141 resultados para butadiene
Ein metallfreies Reaktionssystem mit Bis(triphenylphosphoranyliden)ammonium-Kationen als Gegenionen sowie das Additiv Lithium-2-methoxyethoxid wurden auf ihre Eignung zur anionischen Synthese von Blockcopolymeren mit (Meth)acrylatsegmenten bei moderaten Temperaturen im Strömungsrohr-Reaktor untersucht. Das metallfreie System ist zur lebenden Polymerisation von Methacrylaten in THF mit engen Molekulargewichtsverteilungen bei Reaktionszeiten < 1 s bis zu Temperaturen von 0 °C geeignet. In Gegenwart von Metallionen (Li+) findet eine Verlangsamung der Polymerisation unter Verlust der Reaktionskontrolle statt, Lithiumenolate verursachen nun breite, multimodale Molekulargewichtsverteilungen. Eine lebende Polymerisation von Acrylaten ist nicht möglich, massenspektroskopische Untersuchungen der Produkte weisen auf einen komplexen Reaktionsmechanismus mit Abbruch- und Übertragungsreaktionen hin. Die Synthese von Poly(styrol)-block-Poly(1,4-butadien)-block-Poly(methylmethacrylat)-Copolymeren in Toluol ist mit Lithium-2-methoxyethoxid als Additiv für die MMA-Polymerisation bei moderaten Mischtemperaturen (T < 0 °C) im Strömungsrohr-Reaktor möglich, die Effektivität des Wechselschritts von Polybutadien zu PMMA beträgt im Durchschnitt ca. 50 %. Untersuchungen verschiedener Reaktionsparameter, wie z.B. der Endfunktionalisierung des Polybutadiens mit 1,1-Diphenylethylen und der Temperatur während der Verkappung und der MMA-Polymerisation, geben keine eindeutigen Hinweise auf die Ursache dieses Phänomens. MALDI-TOF-Massenspektren des unreagierten Polybutadien Precursors zeigen die Anlagerung von 1-3 Molekülen Methylmethacrylat und keinen Abbruch durch Backbiting, was auf die Ausbildung stabiler Aggregate hindeutet.
N-Vinylamidderivate sind eine toxikologische unbedenkliche Monomerklasse. Mit diesen Monomeren wurden verschiedene technische Anwendungsgebiete im Bereich der Kern-Schale-Partikel und der fließfähigen und vernetzten Hydrogele untersucht. Kern-Schale-Partikel Für die Synthese von Kern-Schale-Partikeln wurden die N-Vinylamidderivate als Schalenpolymere auf kommerziellen Poly(styrol-stat.-butadien)-Kernpartikeln aufpolymerisiert. Mit Hilfe verschiedener Untersuchungsmethoden (DLS, SEM, FFF, Ultrazentrifuge) wurde die Kern-Schale-Strukturbildung und die Effizienz der Pfropfungsreaktion untersucht und eine erfolgreiche Synthese der Kern-Schale-Partikel belegt. Durch die gezielte Modifizierung des Schalenpolymers wurde ein kationisches, organisches Mikropartikelsystem entwickelt, charakterisiert und auf die Eignung als „Duales Flockungsmittel“ untersucht. Diese Versuche belegten die Eignung der modifizierten Kern-Schale-Partikel als „Duales Flockungsmittel“ und bieten eine Alternative zu kommerziell verwendeten Retentionsmitteln. Außerdem wurden die filmbildenden Eigenschaften der Poly(Nvinylformamid)-Kern-Schale-Dispersionen untersucht. Nach der Verfilmung der Dispersionen wurden transparente und harte Filme erhalten. Die Auswirkungen auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften der Filme wurden durch die Variation verschiedener Parameter eingehend studiert. Auf der Basis dieser Partikel wurden selbstvernetzende Dispersionssysteme entwickelt. Das P(VFA)-Schalenpolymer wurde teilweise hydrolysiert und die generierten freien Aminogruppen des Poly(N-vinylamins) durch eine Michael-Addition mit einem divinylfunktionalisierten Acrylat (Tetraethylenglykoldiacrylat) vernetzt. Untersuchungen zur mechanischen Beständigkeit der Filme zeigten bei geringen Vernetzungsgraden eine deutliche Optimierung der maximalen Zugbelastungen. Die Untersuchungen belegten, dass die Verwendung des selbstvernetzenden Dispersionssystems als Dispersion für eine Polymerbeschichtung möglich ist. Hydrogele Die Synthese von fließfähigen und quervernetzten Hydrogelen erfolgte auf der Basis verschiedener NVinylamide. Mit Hilfe geeigneter Vernetzer wurden feste Hydrogelplatten synthetisiert und für die Auftrennung von DNA-Sequenzen mit Hilfe der Gelelektrophorese verwendet. Scharfe und gute Auftrennung der verschiedenen „DNA-Ladder Standards“ wurden durch die Variation des Vernetzeranteils, der Polymerzusammensetzung, der angelegten Spannung und der Verweilzeit in der Gelelektrophoresekammer mit P(MNVA)-Hydrogelplatten erreicht. Fließfähige und quervernetzte Elektrolytgele auf Poly-(N-vinylamid)-Basis wurden in wartungsfreien pHElektroden eingesetzt. Die Eignung dieser Hydrogele wurden in Bezug auf die Anwendung eingehend charakterisiert. Elektroden befüllt mit Poly(N-vinylamid)-Gelen wurden in Dauerbelastungsexperimenten, direkt mit kommerziellen pHElektroden verglichen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die fließfähigen und quervernetzten Poly-(N-vinylamid)-Elektrolytgele in ihren Messeigenschaften gleichwertige bzw. bessere Potentialstabilitäten aufweisen als kommerzielle Referenzelektroden. Die Hydrogele auf Basis von Poly(N-vinylamidderivaten) boten für die beiden getesteten Anwendungen eine toxikologisch unbedenkliche Alternative zu Poly(acrylamid)-Gelen. In dieser Arbeit konnten die durchgeführten Untersuchungen belegen, dass NVinylamide eine attraktive Monomerklasse ist, die erfolgreich in vielen technischen Anwendungen einsetzbar ist.
