215 resultados para brincar


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The study Escola e Gênero: representações de gênero na escola show us the social man made, starting of an analysis in the having fun time in the children´s life and how it´s an important aspect of the building childish universe simbolic. My analysis started in a children´s daily at school and how they noticed the play value od dominant society. Our propouse is think about the linking between ideology, representations and gender like the children´s knowledge in the school activities. The toy, an instrument which is noticed and exist in the funny activities, is full of cultural concepts of male and female parts. Your color, lines, functions and the way you manipulate is driven of gender cathegories. In the scool, the ideological concepts have it´s important way which is to domesticate the feelings, the desires; categorize and normalize them without be known by the educational employers. In the children´s education, the funny time is noticed by others ways and turned as important as others subjects. By the way it´s not noticed by the school, like another thing which isn´t a funny moment. And it´s exactly here in the school funny time, the school did your cultural power of separete the gender and your extencions, feed by the society, generaly, in favor of the man whose woman is your subordinate. This ways of analysis help the society and the school universe about the funny time e how they are important in the Man made life. And how the toys bring the concepts and addicted thinking, ideological which put the power in the stages, without equal, addicted feelings around the gender concepts. I read and used the theories of Kishimoto, Berger & luckmann, Brougère, Sousa Filho, Bourdieu, Badinter, Geertz, Grossi, Louro, Foucault, among others


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In this research we described the path of thirty one teachers involved with elementary school, amog which we included ourselves, looking for professional formation that allowed us to understand the function of educating childen. In this sense, this group of teachers begins a process of intentional, systematic and voluntary reflection, in an attempt to give new meanings to daily concepts of life and work, and linking them to their socialpractices. Having as reference the theoretical and methodological principles of socio-historical approach and collaborative research, the Group of Studies: The Dialogue Reflection as Re-meaning of Pedagogical Practice: a continuous education proposal, motivated by the willing and the necessity of re- elaborate knowledge about collaboration, reflection, infant education, playing and development which meets the new and goes the inverse way revisiting concepts and conception already consolidated, confronting and re-meaning them enlightened by one s own effort and the collaboration of pairs, mediated by Cycles of Reflexive Studies and Inter/intrapersonal Sessions. We can affirm that these tools helped the process of reflexivity put into practice by participants, which most important consequence was the theoretical re-meaning and practice in the ambit of infant education. During this investigation, we could see some theoretical and practice presuppositions which permitted to attribute to the exercise of reflexivity in collaboration the means into which the involved people could rescue the actions taken, justified their choices, confronted their theoretical options with their peers and with the systematized knowledge would question their certainties and rebuild in intra-psychological level, the knowledge elaborated socially. To this group which main activity is the docent profession, the personal and professional development constitutes the objective in which actions were articulated and operations which made learning possible as well as professional development


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This study investigates the implications between the musical theory and pedagogical practice based on a study that questions the reasons why some students feel incapable of learning the music language, as well as, if the musical codes are truly so difficult to be apprehended by them. To answer these questions takes itself as reference, the classes I have minister while teaching the disciplines: Music Workshop and Music Language I in the Art Department, Scenic Art Course at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. I have searched the knowledge that constitutes the teacher formation based on the union between the pedagogical efficiency and sensibility, searching in the Corporality the theoretical port for my investigation. This way, advocating is a methodological principle for musical education originated from the experience of knowledge: creating, playing, feeling, thinking, and the interaction among them, conducting the students not only to music learning, but to a process of human formation. It adopts itself as methodological resource, amongst the qualitative methods, some of the techniques that are associated with the ethnographic research, for having as its main objective, to study the meaning of the actions and events of the investigated group. The analysis of the data leads to the conclusion that when the teacher displays his or her pedagogical knowledge in an environment constructed with affectivity, in a playful and pleasant form, the assimilation and construction of the musical concepts happen naturally and efficiently, surpassing the taboo that music learning is only possible to the especially well endowed people for music. Very aware that the scientific debate is important for the strengthening of formative programs involved in the growth and consolidation of the musical teaching and learning area, it is expected to promote this research discussions and reflections in the general educational field with this research, as well as, to contribute significantly to the specific growth of musical education


