989 resultados para carbonic anhydrase gene


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A compact, well-organized, and natural motif, stabilized by three disulfide bonds, is proposed as a basic scaffold for protein engineering. This motif contains 37 amino acids only and is formed by a short helix on one face and an antiparallel triple-stranded beta-sheet on the opposite face. It has been adopted by scorpions as a unique scaffold to express a wide variety of powerful toxic ligands with tuned specificity for different ion channels. We further tested the potential of this fold by engineering a metal binding site on it, taking the carbonic anhydrase site as a model. By chemical synthesis we introduced nine residues, including three histidines, as compared to the original amino acid sequence of the natural charybdotoxin and found that the new protein maintains the original fold, as revealed by CD and 1H NMR analysis. Cu2+ ions are bound with Kd = 4.2 x 10(-8) M and other metals are bound with affinities in an order mirroring that observed in carbonic anhydrase. The alpha/beta scorpion motif, small in size, easily amenable to chemical synthesis, highly stable, and tolerant for sequence mutations represents, therefore, an appropriate scaffold onto which polypeptide sequences may be introduced in a predetermined conformation, providing an additional means for design and engineering of small proteins.


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Very large combinatorial libraries of small molecules on solid supports can now be synthesized and each library element can be identified after synthesis by using chemical tags. These tag-encoded libraries are potentially useful in drug discovery, and, to test this utility directly, we have targeted carbonic anhydrase (carbonate dehydratase; carbonate hydro-lyase, EC as a model. Two libraries consisting of a total of 7870 members were synthesized, and structure-activity relationships based on the structures predicted by the tags were derived. Subsequently, an active representative of each library was resynthesized (2-[N-(4-sulfamoylbenzoyl)-4'-aminocyclohexanespiro]-4-oxo-7 -hydroxy- 2,3-dihydrobenzopyran and [N-(4-sulfamoylbenzoyl)-L-leucyl]piperidine-3-carboxylic acid) and these compounds were shown to have nanomolar dissociation constants (15 and 4 nM, respectively). In addition, a focused sublibrary of 217 sulfamoylbenzamides was synthesized and revealed a clear, testable structure-activity relationship describing isozyme-selective carbonic anhydrase inhibitors.


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We have inserted a fourth protein ligand into the zinc coordination polyhedron of carbonic anhydrase II (CAII) that increases metal affinity 200-fold (Kd = 20 fM). The three-dimensional structures of threonine-199-->aspartate (T199D) and threonine-199-->glutamate (T199E) CAIIs, determined by x-ray crystallographic methods to resolutions of 2.35 Angstrum and 2.2 Angstrum, respectively, reveal a tetrahedral metal-binding site consisting of H94, H96, H119, and the engineered carboxylate side chain, which displaces zinc-bound hydroxide. Although the stereochemistry of neither engineered carboxylate-zinc interaction is comparable to that found in naturally occurring protein zinc-binding sites, protein-zinc affinity is enhanced in T199E CAII demonstrating that ligand-metal separation is a significant determinant of carboxylate-zinc affinity. In contrast, the three-dimensional structure of threonine-199-->histidine (T199H) CAII, determined to 2.25-Angstrum resolution, indicates that the engineered imidazole side chain rotates away from the metal and does not coordinate to zinc; this results in a weaker zinc-binding site. All three of these substitutions nearly obliterate CO2 hydrase activity, consistent with the role of zinc-bound hydroxide as catalytic nucleophile. The engineering of an additional protein ligand represents a general approach for increasing protein-metal affinity if the side chain can adopt a reasonable conformation and achieve inner-sphere zinc coordination. Moreover, this structure-assisted design approach may be effective in the development of high-sensitivity metal ion biosensors.


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Purpose: To compare anterior and posterior corneal curvatures between eyes with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) and healthy eyes. Methods: This is a prospective, cross-sectional, observer-masked study. A total of 138 white subjects (one eye per patient) were consecutively recruited; 69 eyes had POAG (study group), and the other 69 comprised a group of healthy control eyes matched for age and central corneal pachymetry with the study ones. Exclusion criteria included any corneal or ocular inflammatory disease, previous ocular surgery, or treatment with carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. The same masked observer performed Goldmann applanation tonometry, ultrasound pachymetry, and Orbscan II topography in all cases. Central corneal thickness, intraocular pressure, and anterior and posterior topographic elevation maps were analyzed and compared between both groups. Results: Patients with POAG had greater forward shifting of the posterior corneal surface than that in healthy control eyes (p < 0.01). Significant differences in anterior corneal elevation between controls and POAG eyes were also found (p < 0.01). Conclusions: Primary open-angle glaucoma eyes have a higher elevation of the posterior corneal surface than that in central corneal thickness–matched nonglaucomatous eyes.


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Rising atmospheric CO2-concentrations will have severe consequences for a variety of biological processes. We investigated the responses of the green alga Ulva lactuca (Linnaeus) to rising CO2-concentrations in a rockpool scenario. U. lactuca was cultured under aeraton with air containing either preindustrial pCO2 (280µatm) or for the end of the 21st century predicted (700µatm) pCO2 for 31 days. We addressed the following question: Will elevated CO2-concentrations affect photosynthesis (net photosynthesis, rETR(max), Fv/Fm, pigment composition) and growth of U. lactuca in rockpools with limited water exchange? Two phases of the experiment were distinguished: In the initial phase (day 1-4) the Seawater Carbonate System (SWCS) of the culture medium could be adjusted to the selected atmospheric pCO2 condition by continuous aeration with target pCO2 values. In the second phase (day 4-31) the SWCS was largely determined by the metabolism of the growing U. lactuca biomass. In the initial phase, Fv/Fm and rETR(max) were only slightly elevated at high CO2-concentrations whereas growth was significantly enhanced. After 31 days the Chl a content of the thalli was significantly lower under future conditions and the photosynthesis of thalli grown under preindustrial conditions was not dependent on external carbonic anhydrase. Biomass increased significantly at high CO2-concentrations. At low CO2-concentrations most adult thalli disintegrated between day 14 and 21, whereas at high CO2-concentrations most thalli remained integer until day 31. Thallus disintegration at low CO2-concentrations was mirrored in a drastic decline in seawater DIC and HCO3-. Accordingly, the SWCS differed significantly between the treatments. Our results indicated a slight enhancement of photosynthetic performance and significantly elevated growth of U. lactuca at future CO2-concentrations. The accelerated thallus disintegration at high CO2-concentrations under conditions of limited water exchange indicates additional CO2 effects on the life cycle of U. lactuca when living in rockpools.


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Acetazolamide (Acz) is used at altitude to prevent acute mountain sickness, but its effect on exercise capacity under hypoxic conditions is uncertain. Nine healthy men completed this double-blind, randomized, crossover study. All subjects underwent incremental exercise to exhaustion with an inspired O-2 fraction of 0.13, hypoxic ventilatory responses, and hypercapnic ventilatory responses after Acz (500 mg twice daily for 5 doses) and placebo. Maximum power of 203 +/- 38 (SD) Won Acz was less than the placebo value of 225 +/- 40 W (P < 0.01). At peak exercise, arterialized capillary pH was lower and PO2 higher on Acz (P < 0.01). Ventilation was 118.6 +/- 20.0 l/min at the maximal power on Acz and 102.4 +/- 20.7 l/min at the same power on placebo (P < 0.02), and Borg score for leg fatigue was increased on Acz (P < 0.02), with no difference in Borg score for dyspnea. Hypercapnic ventilatory response on Acz was greater (P < 0.02), whereas hypoxic ventilatory response was unchanged. During hypoxic exercise, Acz reduced exercise capacity associated with increased perception of leg fatigue. Despite increased ventilation, dyspnea was not increased.


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Measurement of protein-polymer second virial coefficients (B-AP) by sedimentation equilibrium studies of carbonic anhydrase and cytochrome c in the presence of dextrans (T10-T80) has revealed an inverse dependence of B-AP upon dextran molecular mass that conforms well with the behaviour predicted for the excluded-volume interaction between a spherical protein solute A and a random-flight representation of the polymeric cosolute P. That model of the protein-polymer interaction is also shown to provide a reasonable description of published gel chromatographic and equilibrium dialysis data on the effect of polymer molecular mass on BAP for human serum albumin in the presence of polyethylene glycols, a contrary finding from analysis of albumin solubility measurements being rejected on theoretical grounds. Inverse dependence upon polymer chainlength is also the predicted excluded-volume effect on the strength of several types of macromolecular equilibria-protein isomerization, protein dimerization, and 1 : 1 complex formation between dissimilar protein reactants. It is therefore concluded that published experimental observations of the reverse dependence, preferential reaction enhancement within DNA replication complexes by larger polyethylene glycols, must reflect the consequences of cosolute chemical interactions that outweigh those of thermodynamic nonideality arising from excluded-volume effects. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The photosynthetic bicarbonate () use properties of three widely distributed tropical seagrasses were compared using a series of laboratory experiments. Photosynthetic rates of Thalassia testudinum, Halodule wrightii, and Syringodium filiforme were monitored in an enclosed chamber while being subjected to shifts in pH and dissolved inorganic carbon. Specific mechanisms of seagrass use were compared by examining the photosynthetic effects of the carbonic anhydrase inhibitor acetazolamide (AZ). All seagrasses increased photosynthetic rates with reduced pH, suggesting a large effect of dissolved aqueous carbon dioxide (CO2(aq)). However, there was considerable interspecific variation in pH response. T. testudinum was highly sensitive, increasing photosynthetic rates by 100% as the pH was reduced from 8.2 to 7.4, whereas rates in H. wrightii and S. filiforme increased by only 20% over a similar range, and displayed prominent photosynthetic plateaus, indicating an increased capacity for use. Additional incubations that manipulated [] under constant [CO2(aq)] support these findings, as only H. wrightii and S. filiforme increased photosynthetic rates with increasing []. T. testudinum responded to AZ addition, indicating that carbonic anhydrase enzymes facilitate limited use. H. wrightii and S. filiforme showed no response to AZ, suggesting alternate, more efficient mechanisms of use. Estimated kinetic parameters, Ks(CO2) and Vmax, revealed interspecific variation and further support these conclusions. Variation in photosynthetic pH responses and AZ sensitivity indicate distinctions in the carbon use properties of seagrasses exposed to similar environmental conditions. These results suggest that not all seagrasses will similarly respond to future increases in CO2(aq) availability. Attention towards potential shifts in competitive interactions within multispecific seagrass beds is warranted.


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Presently, an incomplete mechanistic understanding of tropical reef macroalgae photosynthesis and calcification restricts predictions of how these important autotrophs will respond to global change. Therefore, we investigated the mechanistic link between inorganic carbon uptake pathways, photosynthesis and calcification in a tropical crustose coralline alga (CCA) using microsensors. We measured pH, oxygen (O2), and calcium (Ca2+) dynamics and fluxes at the thallus surface under ambient (8.1) and low (7.8) seawater pH (pHSW) and across a range of irradiances. Acetazolamide (AZ) was used to inhibit extracellular carbonic anhydrase (CAext), which mediates hydrolysis of HCO3-, and 4,4' diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulphonate (DIDS) that blocks direct HCO3- uptake by anion exchange transport. Both inhibited photosynthesis, suggesting both diffusive uptake of CO2 via HCO3- hydrolysis to CO2 and direct HCO3- ion transport are important in this CCA. Surface pH was raised approximately 0.3 units at saturating irradiance, but less when CAext was inhibited. Surface pH was lower at pHSW 7.8 than pHSW 8.1 in the dark, but not in the light. The Ca2+ fluxes were large, complex and temporally variable, but revealed net Ca2+ uptake under all conditions. The temporal variability in Ca2+ dynamics was potentially related to localized dissolution during epithallial cell sloughing, a strategy of CCA to remove epiphytes. Simultaneous Ca2+ and pH dynamics suggest the presence of Ca2+/H+ exchange. Rapid light-induced H+ surface dynamics that continued after inhibition of photosynthesis revealed the presence of a light-mediated, but photosynthesis-independent, proton pump. Thus, the study indicates metabolic control of surface pH can occur in CCA through photosynthesis and light-inducible H+ pumps. Our results suggest that complex light-induced ion pumps play an important role in biological processes related to inorganic carbon uptake and calcification in CCA.


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The effect of pCO2 on carbon acquisition and intracellular assimilation was investigated in the three bloom-forming diatom species, Eucampia zodiacus (Ehrenberg), Skeletonema costatum (Greville) Cleve, Thalassionema nitzschioides (Grunow) Mereschkowsky and the non-bloom-forming Thalassiosira pseudonana (Hust.) Hasle and Heimdal. In vivo activities of carbonic anhydrase (CA), photosynthetic O2 evolution, CO2 and HCO3? uptake rates were measured by membrane-inlet mass spectrometry (MIMS) in cells acclimated to pCO2 levels of 370 and 800 ?atm. To investigate whether the cells operate a C4-like pathway, activities of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RubisCO) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) were measured at the mentioned pCO2 levels and a lower pCO2 level of 50 ?atm. In the bloom-forming species, extracellular CA activities strongly increased with decreasing CO2 supply while constantly low activities were obtained for T. pseudonana. Half-saturation concentrations (K1/2) for photosynthetic O2 evolution decreased with decreasing CO2 supply in the two bloom-forming species S. costatum and T. nitzschioides, but not in T. pseudonana and E. zodiacus. With the exception of S. costatum, maximum rates (Vmax) of photosynthesis remained constant in all investigated diatom species. Independent of the pCO2 level, PEPC activities were significantly lower than those for RubisCO, averaging generally less than 3%. All examined diatom species operate highly efficient CCMs under ambient and high pCO2, but differ strongly in the degree of regulation of individual components of the CCM such as Ci uptake kinetics and extracellular CA activities. The present data do not suggest C4 metabolism in the investigated species.


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Despite the fact that ocean acidification is considered to be especially pronounced in the Southern Ocean, little is known about CO2-dependent physiological processes and the interactions of Antarctic phytoplankton key species. We therefore studied the effects of CO2 partial pressure (PCO2) (16.2, 39.5, and 101.3 Pa) on growth and photosynthetic carbon acquisition in the bloom-forming species Chaetoceros debilis, Pseudo-nitzschia subcurvata, Fragilariopsis kerguelensis, and Phaeocystis antarctica. Using membrane-inlet mass spectrometry, photosynthetic O2 evolution and inorganic carbon (Ci) fluxes were determined as a function of CO2 concentration. Only the growth of C. debilis was enhanced under high PCO2. Analysis of the carbon concentrating mechanism (CCM) revealed the operation of very efficient CCMs (i.e., high Ci affinities) in all species, but there were species-specific differences in CO2-dependent regulation of individual CCM components (i.e., CO2 and uptake kinetics, carbonic anhydrase activities). Gross CO2 uptake rates appear to increase with the cell surface area to volume ratios. Species competition experiments with C. debilis and P. subcurvata under different PCO2 levels confirmed the CO2-stimulated growth of C. debilis observed in monospecific incubations, also in the presence of P. subcurvata. Independent of PCO2, high initial cell abundances of P. subcurvata led to reduced growth rates of C. debilis. For a better understanding of future changes in phytoplankton communities, CO2-sensitive physiological processes need to be identified, but also species interactions must be taken into account because their interplay determines the success of a species.


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Atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions cause a decrease in the pH and aragonite saturation state of surface ocean water. As a result, calcifying organisms are expected to suffer under future ocean conditions, but their physiological responses may depend on their nutrient status. Because many coral reefs experience high inorganic nutrient loads or seasonal changes in nutrient availability, reef organisms in localized areas will have to cope with elevated carbon dioxide and changes in inorganic nutrients. Halimeda opuntia is a dominant calcifying primary producer on coral reefs that contributes to coral reef accretion. Therefore, we investigated the carbon and nutrient balance of H. opuntia exposed to elevated carbon dioxide and inorganic nutrients. We measured tissue nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon content as well as the activity of enzymes involved in inorganic carbon uptake and nitrogen assimilation (external carbonic anhydrase and nitrate reductase, respectively). Inorganic carbon content was lower in algae exposed to high CO2, but calcification rates were not significantly affected by CO2 or inorganic nutrients. Organic carbon was positively correlated to external carbonic anhydrase activity, while inorganic carbon showed the opposite correlation. Carbon dioxide had a significant effect on tissue nitrogen and organic carbon content, while inorganic nutrients affected tissue phosphorus and N:P ratios. Nitrate reductase activity was highest in algae grown under elevated CO2 and inorganic nutrient conditions and lowest when phosphate was limiting. In general, we found that enzymatic responses were strongly influenced by nutrient availability, indicating its important role in dictating the local responses of the calcifying primary producer H. opuntia to ocean acidification.


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All species of coccolithophore appear to respond to perturbations of carbonate chemistry in a different way. Here, we show that the degree of malformation, growth rate and stable isotopic composition of organic matter and carbonate produced by two contrasting species of coccolithophore (Gephyrocapsa oceanica and Coccolithus pelagicus ssp. braarudii) are indicative of differences between their photosynthetic and calcification response to changing DIC levels (ranging from ~1100 to ~7800 µmol/kg) at constant pH (8.13 ± 0.02). Gephyrocapsa oceanica thrived under all conditions of DIC, showing evidence of increased growth rates at higher DIC, but C. braarudii was detrimentally affected at high DIC showing signs of malformation, and decreased growth rates. The carbon isotopic fractionation into organic matter and the coccoliths suggests that C. braarudii utilises a common internal pool of carbon for calcification and photosynthesis but G. oceanica relies on independent supplies for each process. All coccolithophores appear to utilize bicarbonate as their ultimate source of carbon for calcification resulting in the release of a proton. But, we suggest that this proton can be harnessed to enhance the supply of CO2(aq) for photosynthesis either from a large internal HCO3- pool which acts as a pH buffer (C. braarudii), or pumped externally to aid the diffusive supply of CO2 across the membrane from the abundant HCO3- (G. oceanica), likely mediated by an internal and external carbonic anhydrase respectively. Our simplified hypothetical spectrum of physiologies may provide a context to understand different species response to changing pH and DIC, the species-specific delta p and calcite "vital effects", as well as accounting for geological trends in coccolithophore cell size.


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The fixation of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) by marine phytoplankton provides an important feedback mechanism on concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere. As a consequence it is important to determine whether oceanic primary productivity is susceptible to changing atmospheric CO2 levels Among numerous other factors, the acquisition of DIC by microalgae particularly in the polar seas is projected to have a significant effect on future phytoplanktonic production and hence atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Using the isotopic disequilibrium technique the contribution of different carbon species (CO2 and bicarbonate) to the overall DIC uptake and the extent to which external Carbonic Anhydrase (eCA) plays a role in facilitating DIC uptake was estimated. Simultaneous uptake of CO2 and HCO3- was observed in all cases, but the proportions in which different DIC species contributed to carbon assimilation varied considerably between stations. Bicarbonate as well as CO2 could be the major DIC source for local phytoplankton assemblages. There was a positive correlation between the contribution of CO2 to total DIC uptake and ambient concentration of CO2 in seawater suggesting that Southern Ocean microalgae could increase the proportion of CO2 uptake under future high atmospheric CO2 levels. Results will be discussed in view of metabolic costs related to DIC acquisition of Southern Ocean phytoplankton.