Due to the high price of natural oil and harmful effects of its usage, as the increase in emission of greenhouse gases, the industry focused in searching of sustainable types of the raw materials for production of chemicals. Ethanol, produced by fermentation of sugars, is one of the more interesting renewable materials for chemical manufacturing. There are numerous applications for the conversion of ethanol into commodity chemicals. In particular, the production of 1,3-butadiene whose primary source is ethanol using multifunctional catalysts is attractive. With the 25% of world rubber manufacturers utilizing 1,3-butadiene, there is an exigent need for its sustainable production. In this research, the conversion of ethanol in one-step process to 1,3-butadiene was studied. According to the literature, the mechanisms which were proposed to explain the way ethanol transforms into butadiene require to have both acid and basic sites. But still, there are a lot of debate on this topic. Thus, the aim of this research work is a better understanding of the reaction pathways with all the possible intermediates and products which lead to the formation of butadiene from ethanol. The particular interests represent the catalysts, based on different ratio Mg/Si in comparison to bare magnesia and silica oxides, in order to identify a good combination of acid/basic sites for the adsorption and conversion of ethanol. Usage of spectroscopictechniques are important to extract information that could be helpful for understanding the processes on the molecular level. The diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy coupled to mass spectrometry (DRIFT-MS) was used to study the surface composition of the catalysts during the adsorption of ethanol and its transformation during the temperature program. Whereas, mass spectrometry was used to monitor the desorbed products. The set of studied materials include MgO, Mg/Si=0.1, Mg/Si=2, Mg/Si=3, Mg/Si=9 and SiO2 which were also characterized by means of surface area measurements.
Polymere Vesikel, gebildet durch Selbstorganisation des amphiphilen Blockcopolymers Polybutadien-b-Polyethylenoxid in Wasser, wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit erfolgreich mit hydrophoben und hydrophilen Substraten beladen und detailliert charakterisiert. Über verschiedene Präparationsmethoden sind unilamellare PB130-PEO66-Vesikel unterschiedlicher Größen und Verteilungsbreiten zugänglich, die aber alle eine konstante hydrophobe Schalendicke von etwa 15nm aufweisen, wie aus TEM-Messungen hervorgeht. Die hydrophoben Farbstoffe Oil Red EGN, Oil Blue N, Nilrot sowie ein Perylen-Derivat wurden in diese hydrophobe Schale eingelagert. Durch Absorptions-, Emissions-, (cryo)TEM- und Fluoreszenzmikroskopie-Messungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die selbstorganisierte Struktur durch die Einlagerung der hydrophoben Farbstoffe in die Schale nicht beeinflusst wird. Als zusätzliche hydrophobe Modell-Substrate wurden Halbleiter-Nanokristalle, sogenannte Quantum Dots (QDs, d=5.7nm), erfolgreich in die polymere Vesikelschale eingelagert und durch Fluoreszenz-Korrelations-Spektroskopie (FCS) in Kombination mit dynamischer Lichtstreuung (DLS) nachgewiesen. Die Position der QDs in der Mitte der polymeren Doppelmembran konnte durch cryogene TEM-Abbildungen aufgezeigt werden. Darüber hinaus wurde die hydrophile Beladung des Vesikelkerns mit dem wasserlöslichen Farbstoff Phloxin B erfolgreich realisiert.
A causa delle questioni economiche ed ambientali legate alla sostenibilità dei processi petrolchimici, recentemente l'industria chimica ha focalizzato il proprio interesse nello sviluppo di processi per la produzione di chemicals, che utilizzino materiali di partenza rinnovabili. L'etanolo, prodotto per via fermentativa, sembra essere uno dei bio-building block più promettenti e versatili e può essere utilizzato per numerose applicazioni. È noto da tempo che l’etanolo può reagire su catalizzatori costituiti da ossidi misti con caratteristiche acido-base a dare numerosi composti chimici tra cui acetaldeide, 1,3-butadiene, 1-butanolo e 2-butenale. Nonostante il lungo impiego dell’etanolo nell’industria chimica, il meccanismo di formazione di composti C4 a partire da etanolo è ancora però materia di dibattito. Il meccanismo generalmente accettato si basa sulle seguenti reazioni chiave: deidrogenazione di etanolo ad acetaldeide e condensazione aldolica di due molecole di acetaldeide. Tuttavia in letteratura sono riportate anche altre proposte alternative. In questo lavoro è stato studiato il processo di trasformazione di etanolo su catalizzatori a base di MgO e sistemi misti Mg/SiO, attraverso esperimenti di reattività condotti in un micro-impianto da laboratorio, al fine di fare chiarezza sul meccanismo di formazione di composti C4 a partire da etanolo. In particolare è stato condotto uno studio meccanicistico utilizzando MgO come catalizzatore modello, materiale che possiede esclusivamente proprietà basiche, ritenute essenziali per catalizzare la condensazione di molecole C2. Inoltre, è stata investigata l’influenza delle caratteristiche acido-base del catalizzatore sulla selettività del processo di conversione di etanolo, studiandone la reattività su materiali costituiti da ossidi misti Mg/Si/O, con diverso rapporto atomico tra i due cationi.
