uma menor sensibilidade do ELISA com antígeno recombinante, ou uma menor taxa de inoculação da riquétsia pelos carrapatos, quando comparada àquelas observadas para Babesia sp. A alta freqüência de bovinos soropositivos para T. vivax indica que esse hemoprotozoário é prevalente em rebanhos do nordeste do Estado do Pará. O percentual de animais com anticorpos homólogos para B. burgdorferi indica a presenças deste espiroquetídeo transmitido por carrapatos na população de bovinos da região estudada.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The current study assessed the deleterious effects of two formulations of fluazuron (2.5 mg/kg fluazuron and a combination of 3.0 mg/kg fluazuron + 0.5 mg/kg abamectin) on the reproductive parameters of engorged Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) micro plus females that naturally detached from experimentally infested cattle in two experiments. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that fluazuron (2.5 mg/ kg) showed deleterious effects only on the hatchability percentage in the period of 2-7 post-treatment days of this ectoparasite's engorged females. On the other hand, the fluazuron (3.0 mg/kg) + abamectin (0.5 mg/kg) combination presented harmful effects over reproductive parameters of this tick species. Further studies should be performed with a known tick population (reference susceptible strain) to determine the effect of these formulations on the reproductive parameters and to elucidate if this field population is fluazuron resistant. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The present study aimed to evaluate the acaricidal efficacy of fluazuron (2.5 mg/kg), administered as a pour-on, in comparison to an injectable formulation containing fluazuron (1.6 mg/kg) + ivermectin (0.63 mg/kg), against Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus in naturally and experimentally infested cattle. Two studies were conducted with different tick strains, one with artificial infestations (Stall Test, using leight animals per group) and one with natural infestations (utilizing ten animals per group): In both studies, the animals were randomized, according to average tick counts performed on days -3, -2 and -1, into four groups: T01, negative control (saline solution); T02, pour-on fluazuron (2.5 mg/kg); T03: subcutaneous fluazuron (1.6 mg/kg) + ivermectin (0.63 mg/kg); and T04 subcutaneous ivermectin (0.63 mg/kg). Based on obtained results, and considering the utilized tick strains, it was possible to conclude that the pour-on fluazuron (2.5 mg/kg) formulation demonstrated high acaricidal efficacy, with protection periods ranging from 49 to 77 days against Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. On the other hand, for the injectable fluazuron (1.6 mg/kg) + ivermectin (0.63 mg/kg) formulation, it was not possible to observe elevated anti-R. (B.) microplus effect on both artificial and experimental infestation studies. Results observed for this combination were similar or inferior to those obtained by subcutaneous ivermectin (0.63 mg/kg). Future studies with this formulation containing fluazuron (1.6 mg/kg) + ivermectin (0.63 mg/kg), regarding pharmacokinetic and/or bioavailability profiles, or even studies analyzing both this active principles separately, are needed, seeking to better understand the effects of such combination against Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus parasitizing cattle. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This present study aimed to evaluate the deleterious effects of some commercially available spray formulations (15% Cypermethrin+25% Chlorpyriphos+1% Citronellal and 8% Cypermethrin+60% Ethion) on the reproductive parameters of engorged Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus females that detached from experimentally infested cattle. The following reproductive parameters of engorged female ticks were analyzed: female weight, egg mass weight, percentage of hatchability, percentage of reduction in oviposition, percentage of reduction in hatchability, reproductive efficiency and percent control/efficacy of formulations for reproductive parameters. Our findings showed that although the strain R. (B.) microplus used in both experiments was thought to be sensitive to the test compounds because of the acaricidal efficacy observed throughout these trials, it was not possible to observe overall deleterious effects on the reproductive parameters of this tick species with both spray formulations. However, the 8% Cypermethrin+60% Ethion showed short-term significant effects on the weight of female ticks between the 14th and 16th days post-treatment and the weight of female and the egg mass weight between the 20th and 22nd days post-treatment. New studies should be conducted to show if these results regarding the reproductive parameters of fully engorged R. (B.) microplus females, combined with the acaricidal efficacy can be sufficient to reduce the number of chemical treatments administered to cattle.


