678 resultados para cathelicidin-BF
FUNDAMENTO: O balanço simpatovagal cardíaco se altera após o exercício de força. Contudo, o impacto das características do treinamento de força nessa resposta ainda não está claro. OBJETIVO: Analisar o efeito agudo da intensidade do exercício de força para tronco e membros superiores na modulação autonômica cardíaca pós-exercício. MÉTODOS: Quinze homens jovens realizaram três sessões experimentais em ordem aleatória: controle (C), exercício de força com 50% de 1-RM (E50%) e exercício de força com 70% de 1-RM (E70%). As sessões incluíram 05 exercícios para tronco e membro superior, realizados em três séries de 12, 9 e 6 repetições, respectivamente. Antes e aos 20 e 50 minutos após as intervenções, a frequência cardíaca foi medida para posterior análise espectral da sua variabilidade. RESULTADOS: Em comparação aos valores anteriores à intervenção, o intervalo RR e a banda de alta frequência (AF) aumentaram (maiores alterações: + 112 ± 83 ms; +10 ± 11 un, respectivamente, p < 0,01), enquanto que a banda de baixa frequência (BF) e a razão BF/AF diminuíram (maiores alterações: -10 ± 11 un; -2 ± 2, respectivamente, p < 0,01) após a sessão C. Nenhuma dessas variáveis se alterou significantemente após a sessão E50% (p > 0,05). Em comparação aos valores pré-exercício, o intervalo RR e a banda AF diminuíram (maiores alterações: -69 ± 105 ms; -13 ± 14 un, respectivamente, p < 0,01), enquanto que a banda BF e a razão BF/AF aumentaram (maiores alterações: -13 ± 14 un, +13 ± 14 un e +3 ± 3 un, respectivamente, p < 0,01) após a E70%. CONCLUSÃO: A maior intensidade de exercício de força para tronco e membros superiores promoveu, agudamente, maior aumento do balanço simpatovagal cardíaco pós-exercício.
FUNDAMENTO: Infusão de intralipid e heparina resulta em aumento da pressão arterial e também em anormalidades autonômicas em indivíduos normais e hipertensos. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a sensibilidade a insulina e o impacto da infusão de intralipid e de heparina (ILH) sobre a resposta hemodinâmica, metabólica e autonômica em pacientes com a forma indeterminada da doença de Chagas. MÉTODOS: Doze pacientes com a forma indeterminada da doença de Chagas e 12 voluntários saudáveis foram avaliados. RESULTADOS: A pressão arterial basal e a frequência cardíaca foram semelhantes nos dois grupos. Os níveis plasmáticos de noradrenalina encontravam-se ligeiramente aumentados no grupo de pacientes chagásicos. Após o Teste de Tolerância a Insulina (TTI), houve um declínio significativo na glicose dos dois grupos. A Infusão de ILH resultou em aumento da pressão arterial em ambos os grupos, mas não houve nenhuma mudança significativa na noradrenalina plasmática. O componente de Baixa Frequência (BF) mostrou-se semelhante e aumentou de forma semelhante em ambos os grupos. O componente de Alta Frequência (AF) apresentou-se menor no grupo chagásico. CONCLUSÃO: Pacientes com forma indeterminada da doença de Chagas apresentaram aumento da atividade simpática no momento basal e uma resposta inadequada à insulina. Eles também tiveram um menor componente de alta frequência e sensibilidade barorreflexa prejudicada no momento basal e durante a infusão de intralipid e heparina.