Amphiphile Blockcopolymere sind in der Lage in Wasser Morphologien auszubilden, die analog sind zur hydrophil-hydrophob-hydrophil-Struktur von natürlichen Lipiddoppelschichten. In dieser Arbeit wird zum ersten Mal die Präparation und Charakterisierung von oberflächengestützten Polymerdoppelschichten aus Polybutadien-b-Polyethylenoxid (PB-PEO) beschrieben. Für die Herstellung dieser Strukturen wurden zwei unterschiedliche Präparationsstrategien verfolgt. Der erste Weg besteht aus einer zweistufigen Methode, bei der im ersten Schritt organisierte Monoschichten mittels Langmuir-Blodgett-Transfer auf Gold übertragen und kovalent angebunden werden. Im zweiten Schritt werden hydrophobe Wechselwirkungen ausgenutzt, um über Langmuir-Schaefer-Transfer eine weitere Schicht aufzubringen. Somit wurden homogene Architekturen erzeugt, die oberflächengestützten Lipiddoppelschichten gleichen. Als alternativer, einstufiger Ansatz zur Herstellung von Polymerdoppelschichten wurde das Spreiten von Polymervesikeln auf Gold verfolgt. Auch hierdurch ließen sich Doppelschichtstrukturen mit einer vollständigen Oberflächenbedeckung erzeugen. Die hergestellten Polymerdoppelschichten besitzen eine Dicke von 11-14 nm, die von der Präparationsmethode abhängt. Die Polymerstrukturen weisen bei Trocknung für 1.5 h eine Stabilität gegenüber Luft auf. Bei längeren Trocknungszeiten von ca. 12 h kommt es zu einer Reorganisation der Oberfläche. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass Wasser dazu notwendig ist die Strukturen auf lange Sicht zu stabilisieren. Um die Biokompatibilität der Polymerschichten nachzuweisen, wurden die Wechselwirkungen mit dem membranaktiven Peptid Polymyxin B und dem Transmembranprotein α-Haemolysin gezeigt. Mobilität ist ein wichtiger Faktor für die korrekte Funktion vieler Transmembranproteine. Um die laterale Diffusionsdynamik innerhalb der künstlichen Strukturen zu untersuchen, wurde die Mobilität eines integralen Modellpeptids und von fluoreszierenden Membransonden gemessen. Es konnte mit einzelmolekülempfindlichen Techniken gezeigt werden, dass das α-helikale Peptid und die kleinen Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe frei im hydrophoben Kern der Polymerdoppelschicht diffundieren können. Die Diffusion von beiden Spezies scheint stark von der Fluidität der Polymermatrix beeinflusst zu sein. Ein weiterer Teil dieser Arbeit widmet sich der Entwicklung eines angemessenen, lipidbasierten Referenzsystems für zukünftige Proteinuntersuchungen. Hierzu wurde eine neue Methode zu Herstellung von peptidgestützten Lipiddoppelschichtmembranen entwickelt. Dies wurde durch kovalente Befestigung eines Thiopeptids an einen Goldfilm und darauffolgende Anbindung eines Lipids erreicht. Zur Ausbildung der Lipiddoppelschicht auf dem Lipopeptidunterbau wurder der Rapid Solvent Exchange verwendet. Die Ausbildung der Lipiddoppelschicht wurde sowohl auf microskopischer als auch auf makroskopischer Ebene nachgewiesen. Im letzten Schritt wurde die Anwendbarkeit des Modelsystems für elektrochemische Messungen durch den funktionalen Einbau des Ionentransporters Valinomycin unter Beweis gestellt.
From amphiphilic block copolymers to ferrocenyl-functionalized polymers for biosensoric applications
The present thesis can be divided in three main parts. In all parts new polymer architecturesrnwere synthesized and characterized concerning their special features.rnThe first part will emphasize the advantage of a polystyrene-block-(hyperbranchedrnpolyglycerol) copolymer in comparison to an analogue polystyrene-block-(linear polyglycerol)rncopolymer. Therefore a synthethic route to prepare linear block copolymersrnhas been developed. Two strategies were examined. One strategy was based on thernclassic, sequential anionic polymerization; the second strategy was based on arn“Click-Chemistry” coupling reaction. In a following step glycidol was hypergraftedrnfrom these block copolymers by applying a hypergrafting reaction with glycidol. Thernbehavior of the amphiphilic block copolymers synthesized was studied in differentrnsolvents. Furthermore the polarity of the solvent was changed to form the correspondingrninverse micelles. DLS, SLS, SEC-MALLS-VISCO, AFM and Cyro TEMrnmeasurements were performed to obtain a visual image from the appearance of thernaggregates. It was found that a linear-hyperbranched architecture is necessary, ifrnwell defined, monodisperse aggregates are required, e.g. for the preparation of orderedrnnanoarrays. Linear-linear block copolymers formed only polydisperse aggregates.rnAdditionally it was found that size distribution could be improved dramaticallyrnby passing the aggregates through a SEC column with large pores. The SEC columnsrnacted like a template in which the aggregates adopt a more stable conformation.rnIn the second part anionic polymerization was employed to synthesize silaneendfunctionalizedrnmacromonomers with different molecular weights based on polybutadienernand polyisoprene. These were polymerized by a hydrosilylation reaction inrnbulk to obtain branched polymers, using Karstedt’s catalyst. Surprisingly the additionrnof monofunctional silanes during the polymerization had only a minimal effect concerningrnthe degree of polymerization. It was possible to introduce silanes without increasingrnthe overall number of reaction steps by a very convenient “pseudo-copolymerization”rnmethod. All branched polymers were analyzed by SEC, SEC-MALLS,rnSEC-viscometry, 1H-NMR-spectroscopy and DSC concerning their branching ratio.rnThe branching parameters for the branched polymers exhibited similar characteristicsrnas hyperbranched polymers based on AB2 monomers. Detailed kinetic study showedrnthat the polymerization occurred very rapidly in comparison to the hydrosilylation polymerizationrnof classical AB2 type carbosilanes monomers.rnThe last part will deal with ferrocenyl-functionalized polymers. On the one hand,rnferrocenyl-functionalized polyglycerols (PG) were studied. Esterification of PGs withrndifferent molecular weight using ferrocenemonocarboxylic acid gave the ferrocenylrnfuntionalized polymers in high yields. On the other hand three different block copolymersrnwere prepared with different ratios of styrene to butadiene units (10:1, 4:1, 2:1).rnThe double bonds of the 1,2-PB block were hydrosilylated using silanes bearing onern(HSiMe2Fc) or two (HSiMeFc2) ferrocene units. High degrees of functionalizationrnwere obtained (up to 83 %). In this manner, six different ferrocenyl-rich block copolymersrnwith different fractions of ferrocene were prepared and analyzed, employingrnNMR-spectroscopy, SEC, SEC/MALLS/viscometry, DLS and cyclic voltammetry. Thernredox properties of the studied polymers varied primarily with the nature of the silanernunit attached. Additionally, the redox properties in solution of the studied polymersrnwere influenced by the block length ratio of the block copolymers. Unexpectedly, withrnincreasing block length of the ferrocenyl block the fraction of active ferrocenes decreased.rnNevertheless, in case of thin monolayer films this behaviour was not observed.rnAll polymers (PG and PS-b-PB based) exhibited good electrochemical propertiesrnin a wide range of solvents, which rendered them very interesting for biosensoricrnapplications.