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The present study comes from inquietudes of an investigative posture assumed by a Physical Education Graduation Professor, before her educative action with undergraduate teachers. The research was done with 16 (sixteen) Kindergarten and Elementary School teachers, who teach at public schools. The referred teachers are undergraduate students of the Graduating Normal Course at Superior Educational Institute President Kennedy, in Natal/RN. The analysis and discussion of the intertwining of knowledge, within the four Pillars of Education, at the Fountain of Knowledge , is a metaphor, especially created for this study, as for its epistemological and methodological structure, guiding all the investigative process. It provided to show up the repercussion of bathing and drinking these humanizing waters of a pedagogical practice that values the Being, aiming his self-transcendence. The conclusions obtained were the following: 1) The professor, while bathing himself in the Fountain of Life Knowledge, reflects his personal and professional life, recalling feelings and emotions that through time were forgotten, but as they were remembered and lived again, impulse people towards humanity. 2) While bathing himself at the Fountain of Life Knowledge, the professor realizes he is awoken to humane knowledge, caring about his practices, which he develops in the classroom. Practices he considers the learning of knowing, of doing, of living together, and of learning how to be, having and integrated form on the Being. 3) When the worries about the developing of the Being exist coming from the undergraduate teacher there is a practice the shows up the web of corporeity knowledge knowing how to play, how to create, how to feel, how to think, and how to humanize. 4) The presence of the professional of Physical Education, with knowledge and experience of the budgets of corporeity, is essential in the process of graduating the Kindergarten and first years of Elementary School undergraduate teacher, for he, the former, has a huge responsibility as to the learning and developing of the educational process the humanizing developing of the Being In a proposal of education that occurs through the whole life. 5) The Professional of Physical Education has positions to conquer, for the existent gap in the educational process, as for the understanding of the body and of corporeity in the perspective of totality, urges to be modified in name of another mankind, with full humanity


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This dissertation is a work on playing and its relation with the knowledge production process. It is the result of a set of personal experiences with the cultural universe of children which have instigated a look into the way they explore the world and questions about the very nature of the games they play. Could we consider those games hide, or rather reveal important strategies used in the knowledge production process and in making science. In light of several studies concerning the complexity of science, this questioning has also led to the development of a toy (a box), which consists of a range of pieces (photos, video, audio, stones, seeds, rags, envelopes, etc.). My intention is to show in a practical manner a strategy of thinking similar to the sensitive logic bricolage present in the playing, in order to instigate the reflection on the possibility of its inclusion in the production of the knowledge and science making processes


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This production is a reflection about the practices/experiences involving the teaching of the dance developed by the teachers in the Núcleo de Educação Infantil (NEI/UFRN), with the children from 2 to 7 years old, having as objectives: describe and interpret the lived experiences with the dance focusing on the meaning of the dance and organization of the pedagogic job, identify blanks in the pedagogic practices of dance and appoint possible perspectives to the teaching of dance on the infant education. The way from the investigation has begun with the following question: Who do the teachers understand the dance and live it on the Núcleo de Educação Infantil? The research of phenomenological orientation toke as methodological reference the qualitative approach from the placed phenomenon type, this one has as beginning the interest on the phenomenon by the way as it happens on the lived experience from where comes the knowledge with we can present about the world, trying to interpret it, understand it on its essence/existence. The interviews showed that the researched subjects give to the dance different meanings and consequently present variations on the manner to organize the work around this knowledge. The most of the teachers recognizes the dance as a culture expression, being a priority on the school the job with the folkloric dances. They recognize too the dance as knowledge/content coming from the Arts and Physical Education areas and its relation with the knowledge from others areas on the pedagogic action. There were found different process on the way to conduct the job with the dance in relates from experiences done with dance at NEI and, therefore, of teach/learn this knowledge. Its perceptible that exists a systematic work with the objective of develop the dance and its various educative possibilities, starting from the research about its origins, the exploration of the movement, the contextualization until the artistic practice. Those possibilities are reinforced on the school s curricular propose. Some experiences have as a priority the free expression, the dance s vision without context or the reproduction of movements as stand manners of teaching dance, situations like those observed on the investigation as products from the blanks on the academic formation from the teachers with must be fixed. The interpretation of the experiences with dance, described by the teachers from NEI, connected with the theoretical referential from the investigation, allowed to appoint three perspectives to the work with dance in the infant education, having as main interlocutors Merleau-Ponty and Rudolf Laban: the dance as the body s language; the dance and its movement factors; imitate, improvise and play: manners of draw ways to dance. On those process are emphasized the dance on the scholar context, the elements that constitute this language and the forms of appropriate from it supported in a ludicrous, poetic and educative vision, having as focus the children s education on its peculiarities and possibilities