FUNDAMENTO: O envolvimento cardíaco é comum em pacientes com Distrofia Miotônica (DM). A Variabilidade da Frequência Cardíaca (VFC) é uma técnica simples e confiável que pode ser útil para estudar a influência do sistema nervoso autonômico sobre o coração. OBJETIVO: Estudar a variabilidade da frequência cardíaca em pacientes com DM tipo 1. MÉTODOS: Estudamos a VFC durante registros de 5 minutos em pacientes com DM em um grupo controle saudável. Analisamos os domínios da frequência (BF e AF) em unidades normalizadas (un) e balanço simpático-vagal, na posição sentada e em decúbito dorsal. RESULTADOS: Dezessete pacientes (10 homens e 7 mulheres) e dezessete indivíduos pareados saudáveis (10 homens e 7 mulheres) foram estudados. As modulações simpática e parassimpática do coração elevadas em pacientes do sexo masculino com DM da posição em decúbito dorsal para a posição sentada em 19% da AFun e a razão BF/AF aumentaram 42,3%. Na posição sentada, os pacientes do sexo masculino com DM apresentaram balanços simpático-vagal significativamente mais elevados em 50,9% em comparação com indivíduos controles saudáveis. A VFC foi influenciada tanto pelo sexo quanto pela enfermidade apresentada. O sexo influenciou a AFun na posição em decúbito dorsal, enquanto a razão BF/AF e AFun foi afetada em ambas as posições. Análises post hoc mostraram que o sexo afeta significativamente pacientes com DM e indivíduos saudáveis de diferentes maneiras (p < 0,01). O domínio de baixa frequência na posição sentada (AFun) foi significativamente influenciado pela enfermidade. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que o estímulo simpático em pacientes de meia-idade do sexo masculino com DM que não está gravemente comprometido e apresenta duração moderada da doença parece ser maior do que em indivíduos saudáveis pareados.
Background: Although smokers tend to have a lower body-mass index (BMI) than non-smokers, smoking may affect body fat (BF) distribution. Some studies have assessed the association between smoking, BMI and waist circumference (WC), but, to our knowledge, no population-based studies assessed the relation between smoking and BF composition. We assessed the association between amount of cigarette smoking, BMI, WC and BF composition. Method: Data was analysed from a cross-sectional population-based study including 6'187 Caucasians aged 32-76 and living in Switzerland. Height, weight and WC were measured. BF, expressed in percent of total body weight, was measured by electrical bioimpedance. Abdominal obesity was defined as a WC 0102 cm for men and 088 cm for women and normal WC as <94 cm for men and <80 cm for women. In men, excess BF was defined as %BF 028.1, 28.7, 30.6 and 32.6 for age groups 32-44, 45-54, 55-64 and 65-76, respectively; the corresponding values for women were 35.9, 36.5, 40.5 and 44.4. Cigarette smoking was assessed using a self-reported questionnaire. Results: 29.3% of men and 25.0% of women were smokers. Prevalence of obesity, abdominal obesity, and excess of BF was 16.9% and 26.6% and 14.2% in men and 15.0%, 33.0% and 27.5% in women, respectively. Smokers had lower age-adjusted mean WC and percent of BF compared to non-smokers. However, among smokers, mean age-adjusted WC and BF increased with the number of cigarettes smoked per day: among light (1-10 cig/day), moderate (11-20) and heavy smokers (>20), mean ± SE %BF was 22.4 ± 0.3, 23.1 ± 0.3 and 23.5 ± 0.4 for men, and 31.9 ± 0.3, 32.6 ± 0.3 and 32.9 ± 0.4 for women, respectively. Mean WC was 92.9 ± 0.6, 94.0 ± 0.5 and 96.0 ± 0.6 cm for men, and 80.2 ± 0.5, 81.3 ± 0.5 and 83.3 ± 0.7 for women, respectively. Compared with light smokers, the age-adjusted odds ratio (95% Confidence Interval) for excess of BF was 1.04 (0.58 to 1.85) for moderate smokers and 1.06 (0.57 to 1.99) for heavy smokers in men (p-trend = 0.9), and 1.35 (0.92 to 1.99) and 2.26 (1.38 to 3.72), respectively, in women (p-trend = 0.04). Odds ratio for abdominal obesity vs. normal WC was 1.32 (0.81 to 2.15) for moderate smokers and 1.95 (1.16 to 3.27) for heavy smokers in men (p-trend <0.01), and 1.15 (0.79 to 1.69) and 2.36 (1.41 to 3.93) in women (p-trend = 0.03). Conclusion: WC and BF were positively and dose-dependently associated with the number of cigarettes smoked per day in women, whereas only WC was dose dependently and significantly associated with the amount of cigarettes smoked per day in men. This suggests that heavy smokers, especially women, are more likely to have an excess of BF and to accumulate BF in the abdomen compared to lighter smokers.
The aim of the present study was to characterize the discharge properties of single neurons in the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL) of the rat. In the absence of acoustic stimulation, two types of spontaneous discharge patterns were observed: units tended to fire in a bursting or in a nonbursting mode. The distribution of units in the DNLL based on spontaneous firing rate followed a rostrocaudal gradient: units with high spontaneous rates were most commonly located in the rostral part of the DNLL, whereas in the caudal part units had lower spontaneous discharge rates. The most common response pattern of DNLL units to 200 ms binaural noise bursts contained a prominent onset response followed by a lower but steady-state response and an inhibitory response in the early-off period. Thresholds of response to noise bursts were on average higher for DNLL units than for units recorded in the inferior colliculus under the same experimental conditions. The DNLL units were arranged according to a mediolateral sensitivity gradient with the lowest threshold units in the most lateral part of the nucleus. In the rat, as in other mammals, the most common DNLL binaural input type was an excitatory response to contralateral ear stimulation and inhibitory response to ipsilateral ear stimulation (EI type). Pure tone bursts were in general a more effective stimulus compared to noise bursts. Best frequency (BF) was established for 97 DNLL units and plotted according to their spatial location. The DNLL exhibits a loose tonotopic organization, where there is a concentric pattern with high BF units located in the most dorsal and ventral parts of the DNLL and lower BF units in the middle part of the nucleus.
New-variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and scrapie are typically initiated by extracerebral exposure to the causative agent, and exhibit early prion replication in lymphoid organs. In mouse scrapie, depletion of B-lymphocytes prevents neuropathogenesis after intraperitoneal inoculation, probably due to impaired lymphotoxin-dependent maturation of follicular dendritic cells (FDCs), which are a major extracerebral prion reservoir. FDCs trap immune complexes with Fc-gamma receptors and C3d/C4b-opsonized antigens with CD21/CD35 complement receptors. We examined whether these mechanisms participate in peripheral prion pathogenesis. Depletion of circulating immunoglobulins or of individual Fc-gamma receptors had no effect on scrapie pathogenesis if B-cell maturation was unaffected. However, mice deficient in C3, C1q, Bf/C2, combinations thereof or complement receptors were partially or fully protected against spongiform encephalopathy upon intraperitoneal exposure to limiting amounts of prions. Splenic accumulation of prion infectivity and PrPSc was delayed, indicating that activation of specific complement components is involved in the initial trapping of prions in lymphoreticular organs early after infection.
A Phase 1 double-blind placebo-controlled study was performed to evaluate a vaccine against American tegumentary leishmaniasis in 61 healthy male volunteers. Side effects and the immune response to the vaccine were evaluated, with 1- and 2- dose schemes, with intervals of 7 or 21 days, each dose containing 1440 mg of protein N antigen of a single strain of Leishmania amazonensis (PH 8) diluted in merthiolated saline (1:10,000). Merthiolated saline and an inert substance were used as placebos. No significant clinical alterations were found following the respective injections in the vaccinated individuals as compared to the placebos, except for local pain, which was associated significantly with injection of the vaccine. The laboratory alterations we observed bore no association with the clinical findings and were unimportant. We observed no differences between the groups with regard to seroconversion or the Montenegro skin test. However, the group that received a single dose of the vaccine and the one that received two doses with a 21-day interval displayed cutaneous induration significantly larger than in the control group, with 100%, 100%, and 66% conversion in the skin test, respectively. We concluded that the vaccine does not present any major side effect that would contraindicate its use in healthy individuals.
