965 resultados para built-up edge


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What Are ~umulat iveE ffects? Coastal managers now recognize that many of the most serious resource degradation problems have built up gradually as the combined outcome of numerous actions and choices which alone may have had relatively minor impacts. For example, alteration of essential habitat through wetland loss, degradation of water quality from nonpoint source pollution, and changes in salinity of estuarine waters from water diversion projects can be attributed to numerous small actions and choices. These incremental losses have broad spatial and temporal dimensions, resulting in the gradual alteration of structure and functioning of biophysical systems. In the environmental management field, the term "cumulative effects" is generally used to describe this phenomenon of changes in the environment that result from numerous, small-scale alterations.


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The wave contouring raft system is the outcome of ideas initiated and developed by Sir Christopher Cockerell from 1972 onwards. His objective was to develop a wave energy device which is within the bounds of current technology. It should consist of simple, relatively small units, amenable to quantity production, which would enable a power generating system to be built up and commissioned in stages according to needs and production capability. This thinking led to the investigation of chains of pontoons, hinged together so that the passage of a wave down the chain causes the pontoons to oscillate relative to one another. Energy is extracted from the sea by applying a torque about the hinges to damp the motion. The work has involved extensive model testing in wave tanks and the building and testing of a 3-unit 1/10 scale power generating installation in the Solent, as well as design studies for a full size installation for Atlantic conditions.


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A method is presented for predicting the variance of the energy levels in a built-up system to accompany the mean values predicted by SEA. Closed form expressions for the variance are obtained in terms of the standard SEA parameters and an additional set of parameters αk that describe the nature of the power input to each subsystem k, and αks that describe the nature of the coupling between subsystems k and s.


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At medium to high frequencies the dynamic response of a built-up engineering system, such as an automobile, can be sensitive to small random manufacturing imperfections. Ideally the statistics of the system response in the presence of these uncertainties should be computed at the design stage, but in practice this is an extremely difficult task. In this paper a brief review of the methods available for the analysis of systems with uncertainty is presented, and attention is then focused on two particular "non- parametric" methods: statistical energy analysis (SEA), and the hybrid method. The main governing equations are presented, and a number of example applications are considered, ranging from academic benchmark studies to industrial design studies. © 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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The three-dimensional molecular models of DNA triple helices and triple-stranded brain-like structure were built up by molecular architecture, and their structural features and energy decomposition were examined. The results showed: (i) The base triplet is the element forming braid-like and triple helix DNA; (ii) Under specified conditions, DNA could form the triplet-stranded braid-like structure; (iii) DNA stability of the braid-like structure is less than that of the triple helix structure. (C) 1995 Academic Press Limited.


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The present study with headline investigation on reproduction in two species of crab Eriphia sebana and Ocypode saratan was carried out in the intertidal zone of Chabahar in thirteen month from December 2004 to December 2005. Checked samplings have been taken, 45 number Crab monthly from any four stations by manual or use trap. During this study the following subjects were measured: temperature range and salinity, measurable coast granule, determination of sex ratio, relations carapace width with carapace length, Carapace width with total body weight, Gonad weight, gonadosomatic index, condition factor, gastrosomatic index, investigation content in stomach, LM50, growth parameters, plenty distribution length and width and gonad weight and total body weight. Studied on measurable coast granule were expressed that Ocypode saratan in Desalination station, were nest in soils equable sand and this quantity were confirmed in Pozm station. Sex ratio were assign in desalination area and Pozm M: F 0/44:0/56 and in Tiss and Chabahar M:F 0/45:0/55. Carapace length and carapace width (cm) and body weight (g) Furthest were designated in Ocypode saratan within carapace width sequential: In female: 5/42-6/15-105/13 and in male: 5/53-6/25-108/91 and in Eriphia sebana within Tiss area sequential: in female: 5/12-5/94-110/21 and in male 5/14-60/01-114/37. Have been linear relationship between carapace length and carapace width and equaled CW=aCL+b. Weight growth in two species were be modal and equaled BW=aCLb And increased crab weight by built up carapace width. Maximum gonad weight in Ocypode saratan within Desalination area in female have been outcome 3/39 and in male 0/84g and in Eriphia sebana extreme within Tiss during may in female were be 4/18 and in male 1/1g. Stomach content in Eriphia sebana were involved a black until half-purplish liquid and yellowish in Ocypode saratan. Stomach contents identifiable were being in four groups: Molluscoid, Crustacean, Plankton and Fish. Carapace width during the first year of maturation have been LM50:3/77 in Desalination area and LM50:3/92 in Pozm for Ocypode saratan and LM50:4/26 in Tiss and LM50:4/62 in Chabahar. Ability spawning in Eriphia sebana within Tiss has been CW=4/17cm and in Ocypode saratan within Desalination area CW=4/23cm. Maximun value of Loo for Eriphia sebana was equal 59/67 and growth factor K=0/68 within Tiss and Loo =61/64, K=0/65 for Ocypode saratan within Desalination area. Maximun GSI and GI have been within Desalination area and Tiss and minimum within Pozm and Chabahar. The maturity stages of two species were classifed into six stages. Review on GSI, CF have been showed that relation with temperature and salinity and definer in two species have been spawned in two period that Maximun in spring premier than autumn.


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New firms in emerging industries are subject to complex dynamic processes which defy the attempts at prediction embodied in business conjectures. Discontinuous growth is common, but the issue of interruptions in the early growth of new firms has not been adequately addressed in the mainstream literature. We examine the prevalence of interruptions to growth in a cohort study of the growth trajectories of firms founded in 1990, then look to cases studies of individual firms to investigate underlying causes. We find that substantial growth is rare and continuous growth unusual, and that growth interruptions are the result of both internal and external dynamics. The managers of growing firms face shortages of vital resources and significant problems of resource synchronisation and coordination, many of which can lead to what are, in effect, changes of phase state. Meanwhile, the volatile environment of an emerging industry presents particular problems to young firms which have not yet built up reserves to sustain them through short-term crises. However, problem solving by those that survive provides an important source of learning which can underpin their future development. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to develop a framework of total acquisition cost of overseas outsourcing/sourcing in manufacturing industry. This framework contains categorized cost items that may occur during the overseas outsourcing/sourcing process. The framework was tested by a case study to establish both its feasibility and usability. Design/methodology/approach - First, interviews were carried out with practitioners who have the experience of overseas outsourcing/sourcing in order to obtain inputs from industry. The framework was then built up based on combined inputs from literature and from practitioners. Finally, the framework was tested by a case study in a multinational high-tech manufacturer to establish both its feasibility and usability. Findings - A practical barrier for implementing this framework is shortage of information. The predictability of the cost items in the framework varies. How to deal with the trade off between accuracy and applicability is a problem needed to be solved in the future research. Originality/value - There are always limitations to the generalizations that can be made from just one case. However, despite these limitations, this case study is believed to have shown the general requirement of modeling the uncertainty and dealing with the dilemma between accuracy and applicability in practice. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Parallel strand models for base sequences d(A)(10). d(T)(10), d(AT)(5) . d(TA)(5), d(G(5)C(5)). d(C(5)G(5)), d(GC)(5) . d(CG)(5) and d(CTATAGGGAT). d(GATATCCCTA), where reverse Watson-Crick A-T pairing with two H-bonds and reverse Watson-Crick G-C pairing with one H-bond or with two H-bonds were adopted, and three models of d(T)(14). d(A)(14). d(T)(14) triple helix with different strand orientations were built up by molecular architecture and energy minimization. Comparisons of parallel duplex models with their corresponding B-DNA models and comparisons among the three triple helices showed: (i) conformational energies of parallel AT duplex models were a little lower, while for GC duplex models they were about 8% higher than that of their corresponding B-DNA models; (ii) the energy differences between parallel and B-type duplex models and among the three triple helices arose mainly from base stacking energies, especially for GC base pairing; (iii) the parallel duplexes with one H-bond G-C pairs were less stable than those with two H-bonds G-C pairs. The present paper includes a brief discussion about the effect of base stacking and base sequences on DNA conformations. (C) 1997 Academic Press Limited.


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Sixty-four sets of three-dimensional models of DNA triplex base triplets (TBT) were built up based on codons by homologous modeling method and their energies were minimized. According to sequence of TBT and orientation of the third ODN strand third, the energies of monomers and water-K+-TBT ternary complexes of TBT were analyzed. The results showed: (i) The energies of the symmetric parallel monomers are generally lower than those of the symmetric anti-parallel monomers of TBT, but the energies of the symmetric parallel ternary complexes are higher than those of the symmetric anti-parallel ternary complexes of TBT. (ii) No matter TBTs are monomers or ternary complexes, the energies of asymmetric parallel TBTs are generally lower than those of the asymmetric anti-parallel ones. (iii) Although the energies of the parallel TBTs are correlated with those of the anti-parallel ones, the energy differences are significant between them. The results here suggest the sequences of TBTs and the orientations of the third ODN strands are two of the key factors that can influence the formation and stability of TBT. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work presents active control of high-frequency vibration using skyhook dampers. The choice of the damper gain and its optimal location is crucial for the effective implementation of active vibration control. In vibration control, certain sensor/actuator locations are preferable for reducing structural vibration while using minimum control effort. In order to perform optimisation on a general built-up structure to control vibration, it is necessary to have a good modelling technique to predict the performance of the controller. The present work exploits the hybrid modelling approach, which combines the finite element method (FEM) and statistical energy analysis (SEA) to provide efficient response predictions at medium to high frequencies. The hybrid method is implemented here for a general network of plates, coupled via springs, to allow study of a variety of generic control design problems. By combining the hybrid method with numerical optimisation using a genetic algorithm, optimal skyhook damper gains and locations are obtained. The optimal controller gain and location found from the hybrid method are compared with results from a deterministic modelling method. Good agreement between the results is observed, whereas results from the hybrid method are found in a significantly reduced amount of time. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper is concerned with the probability density function of the energy of a random dynamical system subjected to harmonic excitation. It is shown that if the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the system conform to the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble, then under common types of loading the distribution of the energy of the response is approximately lognormal, providing the modal overlap factor is high (typically greater than two). In contrast, it is shown that the response of a system with Poisson natural frequencies is not approximately lognormal. Numerical simulations are conducted on a plate system to validate the theoretical findings and good agreement is obtained. Simulations are also conducted on a system made from two plates connected with rotational springs to demonstrate that the theoretical findings can be extended to a built-up system. The work provides a theoretical justification of the commonly used empirical practice of assuming that the energy response of a random system is lognormal.


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This paper presents new experimental measurements of spike-type stall inception. The measurements were carried out in the single stage Deverson compressor at the Whittle Laboratory. The primary objective was to characterize the flow field in the tip clearance gap during stall inception using sufficient instrumentation to give high spatial and temporal resolution. Measurements were recorded using arrays of unsteady pressure transducers over the rotor tips and hot-wires in the tip gap. Pre-stall ensemble averaged velocity and pressure maps were obtained as well as pressure contours of the stall event. In order to study the transient inception process in greater detail, vector maps were built up from hundreds of stalling events using a triggering system based on the stalling event itself. The results show an embryonic disturbance starting within the blade passage and leading to the formation of a clear spike. The origins of the spike and its relation to the tip leakage vortex are discussed. It has also been shown that before stall the flow in the blade passage which is most likely to stall is generally more unsteady, from revolution to revolution, than the other passages in the annulus. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.


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A theoretical model of superradiant pulse generation in semiconductor laser structures is developed. It is shown that a high optical gain of the medium can overcome phase relaxation and results in a built-up superradiant state (macroscopic dipole) in an assembly of electron - hole pairs on a time scale much longer than the characteristic polarisation relaxation time T2. A criterion of the superradiance generation is the condition acmT2 > 1, where α is the gain coefficient and cm is the speed of light in the medium. The theoretical model describes both qualitatively and quantitatively the author's own experimental results.


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One of the biggest issues for underground construction in a densely built-up urban environment is the potentially adverse impact on buildings adjacent to deep excavations. In Singapore, a building damage assessment is usually carried out using a three-staged approach to assess the risk of damage caused by major underground construction projects. However, the tensile strains used for assessing the risk of building damage are often derived using deflection ratios and horizontal strains under 'greenfield' conditions. This ignores the effects of building stiffness and in many cases may be conservative. This paper presents some findings from a study on the response of buildings to deep excavations. Firstly, the paper discusses the settlement response of an actual building - the Singapore Art Museum - adjacent to a deep excavation. By comparing the monitored building settlement with the adjacent ground settlement markers, the influence of building stiffness in modifying the response to excavation-induced settlements is observed. Using the finite element method, a numerical study on the building response to movements induced by deep excavations found a consistent relationship between the building modification factor and a newly defined relative bending stiffness of the building. This relationship can be used as a design guidance to estimate the deflection ratio in a building from the greenfield condition. By comparing the case study results with the design guidance developed from finite element analysis, this paper presents some important characteristics of the influence of building stiffness on building damages for deep excavations.