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The increasing resistance of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus tick to commercial insecticides requires alternative methods for the control of this cattle plague. The enthomopathogenic fungus Beauveria feline produces destruxins in culture media, cyclic depsipeptides which display an array of biological activities. The present investigation aimed to evaluate the acaricide action of destruxins isolated from B. felina culture media on R. (B.) microplus engorged females. B. felina was grown in MF medium under 19 different growth conditions. HPLC-PDA analysis of chromatographic fractions obtained from the 19 different growth media extracts indicated the presence of destruxins in all lipophylic fractions. Such fractions were combined and subjected to separation by HPLC. Fractions containing distinct destruxins composition were tested against R. (B.) micro plus. Two fractions, composed of destruxin Ed(1) and pseudodestruxin B and/or pseudodestruxin C (fraction P1) as well as by hydroxyhomodestruxin B and/or destruxin D and/or roseotoxin C (fraction P7), displayed 30% and 28.7% acaricidal efficacy, respectively. This activity profile in such low concentration is adequate to consider destruxins as potential leading compounds to be developed for tick biological control. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This manuscript provides a summary of the results presented at a symposium organized to accumulate information on factors that influence the prevalence of acaricide resistance and tick-borne diseases. This symposium was part of the 19th International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP), held in New Orleans, LA, USA, during August 10-14, 2003. Populations of southern cattle ticks, Boophilus microplus, from Mexico have developed resistance to many classes of acaricide including chlorinated hydrocarbons (DDT), pyrethroids, organ ophosphates, and formamidines (amitraz). Target site mutations are the most common resistance mechanism observed, but there are examples of metabolic mechanisms. In many pyrethroid resistant strains, a single target site mutation on the Na+ channel confers very high resistance (resistance ratios: >1000x) to both DDT and all pyrethroid acaricides. Acetylcholine esterase affinity for OPs is changed in resistant tick populations. A second mechanism of OP resistance is linked to cytochrome P450 monooxygenase activity. A PCR-based assay to detect a specific sodium channel gene mutation that is associated with resistance to permethrin has been developed. This assay can be performed on individual ticks at any life stage with results available in a few hours. A number of Mexican strains of B. microplus with varying profiles of pesticide resistance have been genotyped using this test. Additionally, a specific metabolic esterase with permethrin-hydrolyzing activity, CzEst9, has been purified and its gene coding region cloned. This esterase has been associated with high resistance to permethrin in one Mexican tick population. Work is continuing to clone specific acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and carboxylesterase genes that appear to be involved in resistance to organophosphates. Our ultimate goal is the design of a battery of DNA- or ELISA-based assays capable of rapidly genotyping individual ticks to obtain a comprehensive profile of their susceptibility to various pesticides. More outbreaks of clinical bovine babesisois and anaplasmosis have been associated with the presence of synthetic pyrethroid (SP) resistance when compared to OP and amidine resistance. This may be the result of differences in the temporal and geographic patterns of resistance development to the different acaricides. If acaricide resistance develops slowly, herd immunity may not be affected. The use of pesticides for the control of pests of cattle other than ticks can affect the incidence of tick resistance and tick-borne diseases. Simple analytical models of tick- and tsetse-bome diseases suggest that reducing the abundance of ticks, by treating cattle with pyrethroids for example, can have a variety of effects on tick-bome diseases. In the worst-case scenario, the models suggest that treating cattle might not only have no impact on trypanosomosis but could increase the incidence of tick-bome disease. In the best-case, treatment could reduce the incidence of both trypanosomosis and tick-bome diseases Surveys of beef and dairy properties in Queensland for which tick resistance to amitraz was known were intended to provide a clear understanding of the economic and management consequences resistance had on their properties. Farmers continued to use amitraz as the major acaricide for tick control after the diagnosis of resistance, although it was supplemented with moxidectin (dairy farms) or fluazuron, macrocyclic lactones or cypermethrin/ chlorfenvinphos. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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A serological survey of bovine babesiosis and anaplasmosis in communal cattle was conducted in the northwestern province of Tete, Mozambique. Blood was collected from cattle ranging from 4 to 15 months old from randomly selected farms from six districts. Thirty-nine per cent of all 478 calves tested in Tete Province were seropositive to the ELISA for Babesia bovis antibodies and 63% of all calves were seropositive in the card agglutination test for Anaplasma marginale. Seroprevalence of B. bovis ranged from 22.8% in Tete City District to 48.1% in Angonia District. For A. marginale, it ranged from 34.4% in Angonia District to 87.3% in Moatize District. The dominant factor affecting seroprevalence for both haemoparasites was district and there was a trend for higher intensity of tick control to be associated with a higher seroprevalence of B. bovis and a lower seroprevalence of A. marginale. The obvious differences were the low prevalence of B. bovis in Tete City Council District and the low prevalence of A. marginale in Angonia District. The levels of exposure to B. bovis seen in our study are well below any that could be considered to be consistent with endemic stability, yet they are sufficiently high to ensure that clinical disease would be a risk. The seroprevalence of A. marginale, however, suggests that endemic stability with respect to this disease could exist in districts other than Angonia. There was no strong and consistent relationship between the intensity of control and the likelihood of seropositivity to either of the diseases.


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Observations of cattle in central and southern Queensland are collated to de. ne the prevalence and area of Stephanofilaria lesions associated with infestations of the buffalo fly, Haematobia irritans exigua. The observations were made on herds that were being used for other purposes. In a survey of similar to 1500 animals at Belmont in central Queensland in 1982, 98% of cows and 70% of calves had lesions. Most lesions were on the neck and dewlap and 10% were raw and weeping at the time of sampling. The total area of lesions per animal was strongly related to cattle breed and age. Old Bos taurus animals had the greatest area of lesions, whereas young Bos indicus had the least. Heritability estimates were low, averaging 0.01 for calves and 0.18 for cows. A smaller survey of cows and steers at Craighoyle in central Queensland in 1986 showed a higher numbers of lesions and positive correlations between the total lesion area and animal size. The lesion area increased with tick survival, suggesting that tick-resistant animals are also resistant to Stephanofilaria infection. Steers had smaller areas of lesions than cows, as found previously with cattle ticks. Long-term monitoring observations in central and southern Queensland between 1981 and 1986 showed that the total area of lesions was seasonal with a peak in late summer, consistent with the seasonal incidence of buffalo fly. Animals segregated into Low and High lesion herds maintained their differences over time. The lesions penetrated the dermis of the cattle hides and rendered the affected area unusable, but few lesions occurred on valuable parts of the hide so such economic effects are likely to be insignificant. One animal nearly died of a haemorrhage from a lesion on the dewlap and had to be treated. The results can inform policy on buffalo fly control, and biosecurity preparations in relation to the potential establishment of the OldWorld screw-worm fly, Chrysomyia bezziana, in Australia, which will be facilitated by the lesions. The results emphasise the significant animal welfare and biosecurity risks posed by the lesions in northern Australia.