Little information exists regarding the effect of several obesity markers on blood pressure (BP) levels in youth. Transverse study including 2494 boys and 2589 girls. Height, weight and waist were measured according to the international criteria and body fat (BF) by bioimpedance. BP was measured by an automated device. Hypertension was defined using sex-specific, age-specific and height-specific observation-points. Body mass index (BMI) and waist were positively related with systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and heart rate in both sexes, whereas the relationships with BF were less consistent. Stepwise linear regression analysis showed that BMI was positively related with SBP and DBP in both sexes, whereas BF was negatively related with SBP in both sexes and with heart rate in boys only; finally, waist was positively related with SBP in boys and heart rate in girls. Age and heart rate-adjusted values of SBP and DBP increased with BMI: for SBP, 117+/-1, 123+/-1 and 124+/-1 mmHg in normal, overweight and obese boys, respectively; corresponding values for girls were 111+/-1, 114+/-1 and 116+/-2 mmHg (mean+/-SE, P<0.001). Overweight and obese boys had an odds ratio for being hypertensive of 2.26 (95% confidence interval: 1.79-2.86) and 3.36 (2.32-4.87), respectively; corresponding values for girls were 1.58 (confidence interval 1.25-1.99) and 2.31 (1.53-3.50). BMI, not BF or waist, is consistently and independently related to BP levels in children; overweight and obesity considerably increase the risk of hypertension.
Visceral larva migrans syndrome by Toxocara affects mainly children between 2 and 5 years of age, it is generally asymptomatic, and the seroprevalence varies from 3 to 86% in different countries. A total of 399 schoolchildren from 14 public schools of the Butantã region, São Paulo city, Brazil, were evaluated by Toxocara serology (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). Epidemiological data to the Toxocara infection obtained from a protocol were submitted to multiple logistic regression analysis for a risk profile definition. Blood was collected on filter paper by finger puncture, with all samples tested in duplicate. Considering titers > 1/160 as positive, the seroprevalence obtained was 38.8%. Among infected children, the mean age was 9.4 years, with a similar distribution between genders. A significant association was observed with the presence of onychophagia, residence with a dirty backyard, living in a slum, previous wheezing episodes, school attended, and family income (p < 0.05). All data, except "living in a slum", were considered to be determinant of a risk profile for the acquisition of Toxocara infection. A monthly income > 5 minimum salaries represented a protective factor, although of low relevance. Toxocara eggs were found in at least one of the soil samples obtained from five schools, with high prevalence of Toxocara infections, indicating the frequent soil contamination by this agent.
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the specificity of the Montenegro skin test (MST) in an area in Brazil, state of Grande do Sul State (RS), which was considered to be non-endemic for leishmaniasis. Sixty subjects presented a positive MST and were reevaluated by clinical examination, serology and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of peripheral blood for the detection of subclinical Leishmania infection. None of the subjects presented clinical signs or symptoms of current leishmaniasis or a history of the disease.Leishmania (Viannia) DNA was detected in blood by PCR and hybridization in one subject. The PCR skin test-positive individual remained asymptomatic throughout the study. Clinical examination showed no scars suggestive of past cutaneous leishmaniasis. Human subclinical infection with Leishmania (Viannia) in RS was confirmed by PCR. This is the first report of subclinical infection with this parasite in the human population of this area.
The present study investigated the diagnostic value of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) performed in parallel to conventional methods at an American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL) referral centre for diagnosis. Accuracy parameters for PCR were calculated using 130 patients with confirmed ATL (ATL group), 15 patients established with other diseases and 23 patients with a lesion suggestive of ATL, but without parasitological confirmation (NDEF group). PCR showed 92.3% sensitivity, 93.3% specificity, a 99.2% positive predictive value and a 13.84 positive likelihood ratio. In the NDEF group, PCR confirmed ATL in 13 of the 23 patients, seven of whom responded to leishmaniasis treatment and six who presented spontaneous healing of the lesion. PCR should be included in the routine diagnostic procedures for ATL, especially for cases found to be negative by conventional methods.
It has been reported that patients with progressive tuberculosis (TB) express abundant amounts of the antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) cathelicidin (LL-37) and human neutrophil peptide-1 (HNP-1) in circulating cells, whereas latent TB infected donors showed no differences when compared with purified protein derivative (PPD) and QuantiFERON®-TB Gold (QFT)-healthy individuals. The aim of this study was to determine whether LL-37 and HNP-1 production correlates with higher tuberculin skin test (TST) and QFT values in TB household contacts. Twenty-six TB household contact individuals between 26-58 years old TST and QFT positive with at last two years of latent TB infection were recruited. AMPs production by polymorphonuclear cells was determined by flow cytometry and correlation between TST and QFT values was analysed. Our results showed that there is a positive correlation between levels of HNP-1 and LL-37 production with reactivity to TST and/or QFT levels. This preliminary study suggests the potential use of the expression levels of these peptides as biomarkers for progression in latent infected individuals.
Objective: to assess the between and within-device reproducibility, as well as within-day variability of body fat measurements. Methods: body fat percentage (%BF) was measured twice on seventeen female students aged between 18 and 20 with a body mass index of 21.9 22.6 kg/m2 (mean SD) using seven bipolar bioelectrical impedance devices (BF-306) according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Each student was also measured each hour between 7:00 and 22:00. Statistical analysis was conducted using a general linear model for repeated measurements. Results: the correlation between first and second measurements was very high (Pearson r between 0.985 and 1.000, p<0.001), as well as the correlation between devices (Pearson r between 0.986 and 0.999, all p<0.001). Repeated measurements analysis showed no differences were between devices (F test=0.83, p=0.59) or readings (first vs. second: F test=0.12, p=0.74). Conversely, significant differences were found between assessment periods throughout the day, measurements made in the morning being lower than those made in the afternoon. Assuming an overall daily average of 100 (based on all measurements), the values were 95.8 3.2 (mean SD) at 8:00 versus 101.3 3.0 at 20:00, corresponding to a mean change of 2.2 1.1 in %BF (F test for repeated values=6.58, p<0.001). Conclusions: the between and within-device reproducibility for measuring body fat is high, enabling the use of multiple devices in a single study. Conversely, small but significant changes in body fat measurements occur during the day, urging body fat measurements to be performed at fixed times.
OBJECTIVE: Low and high body mass index (BMI) values have been shown to increase health risks and mortality and result in variations in fat-free mass (FFM) and body fat mass (BF). Currently, there are no published ranges for a fat-free mass index (FFMI; kg/m(2)), a body fat mass index (BFMI; kg/m(2)), and percentage of body fat (%BF). The purpose of this population study was to determine predicted FFMI and BFMI values in subjects with low, normal, overweight, and obese BMI. METHODS: FFM and BF were determined in 2986 healthy white men and 2649 white women, age 15 to 98 y, by a previously validated 50-kHz bioelectrical impedance analysis equation. FFMI, BFMI, and %BF were calculated. RESULTS: FFMI values were 16.7 to 19.8 kg/m(2) for men and 14.6 to 16.8 kg/m(2) for women within the normal BMI ranges. BFMI values were 1.8 to 5.2 kg/m(2) for men and 3.9 to 8.2 kg/m(2) for women within the normal BMI ranges. BFMI values were 8.3 and 11.8 kg/m(2) in men and women, respectively, for obese BMI (>30 kg/m(2)). Normal ranges for %BF were 13.4 to 21.7 and 24.6 to 33.2 for men and women, respectively. CONCLUSION: BMI alone cannot provide information about the respective contribution of FFM or fat mass to body weight. This study presents FFMI and BFMI values that correspond to low, normal, overweight, and obese BMIs. FFMI and BFMI provide information about body compartments, regardless of height.