891 resultados para carrying capacity, population, limits, sustainability, planning, resilience


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The power-time curves of growth of three strains of petroleum bacteria at different NaCl concentrations at 40.0 and 50.0 degreesC have been determined by using a 2277 Thermometric Thermal Activity Analyser. An equation of a power-time curve, ln[alphaP(K)/P(t) - 1] = ln[(alphaK - N-0)/N-0] - alphakt, was established based on the generalized logistic equation, where P(t) is the thermal power at time t, K the carrying capacity, P-K = P0K, P-0 the thermal power of one cell, N-0 the bacterial population at time zero, alpha = (k - D)/k. The method of four observed points with the same time interval was used to calculate the value of P-K. The growth rate constant k and the death rate constant D were calculated. The NaCl concentration of optimum growth rate of petroleum bacteria at 40.0 and 50.0 degreesC, respectively, have been obtained according to the curves k - D versus NaCl concentration, which are 0.26, 0.54 and 0.57 mol l(-1) for B-1, B-2 and B-3, respectively, at 50.0 degreesC, 0.26, 0.55 and 0.56 mol l(-1) for B-1, B-2 and B-3, respectively, at 40.0 degreesC. The results indicated that the effect of temperature on NaCl concentration of optimum growth rate was small. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Thatcher, Rhys, et al., 'Influence of blood donation on O-2 uptake on-kinetics, peak O-2 uptake and time to exhaustion during severe-intensity cycle exercise in humans', Experimental Physiology (2006) 91(3) pp.499-509 RAE2008


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The goal of this paper is to improve our understanding of the role of institutional arrangements and ecological factors that facilitate the emergence and sustainability of successful collective action in small-scale fishing social-ecological systems. Using a modified logistic growth function, we simulate how ecological factors (i.e. carrying capacity) affect small-scale fishing communities with varying degrees of institutional development (i.e. timeliness to adopt new institutions and the degree to which harvesting effort is reduced), in their ability to avoid overexploitation. Our results show that strong and timely institutions are necessary but not sufficient to maintain sustainable harvests over time. The sooner communities adopt institutions, and the stronger the institutions they adopt, the more likely they are to sustain the resource stock. Exactly how timely the institutions must be adopted, and by what amount harvesting effort must be diminished, depends on the ecological carrying capacity of the species at the particular location. Small differences in the carrying capacity between fishing sites, even under scenarios of similar institutional development, greatly affects the likelihood of effective collective action. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper examines long term changes in the plankton of the North Atlantic and northwest European shelf seas and discusses the forcing mechanisms behind some observed interannual, decadal and spatial patterns of variability with a focus on climate change. Evidence from the Continuous Plankton Records suggests that the plankton integrates hydrometeorological signals and may be used as a possible index of climate change. Changes evident in the plankton are likely to have important effects on the carrying capacity of fisheries and are of relvance to eutrophication issues and to the assessment of biodiversity. The scale of the changes seen over the past five decades emphasises the importance of maintaining existing, and establishing new, long term and wide scale monitoring programmes of the world's oceans in initiatives such as the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS).


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We develop a new approach to modeling grazing systems that links foraging characteristics (intake and digestive constraints) with resource dynamics via the probability of encounter with different grass heights. Three complementary models are presented: the generation of a grass height structure through selective grazing; investigating the conditions for consumer coexistence; and, using a simplified resource structure, the consequences for consumer abundance. The main finding is that coexistence between grazers differing in body size is possible if a single-resource type becomes differentiated in its height structure. Large grazers can facilitate food availability for smaller species but with the latter being competitively dominant. The relative preference given to different resource partitions is important in determining the nature of population interactions. Large-body and small-body grazer populations can interact through competitive, parasitic, commensalist, or amensalist relationships, depending on the way they partition the resource as well as their relative populations and the dynamics of resource renewal. The models provide new concepts of multispecies carrying capacity (stock equilibrium) in grazed systems with implications for conservation and management. We conclude that consumer species are not substitutable; therefore, the use of rangeland management concepts such as "livestock units" may be inappropriate.


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Strangford Lough, County Down holds internationally important numbers of wintering Pale-bellied Brent Geese Branta bernicla hrota with peak counts of up to 16 000. In the past, the Lough was also important for overwintering Wigeon Anas penelope with peak counts up to 20 000 in the early 1970s. However, this population has declined drastically with winter peaks at fewer than 2000 since the mid-1980s. As the overall flyway numbers of Wigeon have not fallen over this period, it has been suggested that the reasons for the decline are intrinsic to Strangford Lough. Wigeon did not decline uniformly throughout Strangford Lough. The greatest fall in numbers occurred on the northern mudflats suggesting a decline in carrying capacity. Factors responsible for this decline may include the reduction of Eelgrass Zostera spp. which is the main food of both species, and increases in human activity near and on the foreshore, especially in the case of Wigeon. Indirect interspecific interactions between Brent Geese and Wigeon are discussed as they may have been significant in reducing the numbers of Wigeon in the system.