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This study shows the movement of educators ludopoiese ecosystem of the Center for Early Childhood Education Marise Paiva-CEIMAP. We used the metaphorof dance as an opportunity to stimulate scientific creativity. Ecosystem Thought, complex thinking, the theory of autopoiesis and Flow Theory, constituted the main theoretical steps to understand the phenomenon of ludopoiese, from the look of your totalidadem with the following objectives: 1 - Identify and interpret the process of self ludopoiética CEIMAP of Early Childhood Educators in the actions of the play, care for and educate in school life; 2 - Analyze Ecosystem Thought from ludopoiéticos how these processes affect and / or possible changes and transformations in practice humanescenteseducational CEIMAP. The theoretical metodógicos steps to address the proposed objectives are grounded in existential action research part of the appreciation of the complexity of the real, considering the human being a whole dynamic. In this sense the game of sand, recreational experiences, the systematic studies and video training were explored with a view to the transdisciplinary relevance of everyday phenomena. New knowledge acquired in accordance with the directions given indicating the movement of the ecosystem studied ludopoiese educators, involved in four main streams: love, play, care for and raise it from love streamline interdependently. The ludopoiese eachteacher would then be fed by this web generated by love that permeates all other educational activities, nurturing and maintaining a constant creative self-organization of knowledge and know-how to be teachers. Thus, every network that generates andstream lines the system emerges ludopoiético biology of love, the open dialogue and playing in the wishing well to the student, the aesthetic beauty of caring and educating, as a human conditionand relevant as possible to live / live not only in teaching children, but in other educational contexts of teaching and teacher education


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This paper deals with sport as a possibility of disclosing the sensible, and defends the idea that being a sportsperson equals living an aesthetic and educative experience in which one can interacts with the sensible by the athletic body s reverberation of sensations in the dimension of the experienced. We try to answer, in our work, basically three questions: what moves the athlete when practicing a sport? Which are the meanings and motivations for the practice of sports? At what measure the athlete s experience gains an educational character? Sport is debated in this work as an extension of the living, as long as it tries to understand the meanings inherent to sport itself as well as to the sportive experience as a kind of education. In support of our argument, we give a theoretic and philosophical approach to our thesis, based on thinkers like Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Walter Benjamin, Marcel Mauss and Friedrich Schiller. For this purpose, we get support on the phenomenology of the French philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Our reference is the living world of the athlete and his experience as a field of the sensible. Our point of departure is the analysis of the narratives of sport experiences, including five aesthetic elements; time and space of the body in the sports courts; the look on the sportive context; the contact with the adversary; victory and defeat; the technical gesture. Besides it, we worked out an aesthetic evaluation of the movies Olympia and Invictus , what let us discuss three thematic categories: sensibility, emotions and the play paradox. Subsequently, we point sport as an optimizer of the sensible education, present on the body s processes, like the body in movement. It was also made clear along this paper that we tried to accomplish an analysis on sports centered in the athlete s body as an outfit of the senses to things related to the sensible, whose aesthetic experience overpasses any deterministic conception that should sum up the sportive world to mercantilization, discipline practices and mechanicism. This approach franchises gateways to a Physical Education which, containing sports as one of its support, let pupils enjoy the pleasure of constructing common objectives, incorporating the capacity of replicating, re-making and playing as a field of possibilities offered by an education characterized as being moving, sensible and fitful to a body in movement