Due to the limited availability of natural oil and the harmful effects of its usage, the industry has focused in searching for sustainable types of raw materials for the production of chemicals. The bioethanol, obtained by fermentation of biomass, has gained particular importance in recent years both as a biofuel, and as a “building block” molecule because it can be considered as a starting reagent to obtain other added value chemical compounds, such as ethylene, acetaldehyde, butadiene and ethyl acetate. The goal of this research was the study of the interaction of ethanol with catalysts based on TiO2-CeOX. Since the electronic properties have implications on the catalytic activity, the idea was to understand if the TiO2-CeOX systems have different reactivity from that of ceria and rutile alone, or an intermediate between them. The study was focused on the characterization of the adsorbed species on the catalysts surface after ethanol adsorption through an in-situ spectroscopic technique (DRIFTS) that allowed us to extract information that could be helpful for the understanding of the processes at the molecular level. The mass spectrometry was used to monitor on-line the desorbed products. Furthermore, reactivity tests in a flow reactor were performed, in order to verify the catalytic behavior of the samples in conditions which are more similar to those applied at an industrial scale. The samples showed to behave in different way depending on the conditions used and the thermal treatment. The particular behavior of the mixed samples with respect to the single oxides is interpreted for each case according to the spectroscopic information collected.
Oggi il mercato mondiale dell'anidride maleica (AM) è in continua espansione grazie ad un numero sempre crescente di applicazioni finali e sviluppo di nuove tecnologie industriali. La AM viene impiegata nella produzione di resine poliestere insature e resine alchidiche e nella produzione di chemicals a più alto valore aggiunto. Il processo di sintesi è tutt’ora basato sull'ossidazione selettiva del benzene e del n-butano. Con l’aumento delle emissione di gas serra, legate all’impiego di materie di origine fossile e la loro continua diminuzione, si stanno studiando nuovi processi basati su materie derivanti da fonti rinnovali. Tra i vari processi studiati vi è quello per la sintesi di AM, i quali utilizzano come molecola di furfurale, 5-idrossimetilfurfurale e 1-butanolo; tutte queste presentano però il problema di un costo superiore rispetto alle molecole tutt’ora usate. Ad oggi una delle molecole ottenibili da fonti rinnovabili avente un costo competitivo alle materie derivanti da fonti fossili è il bio-etanolo. Essendo nota la possibilità di trasformare dell’etanolo in composti a 4 atomi di carbonio (C4) come 1-butanolo (reazione di Guerbet) e in 1,3- butadiene (processo Lebedev) su ossidi misti Mg/Si e la loro trasformazioni in AM, è’ dunque possibile ipotizzare un processo operante in fase gas che accoppi entrambi i processi. Lo scopo di questo lavoro di tesi è stato quello di effettuare uno studio su sistemi catalitici mediante differenti approcci impiantistici. Il primo ha previsto l’impiego di un sistema detto “a cascata” nel quale è stato accoppiato il sistema misto a base di Mg/Si/O, per la trasformazione dell’etanolo a C4, e il pirofosfato di vanadile (VPP), per l’ossidazione selettiva di quest’ultimi in AM. Il secondo approccio ha previsto l’impiego di un unico sistema multifunzionale in grado di catalizzare tutti gli step necessari. In quest’ultimo caso, i sistemi studiati sono stati il Mg2P2O7 ed un sistema costituito da VPP DuPont sul quale è stato depositato MgO. I catalizzatori sono stati caratterizzati mediante diffrattometria a raggi X, spettroscopia Raman e analisi dell’area superficiale mediante metodo BET, mentre i test catalitici sono stati condotti su un impianto di laboratorio con un reattore assimilabile ad un modello di tipo PFR.
Southeast Texas, including Houston, has a large presence of industrial facilities and has been documented to have poorer air quality and significantly higher cancer rates than the remainder of Texas. Given citizens’ concerns in this 4th largest city in the U.S., Mayor Bill White recently partnered with the UT School of Public Health to determine methods to evaluate the health risks of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). Sexton et al. (2007) published a report that strongly encouraged analytic studies linking these pollutants with health outcomes. In response, we set out to complete the following aims: 1. determine the optimal exposure assessment strategy to assess the association between childhood cancer rates and increased ambient levels of benzene and 1,3-butadiene (in an ecologic setting) and 2. evaluate whether census tracts with the highest levels of benzene or 1,3-butadiene have higher incidence of childhood lymphohematopoietic cancer compared with census tracts with the lowest levels of benzene or 1,3-butadiene, using Poisson regression. The first aim was achieved by evaluating the usefulness of four data sources: geographic information systems (GIS) to identify proximity to point sources of industrial air pollution, industrial emission data from the U.S. EPA’s Toxic Release Inventory (TRI), routine monitoring data from the U.S. EPA Air Quality System (AQS) from 1999-2000 and modeled ambient air levels from the U.S. EPA’s 1999 National Air Toxic Assessment Project (NATA) ASPEN model. Further, once these four data sources were evaluated, we narrowed them down to two: the routine monitoring data from the AQS for the years 1998-2000 and the 1999 U.S. EPA NATA ASPEN modeled data. We applied kriging (spatial interpolation) methodology to the monitoring data and compared the kriged values to the ASPEN modeled data. Our results indicated poor agreement between the two methods. Relative to the U.S. EPA ASPEN modeled estimates, relying on kriging to classify census tracts into exposure groups would have caused a great deal of misclassification. To address the second aim, we additionally obtained childhood lymphohematopoietic cancer data for 1995-2004 from the Texas Cancer Registry. The U.S. EPA ASPEN modeled data were used to estimate ambient levels of benzene and 1,3-butadiene in separate Poisson regression analyses. All data were analyzed at the census tract level. We found that census tracts with the highest benzene levels had elevated rates of all leukemia (rate ratio (RR) = 1.37; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.05-1.78). Among census tracts with the highest 1,3-butadiene levels, we observed RRs of 1.40 (95% CI, 1.07-1.81) for all leukemia. We detected no associations between benzene or 1,3-butadiene levels and childhood lymphoma incidence. This study is the first to examine this association in Harris and surrounding counties in Texas and is among the first to correlate monitored levels of HAPs with childhood lymphohematopoietic cancer incidence, evaluating several analytic methods in an effort to determine the most appropriate approach to test this association. Despite recognized weakness of ecologic analyses, our analysis suggests an association between childhood leukemia and hazardous air pollution.^
The objective of this dissertation was to design and implement strategies for assessment of exposures to organic chemicals used in the production of a styrene-butadiene polymer at the Texas Plastics Company (TPC). Linear statistical retrospective exposure models, univariate and multivariate, were developed based on the validation of historical industrial hygiene monitoring data collected by industrial hygienists at TPC, and additional current industrial hygiene monitoring data collected for the purposes of this study. The current monitoring data served several purposes. First, it provided information on current exposure data, in the form of unbiased estimates of mean exposure to organic chemicals for each job title included. Second, it provided information on homogeneity of exposure within each job title, through the use of a carefully designed sampling scheme which addressed variability of exposure both between and within job titles. Third, it permitted the investigation of how well current exposure data can serve as an evaluation tool for retrospective exposure estimation. Finally, this dissertation investigated the simultaneous evaluation of exposure to several chemicals, as well as the use of values below detection limits in a multivariate linear statistical model of exposures. ^
An exposure system was constructed to evaluate the performance of a personal organic vapor dosimeter (3520 OVM) at ppb concentrations of nine selected target volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These concentration levels are generally encountered in community air environments, both indoor and outdoor. It was demonstrated that the chamber system could provide closely-controlled conditions of VOC concentrations, temperature and relative humidity (RH) required for the experiments. The target experimental conditions included combinations of three VOC concentrations (10, 20 and 200 $\rm\mu g/m\sp3),$ three temperatures (10, 25 and 40$\sp\circ$C) and three RHs (12, 50 and 90% RH), leading to a total of 27 exposure conditions. No backgrounds of target VOCs were found in the exposure chamber system. In the exposure chamber, the variation of the temperature was controlled within $\pm$1$\sp\circ$C, and the variation of RH was controlled within $\pm$1.5% at 12% RH, $\pm$2% at 50% RH and $\pm$3% at 90% RH. High-emission permeation tubes were utilized to generate the target VOCs. Various patterns of the permeation rates were observed over time. The lifetimes and permeation rates of the tubes differed by compound, length of the tube and manufacturer. By carefully selecting the source and length of the tubes, and closely monitoring tube weight loss over time, the permeation tubes can be used for delivering low and stable concentrations of VOCs during multiple days.^ The results of this study indicate that the performance of the 3520 OVM is compound-specific and depends on concentration, temperature and humidity. With the exception of 1,3-butadiene under most conditions, and styrene and methylene chloride at very high relative humidities, recoveries were generally within $\pm$25% of theory, indicating that the 3520 OVM can be effectively used over the range of concentrations and environmental conditions tested with a 24-hour sampling period. Increasing humidities resulted in increasing negative bias from full recovery. Reverse diffusion conducted at 200 $\rm\mu g/m\sp3$ and five temperature/humidity combinations indicated severe diffusion losses only for 1,3-butadiene, methylene chloride and styrene under increased humidity. Overall, the results of this study do not support the need to employ diffusion samplers with backup sections for the exposure conditions tested. ^
Low molecular weight hydrocarbon (LMWH) distributions were examined in sediments from Sites 1109 and 1115 in the western Woodlark Basin using purge-trap thermal adsorption/desorption gas analysis. A number of different hydrocarbon components >C1, which were not detected during shipboard gas analysis, were detected at both sites using the purge-trap procedure. Concentrations of ethane, propane, and butane remained relatively low (<100 pmol/g) throughout Site 1109 and had no consistent trend with depth. In contrast, the longer-chain components increased in concentration with depth. Hexane concentrations rose to 716 pmol/g at the base of the site with a concomitant increase in both 2-methyl- and 3-methylpentane. At Site 1115, concentrations of ethane, propane, butane, and isobutylene + 1-butene remained low (<60 pmol/g) throughout the site and again had no consistent trend with depth. 2-Methylpentane, 3-methylpentane, and hexane concentrations had a subsurface maximum that coincided with sediments containing abundant plant-rich material. The LMWH downhole profiles plus low in situ temperatures suggest that the LMWH components were formed in situ by low-temperature biological processes. Purge-trap analysis has indicated the presence of some unexpected deep low-temperature bacterial reactions, which demonstrates that further analysis of LMWH may provide valuable information at future Ocean Drilling Program sites.
El auge que ha surgido en los últimos años por la reparación de edificios y estructuras construidas con hormigón ha llevado al desarrollo de morteros de reparación cada vez más tecnológicos. En el desarrollo de estos morteros por parte de los fabricantes, surge la disyuntiva en el uso de los polímeros en sus formulaciones, por no encontrarse justificado en ocasiones el trinomio prestaciones/precio/aplicación. En esta tesis se ha realizado un estudio exhaustivo para la justificación de la utilización de estos morteros como morteros de reparación estructural como respuesta a la demanda actual disponiéndolo en tres partes: En la primera parte se realizó un estudio del arte de los morteros y sus constituyentes. El uso de los morteros se remonta a la antigüedad, utilizándose como componentes yeso y cal fundamentalmente. Los griegos y romanos desarrollaron el concepto de morteros de cal, introduciendo componentes como las puzolanas, cales hidraúlicas y áridos de polvo de mármol dando origen a morteros muy parecidos a los hormigones actuales. En la edad media y renacimiento se perdió la tecnología desarrollada por los romanos debido al extenso uso de la piedra en las construcciones civiles, defensivas y religiosas. Hubo que esperar hasta el siglo XIX para que J. Aspdin descubriese el actual cemento como el principal compuesto hidraúlico. Por último y ya en el siglo XX con la aparición de moléculas tales como estireno, melanina, cloruro de vinilo y poliésteres se comenzó a desarrollar la industria de los polímeros que se añadieron a los morteros dando lugar a los “composites”. El uso de polímeros en matrices cementantes dotan al mortero de propiedades tales como: adherencia, flexibilidad y trabajabilidad, como ya se tiene constancia desde los años 30 con el uso de caucho naturales. En la actualidad el uso de polímeros de síntesis (polivinialacetato, estireno-butadieno, viniacrílico y resinas epoxi) hacen que principalmente el mortero tenga mayor resistencia al ataque del agua y por lo tanto aumente su durabilidad ya que se minimizan todas las reacciones de deterioro (hielo, humedad, ataque biológico,…). En el presente estudio el polímero que se utilizó fue en estado polvo: polímero redispersable. Estos polímeros están encapsulados y cuando se ponen en contacto con el agua se liberan de la cápsula formando de nuevo el gel. En los morteros de reparación el único compuesto hidraúlico que hay es el cemento y es el principal constituyente hoy en día de los materiales de construcción. El cemento se obtiene por molienda conjunta de Clínker y yeso. El Clínker se obtiene por cocción de una mezcla de arcillas y calizas hasta una temperatura de 1450-1500º C por reacción en estado fundente. Para esta reacción se deben premachacar y homogeneizar las materias primas extraídas de la cantera. Son dosificadas en el horno con unas proporciones tales que cumplan con unas relación de óxidos tales que permitan formar las fases anhidras del Clínker C3S, C2S, C3A y C4AF. De la hidratación de las fases se obtiene el gel CSH que es el que proporciona al cemento de sus propiedades. Existe una norma (UNE-EN 197-1) que establece la composición, especificaciones y tipos de cementos que se fabrican en España. La tendencia actual en la fabricación del cemento pasa por el uso de cementos con mayores contenidos de adiciones (cal, puzolana, cenizas volantes, humo de sílice,…) con el objeto de obtener cementos más sostenibles. Otros componentes que influyen en las características de los morteros son: - Áridos. En el desarrollo de los morteros se suelen usar naturales, bien calizos o silícicos. Hacen la función de relleno y de cohesionantes de la matriz cementante. Deben ser inertes - Aditivos. Son aquellos componentes del mortero que son dosificados en una proporción menor al 5%. Los más usados son los superplastificantes por su acción de reductores de agua que revierte en una mayor durabilidad del mortero. Una vez analizada la composición de los morteros, la mejora tecnológica de los mismos está orientada al aumento de la durabilidad de su vida en obra. La durabilidad se define como la capacidad que éste tiene de resistir a la acción del ambiente, ataques químicos, físicos, biológicos o cualquier proceso que tienda a su destrucción. Estos procesos dependen de factores tales como la porosidad del hormigón y de la exposición al ambiente. En cuanto a la porosidad hay que tener en cuenta la distribución de macroporos, mesoporos y microporos de la estructura del hormigón, ya que no todos son susceptibles de que se produzca el transporte de agentes deteriorantes, provocando tensiones internas en las paredes de los mismos y destruyendo la matriz cementante Por otro lado los procesos de deterioro están relacionados con la acción del agua bien como agente directo o como vehículo de transporte del agente deteriorante. Un ambiente que resulta muy agresivo para los hormigones es el marino. En este caso los procesos de deterioro están relacionados con la presencia de cloruros y de sulfatos tanto en el agua de mar como en la atmosfera que en combinación con el CO2 y O2 forman la sal de Friedel. El deterioro de las estructuras en ambientes marinos se produce por la debilitación de la matriz cementante y posterior corrosión de las armaduras que provocan un aumento de volumen en el interior y rotura de la matriz cementante por tensiones capilares. Otras reacciones que pueden producir estos efectos son árido-álcali y difusión de iones cloruro. La durabilidad de un hormigón también depende del tipo de cemento y su composición química (cementos con altos contenidos de adición son más resistentes), relación agua/cemento y contenido de cemento. La Norma UNE-EN 1504 que consta de 10 partes, define los productos para la protección y reparación de estructuras de hormigón, el control de calidad de los productos, propiedades físico-químicas y durables que deben cumplir. En esta Norma se referencian otras 65 normas que ofrecen los métodos de ensayo para la evaluación de los sistemas de reparación. En la segunda parte de esta Tesis se hizo un diseño de experimentos con diferentes morteros poliméricos (con concentraciones de polímero entre 0 y 25%), tomando como referencia un mortero control sin polímero, y se estudiaron sus propiedades físico-químicas, mecánicas y durables. Para mortero con baja proporción de polímero se recurre a sistemas monocomponentes y para concentraciones altas bicomponentes en la que el polímero está en dispersión acuosa. Las propiedades mecánicas medidas fueron: resistencia a compresión, resistencia a flexión, módulo de elasticidad, adherencia por tracción directa y expansión-retracción, todas ellas bajo normas UNE. Como ensayos de caracterización de la durabilidad: absorción capilar, resistencia a carbonatación y adherencia a tracción después de ciclos hielo-deshielo. El objeto de este estudio es seleccionar el mortero con mejor resultado general para posteriormente hacer una comparativa entre un mortero con polímero (cantidad optimizada) y un mortero sin polímero. Para seleccionar esa cantidad óptima de polímero a usar se han tenido en cuenta los siguientes criterios: el mortero debe tener una clasificación R4 en cuanto a prestaciones mecánicas al igual que para evaluar sus propiedades durables frente a los ciclos realizados, siempre teniendo en cuenta que la adición de polímero no puede ser elevada para hacer el mortero competitivo. De este estudio se obtuvieron las siguientes conclusiones generales: - Un mortero normalizado no cumple con propiedades para ser clasificado como R3 o R4. - Sin necesidad de polímero se puede obtener un mortero que cumpliría con R4 para gran parte de las características medidas - Es necesario usar relaciones a:c< 0.5 para conseguir morteros R4, - La adición de polímero mejora siempre la adherencia, abrasión, absorción capilar y resistencia a carbonatación - Las diferentes proporciones de polímero usadas siempre suponen una mejora tecnológica en propiedades mecánicas y de durabilidad. - El polímero no influye sobre la expansión y retracción del mortero. - La adherencia se mejora notablemente con el uso del polímero. - La presencia de polímero en los morteros mejoran las propiedades relacionadas con la acción del agua, por aumento del poder cementante y por lo tanto de la cohesión. El poder cementante disminuye la porosidad. Como consecuencia final de este estudio se determinó que la cantidad óptima de polímero para la segunda parte del estudio es 2.0-3.5%. La tercera parte consistió en el estudio comparativo de dos morteros: uno sin polímero (mortero A) y otro con la cantidad optimizada de polímero, concluida en la parte anterior (mortero B). Una vez definido el porcentaje de polímeros que mejor se adapta a los resultados, se plantea un nuevo esqueleto granular mejorado, tomando una nueva dosificación de tamaños de áridos, tanto para el mortero de referencia, como para el mortero con polímeros, y se procede a realizar los ensayos para su caracterización física, microestructural y de durabilidad, realizándose, además de los ensayos de la parte 1, mediciones de las propiedades microestructurales que se estudiaron a través de las técnicas de porosimetría de mercurio y microscopia electrónica de barrido (SEM); así como propiedades del mortero en estado fresco (consistencia, contenido de aire ocluido y tiempo final de fraguado). El uso del polímero frente a la no incorporación en la formulación del mortero, proporcionó al mismo de las siguientes ventajas: - Respecto a sus propiedades en estado fresco: El mortero B presentó mayor consistencia y menor cantidad de aire ocluido lo cual hace un mortero más trabajable y más dúctil al igual que más resistente porque al endurecer dejará menos huecos en su estructura interna y aumentará su durabilidad. Al tener también mayor tiempo de fraguado, pero no excesivo permite que la manejabilidad para puesta en obra sea mayor, - Respecto a sus propiedades mecánicas: Destacar la mejora en la adherencia. Es una de las principales propiedades que confiere el polímero a los morteros. Esta mayor adherencia revierte en una mejora de la adherencia al soporte, minimización de las posibles reacciones en la interfase hormigón-mortero y por lo tanto un aumento en la durabilidad de la reparación ejecutada con el mortero y por consecuencia del hormigón. - Respecto a propiedades microestructurales: la porosidad del mortero con polímero es menor y menor tamaño de poro critico susceptible de ser atacado por agentes externos causantes de deterioro. De los datos obtenidos por SEM no se observaron grandes diferencias - En cuanto a abrasión y absorción capilar el mortero B presentó mejor comportamiento como consecuencia de su menor porosidad y su estructura microscópica. - Por último el comportamiento frente al ataque de sulfatos y agua de mar, así como al frente de carbonatación, fue más resistente en el mortero con polímero por su menor permeabilidad y su menor porosidad. Para completar el estudio de esta tesis, y debido a la gran importancia que están tomando en la actualidad factores como la sostenibilidad se ha realizado un análisis de ciclo de vida de los dos morteros objeto de estudio de la segunda parte experimental.In recent years, the extended use of repair materials for buildings and structures made the development of repair mortars more and more technical. In the development of these mortars by producers, the use of polymers in the formulations is a key point, because sometimes this use is not justified when looking to the performance/price/application as a whole. This thesis is an exhaustive study to justify the use of these mortars as a response to the current growing demand for structural repair. The thesis is classified in three parts:The first part is the study of the state of the art of mortars and their constituents.In ancient times, widely used mortars were based on lime and gypsum. The Greeks and Romans developed the concept of lime mortars, introducing components such as pozzolans, hydraulic limes and marble dust as aggregates, giving very similar concrete mortars to the ones used currently. In the middle Age and Renaissance, the technology developed by the Romans was lost, due to the extensive use of stone in the civil, religious and defensive constructions. It was not until the 19th century, when J. Aspdin discovered the current cement as the main hydraulic compound. Finally in the 20th century, with the appearance of molecules such as styrene, melanin, vinyl chloride and polyester, the industry began to develop polymers which were added to the binder to form special "composites".The use of polymers in cementitious matrixes give properties to the mortar such as adhesion, Currently, the result of the polymer synthesis (polivynilacetate, styrene-butadiene, vynilacrylic and epoxy resins) is that mortars have increased resistance to water attack and therefore, they increase their durability since all reactions of deterioration are minimised (ice, humidity, biological attack,...). In the present study the polymer used was redispersible polymer powder. These polymers are encapsulated and when in contact with water, they are released from the capsule forming a gel.In the repair mortars, the only hydraulic compound is the cement and nowadays, this is the main constituent of building materials. The current trend is centered in the use of higher contents of additions (lime, pozzolana, fly ash, silica, silica fume...) in order to obtain more sustainable cements. Once the composition of mortars is analyzed, the technological improvement is centred in increasing the durability of the working life. Durability is defined as the ability to resist the action of the environment, chemical, physical, and biological attacks or any process that tends to its destruction. These processes depend on factors such as the concrete porosity and the environmental exposure. In terms of porosity, it be considered, the distribution of Macropores and mesopores and pores of the concrete structure, since not all of them are capable of causing the transportation of damaging agents, causing internal stresses on the same walls and destroying the cementing matrix.In general, deterioration processes are related to the action of water, either as direct agent or as a transport vehicle. Concrete durability also depends on the type of cement and its chemical composition (cement with high addition amounts are more resistant), water/cement ratio and cement content. The standard UNE-EN 1504 consists of 10 parts and defines the products for the protection and repair of concrete, the quality control of products, physical-chemical properties and durability. Other 65 standards that provide the test methods for the evaluation of repair systems are referenced in this standard. In the second part of this thesis there is a design of experiments with different polymer mortars (with concentrations of polymer between 0 and 25%), taking a control mortar without polymer as a reference and its physico-chemical, mechanical and durable properties were studied. For mortars with low proportion of polymer, 1 component systems are used (powder polymer) and for high polymer concentrations, water dispersion polymers are used. The mechanical properties measured were: compressive strength, flexural strength, modulus of elasticity, adhesion by direct traction and expansion-shrinkage, all of them under standards UNE. As a characterization of the durability, following tests are carried out: capillary absorption, resistance to carbonation and pull out adhesion after freeze-thaw cycles. The target of this study is to select the best mortar to make a comparison between mortars with polymer (optimized amount) and mortars without polymer. To select the optimum amount of polymer the following criteria have been considered: the mortar must have a classification R4 in terms of mechanical performance as well as in durability properties against the performed cycles, always bearing in mind that the addition of polymer cannot be too high to make the mortar competitive in price. The following general conclusions were obtained from this study: - A standard mortar does not fulfill the properties to be classified as R3 or R4 - Without polymer, a mortar may fulfill R4 for most of the measured characteristics. - It is necessary to use relations w/c ratio < 0.5 to get R4 mortars - The addition of polymer always improves adhesion, abrasion, capillary absorption and carbonation resistance - The different proportions of polymer used always improve the mechanical properties and durability. - The polymer has no influence on the expansion and shrinkage of the mortar - Adhesion is improved significantly with the use of polymer. - The presence of polymer in mortars improves the properties related to the action of the water, by the increase of the cement power and therefore the cohesion. The cementitious properties decrease the porosity. As final result of this study, it was determined that the optimum amount of polymer for the second part of the study is 2.0 - 3.5%. The third part is the comparative study between two mortars: one without polymer (A mortar) and another with the optimized amount of polymer, completed in the previous part (mortar B). Once the percentage of polymer is defined, a new granular skeleton is defined, with a new dosing of aggregate sizes, for both the reference mortar, the mortar with polymers, and the tests for physical, microstructural characterization and durability, are performed, as well as trials of part 1, measurements of the microstructural properties that were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and mercury porosimetry techniques; as well as properties of the mortar in fresh State (consistency, content of entrained air and final setting time). The use of polymer versus non polymer mortar, provided the following advantages: - In fresh state: mortar with polymer presented higher consistency and least amount of entrained air, which makes a mortar more workable and more ductile as well as more resistant because hardening will leave fewer gaps in its internal structure and increase its durability. Also allow it allows a better workability because of the longer (not excessive) setting time. - Regarding the mechanical properties: improvement in adhesion. It is one of the main properties which give the polymer to mortars. This higher adhesion results in an improvement of adhesion to the substrate, minimization of possible reactions at the concrete-mortar interface and therefore an increase in the durability of the repair carried out with mortar and concrete. - Respect to microstructural properties: the porosity of mortar with polymer is less and with smaller pore size, critical to be attacked by external agents causing deterioration. No major differences were observed from the data obtained by SEM - In terms of abrasion and capillary absorption, polymer mortar presented better performance as a result of its lower porosity and its microscopic structure. - Finally behavior against attack by sulfates and seawater, as well as to carbonation, was better in the mortar with polymer because of its lower permeability and its lower porosity. To complete the study, due to the great importance of sustainability for future market facts, the life cycle of the two mortars studied was analysed.