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This paper explores the relative effects of host plant dynamics and butterfly-related parameters on butterfly persistence. It considers an empty habitat network where a rare butterfly (Cupido minimus) became extinct in 1939 in part of its historical range in north Wales, UK. Surviving populations of the butterfly in southern Britain were visited to assess use of its host plant (Anthyllis vulneraria) in order to calibrate habitat suitability and carrying capacity in the empty network in north Wales. These data were used to deduce that only a portion ( similar to 19%) of the host plant network from north Wales was likely to be highly suitable for oviposition. Nonetheless, roughly 65,460 eggs (3273 adult equivalents) could be expected to be laid in north Wales, were the empty network to be populated at the same levels as observed on comparable plants in surviving populations elsewhere. Simulated metapopulations of C. minimus in the empty network revealed that time to extinction and patch occupancy were significantly influenced by carrying capacity, butterfly mean dispersal distance and environmental stochasticity, although for most reasonable parameter values, the model system persisted. Simulation outputs differed greatly when host plant dynamics was incorporated into the modelled butterfly dynamics. Cupido minimus usually went extinct when host plant were at low densities. In these simulations host plant dynamics appeared to be the most important determinant of the butterfly's regional extirpation. Modelling the outcome of a reintroduction programme to C. minimus variation at high quality locations, revealed that 65% of systems survived at least 100 years. Given the current amount of resources of the north Wales landscape, the persistence of C. minimus under a realistic reintroduction programme has a good chance of being successful, if carried out in conjunction with a host plant management programme.


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Sustainability can be described as having three interlinked strands, known as the ‘trias energetica’, without which resilience is difficult to achieve. These strands are environmental, social and economic: and if taken as indicators, the suburbs of North Belfast are very poorly performing indeed. Places such as Ligoneal and Glen Cairn have poor housing stock energetically, and also little economic activity. This paper describes propositional work completed by Queens University and Belfast City Council as part of the UK’s Technology Strategy Board’s Future Cities Programme, which aimed to develop new synergies in these neighbourhoods by the insertion of closed cycle economies.

By utilising a research by design methodology, the paper develops a process-based and phased design to develop a new emergent form to these neighbourhoods, one in which new productive systems are embedded into the city, at a small-scales. These include a peak-load hydro-electric project in Ligoneal; a productive landscape in Glen Cairn and a city-wide energy refurbishment utilising neighbourhood waste streams.

These designs allow for a roadmap for development to be created that could change the modus operandi of an area over a relatively short period of time, and show that even modest investments of productive technologies at a local scale could fundamentally change the form and the economic and environmental operation of the city in the future, and create a new resilient city, one that can be less externally dependent and more socially just.


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O sucesso do recrutamento em espécies com ciclos de vida complexos, i.e. com duas ou mais fases de desenvolvimento, depende do fornecimento de larvas aos locais apropriados do assentamento (mecanismos de pré-assentamento) e na consequente sobrevivência destas larvas até aos estágios bentónicos iniciais (mecanismos de pós-assentamento). O estudo dos principais processos físicos que controlam a variabilidade intra-anual do recrutamento do caranguejo Carcinus maenas foi possível com à obtenção em séries diárias da abundância de megalopas no plâncton e do seu assentamento em substratos artificiais de assentamento, e de parâmetros físicos relacionados com a amplitude de maré e o upwelling, durante os meses da época reprodutiva deste caranguejo. Os nossos resultados demonstraram um padrão cíclico de fornecimento de megalopas de C. maenas aos estuários na costa ocidental de Portugal, relacionado com a amplitude de maré e favorecido pelos ventos de sul. O assentamento de megalopas nos substratos artificiais de assentamento mostrou-se desacoplado do fornecimento nos dois estuários. Os dados obtidos sugerem que as megalopas são transportadas para a costa após a acção de ventos de downwelling, e o fornecimento para os estuários ocorre por transporte selectivo por corrente de maré. A utilização de substratos artificiais para medir densidades de juvenis de Carcinus maenas deve ser ponderada, uma vez que se verificou que em habitats estruturalmente menos complexos os juvenis utilizam os colectores como refúgio; em habitats mais complexos, os juvenis preferiram refugiar-se nas ervas marinhas existentes. No entanto, a estimativa de abundâncias diárias medidas nos colectores permitiu a descrição das abundâncias dos vários estádios de desenvolvimento juvenis, bem como as respectivas taxas de crescimento. As capacidades locomotoras de diferentes classes de tamanho de juvenis de C. maenas foram estimadas mediante o cálculo de um índice de locomoção. Os nossos resultados sugerem que os juvenis mais pequenos estão relativamente protegidos em habitats com vegetação densa, provavelmente porque este tipo de habitats inibe os movimentos dos juvenis de maiores dimensões. Foram também encontradas evidências da existência de segregação temporal na actividade locomotora das diferentes classes de juvenis, que funcionará como um mecanismo que permite reduzir o canibalismo e, consequentemente, aumentar a capacidade de suporte dos habitats juvenis. Foi realizado um estudo sobre o canibalismo nos juvenis de C. maenas na Ria de Aveiro, in situ e utilizando densidades reais. Verificou-se que as presas mais pequenas eram as mais vulneráveis, sendo os juvenis de maiores dimensões os predadores mais eficazes. Por outro lado, as taxas de canibalismo foram menores em habitats com elevadas densidades de refúgio (Zostera noltii). A estimativa das taxas diárias de mortalidade devidas ao canibalismo são aproximadamente metade das taxas diárias de mortalidade devidas aos processos de pré-assentamento, indicando que esta população de C. maenas será regulada pelo fornecimento larvar, i.e., será uma população regulada essencialmente por mecanismos préassentamento.


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The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) defines Eco-Efficiency as follows: ‘Eco- Efficiency is achieved by the delivery of competitively priced-goods and services that satisfy human needs and bring quality of life, while progressively reducing ecological impacts and resource intensity throughout the life-cycle to a level at least in line with the earth’s estimated carrying capacity’. Eco-Efficiency is under this point of view a key concept for sustainable development, bringing together economic and ecological progress. Measuring the Eco-Efficiency of a company, factory or business, is a complex process that involves the measurement and control of several and relevant parameters or indicators, globally applied to all companies in general, or specific according to the nature and specificities of the business itself. In this study, an attempt was made in order to measure and evaluate the eco-efficiency of a pultruded composite processing company. For this purpose the recommendations of WBCSD [1] and the directives of ISO 14301 standard [2] were followed and applied. The analysis was restricted to the main business branch of the company: the production and sale of standard GFRP pultrusion profiles. The main general indicators of eco-efficiency, as well as the specific indicators, were defined and determined according to ISO 14031 recommendations. With basis on indicators’ figures, the value profile, the environmental profile, and the pertinent eco-efficiency’s ratios were established and analyzed. In order to evaluate potential improvements on company eco-performance, new indicators values and ecoefficiency ratios were estimated taking into account the implementation of new proceedings and procedures, both in upstream and downstream of the production process, namely: a) Adoption of new heating system for pultrusion die in the manufacturing process, more effective and with minor heat losses; b) Implementation of new software for stock management (raw materials and final products) that minimize production failures and delivery delays to final consumer; c) Recycling approach, with partial waste reuse of scrap material derived from manufacturing, cutting and assembly processes of GFRP profiles. In particular, the last approach seems to significantly improve the eco-efficient performance of the company. Currently, by-products and wastes generated in the manufacturing process of GFRP profiles are landfilled, with supplementary added costs to this company traduced by transport of scrap, landfill taxes and required test analysis to waste materials. However, mechanical recycling of GFRP waste materials, with reduction to powdered and fibrous particulates, constitutes a recycling process that can be easily attained on heavy-duty cutting mills. The posterior reuse of obtained recyclates, either into a close-looping process, as filler replacement of resin matrix of GFRP profiles, or as reinforcement of other composite materials produced by the company, will drive to both costs reduction in raw materials and landfill process, and minimization of waste landfill. These features lead to significant improvements on the sequent assessed eco-efficiency ratios of the present case study, yielding to a more sustainable product and manufacturing process of pultruded GFRP profiles.


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Cette thèse porte sur le rôle de l’espace dans l’organisation et dans la dynamique des communautés écologiques multi-espèces. Deux carences peuvent être identifiées dans les études théoriques actuelles portant sur la dimension spatiale des communautés écologiques : l’insuffisance de modèles multi-espèces représentant la dimension spatiale explicitement, et le manque d’attention portée aux interactions positives, tel le mutualisme, en dépit de la reconnaissance de leur ubiquité dans les systèmes écologiques. Cette thèse explore cette problématique propre à l’écologie des communautés, en utilisant une approche théorique s’inspirant de la théorie des systèmes complexes et de la mécanique statistique. Selon cette approche, les communautés d’espèces sont considérées comme des systèmes complexes dont les propriétés globales émergent des interactions locales entre les organismes qui les composent, et des interactions locales entre ces organismes et leur environnement. Le premier objectif de cette thèse est de développer un modèle de métacommunauté multi-espèces, explicitement spatial, orienté à l’échelle des individus et basé sur un réseau d’interactions interspécifiques générales comprenant à la fois des interactions d’exploitation, de compétition et de mutualisme. Dans ce modèle, les communautés locales sont formées par un processus d’assemblage des espèces à partir d’un réservoir régional. La croissance des populations est restreinte par une capacité limite et leur dynamique évolue suivant des mécanismes simples de reproduction et de dispersion des individus. Ces mécanismes sont dépendants des conditions biotiques et abiotiques des communautés locales et leur effet varie en fonction des espèces, du temps et de l’espace. Dans un deuxième temps, cette thèse a pour objectif de déterminer l’impact d’une connectivité spatiale croissante sur la dynamique spatiotemporelle et sur les propriétés structurelles et fonctionnelles de cette métacommunauté. Plus précisément, nous évaluons différentes propriétés des communautés en fonction du niveau de dispersion des espèces : i) la similarité dans la composition des communautés locales et ses patrons de corrélations spatiales; ii) la biodiversité locale et régionale, et la distribution locale de l’abondance des espèces; iii) la biomasse, la productivité et la stabilité dynamique aux échelles locale et régionale; et iv) la structure locale des interactions entre les espèces. Ces propriétés sont examinées selon deux schémas spatiaux. D’abord nous employons un environnement homogène et ensuite nous employons un environnement hétérogène où la capacité limite des communautés locales évoluent suivant un gradient. De façon générale, nos résultats révèlent que les communautés écologiques spatialement distribuées sont extrêmement sensibles aux modes et aux niveaux de dispersion des organismes. Leur dynamique spatiotemporelle et leurs propriétés structurelles et fonctionnelles peuvent subir des changements profonds sous forme de transitions significatives suivant une faible variation du niveau de dispersion. Ces changements apparaissent aussi par l’émergence de patrons spatiotemporels dans la distribution spatiale des populations qui sont typiques des transitions de phases observées généralement dans les systèmes physiques. La dynamique de la métacommunauté présente deux régimes. Dans le premier régime, correspondant aux niveaux faibles de dispersion des espèces, la dynamique d’assemblage favorise l’émergence de communautés stables, peu diverses et formées d’espèces abondantes et fortement mutualistes. La métacommunauté possède une forte diversité régionale puisque les communautés locales sont faiblement connectées et que leur composition demeure ainsi distincte. Par ailleurs dans le second régime, correspondant aux niveaux élevés de dispersion, la diversité régionale diminue au profit d’une augmentation de la diversité locale. Les communautés locales sont plus productives mais leur stabilité dynamique est réduite suite à la migration importante d’individus. Ce régime est aussi caractérisé par des assemblages incluant une plus grande diversité d’interactions interspécifiques. Ces résultats suggèrent qu’une augmentation du niveau de dispersion des organismes permet de coupler les communautés locales entre elles ce qui accroît la coexistence locale et favorise la formation de communautés écologiques plus riches et plus complexes. Finalement, notre étude suggère que le mutualisme est fondamentale à l’organisation et au maintient des communautés écologiques. Les espèces mutualistes dominent dans les habitats caractérisés par une capacité limite restreinte et servent d’ingénieurs écologiques en facilitant l’établissement de compétiteurs, prédateurs et opportunistes qui bénéficient de leur présence.


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To unravel the settlement history of oases in northern Oman, data on topography, the agricultural setting, water and soil parameters and archaeological findings were collected in the Wadi Bani Awf with its head oasis Balad Seet. Data collection lasted from April 2000 to April 2003 and was based on the establishment of a 3D-georeferenced map of the oasis comprising all its major infrastructural and agronomic features. At today's Balad Seet, a total of 8.8 ha are planted to 2,800 date palms and 4.6 ha are divided into 385 small fields dedicated to wheat, barley, sorghum, oats, alfalfa, garlic, onion, lime and banana. Radiocarbon dating of charcoal in the lower part of the main terrace system determined its age to 911 ± 43 years. Monthly flow measurements of four major aflaj systems showed a total maximum flow of 32 m^3 h^-1 with the largest falaj contributing 78% of the total flow. During drought periods, average water flow decreased by 3% per month, however, with significant differences between the spring systems. The analysis of the tritium/^3helium ratio in the water led to an estimated water age of up to 10 years. In combination with the flow data, this provided insights into the elasticity of the spring flow over time. The use of the natural resources of the Wadi Bani Awf by a pastoral population started probably in the early 3rd millennium BC. The first permanent settlement might have been established at Balad Seet during the first part of the 1st millennium BC. Presumably it was initiated by settlers from al-Hamra, a village at the southern foot of the Hajar mountains. Given an abundant und stable flow of springs, even in periods of drought, the construction of Balad Seet's first irrigation systems may have occurred at this early time. The combination of topographic, agricultural, hydro-pedological and archaeological data allowed assessment of the carrying capacity of this oasis over the three millennia of its likely existence. The changing scarcity of land and water and the eventual optimisation of their use by different aflaj constructions have been major driving forces for the development and apparent relativeley stable existence of this oasis.


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Avian communities in cloud forests have high levels of endemism and are at major risk given the accelerated rate of habitat fragmentation. Nevertheless, the response of these communities to changes in fragment size remains poorly understood. We evaluated species richness, bird community density, community composition, and dominance as indicators of the response to fragment size in a fragmented cloud forest landscape in central Veracruz, Mexico. Medium-sized fragments had statistically higher than expected species richness and more even communities, which may be a reflection of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis, in which medium-sized fragments are exploited by both forest and disturbance-associated species. Bird density also reached higher values in medium-sized fragments, which may indicate a carrying capacity in this habitat. However, large cloud forest fragments had a distinct taxonomic and functional composition, attributable to an increased number of understory insectivore species and canopy frugivores. By comparison, omnivorous species associated with human-altered habitats were more abundant in smaller fragments. Hence, although medium-sized cloud forest fragments had higher species richness and high bird density, large forest tracts maintained a distinct avian community composition, particularly of insectivorous and frugivorous species. Furthermore, the underlying response to fragmentation can only be properly addressed when contrasting several community attributes, such as richness, density, composition, and species dominance. Therefore, cloud forest conservation should aim to preserve the remaining large forest fragments to maintain comprehensive avian communities and avoid local extinctions.


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A key unresolved question in population ecology concerns the relationship between a population's size and its growth rate. We estimated this relationship for 1780 time series of mammals, birds, fish, and insects. We found that rates of population growth are high at low population densities but, contrary to previous predictions, decline rapidly with increasing population size and then flatten out, for all four taxa. This produces a strongly concave relationship between a population's growth rate and its size. These findings have fundamental implications for our understanding of animals' lives, suggesting in particular that many animals in these taxa will be found living at densities above the carrying capacity of their environments.


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Phytophagous insects have to contend with a wide variation in food quality brought about by a variety of factors intrinsic and extrinsic to the plant. One of the most important factors is infection by plant pathogenic fungi. Necrotrophic and biotrophic plant pathogenic fungi may have contrasting effects on insect herbivores due to their different infection mechanisms and induction of different resistance pathways, although this has been little studied and there has been no study of their combined effect. We studied the effect of the biotrophic rust fungus Uromyces viciae-fabae (Pers.) Schroet (Basidiomycota: Uredinales: Pucciniaceae) and the necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea Pers. (Ascomycota: Helotiales: Sclerotiniaceae) singly and together on the performance of the aphid Aphis fabae Scop. (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on Vicia faba (L.) (Fabaceae). Alone, botrytis had an inhibitory effect on individual A. fabae development, survival and fecundity, while rust infection consistently enhanced individual aphids’ performance. These effects varied in linear relation to lesion or pustule density. However, whole-plant infection by either pathogen resulted in a smaller aphid population of smaller aphids than on uninfected plants, indicating a lowering of aphid carrying capacity with infection. When both fungi were applied simultaneously to a leaf they generally cancelled the effect of each other out, resulting in most performance parameters being similar to the controls, although fecundity was reduced. However, sequential plant infection (pathogens applied five days apart) led to a 70% decrease in fecundity and 50% reduction in intrinsic rate of increase. The application of rust before botrytis had a greater inhibitory effect on aphids than applying botrytis before rust. Rust infection increased leaf total nitrogen concentration by 30% while infection by botrytis with or without rust led to a 38% decrease. The aphids’ responses to the two plant pathogens individually is consistent with the alteration in plant nutrient content by infection and also the induction of different plant defence pathways and the possible cross-talk between them. This is the first demonstration of the complex effects of the dual infection of a plant by contrasting pathogens on insect herbivores. Key words: Vicia faba, Botrytis cinerea, Uromyces viciae-fabae, tripartite interactions, induced resistance