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Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


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Esta investigación es un análisis del contexto actual que rodea a la publicidad brasileña, más concretamente, la publicidad discurso televisivo dirigido a los niños en Brasil. Análisis de los documentos se basa en la revisión retórica (Leach, 2004) (SODRE, 2006) A partir de la primera supuesta inadecuación de algunos de sus contenidos al público para que se comunican. También investiga las posibilidades de regulación y la educación del consumidor y el papel de los medios de comunicación en la sociedad mediante la movilización exigiendo el cumplimiento y la mejora de la legislación vigente, evitando los posibles abusos y distorsiones de las secciones generales de la ley. Hemos llevado a cabo por separado se analiza en los niños y sus conceptualizaciones y la función social, abordando también el juguete y el acto de jugar hoy y su sede histórica en un intento de crear una fundación que apoya el análisis de la relación entre la infancia y la publicidad y el consumo, basado en obras de Roger Silverstone, Kapferer, Leontiev y Walter Benjamin. También se hicieron inferencias basadas en estudios de Pablo Del Río, sobre las posibles consecuencias psicológicas del consumo de medios por los niños, sin embargo, en arvorarmos llevar a cabo investigaciones en el estudio de la recepción. Se enfrentarán, tanto en acciones a favor de la aprobación de la Ley 5.921/2001 N º Suplente sugiere que la prohibición de la publicidad infantil en todo el país, los enfoques ampliamente "integrado" y por lo tanto, favorables a la continuidad de la actividad publicitaria en el país bajo la acción de la CONAR de autorregulación, lo que demuestra sin embargo, la viabilidad de ambas propuestas. Tambien relativa a el CONAR se llevó a cabo un estudio sobre su Consejo Asesor, dando a entender su composición y características. Por último, se estudian las posibilidades y el concepto de la educación para el consumo de los medios de comunicación, a partir de la utilización de los recursos de los propios medios de comunicación, como una propuesta para un cambio de paradigma en el mercado de la publicidad en Brasil. En conclusión, vemos que a partir del análisis de la publicidad comercial de los niños atendidos por la Red Globo de Televisión, en una muestra de 170 inserciones, todavía existen graves lagunas, pero que los desequilibrios se pueden resolver con medidas relativamente sencillas que incluyan campañas de educación y la exigencia de adecuación de los pocos grandes anunciantes que violan la ley. Afortunadamente, una nueva entrega de los anunciantes mostró la responsabilidad social en sus acciones


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Considering infancy as the socio-historic construction required from the researcher, not only gives problems to the natural character of the human development, that for a long period in the history of psychology has sown to be predominant, but before anything assumes the position in which the vision of the social condition, i.e., for the contexts of the insertion of the human being, is predominant. In this sense, it is not possible to talk about infancy in the singular, once the different developmental contexts enable different forms of immersion in the daily experiences, amongst which this research focuses on the experience of the ludic. According to various theories of development amongst which we emphasize the socio-historic, this element brings important contributions in the processes of the human being constitution. From the legal aspect this recognition is present in the Code of Practice of the Child and Adolescent which considers playing to be a right of the child. However, the childhood of many children have this aspect affected by many factors. It is in the context of this discussion that we developed this research which has as its objective investigate how children in a working environment experience playing on a daily basis. Four children, girls, took part in this research, who develop activities in the process of the usage of cashew nuts. We used interviews, observations, photographs and drawings. The perspective of analysis which guided this task is based on socio-historic and discursive studies. In this way, the elements which constitute the child s discourse, formed from the corpus were: be a child, the ludic culture, the work in the child s life and the perspective of future and change. The participants discourse showed to be conflicting, contradictory, arisen from a specific ideological formation. In the children s daily routine it was possible to verify that there is an existence of a rich ludic culture, even if it is lived in few moments of the day in consequence of the workload


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Attempts to explain child labor, for the most part, have been reduced to the economic aspect, looking to establish a causal relationship between work and poverty. Without disregarding this aspect, we intend to approach this phenomenon considering other aspects that could be contributing towards its maintenance. We seek, above all, to articulate it with the concepts of disciplinary power and ideology. The present study, therefore, tries to consider these aspects with the intention of learning the reasons that the mothers and the teachers produce concerning child labor in the cultivation of vegetables. We elected these participants because we considered that child labor has been reinforced by the disciplinary institutions and proponents of ideology, the family and the school, here represented, respectively, by the mothers and the teachers. To affect this study, we created focused groups with the mothers whose children are students and work in the cultivation of vegetables in Gramorezinho (neighborhood situated in the northern part of Natal, RN) and with the teachers of the neighborhood school (Escola Lourdes Goudeiro). The discussion of the participants was handled according to the perspective of discursive practices, attempting to articulate them with the notions of ideology and disciplinary power. In general, we perceived how much ideology and discipline are immersed in the discursive practices of the participants. Whereas, even though in some moments the reference to work as being something that takes time from the child to study and play is apparent, the participants attribute great importance to child labor. Both for the teachers and for the mothers, work is something that can free the children from laziness, from becoming criminals and from using drugs. It too constitutes an important alternative to idleness and to the permanence of the child in the streets


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The ludic therapy in a Phenomenological-Existential perspective is conceived as a psychotherapeutic process in which, the listening and talking, mediated by playing activities, allow the child to deal with their grief/suffering. This study is based on the need to broaden the understanding of this modality of clinical intervention by emphasizing the speech of the protagonists in the process: children in therapy. The objective was to understand the ludic therapy from the children s perspective, knowing the meanings assigned to the therapeutic process, to the psychologist and to the involvement of the children in clinical consultations. The main ideas that underlie this research are presented in three theoretical chapters covering, respectively, the suffering of children and the demand for psychotherapy, the Phenomenological-Existential clinical psychology, and the psychotherapy for children, in Brazil, under this theoretical-methodological approach. The study was qualitative, on a phenomenological basis, and included six children as participants, aged between six and ten years, undergoing ludic therapy for at least six months, and referred by their own therapists. In the research s corpus construction, individual meetings were held and mediated by tools to support expressiveness (ludic and pictures/figures boxes), added by the storytelling of an incomplete story about a child s visit to the therapy session, and the request for the elaboration of a message to be passed to a child who will go to see a psychologist. The analysis of the data was based on a variant of the phenomenological method proposed by Amedeo Giorgi. The results reveal a lack of knowledge by the children about the psychologist s activities. Thus, the children develop fantasies about this intervention modality because of lack of information. These observations are consistent with the historical meanings assigned to clinical psychology, involving ideas of normality and guilt. The meanings associated with the motives for a referral to a psychologist highlight the conflict "be a problem versus having a problem" and an elitist conception of clinical psychology. Children understand the characteristics of the therapeutic process, such as the specifics of the therapist-client relationship and the notion of freedom. They also demonstrate remarkable pleasure in the therapeutic process. Finally, it was concluded that the meanings attributed to the ludic therapy by the children are consistent with that proposed in the literature about the children s psychotherapy process in the Phenomenological-Existential perspective. Moreover, the relevance of both the children s experience in the therapeutic setting and the meanings of these proceedings understood by the children are highlighted by the listening to the protagonists in the ludic therapeutic process. The comprehension of these aspects and their transference from the clients experience to the reflective field, promote advances in the understanding of child psychotherapy and indicate the need for further studies with children using this approach.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC